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Episode 64: Final Part: Lucky Faith


Loki was still laughing wickedly over the devastation while Sunset was down on her knees feeling weak, numb, and horribly crushed having lost her friends… again!

Twilight, her eyes were the only thing left visible of her-- she was still present-- had collapsed onto her invisible knees as her tears splashed on the solid rock floor.

“Excellent!” chuckled Loki. “All this darkness, all these negative emotions! I LOVE IT!!”

By that, he meant how the generator was harnessing all this power and accelerating the expansion of the rifts in the sky.

The people and other creatures of all the other worlds were beginning to panic again as the rifts grew larger, but they were still hopeless and powerless to do anything about them.

“What’s going to happen to us?”

“Are we going to die?”

“I got so much to live for!”

Princess Celestia and Luna could barely keep the whole of the Equestrian Empire calm.

All the ponies and other creatures were running amok in panic, forcing the two monarchs to order everyone to remain in their homes until further notice.

“Sister. We cannot keep this up much longer.” cried Luna. “Everyone is growing restless. We may very well have to increase the containment.”

By, “Increase” she meant the sisters would go around putting up forcefields and barriers to keep the people locked inside, maybe even detain those were insane and attempting to have fits of wild, erratic behavior.

She looked up at the skies, at the rifts, thinking, “I fear that soon there will be no place for anyone to hide.

Please, Sunset Shimmer. You can do this! You can save us all!”

In the Prison Darkness…

The, already, captured prisoners were nearly blinded by bright lights that just shined out of nowhere.

When the lights had faded, all the other friends had appeared, locked in prison spheres of there own.

“Oh, no! Not this place again?!” wailed Spike.

“Spike!” cried Sci-Twi.

Spike’s ears gave a leap as he turned and looked at the sphere next to him to see his beloved friend.

“Luna!” cried Celestia.

Her sister felt like shedding tears of joy!

Though the friends all would be glad to see each other, this was nothing to truly be joyous about.

“It’s getting worse!” cried Rubeus. “I fear that brother is nearing the peak of his triumph.”

Everyone hated to hear that.

“You mean, it’s over?” asked Pinkie. “We’re all… doo-- doo--!” she was too scared to finish the word.

Dick growled and bellowed, “No! I can’t believe that! I won’t believe it!”

Kori wanted to believe him, but seeing how everyone was suddenly just trapped with the rest of them. “What can we possibly believe at this point? We can’t see what’s happening! We don’t know what the outcome will be!”

Her fretting only struck more painful fear in everyone.

“So, that’s it!” grumbled Rainbow. “After everything we’ve been through, after all the duels we won…! It all means nothing?”

Rubeus assured her, “No, not yet it isn’t.”

Everyone turned to face him, and that’s when some of them noticed, and it was Applejack who spoke first. “Where’s Princess Twilight? She was fading along with the lot of us.”

Terra’s eyes lit up, “Is it possible?”

“Yes, it is.” confirmed Rubeus. “Princess Twilight must not yet be completely consumed by the darkness, which can only mean that Sunset Shimmer has not yet succumbed to defeat.”

Fluttershy then remember, “Oh, that’s right… Sunset still had a few life points left when we all came here.”

Raven glared angrily at her and sarcastically remarked, “And you didn’t tell us this until now?”

Shining Armor snapped at her, “Hey, cut her a break! We were all panicking and being tortured!”

“At least we know there’s hope now.” said Cadance.

Vic crossed his fingers, “So let’s all get hoping then!”

“Yes! Oh, yes! Hope we must!” whimpered Rarity.

Gar remained silent as ever, still unable to believe everyone still putting their faith in blind hope.

Even Rubeus was hoping with all his might that Sunset could pull things off. “Come on, Sunset.” he said in thought. “You have the power! You have the resources; through everything you’ve been through.

You can… you will… you must defeat my brother! All our futures depend on it.”

He hung his head low, feeling the weight of the shame for all the things he had done which led to all this.

Sunset was still on her knees, aching with emotional pain and misery, while Loki mocked her.

“Look at you! On your knees and at the brink of defeat. I really don’t see any point in you continuing at all.

You have little life points left, very little resources, no way to stop my Super Kings. Your friends are all but gone, and your Princess is soon to follow, and nothing will stop the Malefic World from conquering all and reigning supreme.”

Sunset and Twilight both glared at him.

“Why not make it easier on yourself and just surrender?” suggested Loki. “You can spare yourself more pain, more humiliation, and at least you can be reunited with your friends one last time.”

Sunset’s thoughts were a mix of worry and confusion. “What if he’s right?” She stopped to gaze at the hulking Super Kings. “Maybe surrendering is the right thing to do.”

Immediately, she snapped to herself. “Wait! What am I thinking? I can’t give up now! That’s what he wants me to do. Plus, I’d be letting down everyone.

My friends…

The World…

All other worlds…

…And even Princess Twilight.”

She looked over at Twilight’s prison, and she could barely see her in her near-vanished state.

Twilight gazed back at her with her, still, visible eyes. She had no words of encouragement, due to her overly developed fear of things, and seeing no way out…

…But Sunset knew she would tell her to keep on going, no matter how dire the situation.

Sunset even remembered what Rubeus had told her…

“I am more than convinced that you are the chosen one. With your newly skills and understanding, you will save us all.”

Remembering the seriousness and confidence in his voice, she felt her strength reigniting, and she bolted upright onto her feet, much to Loki’s surprise.

“This duel’s not over, Loki.” she spat at him. “I still have life points, I still have cards, but most importantly… I still have my faith. Faith in myself, faith in my friends no matter where they are!”

“Oh, please!” groaned Loki “Are we going to go through all this again? Friendship has failed you. There’s no way you can win this duel now.”

“You’re wrong!” sneered Sunset. “I haven’t failed yet, and I will save my friends. Starting right now!”

Sunset LP: 700

Loki LP: 2500

Her Pendulum Zone began to glow.

“What’s this?” asked Loki.

Sunset replied, “It’s Acrobatic Magician’s special ability. When he’s destroyed in battle, he reappears in my Pendulum Zone, so the Pendulum Scale is set once again.”

Loki was somewhat astounded as he thought, “I can’t believe, after all this, she still refuses to back down. It’ll only make it that much satisfying when I deliver the final blow next turn.”

“Very well,” he then said, and he held up the last card in his hand. “To complete my turn, I activate the spell EMERGENCY PROVISIONS! It allows me to send all three of my contract cards to the graveyard, and in exchange, I gain 1000 life points for each one.”

Loki LP: 2500 -----> 5500

Sunset growled softly.

“Oh, great!” groaned Twilight. “Now his life points are higher again, and he won’t take any damage from his contracts next turn.”

This still did not discourage Sunset.

“It’s my turn, and I… draw!!”

The field began to glow. “Timebreaker Magician returns now, along with Flame High King Genghis.”

(Atk: 1400)

(Atk: 2800)

“And this time, Flame King is here to stay.” insisted Loki. “Thanks to Bright Armageddon, my monsters cannot be targeted by any effects you cast, and even with you Magician’s power bonus, it isn’t nearly strong enough to take me on.”

(Atk: 1400) -----> (Atk: 1800)

“That may be so,” agreed Sunset, “But Timebreaker won’t be sitting this one out all by himself.

Since my Pendulum Zone is already made, Scale 2 Acrobatic Magician and Scale 8 Harmonizing Magician let me summon as many monsters between Levels 3 through 7 as I need.”

She called up to the swinging pendulum!

“As the pendulum swings from forth to back
My monsters come forth… to launch an attack!

…Behold my monsters!”

Four mighty blazes of light rained out from her hand and Extra Deck and her monsters appeared.





She now had a full field of five magicians in play, each one of them glowing and shimmering with magic.

“Amazing!” cried Twilight.

This also helped reignite Sunset’s dueling aura.

“This is it!” she balked. “The beginning of the end for you, Loki!”

Loki chuckled and protested, “On the contrary, it’s the end for you, because I activate Bright Armageddon’s special ability!”


“Another Ability!” cried Twilight.

The mighty King began to glow and shocked up Sunset’s field with powerful currents that hit all her monsters.

“What are you doing?!” she asked.

Loki explained, “Thanks to Bright Armageddon, whenever you summon another monster, his power forces you to choose one Pendulum Monster, then all your remaining monsters will lose their effects.”

Sunset gasped.

Twilight couldn’t believe her invisible ears.

“Like I said…” said Loki “It is you who is about be ended. Now, hurry up and choose a monster so we can get on with this.”

Thought outraged, Sunset already had an idea. “I’ll pick Oafdragon Magician. I need to use his power.

Since he was summoned, I get to add Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from the graveyard to my hand.”

“Odd-Eyes?” asked Loki. “I never sent that card to the graveyard.”

“No, but I did when I used Graceful Charity. Now he’s back in my hand, and just in time too, because it’s time for me to really let my magic and skill shine on through.”

Her aura was slightly glowing brighter.

“I banish Level 4 White Wing Magician so I may tune her with Level 3 Timebreaker Magician!”

The winds began to pick up, billow all over the dueling arena, making Loki feel a bit uneasy.

“What is she doing?!” he wondered, but he got his answer as Sunset called out…

“Clear as the wind and swift as lightning,
I call upon a beast that is most frightening!


(Atk: 2500)

Sapphire’s dragon spread out its wings and gave a roar, but something about it seemed different. It didn’t seem as evil, or as vicious as before-- not now that it was under Sunset’s control.

Twilight couldn’t stop starring in awe at it.

“I don’t believe this!” cried Loki.

“Oh, you better!” said Sunset. “It’s about time this dragon was used for the better of things. Speaking of “Better…” since a Pendulum Magician left my field, Star Pendulumgraph activates, letting me add a card to my hand again!”

“I think not!” sneered Loki. “Thanks to my Flame High King Genghis, your spell is negated!”

Flame King gave a huge thrust with his sword and shrouded the card in flames.

“And don’t forget about Bright King Armageddon. Since you summoned another monster, his special ability forces you to pick another Pendulum Monster, and all your other monsters lose their effects!”

Bright King powered up, ready for the charge…

“Not going to happen this time!” insisted Sunset. “I use Clear Wing’s special ability. When a Level 5 or above monster uses its effect, Clear Wing cancels it out and destroys that monster!”

Clear Wing soared up high and gave a huge flap with his wings, canceling out Bright King’s energy.

“You may have stopped Bright King’s effect…” shouted Loki “But thanks to Dark Armageddon, he isn’t destroyed.”

Dark King shielded Bright King with a veils of shadow energy, and finally, at the end of the chain, Sunset’s Pendulumgraph card was destroyed.

Sunset wasn’t worried at all. Her aura was still glowing, and her smile ever growing.

“You did everything I hoped you would.”


“With your Flame King in play, it was hard for me to use any cards, but now the wave is perfectly clear for me, so I can activate the spell WAVERING EYES!

This destroys both cards in my Pendulum Zone!”

In a rush of billowing gales, both her magicians were gone.

“I know it seems crazy of me to do so, but since I destroyed two cards, I get to use two effects from his card, and one of which is I get to hit you with 500 points of damage!”

Loki growled and then braced himself as a magical pulse shot out from the card image and struck him in the chest.

Loki LP: 5500 -----> 5000

“And now for the second effect…” said Sunset “I get to add one Pendulum Monster from my deck to my hand, and I know just the one I want.”

She grabbed the very card…



“A Performapal?” muttered Twilight.

Normally, it was Pinkie who was into those types of monsters.

“It’s still a “Magician”, and that’s good enough for me.” said Sunset. “Now I’ll place him in my Pendulum Scale, and that will be all!”

“What?” said Loki in disbelief. “That’s all you’re going to do, place a single monster in the Pendulum Zone? You must be running low on options.”

Sunset only smirked, “Actually my options are still fairly with me. You see Five-Rainbow Magician prevents me from Pendulum Summoning from my Extra Deck anyway.”

Loki and Twilight blinked in confusion.

“Yeah, I know it seems a bit of a drag, but that’s not his only effect.”

Sunset snapped her fingers, signaling the magician to work his magic.

The magician bowed, and thrust his hands forth, spreading magical, rainbow-colored waves across the arena.

“ARGH! What is all this?!” bellowed Loki.

Twilight was astounded by the colors, and then she noticed, “What’s happening to all the monsters?”

Every single monster on the field was enveloped by the rainbow light, and all their attack points were drained to Zero, even the Super Kings.

Sunset explained, “Five Rainbow Magician has cursed the field with his powerful spectrum stream, it causes all our monsters to lose all their attack points.

They also have their effects negated, and as a final trick, they’re also not allowed to attack!”

Loki’s eyes widened. basically, all the monsters on the field were totally useless.

“This… is how you propose to defeat me?” asked Loki. “What sort of plan is this? You can’t even attack my monsters yourself now.”

Sunset waved her finger before him. “I wasn’t finished explaining yet. You see, Five-Rainbow’s effect is powerful, but there is one way to escape it.”

She paused, and the others were both intrigued to hear.

“…His magic affected by the number of spells or traps we have set on the field. The both of us currently have no spells or traps set, so our monsters will stay as they are.

However, the second one of us sets a card, our monsters will be unlocked and gain all their points and powers back.”

Loki narrowed his eyes.

“And what’s even more,” Sunset continued “…The first player to have four or more cards set, all the monsters they control will have their attack strengths doubled!”

Loki was incredibly intrigued by now. “I see. So basically, the first player to set even one card may well win this duel.

You have officially impressed me… however… don’t you realize what a dangerous risk you’ve just put yourself in?!

With my turn coming up, if I draw a single spell or trap card, this duel is over, and you lose it all because you were relying on pure dumb luck to decide your fate.”

Twilight felt very uneasy. She thought to herself, “I hate to admit it, but he’s right. How can Sunset put herself at risk like this?”

Sunset stood her ground. “There is no risk, this is faith. I know things will go well for me, because I still believe in myself, and the love and joy I feel for my friends, combined with my determination to save them… I know things will work out in the end.”

Loki was disgusted by her preaching.

Now she was finished.

“This is it!” she thought as she gazed at Loki’s deck. She concentrated hard with all her might, letting her faith consume her.

“This fool is out of her mind.” thought Loki. “Then again, could she truly be onto something?

There’s only one way to know for certain.”

He drew his next card, and he gasped at it. “No! DOUBLE-D NECRO SLIME?! This card is completely useless to me right now. I don’t even have any space to play it.”

Sunset could tell by his stunned silence, “…I guess you didn’t get a good card.”

Loki was insulted. “You lucked out this time, however, I will switch all my monsters into defense mode to keep myself protected.”

(Def: 3000) x3

(Def: 2400)

“It’s fortunate that your Magician does not affect my monster’s defense points.

Now make your move!”

Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief and she thought. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take!”

Sunset readied herself, “It’s my move. Come on Deck…! Show me some love…”

She pulled her card out, and her eyes gave a shimmer.

“I’ll place one card facedown, and that means, my monsters are unlocked from Rainbow-Five’s effect.”

The light around her monsters had vanished, and they all were beginning to look strong and powerful again. Sadly, not one of them was powerful enough to really take down Loki’s Super Kings.

“I could go after his weaker cards, but that would leave room for him to play other monsters. I can’t let him do that.”

“Get ready because I’m about to unleash yet another familiar face.

I overlay Level 4 Dragon Pulse Magician, with Level 4 Purple Poison Magician in order to build the Overlay Network!

Cloaked in shadows and ready for the purge,
I call on the most dangerous of dragons to emerge.


(Atk: 2500)

Khaos’ dark dragon gave a big roar, almost if it felt wonderful to be out again after a long time, but for the moment, there was little to nothing he could do, even with his attack power strong and his effects still intact, not while Loki’s monsters remained powerless.

“I end my turn.”

Twilight then shrieked, “Sunset, you forgot to put all your monsters into defense-mode!”

Sunset remained cool and calm.

“Now it is my move.” said Loki “I draw…” but much to his chagrin, he drew another useless monster card. “This is impossible!”

His turn was already over.

“My draw…!” shouted Sunset. “I play POT OF GREED, so I draw two more cards.”

She now had three cards in hand.

“I play one of these cards facedown, that gives me two cards. Then I’ll end my turn.

Just three more cards to go, and I’ll have everything I need to really win this!”

Loki was really getting mad, and he gazed down furiously at his deck. “Now…!” he growled as he drew his card. “ARGH!” He drew yet another monster that he could not play and was of no use to him. “I have GOT to be dreaming! How is this possible?!”

“My draw…!” said Sunset.

She now had three cards in hand. “I activate PENDULUM HALT! Since I have at least three face-up monsters in my Extra Deck, I get to draw two more cards.

“Now I’ll play one of them, Scale 1 STARGAZER MAGICIAN, I set you into the Pendulum Scale.”

With the two magicians now in the light, the pendulum began to swing about.

Sunset held up a single card from her hand, “I may not be able to Pendulum Summon from Extra Deck, but I can still summon from my hand.


A single shot of light rained down as her monster appeared. “…ODD-EYES PENDULUM DRAGON!”

(Atk: 2500)

Her mighty dragon roared strongly, much to Loki’s anger. He couldn’t Bright Armageddon to do much of anything.

“And now,” hollered Sunset “I’m going to complete this dragon party of mine by activating DRAGON’S MIRROR, now I can call on a Fusion monster simply by banishing the right monsters from my graveyard!”

“No! Don’t tell me…?!” cried Loki.

“I fuse Black Fang Magician and Timestar Magician, so I can bring forth a third friend to this party!

As the plant doth sprout, its venom shall drool,
This creature I summon shall roar and rule!


(Atk: 2800)

Violet’s dragon snarled and sneered with his venom-laced fangs and claws as it joined the other three dragons.

One dragon from each of the four summoning methods, side-by-side, and each of them glowed with their respective colored auras from each summoning power.

All four of those powers seemed to give Sunset more strength for having unlocked and mastering each skill.

While Odd-Eyes belonged to Sunset, the other three dragons-- while their original owners had none, Sunset believed she could feel the spirits of Violet, Sapphire and Khaos looking at her and offering their strength.

“The time has come!” sneered Sunset “With the aid of these three mighty dragons, your reign of terror will finally end.”

Loki was starting to look afraid.

“I activate Starving Venom’s special ability. He can target one level 5 or above monster you control and absorb all it’s special powers, and I choose Purple Armageddon!”

The dragon extended huge tentacles from its body, sapping the weakened king, and absorbing all his powers.

“What would you do that for?” asked Loki. “Purple King Armageddon can only affect monsters that are in attack mode!” Then suddenly he suddenly realized, “…Wait!”

Sunset grinned, and with her aura flaring brightly she declared, “Clear Wing Synchro Dragon uses his special ability, and destroys Starving Venom!”


Loki watched as one dragon destroyed the other just like that.

“When Clear Wing Syncrho Dragon destroys a monster by his own effect, he gains the attack points of the monster he just defeated.”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 5300)

“And now, from my hand, I activate the quick-play spell MIRACLE OF DRACONIAN WRATH!

Since a Dragon was destroyed, I’m allowed to take two spells or traps from my deck and set them directly on my field!”

“…Then you’ll have four cards!!” cried Loki. “This can’t be happening!”

The minute Sunset set her two cards in play, Five-Rainbow Magician cast a big stream of white light onto her side of the field.

“Now that I have four cards set, all my monsters now have their attack points doubled!!”

(Atk: 5300) -----> (Atk: 10,600)

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 5000) x2

(Atk: 2100) -----> (Atk: 4200)

The monsters all grew to enormous sizes with their strong attack strengths, much to Loki’s ever-growing fear.

“I don’t believe this!” cried Twilight, and then she gawked at Sunset; her dueling aura was at full power now and glowing ever so brightly.

“No!!” cried Loki. “Tell me… Tell me how you did all this! How can you have been so lucky?!!”

“I already told you, it isn’t luck, it’s the faith that I have-- in myself, in my friends, and in my determination to shut down your little project forever.”

She turned away from him and faced the machine at the far end of the arena.

“No, you can’t!!” shouted Loki.

Sunset focused her power as strong as she could, ready to blast the machine to bits.

“I’ll stop you!” shouted Loki, and he powered-up himself with dark, Malefic Aura. “You forget, I have power in this world too, so take this!”

He fired a large dark stream of power straight for her, forcing Sunset to fight back by sending a powerful stream of light power right back.

The two forces met at halfway and seemed perfectly equal.

Twilight never felt she had ever seen such a power struggle, and she herself had been through plenty herself.

Within the Prison Realm, the darkness was shaking violently.

“What now?!” groaned Rainbow.

“Is this it?” asked Terra “Is this really the end?!”

Rubeus had never seen the darkness behave quite like this before. “It seems disturbed, as if it is struggling against something.”

Right away he deduced “…Sunset!”

The struggle continued, neither Sunset nor Loki were willing to give up and yet neither of them seemed to be able to gain the upper hand.

“I’m going to crush you yet!!” shouted Loki.

“No… You… Won’t!!” bellowed Sunset. She already knew the perfect way to tip things in her favor. “Did you forget about Starving Venom Fusion Dragon?”

The dragon’s spirit appeared behind her. It’s raging eyes pierced through the forces.

“Oh, no!” cried Loki.

“…Afraid so…! Since he got destroyed, he now obliterates all your monsters in one, foul swoop!


The dragon’s spirit roared, and it stormed Loki’s field, and since Loki’s monsters were still trapped by the rainbow magic, they were powerless to defend themselves!

All five monsters went up in massive explosions, which shook Loki’s field, and sent the strong, burning waves billowing straight at him, pushing him back and wrecking his concentration, allowing Sunset’s power to strike him hard!

“Bullseye!!” cheered Twilight.

With Loki down, Sunset quickly turned back to face the machine, and with a thunderous roar, she fired her energy at it, smashing through any barriers or protection surrounding it, and knocking it clean off the floating arena.


The machine exploded, and its energy powers ceased, causing all the rifts in the sky to close completely.

Loki was so incredibly shocked and devastated, he couldn’t even scream in outrage! All that work for all those centuries, all the planning, waiting… all just went up before his eyes.

Twilight’s barrier had vanished, and she magically regained her body back from the darkness.

In the Prison Realm, a bright light shone from above, just like the first wormhole did, and all the prison spheres were immediately being pulled towards like being caught in a wind tunnel.

The entire Malefic World began to quake and rumble.

The cities began to topple over…

Mountains crumpled away…

The sands and mists in the deserts and plains swirled like tornados…

The duel-platform began to sway and tumble as it lost power, and it’s lift. It slowly began to descend back down towards the exploding world below it.

Sunset was only focussed only on, the now, fearful, washed-up Prince Loki.

The fallen prince looked all around at the collapsing world around him. “No! No!! This can’t be happening! I’ve worked too long and hard to lose it all now!”

Sunset, still glowing put her foot down in front of her, and of all the things to declare, she sneered very deeply at him “…You… Lose!!”

She looked up at Odd-Eyes and allowed him to have the honor of finally ending this nightmare once and for all.

“Odd-Eyes… attack him directly and wipe him out!!”

Her mighty dragon roared, and fired his massive wrath at the evil creature, striking him the hardest ever, making him scream and wail as he was consumed by the force!

Loki LP: 5000 -----> 0

Twilight began to run towards her friends, “SUN… SET…!!”

The brightness from Sunset’s aura became far too bright for her to get any nearer, and she found herself being enveloped into it was well.

Sunset gave the mightiest, most powerful scream she had ever screamed letting her magical aura expand and flare way, way out into the collapsing Malefic World!

Everything faded away into bright white, consumed by Sunset’s energy!

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