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Episode 62: Part 1: Rise of the High Kings


Because the rifts were still in the skies, the people, and other creatures of all the other worlds could still see them in the skies.

“What are those things again?” some of them wondered.

“I don’t know.”

“They look kind of strange.”

None of them remembered the danger they were in, or ever having entered the Malefic World, and while the rifts were still scary, nobody knew what to make of them.

While in Equestria, it was a different story. Princess Celestia recognized the rifts ever since they had appeared, and she hated the very looks of them.

She herself and many Equestrians were lucky enough not to have been taken into the darkness, but they were not safe yet.

One of the guards reported to her, “Your majesty. It’s confirmed: the rifts have receded, but we cannot explain exactly why or how.”

“I bet I can…” replied Celestia, but she said it to herself while looking up at the rifts and thinking, “Be strong, Sunset Shimmer.”

Because she didn’t have the power or ability to stand up to the Malefic Darkness like she did once before, all she could do was pray and hope.

Sunset and Loki readied their duel disks.

“I’m ready when you are!” growled Sunset.

“Give me your best shot.” Hissed Loki.


Sunset LP: 8000

Loki LP: 8000

The prisoners could only watch in their barriers with their stomachs turning with anxiety.

“This is it.” murmured Twilight. That was all she said, and the others all felt the same way.

“I’ll go first.” said Sunset “And I activate the spell ONE DAY OF PEACE! Now we each draw one card, and then, until my next turn, neither of us takes any damage.”

She ended her turn immediately.

“Hmm, interesting.” said Loki. “You’ve decided to play it safe.”

The prisoners immediately caught on to what Sunset was doing.

“Smart move.” said Applejack. “This way she can force Loki to do his worst, and it won’t cost her the duel.”

Fluttershy agreed, “And on her next turn, she’ll have a better chance at fighting back.”

Sunset thought to herself, “I don’t just what new cards Loki said he has, but now I can find out without worrying about losing.”

“Well, now,” hissed Loki “It’s my turn, and I draw!”

He had a full hand of seven cards, which made him grin wickedly.

“Since you’re obviously wondering what sort of cards I have, I’ll be pleased to show you.

I’ll start by setting the pendulum scale with Scale 2 DOUBLE-D SCHRODINGER, and Scale 8 DOUBLE-D SAVANT DIRAC!”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “I’ve never seen those cards before.”

“Of course, you haven’t.” replied Loki “But now you shall witness the power I shall wield with them, for I can now summon monsters between levels 3 and 7 as I need.

…Monsters Emerge!”

Four shots of light rained down from up high as his monsters appeared.


“Two DOUBLE-D PROUD ORGE(s)…” (Atk: 2300) x2

The four monsters all stood tall and proud, growling, and snarling at Sunset—monsters she had never seen before.

“Don’t bother gawking at them,” said Loki “They won’t be hanging around for very long, and I’ll show you why.

From my hand, I summon the Tunner Monster DOUBLE-D NIGHTHOWL!”

(Atk: 300)

Everyone recognized that monster.

“Oh, no!” cried Rarity. “Please tell me he’s not going to do what I think he shall!”

“…He is.” peeped Spike.

“You’re correct,” Loki called to everyone. “I now Tune Level 3 Nighthowl with Level 7 Dice Typhon!

Cutting through the winds in a blinding path,
You’ll feel the pain of this monarch’s wrath.


(Atk: 3000)

Sunset gasped in awe at the sight of this monster. “I’ve faced Gust King before, but this monster’s twice his size!” she wailed.

“That’s because he’s new and improved.” explained Loki. “And he isn’t my only new creature, watch now as I Overlay my two King Ogres in order to build the Overlay Network!”

The two monsters vanished into the portal, and Loki called out his chant…

“Make way of the waters, make way of the sea,
This monarch appears to give service to me!


(Atk: 2800)

This new monster-- Sunset gazed at it comparing it to the original Wave King Caesar. “It’s incredible!” she cried.

“It’s more than that,” said Loki. “It’s the beginning of your downfall, especially when I activate Vice Tphyon’s ability.

Since it was sent to my graveyard this turn, I can banish it along with Nighthowl in order to Fusion Summon a great terror to join my forces!”

“No way!” exclaimed Sunset.

Loki then called out his chant as his two monsters spirits merged, creating a big blaze of fire…

“Fearsome flames, and heat so true,
This monarch appears to incinerate you!


(Atk: 2800)

Sunset gawked at the three menacing monarchs glaring back at her.

The prisoners were just as flabbergast as she was.

“Look at those things!” cried Shining Armor.

“He’s upgraded all three of his monsters into larger versions of themselves!” added Cadance.

Applejack was more amazed by Loki’s ability to get them all in play at once. “Pendulum… Fusion… Synchro… Xyz! He’s still a summoning mastermind!”

Twilight had to agree, and she thought, “It’s a good thing we don’t have guys like him in Equestria, at least not anymore. With this kind of summoning power, who knows how many creatures would trek across the lands!”

Sunset shook herself out of her trance, but she was still highly shocked and astounded by these three monsters.

“Those monsters may be tough, but there’s nothing they can do to me this turn; not while One Day of Peace is still in effect.”

“True…” agreed Loki “But I’m not the least bit concerned, because you don’t know how these new monsters of mine really work.”

He pointed up at his Gust King, “Since I have at least three “Triple-D” monsters out, Gust King now gains 3000 attack points, doubling his mighty power.”

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 6000)

“Six thousand?!” wailed Sunset. “That’s totally nuts!”

“There’s really nothing nuts about it, at least compared to what I’m going to do now.”

He held up his last card, “I now activate the spell DARK CONTRACT WITH EXCLUSIVITY!”

“What is that?” asked Sunset.

Loki snickered, “Just another special card I’ve created, and one that will seriously put your plans, your hopes, and your so-called victory in the trash where they belong.

You see, as long as this legally binding spell is in play, I am no longer able to summon monsters from my Extra Deck… however, like all of my contracts, it has a benefit.

Since I control a Fusion, Syncrho, and Xyz monster, you are forbidden from summoning monsters using any of those specific summoning methods!”

Sunset’s heart skipped a beat, and she felt her blood turning cold. “That means… I can’t Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Summon anything!”

“That’s not fair!” whined Rarity. “He’s all but destroyed Sunset’s Extra Deck!”

Fluttershy whimpered, “Oh…! How is Sunset supposed to win now when she can’t gain access to her best cards?”

“I think that’s the least of her problems.” said Spike. “She’s still got those three kings to deal with. I mean look at those brutes.”

The three kings, as menacing as they looked, didn’t stop Sunset from willing to duel.

“You may have stopped me from Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz summoning, but I’m not all that lost yet.

The only way to find out what your kings are made of is for me to directly engage them, and that’s just what I’ll do.

I draw!”

She had six cards in her hand, and she was ready to give it her all.

“I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 PURPLE POISON MAGICIAN, and Scale 8 BLACK FANG MAGICIAN!”

The new magicians took their places in the light and nodded proudly at Sunset to show their support.

“With this, I can summon as many monsters between Levels 2 and 7 as I need.

As the pendulum swings from forth to back
My monsters come forth… to launch an attack!

…Behold my monster!”

A single shot of light fired down onto the field. “Make way for TIMEBREAKER MAGICIAN!”

(Atk: 1400)

Loki didn’t seem the least bit surprised. “I see. You summoned Timebreaker all alone because by doing so, his attack strength doubles.”

(Atk: 1400) -----> (Atk: 2800)

“Looks like you caught on fast.” remarked Sunset “And next, I summon DOUBLE IRIS MAGICIAN!”

(Atk: 1500)

“Black Fang Magician, use your Pendulum Ability. He can destroy himself, and then cut the power of your King Caeser in half!”

Loki growled as the magician worked his magic. POW!! He exploded, leaving behing a dark magical fog, which enveloped King Caesar.

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 1400)

“Perfect!” cried Sunset. “Now that my Pendulum Scale is vacant, I’ll set Scale 8 HARMONIZING MAGICIAN there.”

With her magician taking its place in the light, Sunset’s field gave a small glow.

“Time to really make some magic shine! Thanks to Harmonizing Magician’s Pendulum Effect, all my monsters will gain 100 extra attack points for every face up “Magician” monster in my Extra Deck.

There may be only one right now, but that’s all I need.”

(Atk: 1500) -----> (Atk: 1600)

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 2900)

“Let’s see your Kings get out of this one now.” taunted Sunset, and she engaged her battle phase.

“Timebreaker destroy that Flame King!”

The magician complied, and aimed his wand up, sending a huge blast towards the hulking king!

“And while I’m at it,” Sunset hollered, “I get to use Purple Poison Magician’s Pendulum Ability!

Whenever my Dark Spellcaster monster attacks, Purple Poison will boost that monster’s attack by 1200 points, but that’s not the only thing that will happen…

Purple Poison Magician will destroy himself, and when that happened, I can destroy one other face-up card on the field.”

The prisoners were all giddy with glee, believing Sunset’s strategy was really going give her a big edge!

But Loki simply snuffed, “So, you intend you get rid of two of my monsters, is it? Well, I’m afraid that will not work.”

“Huh?” cried Sunset.

“I activate High King Genghis’ special ability.”

“Huh? What’s going on?!” cried Sunset, and she saw a veil of flames encircling Purple Poison Magician in the light.

Loki explained, “Once per turn, is a Spell or Trap effect is used, my Flame King uses his mighty fire to put a stop to the card’s effect. So, your plan just, literally, backfired on you.”

Sunset could hardly believe her eyes, nor could the prisoners.

“Ah, come on!” groaned Spike. “She had it all set up, and he goes and puts her plan out with a little firecracker?!”

“This guy sure ain’t messin’ around this time.” said Applejack.

Twilight agreed, but then she said “Well, at least Sunset can still destroy the Flame King!”

She was right, Timebreaker’s attack was still in motion and ready to strike.

The attack collided and blew Genghis into ashes.

“Yeah! That’s one down!” Sunset cheered, but Loki then called to her, “I wouldn’t be celebrating if I were you, because now I am able to use Schrodinger’s pendulum ability.

…When my monster is attacked, he can summon himself onto the field, and any damage I would have taken is reduced to zero!”

Sunset gasped, and saw the monster leap out onto the field…

(Def: 2400)

And formed a powerful barrier around Loki, shielding him from damage.

Sunset clenched her fist. “Pretty slick, but I’m not finished just yet.”

Loki then cut her off, “…And neither am I! Since a “Double-D” monster was summoned to my field, High King Alexander’s special ability allows me to resurrect a fallen comrade from my graveyard.

Return to me… Triple-D Flame High King Genghis!!”

(Atk: 2800)

Sunset was trembling in fear!

“He brought it back again!” cried Shining Armor.

Cadance whimpered, “…And he sure looks angry!”

Flame King was broiling with his flaming aura.

Fluttershy squeaking nervously and curled up while trembling.

Loki would have smirked had he a visible mouth, and he called to Sunset. “Are you going to stand there all shocked, or are you going to try anything else?

Though, you can probably tell, whatever you try will be nothing short of foolish.”

Sunset refused to believe that. “I won’t give up! I have to keep going forward just like I promised.

Double Iris Magician, attack King Cesar!”

The magician leapt up high, and with one slash from his smaller sword, his struck down the weakened king with ease.

“A bold attempt, but it will only help me more than it helps you.” said Loki. “Schrondinger’s special ability now activates, shielding my life points from any battle damage I would take for this one battle.”

The magical barrier did just as he said, blocking the attack rays from reaching him.

“Maybe so, but your monster still gets destroyed!” insisted Sunset, and she was right, King Cesar was vanquished.

“…Yes, so he is.” replied Loki. “… And because Cesar was destroyed, I am now able to move one “Dark Contract” card from my deck to my hand!”

“No way!” cried Sunset.

“Yes, way!” protested Loki, “And I choose the binding spell, DARK CONTRACT WITH THE GATE!”

Sunset began to panic in her mind. “I can’t believe he’s doing this! It’s like nothing I throw at him can do anything!”

She then looked up and noticed Gust King’s attack power going down.

(Atk: 6000) -----> (Atk: 3000)

“How unfortunate for me.” said Loki. “Now that I no longer have a third “Triple-D” monster, my Gust King lost his power bonus.” He didn’t seem the least bit concerned with all this and glared at Sunset. “What are you going to do now?”

Sunset didn’t know whether to feel intimidated or insulted, but she had some serious thinking to do and very little time.

“I could still use Timebreaker’s effect. Then I can banish him and one of the other monsters off the field until my next turn, but Timebreaker’s my best monster. I’d hate to give him up just like that.

Plus, what if on his next turn he pulls another fast one and summons another monster. I’d be in big trouble then too.”

She was mixed between whether what to do.

The prisoners could feel her frustration.

Rarity was fanning herself with her hand, “I can barely take this much longer. Sunset, you must do something!”

In a quick, stressful snap, Sunset hit her duel disk, “I activate Timebreaker’s effect. I banish him and Flame King Gengis until my next turn!”

She was almost totally shocked by her actions, even after the two monsters vanished.

Loki said nothing. He just stood there with his eyes still glaring at her.

“Well, that’s something.” said Spike. “She got rid of two monsters.”

“Yes.” agreed Luna, “But that Gust King is still a menace to behold. It will take much to bring it down.”

“Plus, don’t forget,” Shining Armor pointed out, “If Loki summons two more Triple-D’s, its attack will rise again.”

“Well, let’s just hope that doesn’t happen.” murmured Cadance.

Sunset had no other options. “I end with a facedown.”

Loki snickered. “It’s my draw.”

He like his next card.

“And now, it’s time I activated Dark Contract with the Gate.

I’m certain you remember this card. It will cause me to take 1000 points of damage on my next turn, but the good side is that I am able to add DOUBLE-D SAVANT GALILEI to my hand, and just in time to…!

I activate its special ability, which allows me to discard it and send my Dark Contract with Exclusivity back to my hand.”

Sunset growled softly, realizing why he did that.

“I know what you’re thinking…” hissed Loki “And you are quite right, now that my contract is gone, I can summon monsters from my Extra Deck this turn, but firstly I have another monster to play…


(Atk: 0)

“When he is summoned, his special ability now activates, allowing me to add to my hand DARK CONTRACT WITH HE SWAMP KING!”

“Not that?!” cried Sunset “That let’s you Fusion Summon.”

Loki snickered, “Glad to see that you remember that.” He played his card at once, “And also, since I plan on summoning a “Double-D” monster, I am allowed to banish Kepler along with one of the Proud Ogres in my graveyard.

Now, go my monsters!”

The monsters merged, and Loki called out a chant to them.

“Raging in flames, and strong as steel,
This monarch rises in flaming appeal!


(Atk: 2000)

Sunset gawked in fear. “It’s the original Flame King!”

“Indeed.” hissed Loki. “He may not be as strong as High Flame King Genghis, but he is still very useful.

Since I summoned a “Double-D” monster, Gust High King Alexander will now resurrect a monster that is still in my graveyard.

Rise, once again, Triple-D Wave High King Cesar!”

(Atk: 2800)

His huge, hulking Xyz Monster flexed its muscles and growled fiercely.

“But why stop there? Now Flame King Genghis can resurrect another “Double-D” monster from the graveyard.


(Atk: 2300)

Everyone gawked in horrors at the sight of his field.

“Would you look at all that?!” cried Shining Armor. “He’s got Five monsters in play!”

“Not just that…” added Cadance, “He has one monster of each summoning force.”

Everyone looked between the monsters…

One Fusion, One Synchro, One Xyz, and Two Pendulum monsters!

Sunset looked at all the monsters. “This… This is impossible!” she cried.

“Come now, you can’t deny what exists before you.” hissed Loki. “I have now singly succeeded in bringing forth at least one creature of each and every summoning power, which means, now is the perfect time for me to re-activate Dark Contract with Exclusivity!”

Sunset felt her heart skip a beat.

“Now that I have Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum monsters on my field, you’re not allowed to summon any type of these monsters from your Extra Deck.”

Sunset looked down at her duel disk screen; her Extra Deck had a large red X flashing over it, indicating it was no longer in use for her.

“All my best monsters!” she cried. “I can’t summon any of them now!”

Loki laughed. “Not that it really matters in any case. Now that I have three “Triple-D” monsters, Gust High King Alexander will once again receive 3000 attack points.”

(Atk: 3000) -----> (Atk: 6000)

“This is bad!” cried Spike. “This is really bad!”

Twilight didn’t have to be even an average player to understand. “With all those monsters, and all those attack points. Sunset will get creamed.”

“No! It can’t end like this!” said Luna. “There must be something she can do!!”

Sunset was sweating bullets.

“It’s time!” hissed Loki, and he engaged his battle phase.

“Gust High King Alexander, annihilate Double Iris Magician!”

The mighty monarch prepared to strike, and with his massive power, Sunset was likely to take a huge slamming of damage… had she not acted quickly.

“I activate the trap TIME PENDULUMGRAPH!”

“Huh? When did you get that card?” asked Loki.

Sunset gave a smirk, “Like Rubeus said: the dueling energy combined with the magic allowed me to get some new cards in my deck.

Now, this trap let’s me destroy Purple Poison Magician, and then I can destroy one card you control, so your Gust King is about to be dethroned!”

In a strong whirlwind, Gust King was enveloped by the force and destroyed before he could finish his attack.

“No! My Gust King!” cried Loki.

The prisoners were overjoyed!

“She did it!” cried Rarity, and she let out a huge heave of relief. “I can’t begin to think how close that was!”

“Oh, but… but…” Fluttershy whimpered while motioning at all the other monsters.

“I’m not so worried.” said Sunset “After all, I can use Purple Poison Magician’s effect. Since it was destroyed, I can destroy one other face up card, so say goodbye to Proud Ogre!”

The growling ogre fell, which Sunset deemed a wise move in her mind. “It’s better I destroy him than the others, because if I do, Loki will add another Dark Contract to his hand. I can’t let him strengthen his forces anymore!”

Loki scoffed, “Very impressive, but even with all you’ve done, I still have enough power to corner you.

Flame King Genghis, attack Double Iris Magician!”

There was nothing Sunset could do this time.

(Atk: 2000) VS (Atk: 1600)

Her magician was struck down!

Sunset LP: 8000 -----> 7600

The damage was small, but Sunset still got shocked a bit, and she wasn’t the only one…!

Each and everyone of the prisoners felt the same slight shock as she did.

“Hey!” snapped Spike.

“What was that?” asked Luna.

Sunset didn’t notice as she was distracted by her cards. “When Double Iris is destroyed, I get to add one “Pendulumgraph” card from my deck to my hand. So, I’ll take… STAR PENDULUMGRAPH.”

Loki snickered as if it all meant nothing to him, and then he ordered, “Now, King Ceasar, wage a direct attack!”

The mighty king leapt over and took a big swing with his massive sword, slashing Sunset hard, making her scream and wail as the shocks and burning sapped at her energy.

Sunset LP: 7600 -----> 4800

The prisoners were all shocked and burned just like she was, making them all scream and wail too.

“What’s happening?!” shouted Applejack.

“It’s hurts! It hurts!!” cried Fluttershy.


“Shining Armor!!”

“No!!” cried Sunset “What are you doing to them?!”

The burning stopped, and all the prisoners fell onto their knees trying to catch their breaths.

Loki laughed, “What’s wrong? I thought you were very close to your friends, and that you always “stick together” and “share” all things?

Well, I figured that in this duel you can all share the pain! The more damage you suffer, the more your friends will suffer with you.”

Sunset’s stomach gave a turn, and so did the prisoners.

“You mean, every time Sunset takes a hit, we’ll get hurt too?!” whimpered Fluttershy.

Applejack was furious and growled towards Loki, “That’s just like him, always wanting to pull off something dirty!”

Then suddenly, she noticed, “My hand!” it along with her arm was becoming transparent-- fading away, as were her and her feet and shins. She could no longer see her boots.

The others were all the same-- unable to see their hands and feet, but they still could feel their physical presence.

“No!” cried Sunset. “This is just like before when I dueled Rubeus. He’s sapping everyone’s life energy! The more damage I take, the more they’ll all fade into the darkness!”

Loki, feeling proud of this setup and adding the extra pain and suffering, remarked, “My brother sure has missed out on a lot by going soft and weak. That’s what happens when you allow yourself to be corrupted and mislead.”

Sunset angrily glared at him, but before she could say anything, something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.

Despite its damage, the energy machine was revving up again. It was giving off its eerie glowing, and with it, the rifts in the sky were slowly starting to expand again.

“Excellent.” hissed Loki. “Your life energies as well as your negative emotions help me to re-start everything.

All worlds will once again be transported into the darkness, and soon I will take my place as the Ultimate Supreme Ruler, of the single, darkest, evilest world in all existence!”

“That’s not going to happen, you hear me?!” insisted Sunset.

“I hear you, but I don’t believe you.” sneered Loki. “Once I defeat you, you and your friends will be nothing but faded memories.

Your energies will be fully transferred into the darkness, and that also goes for your friends who have already been vanquished, and Rubeus as well!”

Chills ran down everyone’s spines.

Sunset finally realized, “If I lose this duel, then my friends and I will all disappear, but the more I duel-- if I keep losing life points-- my friends will all suffer anyway.”

Loki could tell her thoughts. “Perhaps now you’ve finally realized… you’ve picked a battle you have no chance of winning, and just trying would be foolish enough because you’d be putting your precious friends in danger.

I quite literally have all the cards now, and there’s nothing you can possibly do that will stop me.

Your fates are entirely sealed, and my monsters are ready to take everything you know and love away!!”

His monsters growled and sneered behind him, glaring down at Sunset.

To Be Continued…

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