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Episode 54: Part 5: Breaking the Damage


The big blast was heading right for Kori’s monster, ready to wipe both it and Kori out.

Kori braced herself for her impending doom…!

“No!!” called Pinkie “I activate PERFORMAPAL SIGNAL! Now I get to draw one card and it gets sent straight to the graveyard, and if that card just so happens to be a monster, then your attack is negated!”

Z-Arc cringed, and Kori was going crazy hoping for a miracle, but not nearly as much as Pinkie was as she laid her fingers on her next card…

Her teeth were chattering, and she was sweating up a storm as she pulled it out…

…Her smile returned-- just crept across her face like a shooting star.


Z-Arc growled as Pinkie discarded, and Dark Rebellion’s attack faded into nothing, sparing Kori from doom, making her sigh in huge relief.

Dick shut his eyes feeling tears of joy coming form behind his mask, but he did his best not to shed them.

“Humph!” grunted Z-Arc and he had no choice but to end his Battle Phase, but as he was about to…

“Just a moment…!” called Kori “I activate the Continuous trap, STERLLAR NOVA WAVE!

As long as this trap remains in play, during either my Main Phase or my opponent’s battle phase, I can summon one “Tellarknight” from my hand…


(Def: 1000)

“And since he was summoned, he let’s me add another SATELLARKNIGHT VEGA from my deck to my hand!”

Kori then turned to face Pinkie very thankfully.

Z-Arc scoffed, “You must think you’re so clever, well I’ve got news for you… you’re not!

I place one card facedown, and I end my turn. So, Dark Rebellion’s attack shrink back to 2500.

…Now go!”

He really sounded insulted for being blocked the way he was.

“Z-Arc really looks shaken up a bit.” Sci-Twi noted.

“Yeah? Well, it serves him right.” said Rainbow. “It’s about time he knew what it was like to be on the receiving end.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. Look at him. He’s acting a little strange.”

The others couldn’t see it much, but Sci-Twi still had her theory as she thought, “Z-Arc has been dueling for a long time now. Even though he claims it makes him stronger, dueling still really takes it out you.

Then again, maybe there’s something else going on.”

Kori still felt totally relieved that she survived, and now it was her turn, but she was contemplating deeply…

“I may have survived the last round, but Z-Arc is stronger than ever, and even with my Xyz Colosseum, as long as Z-Arc has Dark Rebellion out, that still puts us in danger!”

She looked up at Z-Arc, then at all his fierce dragons. Then she looked down at her deck.

“Well… here’s hoping for something!”

She drew hew next card, and that’s when the ring around her monster shot a small beam of light at her deck.

“What’s happening?”

Z-Arc pointed at her and explained, “It’s just another specialty of Nibelung’s Ring, it allows you to draw one extra card. So, draw again!”

Kori was confused.

“Why would he let you draw more cards?” wondered Pinkie.

Z-Arc had that same evil smirk on his face, which worried the duelists.

Nevertheless, Kori drew again, and at that very second, her card began to glow.

“Uh, oh…” teased Z-Arc. “You just drew a monster, now the effect of Nibelung’s Ring forces you to send one card in your hand to the graveyard!”

“What?!” snapped Kori, but she had no choice, and she tossed a different monster out of her hand. “I have plenty of other cards I can use… like this one…!

I summon SATELLARKNIGHT VEGA that I got last turn!”

(Atk: 1200)

“And by summoning him, I also get to summon SATELLARKNIGHT UNUKALIHAI!”

(Def: 1000)

“When its summoned, I can send TELLARKNIGHT ALTAIR from my deck to the graveyard….

But now…!” she paused while holding up one of her two remaining cards.

“This is the card that’s going to help bring you down, Z-Arc.


A big glow of light shone from Kori’s field.

“You’re in for it now, Z-Arc! Because with the power of this spell, I can now destroy as many spell and trap cards equal to the number of “Tellarknight” cards other than the spell!”

Z-Arc growled, while Pinkie’s eyes lit up.

“You’ve got four monsters in play. That means you can destroy four cards!”

Kori nodded, “It’s time!” and she thrust her arms out for the attack to commence, and the light swarmed over Z-Arc’s field, making growl and wail angrily as his two Gate cards were destroyed.

“All right!!” Pinkie cheered as she leapt about going, “Take that, Z-Arc! That’s what we do!”

The sideliners were all giddy with glee.

“Finally! Z-Arc lost his Pendulum Cards!” said Rainbow.

Sci-Twi agreed, “Now he can’t protect himself, or raise his life points anymore.”

The dust over Z-Arc’s field had cleared, to reveal Z-Arc was snickering, because Supreme Faceoff was still in play.

“What’s going on?” asked Kori “That card should’ve been destroyed.”

Z-Arc hollered at her, “It wasn’t destroyed thanks to a special card I played called TRAP REBORN!

It may have cost me half of my life points…”

Z-Arc LP: 15,800 -----> 7900

“…But it was worth it, because it allowed me to banish one trap card in the graveyard and then use it’s effects for myself, like the FAKE TRAP which shielded my Supreme Faceoff from being destroyed.”

“Fake Trap?” Pinkie asked in confusion “We didn’t play that card.”

Kori suddenly remembered, “…But Celestia did!”

The sideliners overheard, and Celestia looked down at her deck. “How did Z-Arc get my card?”

“Oh, of course!” cried Sci-Twi. “Don’t you see? This is all one continuous duel-- it just picks up from where the previous duelists left off.”

Dick understood, “That means every card every duelist ever played is still technically in the graveyard, meaning anyone has access to it.”

Rainbow felt like fainting. “That means Z-Arc can help himself to all the cards ever used! GAAA-AAAH! Does this guy ever run out of options?!”

“Well, it’s not all bad.” replied Celestia. “At least Z-Arc’s Pendulum Zone is empty.”

Terra did not feel enthusiastic. “Knowing Z-Arc, it won’t stay empty forever.”

Kori clenched her fist. “I’m still not beaten yet.” she thought. “I still have a chance to deal Z-Arc some damage, and then Pinkie could deal him more on her next turn…” then she looked at her field spell “…Except Pinkie doesn’t have any Xyz Monsters, she won’t be able to attack unless Xyz Coliseum is gone.”

“Do I sense an end of your turn?” asked Z-Arc. “Your monster can’t attack me with Nibelung’s Ring attached to it.”

Kori stomped her foot, “This isn’t the end of anything except you!” she growled. “I have plenty of monsters that I can still use.

I now overlay Level 4 Deneb and Level 4 Unukalihai in order to build the Overlay Network!

Brightness shining from in the sky,
This creature descends from way up high!


(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 2700)

While Kori wasn’t watching, Z-Arc sneakily fiddled with his duel disk, and to keep her distracted he scoffed, “So, you have another Xyz monster now. I doubt his presence will be of any use.”

“That’s where you’re wrong!” insisted Kori. “You remember my dueling style, so you know of his special ability: it lets me use one overlay unit, and then I am able to target one card on the field and destroy it!”

Z-Arc clenched his fist, and Kori set her eyes on Supreme King Clear Wing.

“Say goodbye!” yelled Kori, but instead of the dragon being destroyed, nothing happened.

Instead, Kori’s monster looked pale and its attack was reduced!

(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 1550)

Pinkie was confused, until she saw, “Kori, look!”

Z-Arc had activated his Lost Wind card again!

“What?!” cried Kori. “But you already used that before, and you didn’t have anything that could play it.”

Z-Arc waved his finger while clicking his tongue in a taunting manner. “Your observations, like your dueling skills, are incredible dim…

When you Xyz Summoned, I was able to set Lost Wind facedown from my graveyard, and this allowed me to, once again, use its special powers to negate your monster’s effect and cut its original attack power in half.”

Kori couldn’t believe Z-Arc had outsmarted her again!

“Oh, how shameful.” Z-Arc teased, “But if it helps you-- though it doesn’t-- Lost Wind is now banished, so I won’t be using it again.

It still leaves you with nothing left to do against me.”

Rather than fly off into a fit of Rage, Kori smirked. “You did just what I thought you’d do.”


“I had a feeling you’d try and pull something sneaky like that, so I was ready for it with another strategy.”

“And just what are you talking about?”

“Your ring may hold my monster down, but it can’t stop me from doing this…!” she held up her last card. “I play the spell XYZ GIFT!

Since I have at least two Xyz Monsters, I can use one overlay unit from Triver and Deletros, and draw two more cards.

…I just hope they’re good enough to help me.”

She drew her cards, and her green eyes gave a sparkling shimmer, meaning she got something good.

“I activate the spell RE-XYZ!

It lets me target one Xyz Monster in my graveyard, and then I can Xyz Summon it by using two monsters with the correct levels that also in the grave.

So I’ll Overlay TellarKnight’s Denbeb, and Vega, in order to once again Xyz Summon DARKTELLARKNIGHT BATLAMYUS!”

(Atk: 2600)

Once again, thanks to her monster’s presence, the field was shrouded in dark fog.

“I revived him for a special reason.” said Kori, “It’s so I can use his special ability. I use one overlay unit, and discard the only card I’m holding…

…Which allows me to use Batlymus to summon an even better monster!


The monster rose into the sky, shattering the ring around its neck, and a big burst of light came from the portal as the monster emerged.

Kori chanted to it…

“Powerful bright, and solid and true,
May this cosmic force bring defeat to you!


(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 2900)

“ARGH! Not Constellar Diamond!” wailed Z-Arc.

Kori smirked, “I see you remember him. That means you also know about his special power-- that prevents your Dark Monsters from using their special abilities or it will destroy them.”

Z-Arc was furious.

Kori engaged her battle phase. “Let’s see you escape from this one!

Delterps, attack and destroy Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom!”

Despite being weaker, the monster complied and was about to strike down the Synchro Dragon.

“Go ahead, try!” sneered Z-Arc “I still have Supreme Faceoff, and you know it protects my dragon from being destroyed by battle.”

“Perhaps, but without your gates, you’ll finally take some damage!” Kori pointed out.

(Atk: 1550) VS (Atk: 800)

The dragon was struck hard, and it roared in pain, and Z-Arc was given a slight spark of energy drain making him growl softly.

Z-Arc LP: 7900 -----> 7150

The sideliners were astounded.

“She did it!” cried Dick. “Kori actually damaged Z-Arc!”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t really all that much.” said Rainbow.

Z-Arc barely felt a tickle. “That’s it? You went through all that to deal me a paltry 750 points of damage? My life points are still far higher than yours.”

“Not for much longer they won’t be!” said Kori, and she turned her attention towards Dark Rebellion.

“Oh, no!” cried Z-Arc.

Kori grinned and ordered, “Constellar Diamond, attack!”

As the monster charged, Z-Arc realized he couldn’t use Rebellion’s effect, and his Xyz Monster was doomed…

…Or rather it would have been!

“Sorry, but I’m going to have to stop you,” he said as he reached into his hand and revealed one of his cards, “Recognize this?”

“Ah!” cried Kori.

“It’s RAINBOW KURIBOH!” wailed Pinkie.

“Correct!” shouted Z-Arc “And thanks to this little fella, your monster isn’t allowed to attack anymore, which spares My Xyz Monster from destruction.”

Kori shook her head in total disbelief as her monster was immobilized. Now she had two monsters that couldn’t attack, or do much, and she also had two monsters with weak attack points and wide in the open for Z-Arc’s next turn.

“Kori.” Dick murmured very worried for his wife.

With no moves left, Kori had no choice. “I end my turn.”

Z-Arc snickered.

Now it was over to Pinkie, and she was at a huge drawback.

“What am I going to do?” she thought. “I don’t have any Xyz Monsters, so I won’t be able to attack at all, and just when Z-Arc is vulnerable too.”

That’s when she had a mighty thought. “Wait…! He is still vulnerable, even if I don’t attack him.”

She looked at her field, and while she had a couple of good cards in play, it wasn’t good enough.

“It’s all down to what I draw. Whatever it is, it better not let me down.

Here goes…!”

She slowly pulled her card out and peeked at it…!

Then her eyes lit up. “Well, what do you know?”

She then stood in the center with the spotlight shining on her again and put on her show act again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for Act Two of this astounding performance, and just like before, I dedicate this performance to my friend, Sunset Shimmer!”

“Oh, not this again?” groaned Z-Arc.

Deep inside of him, Sunset swore she heard a faint voice calling her name.

“That sounded like… Pinkie Pie.”

She still couldn’t see a thing in all the darkness around her, and she knew why… She was still doubting herself due to all the trouble Z-Arc had caused using her body and dueling skills.

“So much evil! So much destruction! All my friends getting hurt, and it’s all my fault… because I let all this happen from day one since I accepted those new cards.”

She could feel herself sinking into despair again making her want to go back down on her knees.

As long as she remained weak and Z-Arc strong, things wouldn’t be changing anytime soon.

Pinkie couldn’t see Sunset now, no matter how hard she wanted to, but she still knew what she had to do.

“And now, I’ll set Scale 1 PERFORMAPAL U GO GOLEM into the Pendulum Zone, so my scale is set once again.

This allows me to call upon monsters between levels 2 and 4.


Three shots of light rained down as her monsters appeared.




The three monsters stood alongside Laugh Maker, all standing in spotlights, and everyone took a great bow like the performers they were.

“And now that the cast is all here,” Pinkie announced “Let’s get this show going, “I activate Pendulum Sorcerer’s special ability.

Since he was special summon, I get to destroy two cards I control, and I choose Darkwurm and Laugh Maker!”

Kori was most surprised as she saw the monsters vanish. “But Laugh Maker was your strongest monster.”

Pinkie maintained herself and carried on with her show. “It’s sad that I had to see Laugh Maker go, but the nice cherry on top is that I now get to add two “Performapal” monsters from my deck to my hand, and I pick these two…


Now Z-Arc was confused, “What good can adding those two monsters to your hand do you? You can’t even summon them, and even if you could, they are useless anyway.”

That’s when a bright glow of light shined on Pinkie’s field.

“What’s this now?”

Pinkie chuckled, “Oh, silly me. When I said “Cherry on top” I didn’t mean just one, but two. You see, when Laugh Maker is destroyed while his attack points are higher than his original, I get to summon one monster from my graveyard, and who better than… wait for it…


(Def: 2600)

“But why stop there when I can do more.

It’s your turn Odd-Eyes Synchron! Show them your style by inviting Minitaurus to join us on stage.”

(Def: 1600)

“Now that our lucky fan has been chosen, it’s time for a little combining, because I tune Level 2 Odd-Eyes Synchron with Level 4 Minitaurus.”

The monsters leapt up high forming the tuning rings and the light orbs, and Pinkie hollered a new chant

“Sparkling and lovely before your eyes,
I summon a creature of great surprise.

I Synchro Summon… METAPHYS HORUS!”

(Atk: 2300)

Her gleaming monster spread its glowing wings out, which bedazzled the sideliners, but Z-Arc only growled angrily. “I remember this annoying creature; because it was summoned using a Pendulum Monster, I now have to give you one of my own monsters.”

Pinkie smirked, “Glad to see you remember. So, which is the luck monster of yours that will be invited to join us?”

Growling, Z-Arc answered, “Take my Synchro Monster!”

Clear Wing flew over to Pinkie’s side of the field.

“Glad you could join us. Of course, It’s not allowed to attack this turn, and it can’t attack anyway because it isn’t an Xyz Monster.

…But hold on to your seats because this show’s about to heat up.”

Z-Arc didn’t know how much more of this he could take as he thought, “How much longer is this nonsense going to continue!”

Pinkie pointed upward, “Since my Pendulum Zone is now empty, I better fill it up, and who better to than PERFORMAPAL TRUMP WITCH!”

The cute little monster took her place in the light and made a playful curtsey.

“Hey there, Trump Witch,” Pinkie called up to her “Why don’t you show the crowd what you do best and help me Fusion Summon without a Fusion Spell!”

Trump Witch raised her little wand up, sprinkling magical shapes and sparkling shapes.

“I now fuse Pendulum Sorcerer with my newly acquired Clear Wing Dragon.”

Z-Arc cringed as he watched his prized Synchro Monster vanish, and Pinkie summoned her next creature.

“Watch and wonder, this monster I cast,
Its mega power will give you a blast!


(Atk: 2900)

Pinkie’s best monster growled as he held up his big gun!

“Oh, no!!” cried Z-Arc

“Oh, yes!” hollered Pinkie, and she raised her arms out. “Ladies and Gentlemen, hope you all love fireworks, because you’re about to see tons of them!

When Gatlingghoul is Fusion Summoned, Z-Arc gets hit with 200 points of damage for every card on the field!”

Sci-Twi calculated the field stats. “…There are fifteen cards in play. That means Z-Arc is going to take a full 3000 points of damage!”

The sideliners would have jumped for joy were they not so weak and tired.

“And that’s not all…” hollered Pinkie “I also have U Go Golem’s Pendulum Effect to use. Since a Fusion Monster was summoned to my field, he let’s me add one “Performapal” in my graveyard to my hand, and I just so happen to have one…


She never thought she’d have such a fine use for it.

Go Gatlinghoul!” Pinkie shouted, and her monster unleashed his fury, sending powerful shots at Z-Arc that struck him like fireworks, making him scream in anguish!

Z-Arc LP: 7150 -----> 4150

“Ah, yeah! We’re showing off now!” cheered Pinkie. “But Gatlinghoul isn’t finished yet! Now he has his other effect to perform.

Since he was Fusion Summoned using a Pendulum Monster, that means I can now destroy your Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion, and you’ll take damage equal to its original attack points!”

“No!!” shouted Z-Arc.

“Go, Gatlinghoul!”

The monster tipped his hat and fired a huge blast from his gun, which struck the Xyz Dragon hard and blew it up in a massive explosion that burned Z-Arc even more as he lost another 2500 points!

Z-Arc LP: 4150 -----> 1650

Inside of him, Sunset could feel tremors like an earthquake rocking her about, snapping her back to her senses once more.

“Hey! What’s going on?!”

She barely managed to keep herself from toppling over.

She wasn’t the only one to feel it…

The Malefic Darkness was going crazy as Z-Arc took damage, and Rubeus could feel the surge. “Amazing!” he exclaimed softly. “Z-Arc has finally been weakened! Perhaps I was mistaken of being mistaken before.”

He left the magic view and walked back towards the inactivate generator snickering, “Perhaps now I can afford to restart things up.”

Using his magic, he restarted the generator to absorb more power.

He could even see more people from the outside worlds entering the Malefic World. They were still transparent and still unaware of their predicament.

Rubeus then looked concerned instead of pleased.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike were growing deeply concerned after wandering along the pool of souls, and how the darkness around them continued to stir.

Spike continued to try, fruitlessly, to claw and smash at Rarity’s sphere. Being a soul, he never grew exhausted nor did his claws wear out, but it was just no good.

“Ugh! There’s got to be a way for us to get everyone out of here.” he groaned.

Twilight felt the same as he did. “If we could only have some sign of hope, even a tiny spark of light would do.”

Pinkie was panting heavily, completely unable to believe what she had just done.

“You okay, Pinkie?” asked Kori.

Finally catching her breath, Pinkie gave a soft smile and thumb up.

As for Z-Arc, he recovered from his horrible attack and looked mad enough to bit through solid rock and was panting furiously.

Pinkie couldn’t help but taunt him. “What’s the matter, Z-Arc? Is it too much for you to crack a smile or have some real fun?”

“You!!” Z-Arc bellowed “I promise you… you will soon be regretting what you have done.”

Pinkie could only sigh. “Guess you’re the type that never learns, but hopefully that can change.

It’s a been a great show so far, and now I have one final move to make, and that is to summon PERFORMAPAL CHANGERAFFE!”

(Atk: 100)

“Don’t be fooled by her low-level stat, when she’s summoned to the field, her special ability let’s me target your Starving Venom Dragon over there… and watch what happens.”

The cute little giraffe leapt up in front of the snarling dragon, took a playful bow, and then…

…She began to tap-dance in mid-air.

Z-Arc, Kori, all the sideliners were a bit perplexed by the show, until… the dragon started glowing, and looked as if he were enjoying the little show.

“My dragon!” shouted Z-Arc, and he balked at Pinkie. “What have you done?”

Pinkie grinned and replied, “You got to admit, Changeraffe knows how to entertain a crowd. Even your big, scary dragon can’t help but admire her, and as long as Changeraffe sticks around your dragon can’t attack or use its effects.”

“Ah!” gasped Z-Arc.

Kori’s eyes lit up. “Pinkie! Great move! That means Z-Arc won’t be able to use its special ability next turn!”

Pinkie gave a big bow. “I end my turn. Thank you all for your wonderful support.”

Inside her mind, she was freaking out. “I can’t believe I really did all that!”

The sideliners were all astounded.

“Wow! Pinkie really cut Z-Arc down to size.” said Celesita.

Terra was starting to feel just a little less miserable now, feeling maybe there was some hope to stopping Z-Arc after all.

Suddenly, she noticed, “Hey, look…!”

Everyone then saw the barrier field Z-Arc had placed around the entire area was starting to flicker-- light a dimming lightbulb running out of power.

“Is it getting weaker?” asked Dick.

Sci-Twi was all giddy inside. “I knew it! Z-Arc may gain power when he duels, but now that he’s finally taken damage, his power has weakened as well.”

Rainbow caught on. “It’s like his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness.”

Z-Arc’s anger further confirmed this.

“This is unacceptable!” he growled in thought. “I can’t be defeated! I won’t be defeated, especially not by a band of puny mortals!

I’ve worked too long and hard for my triumph, and no one is going to take it from me!”

Inside of him, Sunset felt dizzy from all the shaking about.

“What was all that about?” she wondered, but she immediately set those wonders aside when something happened before her eyes.

She was starting to see through the darkness as Z-Arc grew weaker. She could see outside; she could see the duel and everything.

“Pinkie? Kori?”

The darkness was still too thick for her to see far beyond where the others were resting by the castle.

“Hey!” she called “Hey out there!”

…But no one could hear her; not so long as Z-Arc was still in control of things, which made it all the more important for him to fall in battle.

Sunset felt so useless, being unable to do anything while she was trapped inside. She had no card, no duel disk, not even any magic or strength to fight the darkness away.

All she could do was stand where she was and observe the duel progress and hope that her friends had it in them to pull through.

To Be Continued…

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