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Episode 9: Rock, Shock, and What?


Sunset still looked pale and terrified as she couldn’t shake of these nasty feelings making her stomach turn. “Something… is really wrong!”

“I feel it too.” added Princess Twilight. “Even trapped in this card, I can still feel the friendship forces calling out when something strange happens.”

“What do you think is it?” asked Vic.

“How should I know?” remarked Raven.

The sisters were deeply concerned too. While they didn’t seem to feel the turning feelings like Sunset was, when someone like her acted this way, something had to be wrong.

“Perhaps we should investigate?” suggested Luna, but then she realized that Vic still needed help with his batteries.

“Are you charged up?” asked Celestia.

Vic checked his computer, “Hardly by too much. If I went out there now, chances are I wouldn’t last long.”

Sunset felt like going out there herself to find what the trouble was, but she didn’t dare leave her friends; if they were to suddenly be attacked by other Maleficans, and traveling out there alone wasn’t smart either.

For now, it was best to keep charging Vic up before doing anything huge.

“Please!” she begged in thought for her friends, “Please, may you all be okay.”

Rarity’s cards were all gathered and stacked and placed next to her duel disk which sat on a rock in the stone hollow, while Fluttershy was weeping softly and almost uncontrollably while Kori tearfully held her tight.

Who could blame them, because in Kori’s hand, she held Rarity’s soul card, intending to keep it safe and well… but still… the feelings were so heart crushing.

The two still remembered the end of the duel, when Violet ordered her Starving Venom Fusion dragon to attack and wipe Rarity out of the duel, and how she was struck by the magic lightning, sealing her within the card.

“Oh, Rarity…!” sobbed Fluttershy.

As devastated as she was too, Kori softly patted her back saying, “We’ll get her back; that’s a promise. Once we find the Prince Brothers, we’ll make them sorry they ever messed with us all.”

Fluttershy dried her eyes and promised to try and find her strength.

Suddenly she thought she heard something-- the distinct sound of someone’s voice over the distance.


Kori’s ears gave a twitch. That voice, though distant, was so familiar to her.


“Hey…!” the voice called again, followed by two other voices.


“Is anyone there?”

Fluttershy began to feel she was cracking up. “That sounds like… Rainbow Dash… and Pinkie Pie…”

Kori couldn’t resist and took a peek outside. She looked all around, and then up on the mountains in the dark distance, she could see him, and heard him call out to her.


Her heart leapt for joy, and she called out to him. “Dick…!!”

Her husband heard, and saw her down below in the valley. Rainbow and Pinkie dashed up to him and saw her.

Pinkie began to leap for joy chirping, “We found the others! We found the others!!”

“No, not all of them.” said Rainbow, but she was too glad to really care.

“Let’s get down there, now!” cried Pinkie, only to stop in her tracks… right at the very edge of the steep drop.

“Yeah, any safer ways?” asked Rainbow.

Dick was already leaping skillfully down the mountain, from ledge-to-ledge-- desperate to reunite with his wife.

“Hey, wait up!” called Pinkie, and she merrily began following him, leaping from rock to rock, making her way down the slope.

Rainbow would have called them both out on it, were it not she had remembered, “Hey… I’m athletic. I can do this.” and she followed after her friends, leaping down the slope.

Kori began to run towards the foot of the slope just as Dick took his last leap off the ledge, and came down into her arms.

Kori squeezed him a little tight, but Dick was so happy to see her and kissed her sweetly on the lips. “Are you alright? I thought you’d be in trouble!”

“I’m fine, really.” his wife replied. “Oh, I’m so glad you guys are here.”

Fluttershy peeked out and saw Rainbow and Pinkie, and the second they saw her, they dashed over to her, nearly bulldozing her down in a big girl hug.

…Then they noticed she seemed rather tearful.

“What’s up? Aren’t you happy to see us?” asked Rainbow.

Fluttershy sniffled and peeped one single word, “…Rarity.”

Rainbow and Pinkie stiffened; feeling cold chills run up their spines.

Kori then showed everyone the soul card.

“No…” Dick exclaimed softly.

“Rarity?!” cried Pinkie.

“…She didn’t?!” wailed Rainbow, but it had to be true.

Dick held the card, and felt crushed and angry. “Tell us what happened.”


Applejack was sniffing the air like a bloodhound, attempting to use her farm-girl instincts to “Smell out the trouble” as she called it.

The others felt she was being silly, especially Sci-Twi and Spike.

“If I wasn’t stuck in this card, I could sniff out the others in a heartbeat,” Spike grumbled. “But you can’t seriously rely on simple instincts.”

Applejack turned and glared at the group, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. This sniffer of mine always pulled through. I could smell if something was burning, or an animal needed feeding, or even if my own family was in trouble from a-hundred miles away.”

Logically, Sci-Twi would find that ridiculous-- smells could not function like that and over such distances-- but she knew Applejack was only going by her gut and really let her heart guide her.

“What have we got to lose other than to follow her?” she asked.

“The same as we had before… our lives.” groaned Shining Armor.

Cadance was inclined to agree. “Just how many more dangers could be out there waiting for us?”

“Well we better no stay here and let them find us first.” said Terra. “The sooner we find all the others the better.”

She did want to find the others, but deep down the one she wanted to see most of all was Gar.

Ever since their last encounter, she didn’t let on that she was often worried about approaching him for the way he acted.

She was have this visions of confronting him, and he would just as cold as vicious as ever.

“Please don’t do this. This isn’t like you, Gar.”

Even while his face was covered, she could still feel the scowling he was throwing her way by the tone of his voice.

“Stop calling me that! I’m not Gar, I’m Masquerade, and always will be, and you’re going to have to accept that even if I have to break you in half.”

Then he would activate his duel disk, “Come forth, Exodia! Teach this miserable excuse of a duelist twerp a lesson!”

His massive monster appeared and gave Terra a nasty glare as he powered up.

Terra began to run for it, but Exodia would fire his powerful burst which consumed her…

“Terra?” called Sci-Twi “Terra, are you okay?”

She snapped out of her trance. “Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts.”

The others all sighed. They knew who she was thinking of, but now wasn’t the time to talk about it, and they continued to follow Applejack… and wherever her “Sniffer Sense” led her.

“If anything bad has happened to my friends,” she thought “…I wouldn’t want to be the varmints that did it to them!”

Meanwhile, the stranger in the sheets, who had Twilight’s duel disk, was still roaming about own through the dark lands.

“I know you’re around here somewhere.” she hissed softly. “I’ll find you, and then you’re all mine!”

Suddenly, she got the feeling she wasn’t alone, turned round, and saw three Malefican monsters glaring at her and armed with duel disks, and looking raring to duel.

The lady only snickered, “You can’t be serious?”

She didn’t mind having a duel, and readied the disk and her deck…

Big explosions and bright flashes were seen up ahead by Applejack and the others.

“What’s that?” cried Cadance.

“I’d say that’s the trouble we’re looking for.” replied Shining Armor.

“See? I told you I’d sniff it out.” gloated Applejack.

Terra, worried for her friends and hoping to find Gar, began to dash on ahead.

“Terra, wait!” called Twilight “It may be a trap!”

Everyone began to dash up after her; over the hills and they reached the to just in time to see a duel going on.

“Twilight, look!” cried Spike.

Sci-Twi gazed at one of the monsters, “Lunalight Cat Dancer…?!

Lunalight Panther Dancer...?!

Lunalight Leo Dancer…?!”

The cloaked lady then ordered her monsters to destroy the opposing monsters-- wiping them all out and taking down the Maleficans with them.

The monsters all roared and were struck by the magic lightning from the skies, turning them all into cards.

The lady snickered as her monsters vanished, but Sci-Twi saw on the lady’s wrist. “That duel disk… it’s mine!” and that immediately told her that the deck was hers too.

The lady looked up and saw the group coming her way.

She looked the group over and saw Sci-Twi. “This ought to be interesting.” she muttered.

The gang approached her, and Sci-Twi barked. “Who are you, and how did you get my deck and duel disk?!”

The lady only snickered. “This is my duel disk and deck now. You’ve squandered it for long enough.”

“What s that supposed to mean…?!” Spike growled from his card. “Just who are you? Are you working with the Maleficans.”

The lady snuffed. “As if. I don’t work for anyone… not anymore.”

“What do you mean “not anymore?” asked Cadance.

Shining Armor stepped forth, “Look, whoever you are… you don’t steal from my sis? Now hand over the cards and the disk before I get real mad!”

The stranger snickered, “I already told you these are mine now, and in any case, I’m not interested in any of you twerps, and I should be going.”

“Now wait just a darn minute!” snapped Applejack “I don’t know who you are, but you got no right talking to my friends this way or taking stuff that ain’t rightly yours.”

The lady only glared at her through her hood. “You’re all THAT insistent?”

Terra stepped forth, “You bet we are, and if you won’t hand over the items willingly, then I’ll duel you for them!”

“Terra, don’t duel her.” cried Cadance “She could still be working for the Maleficans, and you know what’ll happen if you lose…!”

The lady agreed, “Yes, you’d be wise not to duel me anyway. You’d lose in a heartbeat.”

Terra felt insulted, and remembered one of her visions-- where Gar insulted her as a duelist. She was determined to prove herself…

…and she stepped right up there and her duel disk was ready. “I said… let’s duel!”

With that, her duel disk began to glow, and shot a magical wave at the lady’s disk, automatically activating it.

“Did you see that?” asked Spike.

Sci-Twi nodded. “That means we can force other being here into duels ourselves.”

Even Terra was amazed by this discovery, and the lady was forced to comply. “Fine… I guess you’ll have to learn the hard way. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Terra, stop!” called Cadance.

“It’s too late…” said Sci-Twi. “Once the duel is on, it’s on. If she were to quit now, it would mean forfeit, and she’d be turned into a card anyway.”

Terra continued to eye the lady down thinking, “Whoever she is, if she’s using Twilight’s deck, I should have a slight advantage because I know all of her cards.”

The stranger was already aware of this as she thought, “This fool doesn’t realize what a nightmare she’s stepped into… once she discovers that I’ve altered this deck to make it better than ever.”

The cards were drawn and the two duellists stood ready.


Terra LP: 8000

Opponent LP: 8000

“I’ll go first…” said Terra “And I activate BRILLIANT FUSION.

This spell allows me--”

“…I know what it does.” the stranger cut in “It lets you Fusion Summon a “Gem-Knight” using monsters from your deck, but I’s attack and defense will be zero.

I’m not an amateur you know.”

Terra growled angrily, but proceeded with her move.


Her three monsters appeared above her, and began to glow and merge together as their respective cards were sent to the graveyard.

“By combining the powers of these strong crystals, I shall unleash a force to be reckoned with!


Her monster appeared and looked fierce and ready for action, but as promised, its attack was reduced to zero.

(Atk: 0)

The stranger merely stood with her arms folded, showing she was unimpressed, and she didn’t even make a witty remark about anything.

Sci-Twi began to have a sickening feeling in her stomach about this person. “I wonder…” she thought “Could she possibly be…?”

It was too early to make assumptions, and she didn’t wish to break Terra’s concentration.

“Now…” Terra hollered “I summon GEM-KNIGHT LAPIS.”

(Atk: 1200)

The two creatures looked at one another and nodded in a rather cheeky manner, and Terra smirked.

“My Lady Diamond may not have attack points, but she still has her special ability; one that lets me tribute my Lapis, and now I get to call on a “Gem-Knight” Fusion monster ignoring its usual requirements.”

Her Lapis vanished, and her Extra Deck began glowing as her new monster emerged.


(Atk: 2400)

The two ladies stood together on the field glaring the, still, unfazed stranger down.

Terra kept her cool over the silence and continued her move.

“Next up, I play the spell DE-FUSION! This lets me send my Brilliant Diamond back to the Extra Deck…”

With that, her big monster rose up into the air. She spun around, and around, and separated into three glowing orbs that struck down hard onto the field.

“…And just like that, all the monsters I used to make her have returned.

GEM-KNIGHT AMBER…” (Atk: 1600)



The small monsters all huddled around the larger one, like an army of knights protecting a queen.

“Check it out.” cried Spike “Terra’s got four monsters in play, on her first turn too.”

Shining Armor agreed, “And if I remember correctly, that bigger monster can inflict damage.”

Terra turned and winked at him. “You’re so right… Lapis Lazuli lets me send Gem-Knight Crystal to the graveyard, and then… her special ability deals my opponent 500 points of damage for every special summoned monster that’s in play… and there happens to be four…”

She paused and glared at her opponent. “…Which means you’re taking 2000 points of damage like that!”

Still the opponent didn’t even flinch or show the slightest signs of worry. Not even when Terra’s monster’s eyes glowed and fired a big water-beam at her. She just stood there as the shockwaves passed her, and didn’t even flinch at the pain that would strike her for losing life points either.

Opponent LP: 8000 -----> 6000

Now Terra was starting to feel annoyed, and confused, and so were all the others.

“What’s with her?” wondered Applejack.

She recalled her recent duel against Spectra, and how every time she lost life points, she got physically weaker, but this stranger seemed perfectly fine.

“What are you, a rock?” asked Terra.

“No,” hissed the opponent “I’m not like the rest of you. You can’t weaken or scare me that easily.”

Sci-Twi’s suspicions about this person were starting to peak. “If only I could see her face…!” she thought.

Spike looked up at her through his card, and wondered what she was thinking.

It was still Terra’s turn.

“I activate ONE DAY OF PEACE!” she hollered “So we now--”

“…Each draw one card and nobody takes damage until your next turn. I KNOW!!” shouted the opponent. “Just end your turn already, and quit boring me with all these explanations.”

Terra ended her turn.

“About time… now I draw.”

The stranger now had seven cards in hand.

“I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 LUNALIGHT WOLF and Scale 5 LUNALIGHT TIGER.”

Terra’s eyes widened. “No, way…!”

The others didn’t look nearly as surprised as the two monsters leapt up high into the light with the pendulum swinging between them.

Twilight knew her deck was capable of Pendulum Summoning, she just never had the proper timing or cards in hand or play to do it right.

The stranger snickered, “With this, I can now simultaneously summon as many level 2 to 4 monsters as I wish.

…I Pendulum Summon!”

Two shots of light rained down from above and her monsters appeared.



Terra already didn’t like the looks of this.

“Now,” shouted the stranger, “I activate POLYMERIZATION.

Since you love Fusion Summoning yourself, why don’t I join the party; by fusing White Rabbit and Black Sheep…


(Atk: 2400)

Her monster stood tall and fierce, glaring at Terra’s army.

“And now…” called the opponent “I activate Black Sheep’s ability; since I used it to Fusion Summon, I’m allowed add White Rabbit back to my hand.

And next, I use Lunalight Tiger’s Pendulum Ability, which allows me to summon Black Sheep to the field, but its effects will be negated!”

(Atk: 100)

“Now I can use the Pendulum Abbility of my other card; Lunalight Wolf allows me to Fusion Summon by banishing Cat Dancer and Black Sheep.”

The monsters began to merge, and Terra began to worry. “This is so not good!”

Her opponent called out, “Now I Fusion Summon LUNALIGHT PANTHER DANCER!”

(Atk: 2800)

Her monster flexed her claws, which shimmered sinisterly.

“That monster can take out all of Terra’s monsters!” cried Applejack.

“Yes, but remember, Terra can’t be damaged this turn thanks to One Day of Peace.” Cadance pointed out.

Terra knew this too, but she didn’t feel or look any better, and braced herself for the upcoming attacks.

“Go, Panther Dancer…!” shouted the opponent. “You can attack all those monsters… so wipe ‘em all out.”

The monster complied, and leapt up high, slashing each of Terra’s monsters twice, and they all exploded into chunks of shiny stones.

The shockwaves zoomed past Terra, blowing her hair in the breeze, but since she lost no life points, she felt no pain.

“Oh, how tragic.” the opponent mocked as she laid a card facedown “Now you have no monsters left, and my Panther is still raring to go for more.”

Terra only scoffed “If you think I’m the least bit intimidated, you’re wrong!”

She drew her next card.

“Perfect!” she exclaimed “I use my favorite spell, CHANGE OF HEART, so now I’ll control your monster!”

The stranger actually grunted in shock this time as her Panther Dancer switched sides.

“Yee-Haw… that’s showing her!” hollered Applejack.

“Great move!” added Shining Armor “Now what’s-her-face over there is the one in trouble.”

“Go Panther, make a direct attack!”

The stranger braced herself for the impact this time, and was struck hard by her own monster, and her sheets began to tatter in the resulting shockwaves billowing past her.

Opponent LP: 6000 -----> 3200

…But still, she wasn’t shocked from the point loss, and she still didn’t seem the least bit in pain from the attack.

Sci-Twi still couldn’t see who she was good enough because of the sheets, and was still pondering over who she was.

Terra felt the same as she thought, “Who is she? I’ve reduced more than half of her life points and she still doesn’t seem to be losing strength.”

“What’s the matter?” the stranger taunted “You’re not starting to break are you?”

Terra clenched her free fist with that and thought, “I’ll show you who’s going to break. I’ll win back Twilight’s deck yet.”

“Now I play the spell ADVANCE DRAW!”

“You dare?!” snapped the stranger.

“I dare indeed.” griped Terra “Since your Panther Dancer is Level 8 and I’m controlling it, I can tribute her to the graveyard… and then I draw two cards.”

“I’ll place one card facedown, and then summon a monster in defense mode.”

She had only one card in her hand left, but she felt confident with her next move.

“Is that all?” asked the stranger “Very well… My draw…!”

She had three cards in hand, one of them still being White Rabbit.

“I must admit, it was clever for you to turn my own monster on me and then get rid of it… but not clever enough.

Using the Pendulum Ability of my Tiger, Panther Dancer returns to the field.”

Her monster returned as promised, she seemed a little pale due to not having her abilities.

(Atk: 2800)

“And now I’ll summon my friend LUNALIGHT WHITE RABBIT back to the field.”

(Atk: 800)

Terra began to sweat a little.

“I now activate white Rabbit’s Special ability; now I can send that facedown of yours straight back to your hand…”

White Rabbit bounced over to Terra’s field and about was about to pounce.

…But Terra suddenly smirked, “…Figures you’d try that.”


“I play the trap TREASURE MAP!”

“What?!” snapped the stranger. “I’ve not seen you play that before.”

“Maybe I just never got the chance, but I trust you know what it does… since you’re such an expert!”

The stranger growled. “It activates whenever a power is used that would return it to your hand. Now you may draw two cards as long as you discard one of them.”

Terra pointed to the middle of her face, “On the nosey…” then she drew her cards.

“Now I discard GEM-KNIGHT LAZULI to the graveyard.

Oh, and because she was discarded because of my trap, I get to add Lapis back to my hand.”

She took her card out from the graveyard…

“…But that’s not all, now that my trap is gone, your White Rabbit has no choice but to return Brilliant Fusion to my hand now.”

Her hand now had three cards.

The spectators were somewhat thrilled that she pulled off such a move, but they were hardly convinced that it meant she was out of the woods.

“Her monster is still wide open for an attack!” wailed Spike.

The stranger snickered and thought, “It’s about time I showed them a thing or two of how my dueling is different than that nerdy fool.” she referred to Sci-Twi.

“I shall place two cards facedown, and that ends my turn, which means, my Panther Dancer is instantly destroyed!”

Her Panther vanished, as promised, leaving Terra stunned and confused.

“Why didn’t you attack me?”

“Never you mind,” hissed the opponent “Just make your move!”

Terra stood stiffly.

Sci-Twi eyed the opponent and figured in thought, “She didn’t attack when she had a clear shot. She must be waiting for something big, but it still doesn’t confirm to me who she really is, or if it’s even possible.”

“It’s my move.” called Terra “I draw…”

She considered all the five cards she had and thought. “I can’t let her try and break me like this. If I can just keep my strength up, I can wipe out the rest of her life points and win Twilight’s deck back.”

The two facedown cards did worry her, and she suspected a trap was set for her.

“My life points are still untouched, and I have seen much of Twilight’s deck before. I’ve got to try.”

She grabbed one of her cards, “Once again, I play BRILLIANT FUSION.”

“Again?” hissed the stranger “Don’t you know how to do anything original?”

Terra snuffed, “How’s this for different? I take from my deck GEM-KNIGHT TOURMALINE and GEM-KNIGHT CRYSTAL.”

Her two monsters appeared and instantly began to merge.

“The Thunderous force of these two monsters shall now combine to finish you for good.


(Def: 0)

“That’s a pretty good summon.” Said Shining Armor “But’s its defense is still zero because it was summoned using Brilliant Fusion.”

“True… but remember it doesn’t take away her monster’s effects.” said Cadance.

“That’s right…” called Terra “And I use that special effect now, by sending Gem-Knight Obsidian from my hand to the graveyard, I can target one of your face-up cards, and destroy it!”

The stranger barely seemed fazed at all.

Terra considered her options. “I better destroy your Lunalight Tiger, so you won’t be able to summon any more of your Lunalights out of the graveyard again.”

Her monster threw its huge lance straight at the opposing field, striking the pendulum card hard. The Wolf let out a huge howl as it exploded and went straight to the Extra Deck.

“And what’s more…” Terra continued “Since I sent Obsidian out of my hand, I’m allowed to summon a “Gem-Knight” from my graveyard…

…And I choose, Sardonyx!”

With a magical glow, her monster reappeared.

(Atk: 1800)

“And now from my hand, I play GEM-KNIGHT FUSION!

I Fuse Lapis in my hand, with Prismaura, and my facedown GEM-KNIGHT SAPPHIRE!

I now Fusion Summon the great and gallant leader of all my monsters—GEM-KNIGHT MASTER DIAMOND!”

Her great knight appeared with his armor shimmering brightly, and all the diamonds and jewels embedded all over his mighty sword, and his majestic cape fluttering in the wind.

(Atk: 2900)

The spectators gazed up at the creature with joy and hope, except for Sci-Twi who was still concerned with the identity of the stranger.

“Now I activate Master Diamond’s ability.

By Banishing Prismaura from the graveyard, her special ability now becomes his ability!”

The spirit of Prismaura emerged and thrust its way into Master Diamond, making him glow with powerful aura.

“Now, just like before, by sending Gem-Knight Emerald out of my hand, I can destroy your other Pendulum Card, so you won’t be able to perform any Fusion Summons anymore.”

The stranger growled softly, but she could only watch as her beloved Tiger got struck hard and hit the dust-- landing in the Extra Deck.

“Yeah, take that!” Applejack cheered.

Spike let out a hopeful howl while the two adults were overjoyed.

Terra grinned at them, and then turned back to face her opponent. “Now, I have one other special ability to play.

Since Sardonyx is a Gemini monster, he’s treated as Normal at first, but I now get to re-summon him to gain his super power.”

Her monster began to glow as it regained its power as promised, and the creature began to glare down the little White Rabbit on the other side.

“Now, when he destroys a monster, I’ll be able to add one “Gem-Knight” card from my deck to my hand.

Go Sardonyx! Wipe out that scared little rabbit!”

Her monster complied and rushed forth ready to strike…

…But the stranger snickered. “Got’cha!”


“You fell right into my trap as I hoped you would. Activate, POWER FRAME”

Terra’s eyes bulged.

“What the--” cried Shining Armor.

Sci-Twi could hardly believe it herself. “I never had that card in my deck before.”

Terra’s monster suddenly stopped dead in its tracks, and White Rabbit began to glow.

“What’s going on?” asked Terra.

“My Power Frame negates your monster’s attack, and then this trap equips to my my Rabbit who gains attack points equal to the difference in both monster's attack strengths."

(Atk: 800) -----> (Atk: 1800)

Terra scoffed, “So what, I still have Master Diamond, and while he can’t use his effect to power up this turn, he’s still strong enough to finish your Rabbit off.”

She ordered her knight to attack, and he rushed over with his massive sword at the ready, and he struck the Rabbit hard.

(Atk: 2900) VS (Atk: 1800)

Opponent LP: 3200 -----> 2100

The stranger, still unfazed by the life point loss, snickered. “Now you’ve allowed me to activate the trap LUNALIGHT REINCARNATION DANCE!”

“Oh, no!” cried Sci-Twi “Now she gets to add two “Lunalight” monsters from the deck to her hand.”

“Quite right, You’d know your own deck after all.” the stranger taunted. “Yes… I will add two “Lunalight” monsters to my hand, and I know just the ones I need; Wolf and Tiger!”

Terra felt her blood turn cold. “So you played your cards this way trying to lure me into false security. Now you’ve got your cards back and you didn’t lose the duel.”

“Exactly. I’ve already defeated a ton of weak wimps around here, and I decided to add some of their cards to my deck to further boost my own.”

Sci-Twi took great offense to that. She had worked long and hard to get her deck the way she liked it, and now it meant that her deck was rigged with surprises and things she wasn’t even aware of.

“Well now…” hissed the stranger “My draw.”

She had three cards in her hand.

“And now I once again set Wolf and Tiger into the Pendulum Zones so that I am able to Pendulum Summon once again!”

Terra didn’t like the feeling of this one bit.

“Now I Pendulum Summon… LUNALIGHT TIGER-- Return to the field.”

In a bright flash, her monster appeared and growled!

(Atk: 1200)

“Now I activate my Wolf’s Pendulum ability, which allows me to banish my Tiger on the field, with Panther Dancer and White Rabbit in the graveyard.”

The three monsters emerged and began to merge together.

“Oh, no!” cried Sci-Twi “I know what’s coming now.”

“So do I!” added Terra.

In a bright glow, the monster materialized, and the stranger called out “Behold the monster I’m sure you’re all familiar with…


(Atk: 3500)

The monster stood tall and strong, glaring all of Terra’s monsters down in a threatening manner.

“Hang tough, Terra!” called Applejack, but Terra was fretting. Nothing she had could stand up to that creature.

“You seem a little distraught.” chuckled the stranger “Well, maybe this will help… help you shiver even more.

…Does this card seem familiar to you?”

She turned the single card in her hand around.

“It can’t be!!” wailed Terra.

“It is… I play CHANGE OF HEART!”

“What?!” snapped Cadance.

“She’s got one too?!” added Shining Armor.

“You bet I do…” replied the stranger “I told you I strengthened this miserable deck, and now, with the power of this spell, I will control your strongest creature.”

“Master Diamond!” cried Terra, but there was nothing she could do; her monster had already leapt to the other side of the field.

“No!! Terra!” cried Spike.

Terra was completely hopeless. She had absolutely nothing to stand up with now! “She’s going to wipe me out!

That Leo dancer can attack twice in one turn, and with 3500 attack points, plus master diamond’s 2900… I’ll take 8200 points of damage!!”

The spectators were all fretting for her.

“She’s going to lose the duel!!” cried Applejack “She’ll get turned into a card!”

Her opponent was just about ready to call her attack, when she stopped to think.

“This girl… she has a soft spot for Masquerade, whatever the silly reason.”

She hesitated, and then decided, “I should spare her. After all… she and the rest of these losers could be the key to helping me find Masquerade faster, and then I’ll have my revenge.

Besides, I don’t have anything to lose.”

So instead of calling her attack, she placed her hand over the deck, much to everyone else’s shock.

“What are you doing?” asked Terra.

“Did she just… surrender?” asked Spike.

Much as the others would feel outraged and livid at someone doing that when victory was assured, to them it was the biggest relief they could ever feel.

“That means Terra wins.” said Applejack “And that means…”

The duel images vanished, and the lightning suddenly struck at the stranger, forcing everyone to cover their eyes.

When the light had faded, everyone looked out, and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“She’s still there?!” cried Terra.

“She didn’t get turned into a card?” said Spike.

The stranger laughed wickedly, “Of course I didn’t… after all…” she reached up and pulled the sheets off “…I’m not like the rest of you!”

Everyone, especially Twilight gasped in complete shock and confusion. And all shouted together “KARLE…!!”

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