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Episode 41: True Hate Final Part


“HERE I COME…!!” Gar shouted, holding his card up high.

Gar LP: 4200

“BRING IT ON, LOSER!” Raven yelled back.

Raven LP: 13,300

Gar nearly slammed his card into place, “I activate PAINFUL CHOICE!”

“Oh, no! Not Painful Choice!” groaned Raven.

Gar snickered as he grabbed five cards and revealed them. “Pick one of these cards and place it in my hand. The rest will go to the graveyard.”

All the cards he chose were monsters.






“All those monsters!” Raven thought. “Any one of them would give Gar a big change, plus, I’ll end up sending four of them to the graveyard, which powers up his Chaos Necromancer.”

“Come on! Pick a card…” Gar taunted “You said you wanted to hurry.”

Raven clenched her empty hand into a fist and sneered, “Fine, keep that Warrior Lady.”

“Fine then.”

Gar tossed the other four cards away, “Now that there are four more monsters in the graveyard, Chaos Necromancer receives 300 more attack points for each of them.”

(Atk: 1200) -----> (Atk: 2400)

“But that’s not all! Since Archfiend of Gilfer was sent to the graveyard, it’s special ability activates.”

The monster reappeared, and swooped down on Raven’s field, biting her thought Ruler Archfiend.

“What’s happening?” asked Raven.

Gar snickered, “Your Thought Ruler has been bitten, which means it loses 500 attack points!”


(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 2200)

"Yeah? Well so what?!" sneered Raven. "With one less monster in your graveyard, your Necromancer gets weaker, so it can't hurt my Archfiend."

(Atk: 2400) -----> (Atk: 2100)

Gar scoffed, "You think I didn't know that. I mean after all, it's not like I still can't play GRACEFUL CHARITY! I now can draw three new cards and send two to the graveyard, and what do you know, I just sent another monsters away, which means my Necromancer regains the attack points it just lost."

(Atk: 2100) -----> (Atk: 2400)

Raven was most outraged.

"Oh, but wait..." hissed Gar. "I have more where that came from. I think I'll play the card you allowed me to keep...


(Atk: 1500)

“…Say goodbye to your precious monster!

Necromancer, destroy Thought Ruler!”

The creature unleashed its fury towards Raven’s field.

(Atk: 2400) VS (Atk: 2200)

The attack collided, Raven braced herself, and quickly tossed the single card in her hand.

Raven LP: 13, 300 -----> 13,100

She didn’t feel so much as a zap from the bolts since her score was still super high, and the damage was so tiny.

“You think you’re so tough?!” she thundered “Well, look again!”

The smoke from the attack had cleared, and Thought Ruler was still standing.

“Surprised? Being an expert, you should’ve known that by sending Multi-Threader in my hand to the graveyard protected him from being destroyed. So, you just wasted your attack…

…Just like the waste of space you are!”

Gar didn’t seem the least bit upset. “Did I waste my attack, or did I force you to get rid of your monster so you couldn’t stop my real plan?”


“Warrior Lady, Attack!”

“What?!” snapped Raven. “Why are you attacking me with her? She can’t take down my Thought Ruler?”

“You wanna bet?”

(Atk: 1500) VS (Atk: 2200)

Raven then watched as the warrior foolishly slashed at her Archfiend, destroying herself, and Gar got burned for it.

Gar LP: 4200 -----> 3500

“It was worth it!” he insisted “Now Warrior’s special ability banishes herself, and Thought Ruler!”

Raven gasped and saw the two monsters fade away in clouds of darkness.

“No! My Though Ruler!”

“Humph!” grunted Gar. “So much for him, and while we’re at it, let’s get rid of that trap of yours as well.


Raven’s PSY-Frame Overload was vanquished, leaving her with nothing but her Ultimate Axon Kicker.

“He tricked me!” she thought. “He got me to use Multi-Threader when I could’ve just used it in combination with my trap to banish a card off the field!”

Gar thought himself, “With that Thought Ruler gone, Raven can’t use his power to stop me. She’s finished!”

“I’ll place three cards facedown and that ends my turn!”

“Three cards?!” growled Raven.

Gar said nothing, but merely grinned under his covers, which Raven suspected.

“What’s he up to now?” she wondered in thought. “No matter. I’ve had just about enough of his trying to shake me up anyway!”

Still confident with her Axon Kicker’s abilities, she drew her next card, and glared at it with a rather nasty glee.

“I play POT OF AVARICE, so now I can shuffle five monsters from my graveyard into my deck, and then draw two cards.”

The five monsters she returned were her Alpha, the two Betas, Gamma, Driver, leaving only Zeta and her Multi-Threader in the graveyard.

Then she drew giving her two cards in hand, but that was soon to change.

“Now I activate PSY-FRAME OVERLOAD from the graveyard. By banishing it, I’m allowed to add PSY-FRAMEGEAR MULTI-THREADER to my hand.”

She looked down at her card. “With this card in play, Gar won’t be able to destroy any of my monsters.”

And just in time. I activate MONSTER REBORN! Now I can revive PSY-FRAMELORD ZETA!”

(Atk: 2500)

The two monsters stood side-by-side glaring Gar down, much to his annoyance.

“This is it, Gar!” shouted Raven “You’re going down for the last time, and I’ll finally be rid of you, because I activate Zeta’s special ability, which banishes both himself and your Necromancer!”

“No!” shouted Gar, but both his and Raven’s monsters vanished away.

“You think that’ll stop me?” he called “You only have one monster, and it can’t wipe me out.”

Raven grinned most wickedly. “You’re right for once, it can’t. Which is why it won’t be alone.”



“Ah!” cried Gar.

“By discarding one card in my hand, I can revive Zeta back to the field!”

Her monster returned as promised, and both it and Kicker glared at Gar wickedly. Their combined attack strengths were more than enough to wipe out the rest of his life points!

Raven was so confident she was about to succeed, knowing that neither of her monsters could be destroyed, and even though Gar had three face downs, she wasn’t that worried with her life points super high anyway.

Raven began to think of all the times she was either annoyed or frustrated by Gar’s immature, joking, and childish behavior, and she also thought of how he had betrayed the Titans, and really beat her down in the tournament.

“You… Are… FINISHED!!” she shouted.

Her dark aura was flaring widely as she engaged her battle phase. “Zeta, direct attack!”

Axon Kick glowed brightly and prepared to unleash its power.

“I activate my trap, REINFORCEMENTS!”

“What?!” snapped Raven.

“This trap let’s me target one creature on the field and increase its attack power by 500 until the end of the turn.”

“B--But… You don’t have any monsters! I got rid of them all!”

“Correct, so I guess I’ll just have to target your Axon Kicker!”

(Atk: 2900) -----> (Atk: 3400)

Raven never felt so confused before. “Are you out of your mind?! Why in the world would you power up my own monster, especially since it’s about to strike you?”

Gar didn’t answer, and merely braced himself for the oncoming attack.

KAPOW!! The attack struck him super hard, and he roared and growled as he burning waves drained him!

Gar LP: 3500 -----> 100

Such power, such a drain… Gar fell onto one knee. His coat smoldering, and his face-coverings were coming loose again.

“You’re finished!” shouted Raven.

“No…!” snapped Gar “You… are… because I play… INFERNO TEMPEST!”


The entire field to rumble like crazy, and flaming winds came in from nowhere, blasting at the two duelists.

Raven braced herself from the winds, but then she noticed, “Hey…!” as many cards from her deck and graveyard began to fly out; swirling in the winds.

Gar’s cards did the same thing, and finally, in a flaming blaze, they all vanished.

“What happened?!” Raven wailed as she checked her duel screen, her deck was reduced by a vast majority, leaving her with only a few left. “What have you done?!!”

Still down on one knee, Gar wearily explained, “That’s Inferno Tempest-- when I take 3000 or more points of damage from a single attack, the force of this card takes all the monsters in our decks and graveyards… and banishes them!”

Raven was still gawking at her disk screen, unable to believe that such a feat was possible. Then her fist began to quiver with rage.

“That’s it? You did all that just to banish all our monsters?”

Gar said nothing, and remained where he was, not even bothering to try and get up.

Raven then scoffed, “Well, that was a dirty trick, but you didn’t wipe out the monsters in play.

I still have my Zeta, and you have just 100 life points left.”

Gar remained silent.

“It’s a shame Terra’s not here. I’d love to see the look on her face when she sees you get turned into a card. Maybe I’ll be kind enough to give you to her…” he paused “That is… after I snap her to your senses.

She’ll thank me for getting rid of you! So will the world!”

As angry as her words made him, Gar still did not move or make a sound.

“This is it!” Raven called “I’m finally going to be free! Zeta, attack, and finish this freak off forever!!!”

Zeta rushed forth ready to deliver the final blow.

Remaining where he was, Gar pressed down on his duel disk…

…BOOM! Zeta struck him, sending him skidding along the ground, only he was glowing in a golden light, and so was Raven, which made her scream and groan in pain!

“What’s happening?!” she began to go from very strong to very weak and weary, and then she saw why. “My life points…!”

Raven LP: 3000

And she looked up at Gar’s score…

Gar LP: 500

“…No way!”

From the smoke, Gar emerged laughing wickedly at her, just like he did in their last duel. He still felt weak from the attack, but was now up on his feet again, though still a bit weary.

“Gar! But how?! You should’ve lost!”

“…But I didn’t!” sneered Gar “And here’s why!”

He pointed at the image of a trap card he had played, which Raven hadn’t noticed.

“Just before Zeta had attacked me, I played the LIFE EQUALIZER!

Because the difference in our life points was more than 8000… this trap changed our scores to 3000!

I took your attack, but I didn’t lose!”

Raven could not believe this at all. Her dark aura began to fade as she began to quiver in more fear than anger.

“You should never have challenged me, Rae. You underestimated me, my skill, and my potential… just like you always have!” he paused and felt furious “…Just like everyone always did!”

He remembered all the time everyone teased him, looked down on him, excluded him, and only seemed to care about him if he was convenient enough, and that any big feat he could accomplish was unbecoming of him to them!

He especially remembered the times Raven was rude, discouraging, mean, and extremely violent to him-- especially when she smacked him for no good reason!

"And here you are, wanting me to pay for things happening to you?!


Raven's anger seethed.

“It’s my turn! I draw!”

He now had four cards in hand, “Prepare yourself, Raven. I’m about to call forth the creature that will seal your fate!”

Raven cringed.

Gar held the card he had been eyeing up high and slammed it down on the disk, “I summon.. NECROFACE!”

(Atk: 1200)

“Huh?” gagged Raven. She didn’t think much of this creature. “A broken mask with octopus tentacles? This… is your big plan?”

“Hmm!” Gar scoffed, and that’s when the monster caste out a big burst of dark waves, shrouding the field.

“Wait, what?!” cried Raven, and then she noticed, “The cards…! They’re returning to the deck!”

Gar explained, “When Necroface is summoned, all our banished cards return to our decks, and for each and every single one, Necroface will gain 100 extra attack points!”

Raven gasped, and watched as the monsters grew bigger, and bigger, and even scarier! So many cards were banished-- 25 from each duelist, including Spells and Traps!

(Atk: 1200) -----> (Atk: 6200)

“Sixty-Two Hundred!!” shouted Raven.

“YES!!” yelled Gar. “And that’s more than enough to destroy any of your monsters and wipe you out,

…But why bother attack them when I can do better? Ha!” he slammed another card down.

“I equip Necroface with SHOOTING STAR BOW – CEAL!”

The magical bow fitting itself around the face and aimed a huge arrow to fire.

(Atk: 6200) -----> (Atk: 5200)

“That thing’s pointing right at me!!!” cried Raven. “This can’t be happening?!”

“But it is!” insisted Gar “Shooting Star Bow may weaken my monster’s attack by 1000 points… but it’s enchanted arrow will fly past your monsters, and attack you directly!”

Overwhelmed with fright and shock, Raven dropped her last card, and she desperately looked around for an escape route, but there was no way out for her!

“RAVEN!!!” Gar shouted. “For all the dirty looks, all the disrespect, all the pain you’ve ever given me… and all for the other lives you messed up…!!!

…YOU… WILL…. PAY!!!!!!


POW!! The mighty arrow launched, and flew straight into Raven…


Raven LP: 3000 -----> 0

…Sending her flying away and crashing near the crumpling building behind her.

There was a loud rumble!

“Huh?!!” Raven looked up to see the building coming down… RIGHT ON TOP OF HER!!!


From two blocks away, “Whoa!” cried Dick “That building’s falling over!”


Everyone recognized that scream!

“Raven!” cried Kori.

“Let’s go!!” shouted Vic, and everyone rushed down the streets as fast as they could.

Raven was extremely lucky! She managed to get up and make a break for it just in time, and the building crashed down the other way. There wasn’t that much dust since the building was already hollowed and dead anyway.

Now she had another thing to worry about.

She looked and saw Gar stomping towards her. His dark aura was still flaring, and even with his covers on, you could tell he was extremely ticked and looking to do more than just duel!

“You stay away from me!” Raven shouted. “You leave me alone!!” and she began to run for it, foolishly running into a dead-end alley, and with no place to run.

(16:55 to 18:02)

Gar had her right where wanted her and kept on creeping forth.

He raised his arm and fired a blast of aura, like magic at Raven’s arm, blasting off Rarity’s duel disk! Then he fired again, blasting off Raven’s hood.

Then, in a swift rage… he leapt over to the defenseless woman… pinning her against a building’s wall!

POW!! He gave her a huge punch in the face.

“UGH!!” he socked her hard in the stomach, and then kneed her in the face as she keeled over in pain.

Then he grabbed a large piece of a broken metal gas pipeline, and gave her a huge belt across her head, making her scream in pain and fall over.

She lay on the ground, bruised and bleeding. That’s when Gar stood over her with the pipeline, ready to deliver the final blow.


…But it never happened. None of it did-- it all happened in Gar’s mind.

Here he was, holding the defenseless, pathetic woman by the collar with his fist ready to strike her, but he didn’t.

Raven was so too frightened, and too weak from the duel to even hope of fighting back against this big, powerful man, whom she used to torment.

Now the tables had turned, and instead of beating her to death like she deserved, Gar merely grabbed her in both hands by the collar, and growled deeply at her face…

“I live by the Code of the Duelist… and that is to never raise my fists in anger!

No matter how much they deserved it…!

No matter how much I wanted to…!

…I would never use my fists on someone in anger!!!!” he paused trying to catch his breath. “You almost made me forget that!


Raven said nothing… just continued to whimper fearfully.

The lightning was coming because Raven had lost the duel. Gar quickly threw her down and jumped out of the way.

POW!! The lightning struck Raven hard. “D’AAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!”

Her scream echoed throughout the block.

The others could hear her, and they saw the lightning.

“RAVEN!!” Dick shouted!

“Oh, no!” cried Kori.

The friends all hurried as fast as they could.

While all that happened, Pinkie and Sunset kept up their own duel.

Pinkie LP: 5150

Sunset LP: 8000

Pinkie continued to grin as she glared at her opponent.

“Are you going move or are you going to just stand there and annoy me with that ridiculous smile of yours?!” growled Sunset.

Pinkie’s smile only grinned. She was hoping Sunset would see it and continue to the darkness within her, but in the meantime, she still had to duel.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please…” he hollered like a stage-leader.

“Not more of this.” groaned Sunset.

Pinkie lay her fingers upon her next card. “Just what am I going to draw now? Will it be enough to help me, or will it make the curtain fall?

Only one way to find out… and that’s Draw!!”

She flipped the card over. “Alright, this could help. I activate ROLL OF FATE!”

The magic die block appeared in Pinkie’s hand. “I may not have the kind of gamming skills as Gar, or sharp eyes like Kori… but I’ll take my chances.

Wee…!!” she threw the die up high. “Whatever number the die lands on, I get to draw that many number of cards, but I also have to banish the same number of cards on top of my deck.”

The die rolled and it stopped on, “Three? Well, that’s not too bad. So now I draw three cards.”

Then she sent the top three cards on top of her deck away.

“And now, get ready, because thanks to my pendulum scale, it’s time for encore performance form my monsters…


Five beams of light shot down-- two from the hand, and three from the Extra Deck.

“Welcome back…




“Now make way for…


“And my faithful Tuner,


Five superstar monsters all lined up together, flipping, clapping, and bowing like the circus they were part of, which Pinkie laughed happily to.

Sunset said nothing, and just stood with both her arms folded.

“Now, on with the show!” Pinkie hollered “I activate Splashmammoth’s special ability; he let’s me Fusion Summon without using a Fusion Spell.

So now I fuse Splashmammoth with Minitaurus…”

The two monsters combined, and while Pinkie didn’t have a proper chant for it, her dazzling style still made it all seem like a big circus, complete with a drumroll, and a rising curtain…

“I Fusion Summon… Da-Da-Da-Duuuuuun! PERFORMAPAL ODD-EYES METAL CLAW!”

(Atk: 3000)

Her dragon roared in the spotlight, but he took a meaningful bow.

“But wait… there’s more…” called Pinkie. “Now Level 2 Odd-Eyes Synchron tunes with Level 4 Cobraswing. Do your stuff, fellas!”

The two monsters bowed, and they both flipped up into the air.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I Synchro Summon… METAPHYS HORUS!”

(Atk: 2300)

Her beautiful, shimmering monster spread out it’s lovely wings that glistened in the spotlights.

“Ah, yeah! Now we’re cooking up a show.” gloated Pinkie. “Now, Hours… since I summoned you using a Pendulum Monster, you know what to do now.”

The creature nodded at her, and cast a ray of light over Sunset’s field, making her groan in annoyance.

“…Sunset, you remember what happens,” said Pinkie “You have to give me one of your monsters, but it won’t be able to attack this turn.”

Sunset growled. “Very well, take my Starving Venom!”

With that, her beloved dragon, Pinkie’s field.

“Welcome to the crew!” Pinkie said while saluting, but the dragon only growled angrily at her, as if it didn’t like being away from Sunset, which really freaked Pinkie out, but she managed to keep strong.

“We’re almost ready for the big climax, but first I have one more card to play…”

She held up the last card in her hand, “I activate the Equip-Spell, RAINBOW VEIL!”

Her card glowed brightly, and a magical rainbow shot out from it, striking Clear Wing.

“A’RGH!! What are you doing?” bellowed Sunset.

“Just a little magic trick.” replied Pinkie “Your dragon’s been bathed in this magic rainbow, and while it does look pretty… even pretty magic comes with a price…

…A price that means your dragon can’t use its effects during the Battle Phase.”

Sunset’s eyes widened.

Pinkie then stood tall and proud, “And now, I have one last trick to pull out of my hat, and that’s Kaleidoscorp’s special ability.

Watch as it gives my Odd-Eyes Metal Claw the ability to attack all my opponent’s special summoned monsters!”

Sunset growled angrily as the monster’s worked their magic, and when all was done, Odd-Eyes was glowing brightly as it stood in the center of the field.

“It’s time!” called Pinkie. “Go, Odd-Eyes… attack Clear Wing… Starving Venom… and Darkwurm!”

Her dragon growled… and then it leapt up high and slashed its claws sending shocking airwaves at the three monsters, destroying Sunset’s dragon!

Sunset LP: 8000 -----> 7500

The burning waves of damage didn’t seem to hurt her much at all due to Z-Arc’s power enhancing her. If anything, she was laughing, “Is that all you’ve got?”

Pinkie huffed, “Nope, there’s more where that came from. Go, Hours!!

Her Synchro monsters leapt up high, flapped its huge wings and beamed a bright blaze of lightning Sunset, making her groan and wail in aggravation!

Sunset LP: 7500 -----> 5200

“The light! I can’t stand it!” shouted Sunset.

She was starting to feel more of her memories trying to surface again, and they were staring to become clear as she was bathed in the light…

…She could almost see what looked like herself, as she used to be, having great times with her friends-- laughing, singing, playing, studying, being at school, dueling for fun.

“…Dueling for fun?!” growled Sunset. “NONSENSE!!” and with a mighty roar, she shook herself back to her evil senses.

The light from the attack had ceased since the battle was over, and Pinkie was very frustrated.

“She’s still trapped by that darkness!” she whined in thought. “There’s got to be a way to set her free. There’s just got to be!”

“I end my turn. So, you’re up.”

“…So, I am” hissed Sunset “I draw, and I play POT OF GREED, so I may draw two cards.”

She really liked what she had drawn next, and then she looked up above her at the swinging Pendulum.

“Now that I haven’t a single monster in play, with my Pendulum Scale already built, I can summon all the monsters that I need!”

Pinkie grunted softly as she watched the swinging, and heard Sunset call…

“Back and forth the Pendulum swings,
And all the monsters now it brings!


Two shots of light launched, one from the Extra Deck, and one from her hand…

“Presenting not one, but two… SUPREME KING DRAGON DARKWURM(s)!”

(Atk: 1800) x2

“Now there’s two of them?!” cried Pinkie.

“They are the least of your worries.” hissed Sunset “Now, I activate DE-FUSION!”

Pinkie was fretful, believing Sunset was about to defuse her Odd-Eyes Metal Claw, but she was in for a surprise.

“…Starving Venom, I send you back to my Extra Deck!” with that, her own dragon vanished from Pinkie’s field.

“What? Why would you defuse him with my own dragon is the stronger monster?”

Sunset only laughed, “You will see, but for now I will use Supreme King Gate Zero’s Pendulum Ability…!

Since I have Supreme King Gate Infinity in the other Pendulum Zone, I can destroy both monsters!”

The two monsters shattered and were gone, leaving Pinkie more confused than ever. “Why would you destroy your Pendulum Scale, especially one that high?”

Sunset grabbed a card from her deck, “So I can add this to my hand… PENDULUM FUSION!”

Pinkie’s eyes widened “… Pendulum… Fusion?” she had never seen this card before either, and she had a seriously bad feeling as she thought, “She’s going to bring her Starving Venom, Dragon back!”

“Now then…” said Sunset “I activate the spell AMAZING PENDULUM! Since my Pendulum Zones are now empty, I can add Gate Zero and Gate Infinity back to my hand, and then reset them in the Pendulum Zones!”

The two monsters had appeared, much to Pinkie’s growing fears.

“And now I can put Pendulum Fusion into play… because you see this spell allows me to use two monsters in the Pendulum Zone to Fusion Summon!”

“Oh, no!” cried Pinkie.

“Oh, yes!” laughed Sunset “So now I am able to once again Fusion Summon my faithful SUPREME KING DRAGON STARVING VENOM!”

(Atk: 2800)

“It’s back!” wailed Pinkie.

“Indeed, but there’s more to come, because I now tribute my two Darkwurms!”

“Tribute them, but why?” Pinkie asked, but suddenly she got her answer as Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing reappeared.

(Atk: 2500)

“But… but… how?!”

Sunset explained, “Clear Wing’s special ability is what happened. When its in the graveyard, I can tribute two “Supreme King Dragon” monsters and summon him right back, and just in time two, because you remember Starving Venom’s power.”

“No!!” cried Pinkie “It’ll absorb Clear Wings power!” She watched as exactly that just happened. “…But that means?!”

“Exactly!” shouted Sunset “When my dragon attacks your monsters, it will automatically destroy it and deal you damage Equal to it’s original attack strength, and not a single one of your cards is able to defend you!”

Pinkie looked at all her monsters, but Sunset was right…!

Gumgummuton could only stop monsters being destroyed by battle, not by effects, and Momoncarpet could only halve battle damage, not effect damage, the same applied to Pinkie’s Performapal Pinch Helper too.

“I’m going to lose!” she wailed “I’M GOING TO LOSE!!!!”


Both her dragons attacked, destroying both Metal Claw and Metaphys, and their total attack-powers combined totaled 5300!

Pinkie screamed as she was hit hard by the huge explosion, which blasted her off her feet and sent her flying up the street and heading straight for a huge pile of rubble, which would seriously hurt her if she hit it…!

“PINKIE…!!!” Rainbow shouted as she came leaping around the corner and caught her in her arms, landing safely on the ground.

Pinkie LP: 5150 -----> 0

“Pinkie, are you okay?” Rainbow asked.

Tearfully, Pinkie sobbed, “I failed. I lost!”

Rainbow was shocked, and then she looked up the street furiously at Sunset, who was snickering wickedly, and then she used her special card to manipulate the lightning so Pinkie wouldn’t be turned into a card-- sparing Rainbow from the same fate too.

“So much for your precious dueltaning! Like I said: It’s more fun to crush your enemy and see them wallow in pain and defeat!”

Rainbow’s fury increased, and she was ready to rush over and take her apart, nearly forgetting she was still Sunset.

“Yes, give in to your rage.” Sunset taunted “You’ll be a perfect next opponent for me.”

After what she had just witnessed, Rainbow didn’t think it would be smart for her to leave Pinkie and duel her, but before she could say anything at all… both she and Pinkie were suddenly enveloped in a strange shadowy fog, and they totally vanished out of sight.

“What?!” snapped Sunset. “No! A’RGH…!!”

Gar approached Rarity’s duel disk as it lay on the ground with Raven’s cards scattered all around it, and there, lying in the center of it all was one particular card.

Gar picked it up and gazed down at the picture of Raven in her fearful state.

“You brought this on yourself!” he sneered at it.

“Gar!” called a voice.

He turned round and saw Dick glaring at him, and the rest of the group ran into the alley behind him, much to his annoyance.

“Where’s Raven?” Kori demanded.

Rather than answer right away, Gar pitched the card straight at Dick.

He caught it, and as he expected. “No!”

“No way!” cried Vic.

Kori and Cadance put their hands over their mouths in shock.

Terra trembled, “Gar… you dueled her?”

Gar still didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. “I was right.” Terra said.

Even Dick had to accept the awful truth about Raven and her plot to dispose of Gar for herself, but this did not make him any less furious.

“How could you do this?”

“Like I had a choice?!” Gar snapped. Then he scoffed, “You’re just as pathetic as ever, Grayson!”

Something inside of Dick snapped, and he lunged for Gar.

“…Dick, no!” shouted Kori.

Suddenly, everyone was enveloped by the same dark fog that took Rainbow and Pinkie away, and they all vanished as well.

Author's Note:


I have been waiting a long time to do that to Raven... (Make her suffer like that)

Ever since Yu-Gi-Oh E-Quest was started May 7, 2019 (Nearly 4 years) I already had it all planned in my mind...

To have Raven duel BB, make her lose, and have a building fall on her but she'd make it out, and then be beaten to a pulp for her present and past crimes.

...It feels WONDERFUL to finally have socked it to her. She more than deserved it for all the the times she was harsh to BB in Canon (Especially on Trouble in Tokyo

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