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Episode 63: Part 2: Long Live the Super Kings


The rifts were still slowly expanding the longer the duel continued.

Sunset LP: 4800

Loki LP: 8000

“That machine!” cried Twilight. “There’s got to be a way to stop it.”

She pounded her invisible hands against the barrier that held her, but to no avail. The energy was too strong.

Rarity was fretting at the sight of her fading body. “Look at me! I’m like some decrepit spirit!”

Sunset hated to see all her friends whimpering in fear. She would be too if she were in the same state as they were.

Easily, Spike looked the worst of all. Because his was smaller than everyone else, he was faded down to just his head and his tail… making him whimper.

“Spike!” cried Sunset.

“Poor, little mongrel.” taunted Loki. “Looks like he can barely hang onto himself. I wonder, should you lose anymore life points, will he vanish completely?”

Sunset didn’t know how much more of this she could take! Every single second things were growing worse!

“He’s completely overwhelming me with all this dark magic!” she thought, but then she suddenly remembered, “Magic? Wait a second, I complete forgot, I have my own power here—the dueling aura that I developed, it’s the one thing strong enough to combat the Malefic Magic.”

She looked down at her body, which wasn’t glowing at all or shrouded in any aura.

“I have to keep dueling to get it working, but that’ll still put my friends in danger.”

She had no choice.

“I hate to have to put them through more suffering, but hopefully… just hopefully… I can generate enough aura to save everyone and put an end to this nightmare for good.”

She put her foot down strong. “This duel’s still on, Loki. I may have lost to you and your monsters in the past, but that’s not going to happen this time.

I draw…!!”

She now had two cards.

“Timebreaker Magician now comes back to the field, and he brings your High King Genghis back with him.”

The two monsters reappeared.

Because Flame King was only brought back to the field, he was no properly summoned, so Loki was not able to call on any other monsters.

Sunset’s little magician also grew slightly stronger in attack.

(Atk: 1400) -----> (Atk: 1600)

(Atk: 2900)

“Ha!” scoffed Loki. “Even though your Harmonizing Magician powers your monster up, there’s still very little you can do with it.”

“Oh, really?” sneered Sunset. “We’ll just see about that.

I use Timebreaker’s ability again, which sends him and your High Flame King off the field once more.”

After the monsters vanished, Sunset held up one of her cards. “Now that Flame King is gone again, I’m free to play all the spells I need, and I’ll start with GRACEFUL CHARITY, so I can draw three cards, and then I have to discard two.”

She still only had two cards when she was finished, but she grinned.

“And guess what… one of those cards that I just discarded was CARD OF COMPENSATION! Since I discarded it, I get to draw another two cards.”

Now she had four cards in hand, and with them she had a perfect plan in mind to get back on track, and it also ignited her dueling aura-- her body was softly shrouded in light, much to Loki’s annoyance.

“First, I’ll use Scale 1 DRAGONPULSE MAGICIAN so I can set the Pendulum Scale.”

The magician leapt up into the light and waved over to the other magician on the opposite end.

“And now, I’ll use Dragonpulse Magician’s Pendulum Ability, by sending DRAGONPIT MAGICIAN in my hand to the graveyard, I can destroy one other monster you control, and I choose to blast away your Savant Schrodinger!”

“Oh, no!” cried Loki, and he watched as his monster was struck and destroyed.

“Yeah! That’s how I like it.” cheered Sunset “Now I activate my spell, STAR PENDULUMGRAPH!

With this in play, all of my “Magician” monsters will be protected from any of your spell effects, but that’s not all I did…!

Now that you no longer have any Pendulum Monsters in play, I’m allowed to Pendulum Summon monsters from my extra deck!”

She pointed upward, “And thanks to my scale up there, that’s just what I’ll do.

As the pendulum swings from forth to back
My monsters come forth… to launch an attack!

…Behold my monsters!”

Three shots of light rained down as her monsters appeared.




The three magicians all stood together, glowing magically with their own respective dueling auras.

“Look at those guys!” cried Cadance. “It’s like they’re all banding together in a big magical force.”

“Yeah, but still.” pointed out Shining Armor. “None of those guys can stand up to those big brutes over there, and Sunset just killed their power bonus too because she has no more Pendulum monsters in her graveyard.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” said Twilight. Having paying attention to Sunset’s cards, “…I see what she can do.”

“I activate my trap again, Go, Time Pendulumgraph! I can send Purple Poison Magician away to destroy one card on your field… say goodbye to your King Ceasar!”

“Ah!” cried Loki.

The monster exploded before his eyes, sending the shockwaves roaring past him.

“And that’s not all that’s going down,” said Sunset “When Purple Poison Magician is destroyed, I get to destroy one additional card so say goodbye to Flame King Genghis!”

The Flame King was shrouded in purple darkness and swallowed up whole.

“Yee-Haw! She’s destroying all his monsters right and left!” cheered Applejack.

Loki then snuffed. “You have destroyed my two kings, but by destroying Cesar, I now add another DARK CONTRACT WITH THE GATE to my hand.”

“It doesn’t matter to me!” protested Sunset “I’m going to add a card to my hand too, all thanks to my Star Pendulumgraph.

Since a “Magician” left my field, I’m allowed to add one “Magician” Pendulum Monster to my hand, and I choose… NOBLEDRAGON MAGICIAN!

Just in time too, because I’m summoning my Tunner monster right now!”

(Atk: 700)

“And now, because you haven’t any monsters on the field at all, your Dark Contract with Exclusivity can’t hold me back, which means I can really get rumbling and do some serious summoning!

I tune Level 3 Nobledragon Magician with Level 4 Black Fang Magician!”

Because of the conditions, Nobledragon Magician was forced to the bottom of the Main Deck, but the summoning still happened as Sunset called out to it.

“On flaming wings, and claws that seer,
My mighty beast shall now appear!


(Atk: 2500)

With her fiery dragon’s appearance, her dueling aura increased in brightness to the awe of the prisoners. However, it was nowhere near powerful enough to do anything. So, she continued dueling.

“When Meteorburst is summoned, he invites a friend in the Pendulum Zone to join us on the field. So, make way for Dragonpulse Magician!”

(Atk: 1800)

“And now, I overlay him along with Double Iris Magician in order to build the Overlay Network!

Unlocking the mysteries of time and space,
I call forth a creature to this place!


(Atk: 2400)

Her two monsters stood together looking fierce and strong.

“That’s quite a summoning you made there.” said Loki “But if you’re through now, I’d like to continue so I may crush you myself!”

“Actually, I’m not finished yet.” sneered Sunset “I use Timestar’s special ability. By using one overlay unit, I get to add WISDOM-EYE MAGICIAN to my hand.

Now I’ll set Wisdome-Eye in the Pendulum Zone, which allows me to use his Pendulum Ability.

He destroys himself, and I get to replace him with WHITE WING MAGICIAN!”

Sunset then held up her Duel Disk, gloating, “Thanks to the moves I just made, I now have three face-up Pendulum “Magician” cards in my Extra Deck, and thanks to Harmonizing Magician, both my monsters will gain 100 attack points for each of them.”

(Atk: 2500) -----> (Atk: 2800)

(Atk: 2400) -----> (Atk: 2700)

Sunset’s aura was glowing brightly now with her strength high and her confidence really flowing.

“This is awesome!” Spike cried for joy while wagging his visible tail.

“With all that power, Sunset’s about to really let him have it!” said Luna.

Sunset engaged her battle phase.

“This is for tormenting me and my friends! Odd-Eyes, Timestar…! Double-Direct attack!”

Timestar leapt up upon the mighty dragon, and the two combined their magical and fiery energies together in one thunderous strike straight for Loki.

Loki braced himself as he was struck extremely hard and pushed back several inches.

Loki LP: 8000 -----> 2500

“Oh, my!” cried Rarity.

“Oh!” Fluttershy moaned while holding her invisible hands over her mouth.

Everyone else gazed in awe and shock at how much damage Sunset had done. Even Sunset was amazed, but her aura was still flowing well, though she still couldn’t feel enough power to do anything.

Loki was panting hard, but rather than fly into outrage, he simply burst out laughing evilly.

“What’s that creep laughing about?” wondered Shining Armor.

“Well done…” Loki hissed “…I never expected you to strike me with that much damage. You should really savor this moment because I assure you…

…It will not be happening… AGAIN!!”

Sunset growled softly, and she placed her last card facedown, “I end my turn!”

“It is now my turn!” Loki bellowed as he drew a single card.

“Just a moment!” Sunset called out. “Your contract cards are still in play, which means now you have to pay for them; 1000 life points for two cards, which means you’re about to lose 2000 more life points.”

The contracts began to glow with dark aura.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but that’s not going to happen!” said Loki. “I activate Savant Dirac’s Pendulum Ability.

He summons himself to the field, and when he does, I take no effect damage for the rest of the turn.”

(Def: 1600)

The moment his monster appeared on the field, it absorbed all the darkness from the contracts, leaving Loki unharmed.

“I can’t believe this!” cried Sunset.

“But I do.” sneered Loki. “And I also believe it what else is about to occur. I use the effect of Dark Contract with The Gate to add DOUBLE-D ORTHROS to my hand, and I will immediately set him in the Pendulum Zone!”

Sunset gawked at the monster, which she had never seen before, and had no idea what it did.

She then gazed at her Time Pendulumgraph trap and thought. “I suppose I could activate it, but then Loki just may bring out something even more dangerous.

I’d better wait for now.”

Loki’s eyes gave a sinister shine. “I now activate Orthros’ Pendulum Effect, it allows me to destroy my Dark Contract with Exclusivity, and then I am able to destroy your Time Pendulumgraph card as well!”

“Ah!!” cried Sunset.

Both cards were destroyed.

“But that trap was helping Sunset!” cried Fluttershy.

“It’s worse than that!” whimpered Rarity. “Without Exclusivity, Loki is no longer forbidden to summon cards from his Extra Deck.”

“Correct she is…” hissed Loki “And to start off with my plan I activate the second Dark Contract with the gate that is in my hand!”

Doing this left him with only a single card left.

“And now I invoke the power of POT OF GREED so I may draw another two cards.”

He then held up one of the cards he had draw, “Looks like you aren’t the only one lucky enough to keep draw cards, for I just drew ALLURE OF DARKNESS, which permits me to draw yet another two cards. However, if I should fail to banish a Dark monster from my hand… I will be forced to discard my entire hand to the graveyard.”

“What?!” snapped Sunset. “You’d risk this duel all on this draw?”

“Who’s risking anything? I know that my deck will not let me down.”

He drew his two cards. “Excellent, I can now banish DOUBLE-D SAVANT NEWTON, and keep all my cards safe.”

“First, I shall use my new Gate Contract to add TRIPLE-D DOOM KING ARMAGEDDON to my hand.”

Sunset remembered that monster, never forgetting how much trouble it caused her in previous duels.

Loki then warned her, “And now, prepare yourself, because at this point, I will no longer be holding back with you.”

“What? You mean you’ve only been going east on me all this time.”

“Yes, and now, I plan to take this battle of ours to even greater heights than ever before, and it all starts with Dark Contract with the Swamp King.

You remember how this works, now by banishing Flame King Genghis and Gust High King Alexander from my graveyard, I am able to Fusion Summon a beast of incredible terror—one that I’m certain will be familiar to you!”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “You mean…?!”

“I do…!” sneered Loki, and he called out a chant.

“Darkness shrouds and curses the land,
as this might monarch makes his stand!


(Atk: 3500)

Sunset’s mouth hung open in shock at the sight of this huge, hulking creature.

She thought back to how she dueled against it once before and suffered horrible defeat.

“That monster…! It’s a total beast!” she whimpered.

The prisoners were all inclined to agreed.

Rarity felt faint, but she remained on her feet, due to having hardly any space to move about inside the barrier.

Loki snickered, “Yes, Purple Armageddon is rather intimidating, but I can’t just leave him here on the field alone, I plan to summon more of his kind.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sunset.

Loki grabbed one of his cards, “I’ll show you by activating the spell TRIPLE-D SYNCHRO!”

“Synchro?!” cried Sunset.

“Yes, and a very powerful one. Since I already have Doom King Armageddon in my hand, I can use him to Synchro Summon instantly, by simply using my spell card as a level 2 Tuner Monster!”

Fluttershy could hardly believe her eyes. “I’ve never heard of such a Synchro before!

Twilight growled, “He created these cards, so he’s being cheap again to keep Sunset off her game!”

Loki cleared his throat, telling everyone to pipe down while he initiated his summon.

“The shadows grow as the light will die,
For this monarch’s reign shall rule on high!

I Synchro Summon… bow down before TRIPLE-D SUPER DOOM KING BRIGHT ARMAGEDDON!”

(Atk: 3500)

This new monster looked just as deadly as the other, with strong armor and flowing energy sparks coursing along its body. It was also a Pendulum Monster, just like Purple King.

Sunset was shaking in fear, causing her dueling aura to weaken.

“Sunset!” cried Twilight, but really, she didn’t know what else to say to her. She, herself, was just as frightened at the sight of those hulking kings!

“Fusion, and Synchro?!” cried Luna. “What next?”

Loki grabbed another card from his hand, “I now activate another new spell card known as TRIPLE-D XYZ!”

“Xyz?!” cried Sunset “This can’t be!”

“I assure you; it is!” sneered Loki. “With Triple-D Xyz, I can revive Doom King Armageddon from my graveyard. Return, my great beast!”

(Atk: 3000)

“But he shan’t be staying for very long, because thanks to my spell, I am able to Xyz Summon simply by using just my Doom King alone!”

“Xyz Summon with only one monster?!” cried Applejack. “I’ve only ever seen Rainbow Dash do that.”

“Well, you’re about to see it done again!” insisted Loki, “But this time, I will bring forth a creature of the most supreme kind.

I build the overlay network with my one Doom King!

Fiercest monarch, come forth with flare,
and bring froth darkness and despair!

I Xyz Summon… witness and behold… TRIPLE-D SUPER DOOM KING DARK ARMAGEDDON!”

(Atk: 3500)

Three powerful Super Kings, all glared Sunset down with their evil gazes, and their wicked energy-flows coursing through them.

Sunset’s aura had almost completely died out with all the fear striking through her.

The prisoners were all as speechless and terrified as she was…

…While in the Prison Realm, the darkness began to swirl violently.

Rubeus felt very uneasy.

“No!” he cried softly. “It can’t be!”

“What? What is it?” asked Sci-Twi.

“I feel a great force coming from the darkness. Loki has unleashed a great force of incredible power by harnessing the energy gathered!”

“Well, what is it exactly?” Dick demanded to know.

“I am uncertain, but it is incredibly dangerous. I have never felt a force like since Z-Arc!”

“Are you saying that Sunset is losing?” asked Rainbow. “Are we all doomed?”

Rubeus could not answer.

The Equestrians and the Titans all began to fret, while Gar just sat in his sphere, still emotionless, still uncaring what happened or not.

“Like I told these losers…” he thought “Friendship has nothing to do when it comes to dueling. You either win, or you lose.”

Terra said nothing to him, still completely horrified to see how much he didn’t seem to care.

“Star into the face of defeat!” Loki shouted. “My Kings are completely unstoppable, and they’re all raring to end you!

Dark King Armageddon uses his special ability, allowing him to attach Orthros to him as an overlay unit!

And just in time, because now I use that overlay unit to another of Dark Armageddon’s power, which allows me to target and destroy monsters you control up to the number of Pendulum Monsters that I control!”

The prisoners all gasped.

“He’s got three monsters in play!” cried Shining Armor.

“And they’re all Pendulum Monsters!” added Cadance.

Rarity gasped, and pulled her hair with her invisible hands, “But Sunset only has two monsters in play! They’ll both be destroyed, and she’ll be left wide-open to those vicious creatures!”

But Sunset insisted, “Oh, no I won’t; not while I have White Wing Magician’s pendulum ability!

Whenever one a Dark Spellcaster monster I have is being targeted by a card effect, White Wing Magician destroys herself, and she negates the effect!”

The Magician leapt down from the Pendulum Zone and put up a magical barrier, shielding her two monsters from destruction.

“And now, because my “Magician” left the field, Star Pendulumgraph let’s me add OAFDRAGON MAGICIAN to my hand.

And as a bonus, I now have another “Magician” face-up in my Extra Deck, so now my monsters all gain an extra 100 attack points!”

(Atk: 2800) -----> (Atk: 2900)

(Atk: 2700) -----> (Atk: 2800)

The prisoners were slightly relieved that Sunset was safe.

“She ain’t out of the woods yet.” said Applejack, and she was right.

“That was very clever,” chuckled Loki, “But unfortunately for you, Purple Armageddon now uses his special ability!

Once per turn, I can destroy one monster you have.

You protected your Timestar Magician once, that doesn’t mean you will again!”

The wicked King gave his huge wings a large flap, sending a gale of shocking winds towards the magician, destroying it in a big crash!

“Timestar!” cried Sunset.

“Gone, and soon to be forgotten, just like you!” sneered Loki. “…When you monster is successfully destroyed, you take damage equal to half of it’s original attack-strength!”

Sunset gasped, and then she screamed and wailed as the electrical currents burned her.

Sunset LP: 4800 -----> 3600

All the prisoners were attacked as well by the shockwaves, causing more and more of their bodies to fade away.

Their stomachs could no longer be seen, but it was Spike who had it the worst.

“Help me!!” he howled. Very little of him was left now, nothing more than one eye, and half his mouth.

“No! Spike!!” cried Sunset.

Loki snickered, “Looks like one of your friends is about to lose himself to the darkness… for a second time I may add.”

Everyone cringed in fear.

“But don’t despair. Soon, you’ll all be in the same fate, for nothing will stop my Kings from winning this duel.

After all, Bright Armageddon protects all my monsters from being targeted by card effects, while Dark Armageddon prevents my Pendulum monsters being destroyed by card effects.

So, the truth is, there is quite literally nothing you can do to stop my Kings at all.”

Sunset stood nearly frozen where she was, and her dueling aura had completely gone out.

“That’s not fair!” whined Rarity. “How could you create such powerful cards with unfair advantages?!”

Loki laughed, “Such ignorance. Wouldn’t you be willing to do just about anything you could if it meant to achieve your goals? No, of course not.

You all believe in friendship, harmony, and your bonds together. You’re never willing to make sacrifices, even when the choice is not yours to decide.

That’s where we differ. Look at all the sacrifices I’ve had to make.”

He referred to all the Malefic Soldiers from his army in the past. During the war on Equestria, he sent hundreds of Malefic Soldiers into battle, and if they were defeated, he simply sent out more.

“That’s just sick!” spat Sunset. “You sent your loyal followers into certain death, not caring at all about their well-being or their lives!”

“It’s war, what do you expect?!” sneered Loki. “Then again, you yourselves didn’t seem to care much for hunting down the Malefic Soldiers yourselves.”

All the monsters the duelists had faced, defeated, and sent plunging into darkness.

“That’s the way it goes-- Attack or BE attacked, but unlike you, I have no qualms with the sacrifices I make, and I never let sentiments get in the way of what’s truly important.

Unlike, Rubeus, he allowed himself to be poisoned by your world and the friendship it had. Well, he’s no longer a threat to me, and now the time has come for me to be rid of the rest of you as well!

Do give my regards to my brother when you see him… in the darkness!”

He engaged in battle phase!

“Purple Armageddon, attack and destroy Odd-Eyes Meteorburst!”

The mighty strong king powered up; the energy bolts sparked and flared up behind him, and he fired a massive blast towards Sunset’s field.

(Atk: 3500) VS (Atk: 2900)

Her mighty dragon was roasted into dust causing more burning shockwaves to strike her hard.

Sunset LP: 3600 -----> 3000

The burning struck the prisoners as well, and Spike let out a finally howl as the last bits of him vanished into the darkness, and his prison barrier vanished as proof he was gone.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Sunset shouted.

Everyone gazed in tearful horrors.

“Spike, No!!” cried Twilight.

“He’s gone!” wept Fluttershy.

“No! No… he… can’t be!! Not again?!” sobbed Rarity.

Applejack cringed tightly, while shaking in anger and sadness with her eyes shut tight fighting her tears.

The adults were equally as hurt and tearful, while all Loki could do was snicker, “…There goes one of you, and the rest are about to follow!”

Sunset turned back to face him while shaking furiously. “You!!” she balked. “…You’re going to pay for this! I PROMISE YOU!!”

“Really?” sneered Rubeus “You sound so determined, and yet there’s nothing you can do. I still have two kings remaining, and they’re ready to destroy you!

Bright King Armageddon, attack her directly and bring me her life energy!”

His King charged up, ready for the Final Blow!

“I activate the trap COUNTER GATE!”


“This trap activates whenever you call a direct attack and stops it! Even your almighty King is forced to obey this rule!”

She was right. The trap did not specifically target a monster, and Bright Armageddon was forced to power down and back off, much to Loki’s anger.

Sunset wiped the tears from her eyes to concentrate. “My trap has one other effect. Now I get to draw one card, and if that card is a monster, I can summon it to my field.”

Through her sadness and devastation, she still managed to reach for her deck, hoping with all her might to draw something good!

She pulled out her card, and gawked at it…

“I drew ACROBATIC MAGICIAN! Come on out!!”

(Atk: 800) -----> (Atk: 1200)

Loki was outraged. Now Sunset would be able to survive for another turn.

“So, you outwitted me!” he growled “I suppose I should commend you for it,” he paused “…Then again, I could also punish you for it.

After all, you may survive this next attack, but I doubt the same will be for the rest of your crew over there.”

Sunset gasped and gawked back at her remaining friends.

“Dark King Armageddon, attack now!”

The King complied, and with thundering rage, he vanquished Sunset’s magician.

(Atk: 3500) VS (Atk: 1200)

Sunset LP: 3000 -----> 700

Sunset screamed and wailed in the hard burning waves, but not from the pain of the energy drain, but rather from watching her friends suffering and screaming as well as they faded away just like as Spike did.

Applejack… Fluttershy… Rarity! They all vanished, followed by the three adults, and all of their prison barriers vanished, leaving only Twilight behind as the power was not enough to take all of her away-- leaving behind only her two eyes…

…Her horribly, devastated, tear-filled eyes. “They’re gone!! All of them!!” she sobbed.

Sunset, overly crushed by what she had witness-- in spite of her weariness—she pounded the ground with her fists and let out a devastation wail!


To Be Continued…

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