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Episode 25: Part 1: Dark Duos


The team was rushing through the lands as fast as they could go. They figured that if Sunset had reacted to the special summoning’s of The Trio’s dragons; that they had to be somewhere close by.

“If we find those guys, we can try and get them to tell us where to find the Prince Brothers.” said Shining Armor.

“But don’t forget,” reminded Sci-Twi “We still have to find Princess Twilight, Spike, and Celestia too.”

Vic carried Sunset, still unconscious, on his back. “If only she was awake she could give us a clue of sorts to where these guys might be.”

“I don’t think it quite works like that.” said Cadance.

Dick felt inside his pocket where he kept the mystery card away from Sunset; not wanting her to go berserk again.

He silently thought to himself. “If this thing causes anymore trouble; first chance I get, I’m chucking it away. If it makes her go crazy like that, it can’t be anything but trouble.”

Even while unconscious, Sunset was having yet another one of those visions again.

There she was, back in the darkness, with the mystery creature’s eyes glowing, along with the images of all her dragons, and even those large symbols-- one of Zero, and the other of Infinity.

“Now what am I doing here?” she wondered. “It seems that every time I come to this place, something new seems to appear, and yet I never get any closer to the answer.”

This time however, the creature seemed to call to her with a new message.


“Time…? What does that mean?”

“It is time…” the creature called to her again. “Unlock the power.”

There, right below Sunset’s feet appeared a new picture; one that resembled that of a new spellcaster monster which Sunset had never seen before.

“Seek.” the voice called. “Seek out.”

The images began to fade into white again. “No! Not again!” Sunset yelled, but once again she slowly began to awaken.

Rainbow and Pinkie Pie were still feeling a bit grouchy, wanting nothing more than to find the creeps responsible for turning their friends into cards, and that included Karle, who was still out there somewhere.

“When I get my hands on these bozos, I’ll duel circles round their necks!” thundered Rainbow.

“Not if I get to them first!” growled Pinkie. “I want at them way more than you do.”

Raven sighed “Here we go again.” and she pulled her sweatshirt hood over her head to try and quell the sounds of the bickering.

“Hey, you-two, don’t start up again.” Sunset called to them, making Vic and everyone else skid to a halt.

“Didn’t know you were awake.” Vic said as he softly let her down.

“Are you alright?” asked Kori.

Sunset rubbed her aching head, “Did I pass out again?”

“You sure did.” replied Terra. “You had another one of berserk fits because your card.”

Sunset barely remembered, but she knew the lights were shrouding her again, and she felt herself slipping away.

She reached into her duel disk for her card. “Hey! Where is it?”

“I have it.” replied Dick as he held it up. “I think we should keep it away from you for now. It’s making you go crazy; in a very bad way.

I’m sure this thing is evil.”

Sunset, while fully aware of this possibility, still insisted he give it back. “I had another vision, and I need that card to unlock the secrets.”

Dick still didn’t budge. “I won’t give it back until we can be sure of what this thing really is.”

Before Sunset could protest…

“Shh… listen!” said Sci-Twi. “I thought I heard a voice.”

Everyone listened hard. Raven came out from under her hood. “I don’t hear anything.”

“Quiet.” snapped Rainbow. “I think I can hear it.”

Everyone listened again, and could hear a voice calling, “Help…!!!”

Pinkie picked at her ear. “Either I’m hearing things or that sounds like--”

“Help…!!” The voice called out again, and everyone’s hearts gave a sudden leap of joy.

“I’d know that voice anywhere!” cried Sunset “It’s Princess Twilight!”

“She must be close by.” said Shining Armor.

Everyone looked high and low, but they couldn’t see Twilight’s card anywhere.

“Twilight?” called Sunset. “Twilight Sparkle…!”

Her voice echoed along the lands.

From within her prison, Twilight could hear “Sunset…?” and then she called out “SUNSET SHIMMER!!”

Everyone could hear and followed the sound of her voice to the edge of a hill.

“Down there!” cried Cadance.

Everyone looked and could see Twilight’s card wedged in the sand.

“I’ll get her.” said Rainbow.

“Rainbow, wait!” called Sunset, but Rainbow was already dashing down the slope.

“She never listens.” grumbled Raven.

Rainbow reached the bottom of the hill and began to das towards Twilight’s soul card, but just as she was within inches of grabbing it, something zoomed past and snatched the card away.


Rainbow then saw who took the card; it was a Malefican wearing Ninja garbs.

“Is this yours?” he hissed in a deep voice.

“Put me down!” demanded Twilight.

“Just what I was going to say, Hand her over…!” Rainbow bellowed.

Just then, another Malefican leapt into the fray. This one was female, wearing samurai armor.

“You will not be taking anything from us so easily.” she hissed at Rainbow.

Her ninja buddy agreed, and Rainbow had fire in her eyes.

“I sense a duel about to happen!” whimpered Cadance.

“What gave you that idea.” remarked Raven.

Rainbow looked so flared up and so enraged, she looked as if she was willing to take on both the creatures herself.

The two warriors glared Rainbow down, both of them looking cool as ice.

Then, Pinkie came sliding down the hill and ran up to Rainbow’s side.

“Hold on, Rainbow. I want a piece of this too.”

Rainbow growled, “Stay out of this! I can take them on alone.”

Pinkie wouldn’t budge, “I said I’m dueling!”

“And I say you’re not!”

The girls anger and bickering was really heating up, much to the dismay of the others, but to the delight of the two warriors.

“Stop it, both of you!” Sunset yelled down from the hilltop.

Pinkie and Rainbow glared furiously at each other with their eyes blazing. They were really not looking like their old, friendly selves at all.

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing; both her friends so angry, and so vicious—like they were ready to duke it out with anyone; even each other.

That’s when the Ninja and the Samurai agreed, and activated their duel beams, shooting both duelists.

“Hey!” snapped Rainbow.

“What’s going on?” asked Pinkie.

The warriors snickered…

“We have decided to duel you both, in a tag-team match.” said the Ninja.

Rainbow and Pinkie looked down at their disk screens, which read, “TAG-MODE ACTIVE.”

Rainbow was still outraged. “I said I’m taking you two on alone!”

“I’m afraid it is too late.” said the Samurai. “The duel is now ready to begin, and you will both be dueling the two of us.”

The Ninja snickered, “Although, judging from your attitudes and lack of focus; it should be no difficult task to eliminate you both.”

Something inside the two girls snapped. They both felt insulted by what was said.

“OH, YEAH?!!” they both bellowed. Then they both stood and looked ready to duel.

“Ah, man!” whimpered Vic “This is one duel I don’t think I like the looks of.”

Sci-Twi agreed, “It’s well-known fact that dueling while suffering from emotional or psychological rage can cause you to lose focus, and not think yourself through during play.”

Still, with the duel already about to begin, there was no way to terminate it; without Pinkie and Rainbow losing their souls.

“Pinkie, Rainbow! Listen to me!” called Sunset “You have to put your anger and outrage aside. Don’t stay mad at each other. Fight the forces of the Malefic World.”

Rainbow and Pinkie were much too preoccupied preparing to listen to her.

“Just stay out of my way. I can handle this.” growled Rainbow.

Pinkie grinded her teeth furiously, yet the Maleficans were amused the more they bickered with each other.

The teams two would share a score of 8000 life points each. Once the points ran to zero, both players would lose automatically.

As it was a tag duel, each duelist couldn’t attack on their first turn, and each duelist could attack any opposing duelist while defending their partner.

Each player was allowed to draw on the first turn.

As for the turn order: The Ninja would move first. Then Rainbow, then the Samurai, and finally: Pinkie.

“Shall we begin?” asked the Ninja.

“Yes, I am ready.” replied his partner.

“BRING IT!!” Pinkie and Rainbow shouted.

The rest of the group came down from the hilltop to get a better view, while Twilight was tucked away in the Ninja’s garbs.

She was extremely worried for Pinkie and Rainbow and wished there was some way to calm them down, but all she could do was sit and hope for the best.


Malefic Team LP: 8000

EQ Team LP: 8000

“Now it begins!” sneered the Ninja, and he swiftly drew his card. “Hy! Ya! For my first move, I shall summon the mighty UPSTART GOLDEN NINJA.”

(Atk: 500)

The creature, like the ninja it was, flipped and dashed about as it took its place on the field.

“I now activate Golden Ninja’s special ability. By sending one trap card in my hand to the graveyard, I am able am to call a “Ninja” straight from my deck to the field.


This new ninja appeared in a burst of flames and struck a pose as well.

(Def: 1000)

Rainbow and Pinkie were astounded.

“He’s got two monsters in play already.” wailed Pinkie.

Ninja scoffed, “Yes, I do, and because my Flame Ninja was successfully summoned, it has the power to change my Golden Ninja’s Level from 4 to 5.”

Golden Ninja was shrouded in spiraling flames as his level changed as promised.

“And now, from my hand, I shall activate the spell LEVEL AWARD. Now my Flame Ninja’s Level shall also become the same as Golden Ninja.”

The ninja was bathed in a bright glow of light as its level changed to 5.

“He’s got two level 5 monsters!” Rainbow thought.

Ninja then did backflips and struck a few fighting poses. “With my two Level 5 Ninja, I now build the Overlay Network!”

The two monsters up and vanished into the portal.


(Atk: 2400)

This new Ninja performed a few dance moves, and then stomped down hard as large flames erupted in back of it.

“A Number Monster.” exclaimed Sunset.

“What? What is it?” asked Shining Armor.

Sci-Twi explained to her brother. “Numbers are a group of special-classed Xyz Monsters. They have extraordinary powers that can really turn the tide of play.”

Everyone felt deeply concerned, but for the moment, Ninja ended his turn with one facedown, and Rainbow was now up.

“It’s my turn, and I draw…!


(Atk: 1300)

“And thanks to its ability, I can also summon RAIDRAPTOR- MIMICRY LANIUS.”

(Def: 1900)

“But why stop at two, when I can summon a third? Since I control at least one “Raidraptor,” I can summon this from my hand… RAIDRAPTOR - FUZZY LANIUS.”

(Def: 1500)

Her three birds fluttered side-by-side.

“Wow! Rainbow just summoned three monsters in one move.” Pinkie thought to herself. “I bet I know what she’s up to.”

Rainbow stomped her foot forth furiously, and she bellowed at Ninja. “Let me show you how a real Xyz-User works.

I activate Mimicry Lanius’ ability, which lets me increase the level of all my feathered friends by one.”

Her creature flapped its wings, catching itself and its comrades in strong winds to change all their levels from 4 to 5 instantly.

“An interesting play.” remarked Ninja. “I assume you will Xyz Summon now?”

“Darn straight I will!” bellowed Rainbow. “I overlay all three of these level 5 raptors, in order to build the Overlay Network!”

Her three birds vanished, and massive flames burst from the portal as the monster appeared.


(Def: 2000)

Her flaming bird cawed and screeched.

The brightness of its flaming wings made the opponents growl as they covered their eyes until the lights dimmed down a bit.

“You think he’s hot now?” sneered Rainbow “Wait until he really gets cooking.

I activate Blaze Falcon’s special ability: By using one Overlay Unit, I can destroy your Ninja, and then you’ll take 500 points of damage.”

Samurai growled and thought, “Clever! She knew she could not attack this turn and prepared an alternative maneuver.”

Rainbow then called up to her falcon, “Go for it!”

Her monster cawed and rushed forth for the kill.

“I think not!” snapped Nina. “I activate Crimson Shadow’s ability.”

“You what?!” wailed Rainbow.

“Now by using an Overlay Unit of my own, my Ninja cannot be destroyed by your monster’s power.”

A wall of fire erupted between the two monsters as Rainbow’s bird crashed into the flames, but failed to win the struggle and resumed its position by Rainbow’s side, much to her anger.

“Talk about fighting Fire with Fire.” said Terra.

The others were all just in as much shock as she was.

“Nice going, Rainbow.” Pinkie remarked in a sarcastic tone. “Don’t be in such a rush to end this.”

Rainbow then glared at her, “Zip it! Like you could do any better!”

Pinkie growled.

“Oh, no… Not again…!” groaned Sunset.

“Can’t those two get over their issues already?” grumbled Kori.

Dick clenched his fists tight in outrage at the girls’ bad attitudes.

Rainbow still wasn’t quite finished. “I activate Fuzzy Lanius’ ability; since it was sent to the graveyard, I add another Fuzzy Lanius from my deck to my hand.

Then I’ll place two cards facedown, and end my turn.”

Samurai chuckled at her. “With the way you foolishly executed that botched move, I honestly cannot wait to see how else you will fail.”

“JUST MOVE!!” thundered Rainbow.

“Oh, I shall indeed.” Replied Samurai. “I draw…

I shall now activate the Continuous Spell, SHIEN’S DOJO.”

The ground rumbled as a large, oriental training arena seemed to appear behind her, with large and fancy lanterns above the gateway.

“What is that supposed to be?” asked Pinkie.

“You will see soon enough.” Replied Samurai, “But for now, I shall activate a second spell; GATEWAY OF THE SIX.”

With that, two magical doors appeared over her dojo gateway, and then slammed shut with a large glowing symbol on it.

“And now, the true battle begins.” Samurai declared, “Since you have a monster in play, and I have none, from my hand I shall special summon ELDER OF THE SIX SAMURAI.”

(Def: 0)

With her monster’s summoning, a lantern was lit over the dojo, and two circles within the symbol on the gateway lit up as well.

“And now I call forth LEGENDARY SIX SAMURAI – KAGEKI.”

(Atk: 200)

With that summoning, another lantern was lit, and two more circles on the gateway were glowing too.

“What are those things?” asked Rainbow.

Samurai explained, “They are called Bushido Counters, and every time I call forth a “Six Samurai” my dojo receives one while my gateway receives two.

What they are, you shall know soon enough, but for now I shall use Kageki’s special ability, allowing me to call on this creature; the Tuner Monster KAGEMUSHA OF THE SIX SAMURAI.”

(Atk: 400)

“A tuner monster?” wailed Pinkie.

“No way!” hollered Rainbow.

Samurai held out her hand, “Hi-ya! Since I have played another Samurai, another lantern is lit on my dojo, while my gateway receives two more glows.”

The two structures were glowing brighter than ever, giving her a total of nine counters.

“And something you should know about my gateway. If I wish to use its power, I needn’t rely on all the counters it has alone, but I can use any counter I have anywhere on my field.”

Rainbow and Pinkie cringed softly.

“A perfect setup!” said Sci-Twi.

The spectators turned to look her way.

“She set up both those cards to keep her options wide open. She’ll always have counters and be able to use them in any way she needs.”

Sunset cringed and thought, “That means Pinkie and Rainbow are in for far more than they bargained for.”

Samurai did more battle poses. “Now I shall use four of my counters–two from the dojo, and two from the gateway.”

One lit lantern went dark again, and three of the circles went out and her deck began to glow, “This permits me to add a “Six-Samurai” to my hand LEGENDARY SIX SAMURAI – SHINAI.

…But it shall not remain in my hand for long; since I am already in control of a “Six Samurai” this creature can be called to the field at once.”

(Def: 1500)

“And this, of course, grants me yet another three Bushido Counters.”

Now three lanterns were lit up, and the gateway had six glowing circles on it, giving her nine once more.

“I shall now activate the true specialty of Shien’s Dojo, as I send with its lit lanterns to the graveyard!”

The dojo began to sink beneath the sands, but left behind the light from the three lanterns, which shone on Samurai’s deck once more.

“I am now able to call a “Six Samurai” whose level is equal to or less than that of the lanterns that were lit.

Therefore, I call upon a second KAGEMUSHA OF THE SIX SAMURAI.”

(Atk: 400)

“Now she has two tuners in play!” wailed Pinkie.

“I can see that.” Grumbled Rainbow.

Samurai snickered, “I also gain another two counters on my gate, giving me a total of eleven.”

“How many of those counters can she possibly get?!” groaned Rainbow.

Samurai thrust out her arm.

“I now tune my first Kagemusha with my level 3 Elder… to create a warrior that shall bring forth incredible powers that will destroy you both!”

The monsters formed the light orbs and the tuning rings.


(Atk: 2500)

This huge, armored monster swung a huge katana sword and let out a loud growl like a fierce warrior.

Rainbow gawked up at the huge creature, while Pinkie took a step back.

The spectators also gazed in frightful awe at the sight of this creature.

“What do you think this monster does?” asked Robin.

“Whatever it does, it can’t be good.” said Sunset.

Samurai snuffed, “Then again, I need not have just one, because I now tune my remaining Kagemusha with my Kageki, and I synchro summon a second Shi En!”

(Atk: 2500)

The two samurai stood together, like true guardians at the gate behind them, which was glowing very brightly now too.

“And of course…” said Samurai “Summoning these two mighty warriors grant me yet another four Bushido Counters on my gate.”

So many circles were lit upon the gate—fifteen in total. It made Pinkie feel dizzy.

“Now, I shall use twelve of those counters.” Samurai declared, and she dimmed the lights on her gate, leaving her with only one, which made her deck glow again.

“For every four counters, I add one “Six Samurai” into my hand.


Ninja was pleased with what his partner had done, while everyone else was simply shocked and astounded nearly beyond words.

“I can’t believe it!” wailed Terra. “Not only did she manage to summon those two monsters, but it she managed to keep her hand stocked up too.”

“Yeah, this could mean even more trouble than we thought.” Agreed Sunset, and then she thought, “Especially considering those two huge brutes there.” She referred to the two large Synchro monsters “I’ll bet they have some kind of super special power.”

Samurai finally ended her turn with one facedown card, and she looked over at her Ninja partner, and they nodded at one another.

It was now Pinkie’s turn, and her nerves were going crazy–mixed with anger, concern, worry. These things were not good to be having in a duel like this with the stakes so high.

“Will you hurry up and move already?!” Rainbow yelled to her. “The sooner you hurry up, the sooner I can get to smashing these two freaks and avenging our friends.”

“Hey!” snapped Pinkie “I want to get at them too, but don’t take your problems out on me!”

The two girls growled and snarled at one another, and their every sound was heard by Twilight, and even though she was merely a soul trapped in a card, she could feel the pressure starting to hurt her from within.

“I can’t take this!” she cried to herself. “Pinkie and Rainbow are only getting worse! They need to snap out of this rage.”

Pinkie then drew her card, “I’ll take these two down, and I have just the cards for it.”

Instead of attempting to put on a show like she usually would, Pinkie just got straight into her move.


(Atk: 100)

Her little monster leapt up onto the scene, but instead of her usual, cheerful smile, she was wearing a sour scowl.

“Hey, check out Pinkie’s monster.” Said Terra.

Sci-Twi compared the monster to Pinkie and believed, “Maybe it’s because Pinkie’s not her usual cheery self.

She usually duels with flare, and style, and she puts on a show too, but here…”

She said nothing else, and didn’t have to, because Pinkie’s furious face told everyone enough, and the fact that she didn’t even bother to go circus on everyone like she usually did.

She just stayed focussed on crushing her opponents.

“I play Trump Witch’s ability; by tributing her, I get to add POLYMERIZATION to my hand.”

Samurai and Ninja both clenched their fists softly, but they didn’t seem too worried.

“Now that I have it,” called Pinkie “I’ll activate the spell I just got… it’s Fusion Time!”

She put her spell into play…

“Ha!” scoffed Samurai “You will be doing no such thing.”

“Huh?” said Pinkie.

“I am now activating the special ability of Shi En. Once per turn, if you dare to play a spell or trap, my mighty warrior will slice through your card, and cancel out its power.”


Rainbow growled, and then she and Pinkie both watched as the mighty samurai leapt up, and over to Pinkie’s field, and took one swing with its sword, slicing the card image in half, wiping it out, much to Pinkie’s chagrin.

“Well done, Shi En.” Said Samurai. “Your task is complete. Now, return to me.”

Her warrior sheathed his sword, and leapt back to where his brother was waiting for him.

“So that’s what her monsters do.” Thought Pinkie. “And worse than that, she still has another Shi En to work with.”

Then she looked down at her hand, “If I were to activate any of my Pendulum Cards–since they’re also spell cards, she could negate them too.”

Rainbow thought this as well, worrying about the two warriors and their powers.

“Come on, Pinkie.” She thoughts. “I’m getting annoyed here. Just make a different move already. Even I know how to outsmart these two goons already.”

Pinkie then felt she knew a way to make another move safely.

“She can only use the effect of her brutes once per turn.” She thought. “Maybe I can trick her up by playing around that–get her to waste it.”

Feeling she had nothing left to lose, she decided to go for it.


Her two monsters took their places in the light zones, and everyone, especially Sunset was amazed.

“…A Scale 10…?! That is amazing!” she exclaimed.

Dick nodded, “She found that card while traveling with me, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen her play it.”

That’s when everyone noticed that the cards were remaining in play. Samurai had made no attempt to stop them with her second Shi En.

She was thinking quietly to herself, “I will use my monster’s ability with the time is right, and not simply off the bat.”

Ninja was also thinking quietly as he eyed at Rainbow and Pinkie, “It matters not what these bunglers summon. My partner and I are well-ready to intercept.”

Pinkie thought for certain at least one of her cards would be negated, but she decided to take it all in stride.

“Well, since you didn’t negate my cards, I can use Monkeyboard’s Pendulum ability, which lets me add PERFORMAPAL TRUMP GIRL to my hand.

And just as well, because thanks to this super-strong Pendulum Scale I have, I can summon monsters between levels 2 and 9 as I need… AND HERE THEY COME!!”

Two large lights rained down from above, as her monsters appeared.



Pinkie let out a furious and mighty roar as she was seemingly shrouded in raging, dark flames, and her monsters’ eyes all glowed furiously too, which freaked out the other spectators, and though Twilight couldn’t see it herself, she could practically feel the rage sending shivers through her soul.

“I activate Trump Girl’s special ability.” Shouted Pinkie, “I can use her and Odd-Eyes Dissolver to Fusion Summon without using a Fusion Spell!”

In bright flames, her monsters leapt up high and began to merge.

“Be prepared to face the wrath of my rage and my deck!


(Atk: 2900)

Her angry monster snarled and growled as he held up his huge gun.

“Ooooo-kaaaaay.” Muttered Raven “Really starting to get freaky here.”

She was right. Pinkie’s monster was usually scary and gruff looking, even when she was cheery. Now it looked even more raging and snarling than ever.

Pinkie then glared at her opponents. “Hope you’re in the mood for fireworks, because since my Gatlinghoul was successfully Fusion Summoned, you’ll be taking 200 points of damage for every card that’s currently in play.”

The two opponents growled, while Rainbow actually felt a deep sense of joy and cruel pleasure spark.

“There are currently twelve cards in play.” Pinkie hollered at her opponents. “That means, you’ll be taking a huge 2400 points of damage!”

Her monster charged his gun, ready to unleash his fury…

“That shall not happen!” shouted Ninja “From my graveyard, I activate the trap BREAKTHROUGH SKILL. I’m afraid for this turn, your monster’s specialties are no good.”

Rainbow and Pinkie gasped hard.

“I don’t believe it!!” Pinkie thundered as her monster powered down.

The spectators hated it just as much themselves too.

“He planned that all along!” growled Vic.

“Those two are working in per synchronization.” said Sci-Twi.

“But Rainbow and Pinkie are still heating up.” added Kori.

Pinkie looked mad enough to bite a solid rock in half, and Rainbow simply snuffed. “I knew it would never work.”

Pinkie growled at that remark, “Like YOU could have done any better?!”

Rainbow clenched her fists, but said nothing, and Pinkie ended her turn with a facedown card.

Ninja and Samurai snickered.

“Look at you…” hissed Ninja. “I am surprised that you were able to survive in this world to this point. Not that your previous attitudes were any brighter.”

The girls were only getting more riled up. Their faces both turned red with rage, and their bodied were finally being shrouded with flaming aura, and this was not of their gaming determination. This was evil and dangerous looking aura…!

Even the shadowy skies from above were starting to swirl with the aura itself.

“The Malefic World!” whimpered Sci-Twi. “I thought so. It really is feeding off the negativity and intensifying it. The angrier Rainbow and Pinkie get, the more power is enflamed.”

Cadance and Shining Armor held each other, feeling rather freaked out by all this.

Sunset was more concerned with the way the duel was going, and worried for the way her friends weren’t focussing too well.

She thought to herself, “Now that all the duelists have each had one turn,

“Well now,” said Ninja “It is my turn, and I draw.”

He now had three cards in hand.

“And I play POT OF GREED, so I may draw two cards.”

After drawing, he then had four cards in hand.

He looked over to Samurai, and his partner nodded at him as if to say “I have your back.”

Ninja then waved his arms around. “Ho! Hoi… Ya…! I now summon the mighty LADY NINJA YAE!”

This graceful, beautiful, swift Ninja female, came rushing into the field like a swift tornado.

(Atk: 300)

“And if you think is graceful now, just watch at her ability.

I now send one Wind monster in my hand to the card graveyard, she is now able to blow all opposing spell and trap cards to my opponents’ hands!”

Pinkie and Rainbow’s eyes widened as the winds began to stir up.

“I won’t let this happen!” shouted Rainbow “I activate the trap RAIDRAPTOR – READINESS! So now, for the rest of this turn, my Raidraptor cannot be destroyed by battle.”

“Rainbow!” snapped Pinkie. “Haven’t you forgotten…!”

“It would seem she has.” said Samurai. “My Shi En shall now destroy your card, and prevent its effect from being used.”

Rainbow growled as she watched her card she sliced by the warrior’s sword, and the image pieces flew past her.

“And now…” hollered Ninja “All remaining cards shall return to your hands, and that includes the Pendulum Cards.”

Pinkie was starting to feel more fretful than enraged, which was still a negative feeling which continued to stir up the Malefic World itself.

The spectators were also feeling the shudders and shivers of worry.

“Not good! This is so not good!” cried Dick.

Everyone felt that Pinkie’s Gatlinghoul was still safe due to it being the strongest monster in play, but it was Rainbow’s raptor that concerned everyone.

“And now,” said Ninja “From my hand I activate the spellARMOR NINJITSU ART OF REVIVAL.

With this, I am able to revive a “Ninja” from my graveyard, and who better than FLAME ARMOR NINJA.”

His ninja reappeared, in a spiral of flames.

(Atk: 1700)

“And just as you witnessed before I can now use his special ability to change Ninja Lady’s level to 4.”

Ninja lady was then shrouded in flames, just as it all happened before, and neither Pinkie, nor Rainbow, or their friends liked where this was going.

Ninja spun round, striking another fight pose. “I now overlay these Level 4 Ninjas, and I build the Overlay Network!”

The two monsters vanished into the portal, and a new creature began to emerge.

“…I Xyz Summon the swift and sly; BLADE ARMOR NINJA!”

(Atk: 2200)

“Another Xyz Ninja!” grumbled Rainbow.

Pinkie narrowed her eyes at the two ninjas standing side-by-side.

Ninja snickered. “I now activate Blade Ninja’s special ability; by using one overlay unit I can target my Crimson Ninja…”

The ninja was basked in a soft glowing light.

“…And now it is granted the power to make two attacks in this single turn.”

“…TWO ATTACKS?!” cried Rainbow and Pinkie.

Their friends all gawked and gasped in fear.

“Pinkie’s may be stronger…” said Sunset, “But Rainbow’s Raptor isn’t.”

Twilight cringed softly, “And what’s worse, Pinkie and Rainbow share the life points.”

Rainbow’s fist was quivering, and then she raised her hand up high, “I now banish Raidraptor – Readiness from my graveyard, and by doing so, we can’t be damaged this turn.”

The image of her card appeared, and was about to cast its power.

“And this is one card effect your overgrown helmet-heads there can’t stop.” Sneered Rainbow, “Their effects can only stop the effects of cards on the field.”

Samurai nodded, “Quite correct, which is why I am activating my face-down.”


“Behold the spell SILENT-GRAVEYARD. Now, by discarding Doji in my hand, all card effects that activate in the graveyard are canceled out!”

Rainbow grunted nervously as her Readiness card turned pale, and faded out of sight. “No! I can’t protect my life points!”

“You mean OUR life points!” cried Pinkie.

Ninja snickered, and nodded thankfully at Samurai, and then he engaged his battle phase.

“Blade Ninja… attack and destroy Blaze Falcon!”

The ninja leapt up and over to Rainbow’s field, and with a mighty swing from its swords, nothing happened at first… but Rainbow’s monster then came apart, and was destroyed, leaving her wide open.

Ninja then hollered, “And now, Crimson Shadow shall wage a double attack on you and your life points!”

The second Ninja’s blade was shrouded in fiery flames, much to Rainbow’s sweaty fretting.

“At 2400 points,” wailed Sci-Twi “Rainbow and Pinkie are going to take 4800 points of damage!”

The rest of the group all cringed with fear, but they–or rather some of them–could only watch as Rainbow got slashed hard and sent her sailing backwards to the ground.

EQ Team LP : 8000 -----> 3200

“Rainbow!” cried Pinkie, but then she wailed and screamed as she was shocked and burned hard, which proved Sci-Twi’s theory–they shared life points, they shared the pain.

Ninja and Samurai laughed wickedly.

Ninja laid his last card facedown, and called over at the girls. “Face it, the both of you; our combined strategies cannot be overcome.”

“You have lost more than half your life points,” taunted Samurai. “You are unable to defend yourselves, and now it is only a matter of time before the both of you are destroyed.

We shall bring your souls as well as your princess to Prince Loki and Rubeus.

It’s over for you both!”

“No, it can’t be over for us!” thought Pinkie.

Rainbow then thought as she softly got up, “I won’t let these creeps get me like this, but how can I stop them?”

Easily everyone else was worried for their friends. If they didn’t stop being hostile with one another and got their heads in the game, the duel was pretty much lost already.

To Be Continued…

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