• Published 30th Nov 2020
  • 251 Views, 11 Comments

7 days of love - jonniejiggles

starlight has always loves sandbar but she can never truly love a student after all he is too young right? (this story is just a joke between friends)

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day one: love is not always tied by fate

It was day one. I have to admit my feelings to sandbar by the end of the week. It's almost been an hour. I have not had a student come into my office yet. I was hoping for once in my life that I would have a bunch of students in my office all the time. but no, the one time i don't want to have free time, i do. why is life like that. I did not want to think about Sandbar anymore. His nice mane and how it flows like the ocean breeze. the way his smile looks at anybody with sympathy. his flank and how the turtle represents his chill vibe. the way he talks as if every-word he says i thought out carefully.

I stopped my line of thinking. i am in love with him. How could i not see this before? How could a cheery little balloon like Sillverstream help me see this. This is not ok. I wish I could turn back time. Without dooming the entire universe. I can not see the truth. What if it happens again. But in the middle of starlight's train of thought. Sandbar walks in her office Smiling. In a dress. Like a maid. Blushing, Really cute.

Starling had a heart attack. She felt her heart skip a beat. Starlight came so close to fainting. The only thing stopping her was the fact that she was enjoying this. Why was she like this. Why did she find him so hot. What was wrong with her.but more important why was he here in a maid outfit.


Starlight managed to mumble under all the pressure in the air, she was very shaky.

“Whhhyy arrree youuuu heere too see mee ttodday”

Sandbar then looked behind him almost like he was waiting for somebody to tell him what to say. Starlight was distracted by the fact she was trying not to faint of seer shock. But then Sandbar spoke up with uncertainty in his voice as if he doubted that the choice he was about to make was a smart one. He preceded to say

“What up baby”

As soon as Sandbar spoke, he broke down in to shaky state, his lips were shaky. His eyes were concerned. And he looked like he was forced to say those words.

But Starlight saw nothing of it. She was already too jumpy and to scared. she screamed Starlight screamed so loud that the sirens would be shocked. Sandbar however did not even flinch; he just stared at Starlight. As if he was expecting this. Starlight was still screaming. After about 30 seconds of screaming, Starlight took a breath and exhaled like she was going to do it again but then before Starlight even got the chance to scream. Sandbar interrupted her saying.

“I'm here to fluff your pillows”

Starlight was unable to speak. She should be faint. The only reason she is conscious. Is the plot convenient? But that Is not ok so let’s say. She thought he was so hot that If she fainted she would miss his hotness? Sure I guess. (this is the narrator who slakes off on the job all the time. that's why it keeps switching)

Sandbar was done. Whatever he agreed to do here, he was done with it. He was about to leave when Starlight finally spoke up saying.

“Don't go. I want to talk to you. I need to know why you are here. Every student is important. And you are not here to have a nice chat are you”

“No counselor Starlight”

Starlight waved and motioned her hooves to the couch on the other side of her desk. Starlight was still shocked. But slowly she sat down. She grip her coffee with her horn. And took a small sip. She needed to calm down. This might be her chance to say her part and help Sandbar in some way. But then he said something so stupid. So dumb. So uncomfortable. So unpredictable. Starlight was deprived of her only hope of success. Sandbar said.

“Starlight the reason I broke up with Silverstream is that… I’m gay”

Sandbar was about to open his mouth again probably to say who he is in love with now but before he could speak he saw the look in Starlight’s eyes. She died. She has lost all hope of completing this mission. She would tell Sandbar by the end of the week to only say that his heart is for another stallion. She would never have him in her arms. In this moment Starlight saw the truth. Love is nothing but an object. An idol. Something that can be taken away in a single moment. Love is not an emotion. Love is a thing to be stripped of. Love is nothing but a nuisance. A blinding happiness.

Sandbar was looking at Starlight and with his eyes he could see that her entire headcanon had been shattered. With his eyes he could see the damage he had caused; he did not know how or why he broke her. But he did know he could not just leave her like this. And so the session of therapy started. But Sandbar is the therapist (yes i know i spelt it wrong i can't fix it)

Sandbar looked into Starlight's eyes. And said.

“Starlight what's wrong”

With a sigh afterwords. Starlight looked at Sandbar as if looking through him to his soul and mind. And said nothing. Hinting that something is wrong but could say nothing in return. Sandbar took this hint and took a minute to think.

Starlight is panicked and can't speak from shock. It's like she deflated from a balloon full of bouncy helium. almost broken. Turned into a deflated, flat, useless, balloon. She is sad and I made her sad somehow. almost like pinky does when she is supper sad, almost like she is dead. But how would I make her happy? There is no way I can make her happy without help. So who do I need? Who would make her happy.

Sandbar contemplated this thought.

I could get Gallus but he would not care or know how to fix it. I could get smolder but he knows nothing of support and would be too busy or something. I could get yona but she would have a hard time thinking or saying the right thing. Silverstream can't really help; she would be too happy and not help with all that. The only other person I can think of is. Ocellus!

Sandbar then got up and ran. He knew Starlight would not go anywhere but he did not want her to be sad for longer then she had to.

It was the middle of class and Sandbar didn't really know what class Ocellus would be in right now but he did know that she loves Twilight's history class and might be there at this time. So Sandbar ran to history class as fast as he could. It was only a matter of time until she broke beyond fix. Sandbar was speeding, running so fast in the halls. Then he heard headmare twilight yell.

“Stop right there young man”

“No sorry principle twilight gotta go bye”

And he was off, he went around the corner, Leaving a very confused Twilight behind him.
but then,almost as if on queue. Ocelluce was there standing there completely still she looked ok…. Then she fell.
Sandbar did not know why she fell but was too glad to care so he brought her to Starlight’s office. And noticed that she was barely breathing. He was shocked. And he proceeded to run faster. Until he burst into Starlight’s office. kicking down the door and Starlight looked up. Her face still bland like before. With a hint of sadness now. As if she has only now just processed what he said. Sandbar was surprised Starlight had not noticed him yet. But he had no time to think about that now Ocellus needed his help.

“Starlight Ocelluce is barely breathing”

Starlight looked up. She had concern for her eyes. But also has pain behind the shell she just made from fear. Starlight got up and teleported away. To wear, only time could tell. Sandbar was about to freak out when he was teleported to twilight's office. By twilight...Sandbar was not happy, something was wrong with Starlight and twilight just messed it all up. Sandbar was mad. But Sandbar could not shout, he was too scared.

But then before twilight could say anything, Ocellus screamed. She screamed like someone had just hurt her soul. She screamed like someone she knew had just died. It was not a scream of pain. But a scream of loss. Twilight saw this before she could even yell at Sandbar. Sandbar saw the look of confusion in Twilight's face. Before twilight could even say anything. Sandbar was teleported again. Into Fluttershy's class of medical aid for animals. Everybody looked back at Sandbar in the flash of pink light he had just come from with Ocellus on his back.

Gallus was the first to turn around at the bright pink burst of magic. Gallus turned away from the injured tiger sitting there. The tiger had wandered into the school looking for Fluttershy. So Fluttershy changed the lesson to medic class for injured animals. Gallus only saw Ocellus because he was too distracted by the fact that she was screaming. Gallus flew over to Ocellus in a panic and grabbed her from Sandbar barely taking a glance. Thank Celesta Gallus was distracted for he would have seen the fact that Sandbar was looking at Gallus blushing within sight.

When Gallus grabbed Ocellus, he flew too Fluttershy. Gallus was scared out of his feathers. Ocellus was having a hard time breathing. Fluttershy didn't even scream at the sight of Ocellus. Almost like she had seen this before. Fluttershy grabbed a random thing from her desk. If Gallus is correct it's called a puffer. Fluttershy then shoved it into Ocellus’s mouth and Started pumping. Air started forcing itself down Ocellus’s throat. It was a special kind of puffer. It's meant for people without asthma and just for when you can't breath. Fluttershy was so good at this that she had definitely done this before. As Fluttershy kept pumping, Ocellus’s lungs started to go up and down slower and slower. Until Ocellus gasped for air as if all the oxygen in the world would not be good enough.

“No time gotta go bye”

After that sentence came out of her mouth she bolted for the door but Gallus was faster and blocked the door. Ocellus’s entire body rammed into Gallus’s wing with an oof. Gallus only pouted a soft ow before getting up to block the door again. Sandbar in the middle of this remembered that he found Ocelluce on the floor. Sandbar the shouted.

“Ocellus what is so important that you fainted on the floor without air and are now freaking out about”

“It's a changeling emergency”

“What is”

“Sandbar you broke Starlights soul”

“What do you mean”

“Sandbar, you killed Starlight”

and the out of spite, Ocellus rammed into Sandbar's head after turning into a dragon, Sandbar took a direct hit in the back of the head. he was fading out, everything was turning black. he had just been knocked out by the little cute Changling. and the last thing Sandbar heard was a shreak. Sandbar did now know who it was, but had a guess it was Gallus. but then, that made sandbar realize, he had just got knocked out in-front of his crush, in a maid costume, Gallus would never love him. and everything faded to black. he was pathetic.

Author's Note:

yes i know therapy is spelt wrong i can't fix it i'm sorry. (also here are the images i used in photo shop)



Comments ( 2 )

iif you see a mistake you can tell me i cant spell.

also i want to know why you did not like this chapter, i did not like were this is going but il try to go on at a better pace. im sorry. (also please do tell me how i could make this better i'm only starting writing your opinion is always welcome)

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