• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 2,044 Views, 13 Comments

Kindness of a giant - Hydreigon_Omega

Heavy weapons guy, or heavy, finds himself in a new world, one of magic and talking ponies. Heavy meets the main 6, and becomes especially close with Fluttershy. What will happen between them?

  • ...

Snowy Crystals - Showdown

Heavy marched his way down to the pathway which Sombra was walking. He put Sasha on his back for easier transport. As he moved in closer he thought he noticed something in the fog that was still outside the barrier. Soon they weren't to far away from each other, standing about 10 paces away.

"Whats this," Sombra snorted, "Did they send a hairless monkey to stop me."

Heavy said something that was muffled under his breath. He started to move towards the king.

"My my." He said, "It was quite bold for the princess not to bring the elements with her."

Heavy growled, as he continued to move only stopping while they were practically withing punching range. Heavy lowered his hand and grabbed the evil unicorns face, blinding him. Sombra was being held off the ground by his head.

"UNHAND ME YO-" Sombra was interrupted with a massive punch to his stomach.

"NEVER." Heavy threw another punch at his stomach. "EVER." Another one struck. "HURT MY FRIENDS." The finally punch glowed red and had lighting particles. That final punch seemed to impale him. Sombra let out a gasp from pain as he popped backing his horn, which fell to ground.

"You are dead" Heavy said as he picked up the horn left from the somewhat dead king, "not big surprise."

After a few moments the fog cleared up and Heavy saw something that he hated. Robots, there were hundreds if not thousands of robots surrounding the Crystal empire. He turned and walked towards the castle. Grasping the horn tightly just in case something would happen.

"Heavy," Fluttershy exclaimed, "are you alright?"

"Yes," Heavy said opening his grasp on the horn to show everypony. "What are we going to do now?"

"We could destroy it," Rainbow said, "He can regenerate from just his horn."

"But their still problem." Heavy said as he pointed out the window, "Robots."

"This can't be good." Twilight said

"Because it ain't" A voice said coming from a back room

"Who was that." Shining armor said readying a magic blast.

"Calm down pardner." He said, "I am here to help."

"Engineer!" Heavy said as he ran to meet his old pal, "Long time no see old friend."

"Hello heavy." Engineer said, "I haven't seen you sense you disappeared."

"Wait you two know each other?" Twilight asked.

"Yes" Engineer replied, "We're colleagues."

"Back to problem." Heavy said, "Robots need to be killed."

"False," Engineer said, "These are messenger, or escort bots, not Merc. bots. They don't have any weapons, messenger and escort bots and passive by programming."

"Right on my hard hatted friend." A much younger and feminine voice said, "These bots aren't made for combat. But they can still be quite destructive." When everyone turned to see who was talking. It was a small human girl being carried by a massive robot about 20 or maybe 30 times her size.

"Olivia." Engineer scowled. "What do you want."

"A deal" Olivia said hopping down from the robot, "Give me that, and I leave this kingdom alone." She pointed near the direction of the crystal heart.

"We will never give you the crystal heart!" Cadence shouted.

"I don't care for your over priced looking glass." Olivia remarked, "I want that. The horn of the fallen king."

Thoughts were flying through their heads. Not know what to say, the only ones who managed to keep a strait face were heavy and engineer. But even then, you could see the rage in their body language.

"I think we need time to think this through." Shining armor said.

"Go ahead," Olivia said, "But I don't have all day. Oh wait, I do."

The group moved to a different room to communicate.

"Why would such a young girl want the kings horn," Rarity asked, "Such an evil artifact would corrupt her."

"Miss Rarity," Engineer said, "That should be the least of your worries, If we are luck Sombra influence will lessen her Evilness."

"You got to be joking," Twilight said "Right?"

"He isn't," Applejack said, "I can tell when some is lying or is joking, be he is deadpan serious."

"Then what are we going to do." Cadence said, "If we give her the horn, there is no telling what she could do with it."

"And if we don't then it is a death wish." Shining armor said, as he started to have a freak out moment very much like how twilight was having one right now.

"The best option would be to give her the horn." Fluttershy said, "At least I think it is."

"Fluttershy is right," Heavy said, "to many robots,"

"We could make a fake." Pinkie pie suggested, "we should have plenty of materials to do so."

"Good idea," engineer started off which made everyone sound hopeful, "but that won't work. Olivia is smart enough to have that taken into consideration, so giving the fake would be as bad as not giving it to her at all."

"I think we should take a vote," Shining Armor said.

After a few minutes, they made their decision. The recounted the facts that they knew, Olivia was evil, Sombra's horn had dark magic, Olivia had control over the robots, and they were greatly outnumbered.

"We've made our decision Olivia." Engineer said

"And?" Olivia asked, "Are you going to hand over the horn, or are you putting the empire at risk?"

"Heavy." Engineer said, "Give it to her." Heavy tossed the horn of the fallen king to Olivia who caught it.

"As promised, I will leave the kingdom alone." Olivia said, "After all, I am a Mann of my word." Olivia let out a small chuckle from her pun.

"What was that all about?" applejack asked,

"I don't know," Fluttershy said, "But at least we are safe now."

Meanwhile somewhere in Equestria, Olivia was at the robot HQ.

"Merasmus," Olivia commanded, "I brought you your evil artifact,"

"I AM HERE" Merasmus said as he appear out of thin air.

"Like you said," Olivia stated, "Bring me the map to the old castle."

"As you wish mortal." Merasmus said as he took the horn from Olivia and gave her an cursed map that shows the quickest path to the castle from where they are. "NOW I LEAVE."

Soon after, back in the human world. Somewhere in America, in Medic's lab.

"MERASMUS ARRIVES ON A TIDE OF BLOOD." Merasmus said, "oh hello soldier."

"What do you want wizard." Medic asked annoyed

"Don't make me get off this operating table just to kick your a** back to Canada." Soldier said while on Medic's operating table.

"I am here to make a deal." Merasmus stated.

"Let me guess," Medic said with a sigh, "You bought some ancient evil artifact with money you borrowed from the Russian mafia?"

"No..." Merasmus said,"Yes..."

"And I assume it runs on souls." Medic said, "So I guess you want us to run around and start killing each other again?"

"Yes, and no." Merasmus said, "I come so you could buy something off me. I personally think you would like it."

"Is it involve an ancient evil creature, that I can harvest it's organs?" Medic asked

"Yes," Merasmus said, "It only costs about 5 thousand-"

"SHAD UP AND TAKE MY MONEY" Medic shouted as he threw his money at Merasmus

"Here" Merasmus said tossing the horn to the mad doctor, "Alright, I am leaving now."

"This is going to be fun." Medic said while grinning sadistically while looking at the horn of the fallen king.

"Are you done yet doc?" Soldier asked still on the operating table.

"Yes." Medic said as he went back to soldier, "ARCHIMEDES, stop eating my patient. Have some self respect."

Author's Note:

I am probably going to make a side story to this with engineer and Twilight or Applejack. I think I will let the comments decide on who engineer will end up with.

I will probably make another side story of what evils Medic and Sombra will cause in the human world.

Comments ( 7 )
Comment posted by Hydreigon_Omega deleted Sep 19th, 2020

Given what I have seen, I have no choice but to think the story is abandoned..... unfortunate really, I was really looking forward to reading this. No point if it'll never be updated though.

As sad as it is, I may never finish this story.
But I am planning on eventually doing a remastered version of this with a better story line.

as a huge fan of both MLP and TF2

I needed this


Wow. Good.

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