• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 2,043 Views, 13 Comments

Kindness of a giant - Hydreigon_Omega

Heavy weapons guy, or heavy, finds himself in a new world, one of magic and talking ponies. Heavy meets the main 6, and becomes especially close with Fluttershy. What will happen between them?

  • ...

New Creature

It was a Regular Saturday afternoon, Fluttershy and Discord are having quite a fun time with their chaotic tea party, with furniture floating around the room. Until...


Then discord said, "Do you hear something dear?"

"No I don't think so." Fluttershy responded

The scream grew louder and louder.

"Are you sure?" Discord said lowering his teacup

"I think I hear it now." Fluttershy replied as she did the same

The scream kept growing louder.

"Where is it coming from?" Discord started to seem worried

"I don't know, maybe-"


Fluttershy was cut off mid sentence by some...Thing falling through the roof onto discord.

"Something doesn't feel right" The thing said as it rubbed it hand against its head.

"Well maybe if you didn't fall through the roof then-" *Crash*

Discord was cut off when a big hunk of metal fell on top of the thing which was still on discord. Which knocked both of them were out cold.


The chair and table flutter shy was sitting in fell onto the ground from discord's chaos magic was no longer working because he was knocked out.

"oh my..." Fluttershy trialed off in her words. She was scared, who wouldn't be, something fell through your roof onto your friend, then they were both knocked out by something else that fell from the sky.

She headed out to find her friends to see if they could help. After about an hour, she finally managed to get four of them. Pinkie pie was no where to be seen.

"A human." Twilight said curiously, "I next though a human would be able to be here."

"Whats a human?" Fluttershy said, "If you don't mind me asking."

"It is the thing right there" pointing to the human under the oddly shaped piece of metal. "Human exist on the other side of the mirror portal, but this one is different. The humans from the other world, tend to be more colorful. But how did it fall out of the sky"

"Is it alright?" Fluttershy asked

"I don't think so," Twilight remarked "normally they would transform into a pony upon arrival, but he is still human."

Applejack interrupted and said, "I reckon she means physically okay, he has a big hunk of metal on top of him and discord, Not to mention he fell out of the sky. Couldn't you use magic to move it off?"

"I could," Twilight responded, "But it may have a reaction to magic, like I said it doesn't look like the humans I am familiar with, he is a lot bigger and has less color then the humans from the other world."

"Then what is stopping us from moving it," Rainbow Dash responded, "We do have enough pony-power, and applejack brought the rope."

"I was about to get to that Rainbow," Replied twilight quite agitated, "we could move it, but its odd shape may make it hard to move."

"Darling why can't we just pick it up with magic on the parts away from them human?" Rarity asked as she lit up her horn and tried to pick up the metal from what appeared to be its handles. The thing didn't budge, she tried again, nothing happened.

"Okay never mind," Rarity said tiredly "it is heavier than it looks."

"Back to what i was saying," Twilight said "with the rope we could wrap the rope around it and pull it off of them."

So twilight used her magic to wrap the rope around the metal object, and then had i wrapped around her and her friends.

"Ready everypony?" Twilight asked

Then everypony present said some sort of yes.

"THEN PULL" Applejack said with a grunt.


The object was pull off the pile of unconscious bodies.

"We did it girls" Twilight replied joyfully

"but what about discord and him," Fluttershy asked"they are still out cold."

"They probably will be like that for a few hours," Scoffed Rainbow dash "you don't have to be an egg-head to figure that out."

"Then could we at least get them a bed to recover in" Fluttershy asked

Twilight lighted up her horn and moved the couch towards the pile.

"Okay lets see if we can get him onto the couch." Twilight said gesturing for them to try and move it.

After what what felt like an hour, the human was laying on the couch resting.

"Sasha, where are you" the human muttered.

"What was that?" Twilight asked

The human didn't respond.

"Eh, probably just sleep talking." Twilight answered her own question

Twilight lit up her horn and put discord onto the bed.

"So what about this thing?" Rainbow dash said pointing to the mental object

"I think we should move it, it is very heavy, might be a plow of some kind." Applejack said

"I was thinking about destroying it because it almost killed them" Rainbow dash said

"Yes it did knock the two of them out, but it landed on top of him." Twilight said, "So I assume it could be something that belongs to him, and it seems pretty expensive so don't destroy it."

"Darn it" Rainbow dash said as she wave a hoof in defeat.

"Could we take it back to mah place and open 'er up to see whats inside?" Applejack said

"No, I think it would be best to leave it here. Like I said, it could belong to him." Twilight said

"Darlings, I would love to stay and chit chat," Rarity said as she figured out that a lot more time had passed than they thought "but I have some chores that need to be done at the boutique,"

"I think the rest of us should leave to," Twilight said "Fluttershy does need to take care of her animals."

So the group of friends said their good byes, and headed home. While Fluttershy tried her best to watch over the two of them. It was about midnight before she fell asleep on a chair. She tried to stay awake as long as she could, but her tiredness overtook her. It was quite a restless sleep. The only thing she could dream of is finishing her tea party with Discord with her new friend.