Fluttershy let out a small yawn as she woke up.
"Hello tiny pony." the human said, looking down to fluttershy.
"Good afternoon mister." Fluttershy said.
"You know each one of you has a name. Right?" Discord said trying to keep the conversation going.
"You said you had friends, yes?" The human said, "Why don't you bring them here to introduce them to me?"
"oh," Fluttershy said timidly, "I'm not sure if I can do it."
"Oh yes you can Darling, I think it would be quite rude to fall asleep in someones arms not knowing there name." Rarity said.
After a bit of gentle persuasion from Rarity and Discord. Fluttershy and Rarity finally went to try and get the rest of the friends. They would have gotten the remaining four, but pinkie pie is still passed out drunk.
"One, two, three, four, five." Discord counted "Where is pinkie pie?"
Twilight let out a small sigh. "She is passed out drunk," Twilight replied, "What did the other human call it. Scrumpy, was it?"
"Anyways," Rainbow interrupted, "I think the human is going to start talking."
"I am Heavy weapons guy" He said, "And this is my gun," He lifted his gun and put it on the table. "I like to shoot my gun. Is all you need to know." He said waving his hand dismissively.
Twilight raised a hoof.
"yes purple pony?" Heavy said
"Would you mind going in more detail about what you just said?" Twilight asked
Heavy tried to think of something to say. "No, heavy doesn't mind." He continued, "Let me start from the beginning. I am Heavy weapons guy, and this" he said as he picked up his gun, "Is my weapon, she weighs 150 kilogram and fires $200 custom tool cartridges at ten thousand round per minute. It costs Four hundred thousand dollars just to fire this gun for twelve seconds."
Twilight's and Discord's mouths hung open while everypony else was trying to figure out what a dollar is.
"Twilight," Fluttershy asked, "What is a dollar?"
"A dollar is a form of human world currency." Twilight said, "If my memory serves me correctly, roughly 12 bit equals a dollar."
Everypony did a slight calculation in their head. Which then they two joined Twilight and Discord in shock of how expensive his weapon is.
"But, how," Applejack asked, "How are you able to afford to shoot that thing?"
"She was given as a gift to me for becoming a mercenary." heavy said, "Being a mercenary pays well."
Then a gasp of shock enter the room.
"You are a mercenary?" Rainbow dash asked. "So awesome," rainbow said trying to keep her voice down.
"Ex-mercenary. I no longer kill people for money." Heavy said as a sigh of relief entered the room.
"But don't you have any family," Fluttershy asked, "oh what would they think,"
"Yes I have family." Heavy said "They would thank me for providing for them for several years."
"I have another question," Twilight asked
"Yes? purple pony"
"Could we know your real name?"
Heavy thought for a moment. Deciding on what to say.
"No." Heavy said, "You can just call me Heavy."
"Here let me try something" Discord said as he poked Heavy's head.
[Insert Brainwashing.exe]
"Huh?" discord said as he poked Heavy's head again.
[Insert Brainwashing.exe]
"Why is this not working?" He said poking Heavy's head multiple times.
"ENOUGH WIZARD." Heavy yelled. Then the giant of a man threw a punch and hit discord in his left cheek knocking him out. "Heavy hates this magic."
"Was it just me or did I see something like a red lightning come from his fist when he punched discord?" Fluttershy asked.
"I have no clue on what you are talking about." Twilight responded.
A few hours have past and each of the pony have introduce themselves. Rarity was the one who had to introduce discord, because he was out cold, again. By the end of the day Heavy had made enough sandwiches for everyone that was still awake. So when everyone let they knew each other better and had a full stomach to go along with it.
Now at twilight's castle.
"Spike write a letter to Celestia." Twilight said.
"On it" The little dragon said.
Dear princess Celestia,
From the meeting with the human earlier today. I have learned that He doesn't mind being called Heavy, or heavy weapons guy, but He won't tell us his full name. He seems to be around his Forties. He is also quite resistant or impervious to Discord's brain washing magic, He used it to get Heavy to try and tell us more about him.I think the reason why he won't tell us his real name is because it may bring back the memories of when he was a mercenary. Perhaps Princess Luna could enter his dreams and see if anything is wrong with him, because I know it won't be good for him if he has bottle up emotions that come from bad memories. Despite being an Ex-mercenary, he is very kind, and makes surprisingly good sandwiches.
From your Faithful student
Twilight Sparkle
"And, done." Spike said as he puffed the letter away to Celestia.
Later that night, Somewhere in the dream realm. Luna went into Heavy's dream. There was snow, barren trees, and a house made from cut down logs. Luna stayed tried her best to stay hidden to watch from a far. But just about were ever she was, she stuck out like a sore thumb. The clouds covered up the moon, so hiding there would do any good. But in the distance she could see a figure, it was in a coat, and it was standing upright. That something was in a fistfight with a bear. By the time the third punch was throw, the bear was dead and the figure couch down to pick up the bear.
"Come out," Heavy said, "Heavy will not crush you"
"How did you know I was here?" Luna said.
"I could see you, your coat and mane don't blend in well." He said, "Now, my turn to ask a question. This isn't the real world, is it?"
"No this is the dream realm."
"Heavy thought so, Bears don't usually die this fast."
"Well, I got to um..."
"No don't go yet, Heavy would like the company." He said gesturing for Luna to walk with him, "Come my friend."
"May I know your name?"
"you may call me Heavy."
"What are you going to do with the bear, now that it is dead?"
"Cook it, then eat it. I doubt you want any, not-so-tiny pony."
"I forgot to tell you my name, I am princess Luna, one who raises the moon and walks in dreams."
"Nice to meet you princess,"
"Don't you have any family?"
"Yes heavy has family. My turn, when you said you walled in dreams what does that mean?"
"I travel to ponies dreams, usually to counsel them, or remove nightmares."
"Why are you here then?"
"Special request."
Soon they arrived at the house.
"Girls. Mikhail is back." A small woman said when she opened the door
"Brother" The group of small girls said as they ran towards him.
"Girls" He said as he crouched down to give them all a hug.
"Is this your family?" Luna asked
"Yes, this is Mama." Heavy said removing his coat to reveal a younger version of himself, "These are my sisters, Yana, Bronislava, and Zhanna."
"Where is your father?"
"Dead," heavy replied moving the bear corpse to the table to be cut open. "He was a counter-revolutionary. He died in battle."
"Oh," Luna said sadly, "I am displeased to hear that. Though, there is something I need to ask."
"Yes." Heavy said as he was preparing the bear to be cooked.
"Why did you not want to mention your name to the group of ponies you met earlier?"
"I just didn't want to, I have been under the code name heavy weapons guy, or Heavy, for so long. It has become a second name for me"
"Thank you." Luna said, "Now I have other dreams in need of attending to. I hope we will meet again" Luna left heavy to finish making the bear for his family to eat.
Early the next morning, heavy woke up and started making breakfast. It was a simple breakfast, bacon and eggs. Despite the bacon and eggs being plant based, Heavy could tell the different from the real thing. After a while of making breakfast, Fluttershy woke up with a surprising amount of bed head.
"Good morning Fluttershy," Heavy said, "Would you like some coffee?"
"Yes please." Fluttershy said.
After enjoying their breakfast together. Fluttershy noticed how bad her bed head was.
"Would you mind if..." Fluttershy blushed, "If you brushed my mane? I usually have Discord do it, but he is not awake yet."
Heavy let out a small smile. "I wouldn't mind at all, Heavy has three little sisters. So I know a thing or two about brushing hair."