• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 2,047 Views, 13 Comments

Kindness of a giant - Hydreigon_Omega

Heavy weapons guy, or heavy, finds himself in a new world, one of magic and talking ponies. Heavy meets the main 6, and becomes especially close with Fluttershy. What will happen between them?

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Snowy Crystals - Reunion

Author's Note:

I will be referring to Heavy's class symbol as his badge in this chapter

It has been several weeks from when Heavy arrived in Ponyville. He has become good friends with the mane six, especially Fluttershy. Despite knocking Discord out, twice now, they managed to become good friends, he let Heavy join them for their chaotic tea parties on Saturdays. What heavy normally does for a regular day is either working at sugar cube corner helping Pinkie Pie make and sell cakes, or tending to Fluttershy animals when Fluttershy is off on an adventure somewhere. But today was different, it didn't seem different at first, but it was different. Today started off with Fluttershy helping heavy read the news paper until.


"What is bright light?" Heavy asked while looking over to badge on his arm to see it glowing, "Why is my badge glowing"

"I think we might be needed somewhere," Fluttershy said as she looked at her flank, her cutie-mark was glowing to. "But this is your first time being called upon."

After a short time had passed they were all at Twilight's castle. Each of the mane six were sitting at their own mini thrown, while heavy just stood beside Fluttershy. The images of the six's cutie-marks and Heavy's badge circle around a kingdom far north.

"The crystal empire?" Twilight asked, "What could we possible need to do their,"

"Maybe we could being called early to prevent something from happening?" Rainbow dash inquired. "Maybe we could preventing the crystal heart from being stolen."

"I wonder why I'm involved." Heavy asked,

"Ah'm not sure," Applejack said, "If it was just another evil or friendship problem, the map would only call for two, maybe three of us."

"Anyways back to the thing at hoof," Twilight said, "We will leave by train the next morning. so make sure you pack everything needed."

The next morning, Heavy made a quick breakfast for both him and Fluttershy. As he packed his winter coat that rarity has made for him. After packing that, heavy had a special lunchbox made by pinkie pie to hold extra food. He stuffed it as full as it could be stuffed with sandwiches. Heavy would have hated himself if he forgot Sasha. Soon after the two of them met up with the other four at the train station, only about 10 minutes before it had arrived.

The group of friends were on the train for a few hours. After a while, a pony came by asking if they wanted anything to drink, heavy and Fluttershy both got coffees while the rest of the friends were either already asleep, or asked for water or apple cider. You already know who asked for apple cider.

When the group from finally made it to the Crystal empire, the group for friends met in the castle there. There was a small reunion of siblings and close friends which shared hugs. then shining armor notice heavy weapons guy, then he asked twilight.

"What is that thing?" Shining Armor asked trying no to offend the human.

"He is a human." Twilight said, "He goes by the name Heavy. Though I have heard Luna all him Mikhail when they meet with each other."

"I am heavy weapons guy" Heavy said, "I am good friends with these ponies."

"Well it is nice to meet you Mr. Heavy." Princess Cadence said. "I am Princess Cadence, and this is my husband Shining armor."

"Wait," Shining armor said, "If we're both here, who watching flurry heart."

The next thing they knew a small white alicorn can flying through the room. Firing tiny lasers, she was at the age where she started to learn to control her magic, but not well. Heavy let out a small sigh and a slight smile. He casually raised his hand and caught the tiny alicorn. He cradled it in his hands as he sang a lullaby that he sung to his sisters to put her to sleep.

"Here," Heavy said, "Have your tiny baby."

Shining armor and Cadence stared in shock from how quickly he put flurry to sleep.

"How.. did.." Shining asked stunned by the performance.

"Heavy had three baby sisters." Heavy said, "I know about being a dad."

"But.." Cadence said when she took the baby. "Sisters.. fathers.." She was thinking in the literal sense, she was thinking about how that relationship between a mother and son would be.

"What he mean is." Fluttershy said, "his father wasn't home much, so he had to be the father-figure."

Now understanding they let out a nod.

"So Heavy," Shining armor asked, "Where are you from."

"Russia." He said, as he stared to unpack his large lunchbox. "It somewhere in the human world."

"Did you have any friends from there?" Cadence asked.

"Yes," Heavy said. "Sandvich?" He asked while handing them two halves of a sandwich.

"wow these are pretty good." Shining armor said after he took a bite, "How did you make these."

"Secret Family Recipe," Heavy said as he looked out the window, "Whats that" He said as he pointed to black smoke outside.

"Oh no," Cadence said, "He's back."

Heavy knew by the sound of her voice that this person, or pony, wasn't good.

"Who?" Heavy asked.

"King Sombra," twilight said, "We left the Elements back home. Our only hope is the crystal heart."

"Fluttershy," Heavy said to her, "Please keep your friends safe." Heavy said as he strode out the door with Sasha in his hand.

"Get the crystal heart" Fluttershy said, "Heavy went off to slow him down."