• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,081 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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Hours have gone by as the train pulls up at the station. Discord, Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and her friends get off the train. From afar, Booster and Sky Bolt are at the stakeout. Booster grabs the radio to inform Starlight of the ponies and creatures heading in the direction of the village. Sky Bolt and Booster are not thrilled to see the six ponies from earlier today making a comeback.

"Starlight Glimmer, we have a serious problem," Sky Bolt said.

"What is it?" Starlight responds as she's still reading about healing spells.

"Those six ponies Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shipped hours ago-" Starlight cuts Sky Bolt.

"They're back, aren't they?" Starlight displeasingly said.

"Yea," Sky Bolt sadly confirms.

Booster takes the radio from Sky Bolt. "Not only they're back. They also brought the Princess of the Sun and Moon. Along with a strange tall creature. The strange tall creature has a bunch of animal parts. Like a zoo built into one. Also, they come bearing a white flag."

Starlight heavily sighs. "Return to the village. If they are bearing a white flag, that means they want to talk."

"Understood, Starlight. Sky Bolt, let's fly back home."

Sky Bolt and Booster flies back to the village. Starlight leaves her house and knocks on everyone's door for an important meeting. Discord sees two pegasi flying.

"Alright, everypony. It's time to start moving."

"Follow us, Discord. We know where to go from here," Twilight said.

Twilight and her friends navigate the Princesses and Discord to the village. Around this time, Starlight explains in full detail of the ponies arriving. Everypony is starting to freak out. They are unsure of how to overcome this situation. They ask many questions to Starlight, looking for answers to calm themselves down.

"I know that we never anticipated this kind of outcome in less than a day. After hearing that they come bearing the white flag, we may get the chance to talk. Let's place a long table at the entrance of our village. They won't have access to enter. Also, with the possibility of a spy lurking around for them, I placed a lot of cutie marks from the vault in separate containers. I also have the Staff of Sameness hidden elsewhere in the village. They won't know where it is."

Everypony sighs in relief and starts setting up a long table by the entrance. Starlight trots to her home to give Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle the update of what's going on in the village. As Starlight enters her home, she sees Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle; their heads are down from the intense crying of Scootaloo. Her screams, her wails, is causing much grief for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Starly? Have you found a healing spell for Scootaloo?" Sweetie sadly asks.

Starlight shakes her head. "Something serious is approaching the village as we speak."

"Like what?" Apple Bloom curiously asks.

"Twilight Sparkle and her friends brought the Princesses and some other creature. They won't give up trying to bring you three back."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Apple Bloom bucks a vase in reaction. The vase break when it collides with the wall. "Sorry, Starly," Apple Bloom apologetic said, looking down from her mistake.

"It's okay. I would have done the same."

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood come rushing down the stairs after hearing a vase break.

"What happened down here, Starlight?" Snap Shutter said.

"We have a serious problem. First of all, how is Scootaloo?"

"She's finally asleep. Snap Shutter and I calmed her down for her to rest."

Starlight sighs in relief. "Good," Starlight pause, now she has to explain the situation everypony in the village is going through. "Remember those six ponies we saw earlier today?"

"Yeah! I snapped the blue rainbow pegasus's wing off for what she's done to my daughter."

"What about them, Starlight?" Mane Allgood seriously replies.

"They have come back with the Princesses and a strange zoo-like creature."

"Discord," Snap Shutter said.

"The Princesses? Oh great, they want the cutie marks back for sure."

"I know, Mane Allgood. I have the town set up a long table in front of the entrance. They are also bearing a white flag. We'll be having a lot of discussions."

"Leave the Princesses to us, mate. We have good relations with them."

"Thank you, Snap Shutter."

"You're welcome," Snap Shutter nods.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Starlight, Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle leaves the house. They watch as everypony is gathering themselves for the visitors' arrival. They sit on the ground in front of the table. Starlight Glimmer sits in the middle. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sits on the left side with Starlight Glimmer. Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood sits on the right side with Starlight Glimmer. Everypony now waits for the arrival.

Two hours later, Princess Celestia lowers the sun as Princess Luna raises the moon. The villagers turn on the lights as they wait for the visitors. Twilight and her friends now see the village from afar. They sigh heavily. Princess Luna, Celestia, and Discord are right behind them.

"There it is, Princess. The village that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were living this whole time," Twilight calmly expressed.

Princess Celestia observes the village. So colorful and yet, peaceful at the same time. She wonders why they came up with the vault. Princess Celestia sighs. Princess Luna believes that those townfolk should suffer some sort of punishment for what they've done to Twilight and her friends. Especially, locking their cutie marks away.

"Let's not keep them waiting any longer. Let's get this done and over with," Discord said while carrying the white flag.

"Of course," Princess Celestia complies.

Discord, the Princesses, Twilight, and her friends walk down the mountain. They see a long table in front of the entrance. Everypony from the village is sitting down, gazing at them as they approach. Discord plants the white flag down. Discord, Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight sit together at the table while Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie sits behind them. Princess Celestia is surprised to see Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood.

"Good evening Ms-" Starlight interrupts Princess Luna.

"Starlight Glimmer."

"Judging from the village, you knew we were coming. Then you know why we are here?" Princess Luna asks.

"You want something from me. Otherwise, you have no reason to be here."

"Correct. We require the cutie marks you stowed away."

"We cannot allow that," Starlight said, speaking for everypony.

"And why is that?" Princess Celestia politely asks.

"That's because Twilight, her friends, and everypony in Ponyville made us feel like pariahs. We tried to apologize for the Gabby Gums in an apologetic column, but they still didn't accept it," Sweetie Belle angrily states.

"My big brother, Big Macintosh, his words are haunting us to this day. Telling us to go away. I felt that they didn't love me anymore."

"Also, do you know what it's like to get drenched with rainwater. Once for finding out we were Gabby Gums, and second when Rainbow Dash found our apology pathetic," Sweetie Belle noted.

"It's heartbreaking, I understand," Princess Celestia sincerely said.

"Do you think that stripping away their cutie marks was a fitting punishment?" Princess Luna said.

"YES!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie angrily shouts.

"Drenched on rainwater was one thing, how about everypony in Ponyville throwing tomatoes at us in anger and spite!" Sweetie Belle snorts.

"You were pelted with tomatoes?" Princess Celestia shocking asks.

"Yes..," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sadly said in unison.

"On behalf of everypony in Ponyville, I Princess Celestia apologize on their behalf."

"Apology, not accepted!"

Princess Celestia knew that was coming but felt it was necessary to say.

"Apple Bloom," Applejack announces as she gets closer to the table, meeting eye contact with her sister. "I regret neglecting you when you and your friends approached Big Mac and me. Reflecting from that day on Apple Bloom, I allowed my anger and pride to take control of me. You needed me the most and, I bet you wanted to talk about Diamond Tiara after things were getting heated."

Apple Bloom gives a simple nod to her sister's statement.

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity comes closer. "I'm sorry for being a terrible sister once more. First from the Sisterhooves Social, and now from the Gabby Gums incident. Revealing the identity of Gabby Gums was a regret I made out of frustrations. I'm deeply sorry that you've endured all that heartache and trauma. I failed as a sister to help you see the right and wrong properly. I failed my duties as your older sister in terms of making you happy. I'm sorry for failing you, and I'm sorry for the mistakes I made that caused everypony to turn on you."

Rainbow Dash walks up to the table. "How is Scootaloo doing?"

Snap Shutter snorts. "How about I break your back. Then you'll know how Scootaloo is feeling."

Rainbow bites her lip and backs away slowly.

"Snap Shutter, was that threat necessary?" Princess Celestia acts in response.

"Have you ever felt the pain of a broken wing and a broken back?" Snap Shutter counters Princess Celestia's question.

Princess Celestia shakes her head. She'd never encountered a broken wing and back.

"Well, let me add. Scootaloo's pain is extremely intensifying. The unbearable pain from the spinal cord to the wingspan is a sensitive area for pegasi. Very sensitive," Mane Allgood explains in full detail. "I experienced it, and it was excruciating. The worst pain unimaginable."

"Discord, heal Scootaloo," Princess Luna commands.

"As you wish," Discord complies.

"That won't be necessary," Starlight said, Discord freezes his snap.

"Why is that? Surely you want Scootaloo to feel better," Princess Luna calmly states.

"We all do. However, by having Discord heal Scootaloo, that means we owe you in return. That would ultimately lead to giving back the cutie marks scot-free."

Princess Luna groans as Starlight caught up to her idea. She underestimated Starlight's way of thinking.

She's good, Princess Celestia thought to herself.

"Apple Bloom, do you think you can find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"Sweetie Belle, are you willing to forgive me?"

Apple Bloom stares at Applejack's eyes. She looks down and remembers the good times and bad. She looks back to her friends that she considered a family. Apple Bloom shakes her head.

"No. I don't think I can accept your apology. After everything I've gone through in Ponyville with my friends," Apple Bloom shakes her head. "The way you were after finding out I was part of Gabby Gums, how can I say yes when you're not apologizing to me for wanting more of her stories to begin with?"

It struck a nerve in Applejack's heart. She admits to herself that she loved Gabby Gums but, never acknowledge to apologize for wanting more, until it happened to her. When it did happen, she took all of her frustrations into ignoring Apple Bloom. She understands the revelation of her sister.

"Alright, I understand. There was more to it than I should have admitted. I lied in front of Starlight Glimmer in the heat of a moment, I've neglected the fact that I loved Gabby Gums until it happened to me. I am a horrible sister," Applejack turns her back on Apple Bloom. "I'm sorry."

Sweetie Belle starts tearing up. She looks down. "Despite your regrets, Rarity, you haven't been the best of a sister to me in a long time. You put your friends first, work second, and me at the very end. I have a lot of hardships with you. You are always trying to make promises but, you haven't kept some. One time during the Sisterhooves Social. After that, you disappeared on me."

"Sweetie Belle, I'm so sorry," Rarity starts to tear up. "I promise to make more time for you. Please, give me this one last chance," Rarity pleads.

"I hate to say this. I wish that you and the others never came here so, this pain doesn't eat me alive. I cannot accept your apology. I'm tired of false promises. Also, the other reason why I'm not accepting your apology, you were the one that ignited all of Ponyville to hate my friends and me. The tomato bruises gave me enough scarring as a reminder of what life was living in Ponyville."

Rarity burst into tears after hearing what Sweetie Belle said. She hates herself for exposing Gabby Gums identity to the entire town. Sweetie Belle looks away. She couldn't be here right now. Rarity tries to lunge herself to Sweetie Belle but, Discord grabs a hold on her. Rarity cries uncontrollably, realizing her biggest mistake as a sister.

"We read your letters of how sincere you were. We already forgave you cause it was our mistake. Will you someday look back and forgive us?" Applejack pleads.

Apple Bloom left the table and walks with Sweetie Belle back to Starlight's house. Starlight, Snap Shutter, and Mane Allgood look back as the duo enters the house. Everypony in the village couldn't help but feel their pain. Some even believe they were going to accept their apologies. In Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's mind, they are unsure of forgiving them later.

"I hate to interrupt," Starlight said, "but we must continue."

"Understood," Princess Celestia agrees with a simple nod.

"What will it take for Twilight and her friends to get their cutie marks back?" Princess Celestia advise.

"I have a few conditions in exchange for their cutie marks."

"What are your demands?" Princess Luna asks.

"One. Do not document my village on any Equestrian map. I want my village to remain as is on the map."

The Princess nod in agreement.

"Two. I want no pony else from Ponyville coming here. I believe those three fillies want to enjoy life without the past coming to haunt them."

"Very well," Princess Celestia said.

"Three. I want you to erase the minds of Twilight and her friends of ever finding my village."

"Now that's going too far!" Rainbow complains.

"Hush, Rainbow Dash," Princess Celestia orders.

"Four. No spies or trickery to come after the vault and try to destroy it."

"Speaking of the vault, I have to ask why you created a justice system?" Princess Celestia demands.

"There are a lot of ponies that committed a lot of wrong in all of our lives. The justice system is our way of getting them back for all the trauma they inflicted on us. Before Twilight Sparkle and her friends came, we had Booster's dad and, he was as horrible as they come."

"How horrible?" Princess Luna curiously asks.

"He would beat Booster mercilessly for not being welcomed by the Wonderbolts and, he'll get beaten mercilessly for not getting a cutie mark," Starlight said.

The Princesses, Discord, and his friends cringe on the possibilities of getting beaten.

"What did his dad struck him with?" Discord asks.

"Jumper cables."

"Ooooh," Discord cringe.

"How was that possible?" Princess Luna reacts horribly.

"I rather not go in full detail. The list of these horrid ponies are in my journal. Believe me when I tell you, these wrongful ponies that do show up, they deserve more than life in prison." Everypony behind Starlight nods in agreement.

"Well, that is when you have to alert the Royal Guard to come and-" Night Glider shouts, interrupting Princess Celestia.

"Screw the Royal Guards! They weren't there for me when I was younger! A cult took everything in my hometown away and turned it into Tartarus! The Royal Guards showed up months after! The Royal Guard don't care about us unless we are ROYAL!" Night Glider furiously yelled.

Princess Celestia is stunned to hear what Night Glider said. Her Royal Guard would never shown up late. Would they? She starts to ponder.

"Five. You and no one else is allowed to condemn our methods of bringing justice to those that wronged us."

"Sister, we can't agree on that one. We should let our justice system handle those crises," Princess Luna protests.

"If you say no to that, no cutie marks."

"We don't have a choice, Luna."

"Yes we do, we take what is rightfully ours," Princess Luna states, now losing her patience.

"Forgive my sister. After being banished to the moon for a thousand years, she has lost her touch with connecting with ponies."

"Understood. Do you agree with condition number five?"

"Yes, Starlight. Please proceed."

"Six-" Snap Shutter whispers an idea for Starlight. Starlight nods as she likes Snap Shutter's idea. "Six. When something terrible that can relate to a disaster, Discord is the village's protector."

"Me?" Discord shockingly said.

"Him?" Everypony else said except for the villagers.

"Yes. Discord will be our village's protector from anypony or cult that seeks to create havoc," Starlight explains.

"But why?" Princess Celestia protests.

"My friends in the village had suffered from different cults in their lives. The fear of having one showing up at any moment strikes fear in their hearts."

Night Glider approaches to the table. "Years ago, living in Pegacounty, a cult came to turn every pegasi against each other. They were to kill off the weak. As for the strong, they forced them into labor camps. It was a horrible experience. As for the fillies, they put them in concentration camps. Those considered weak were slaves to the cult for all the wrong reasons, those considered strong were training every day and night were eligible enough to work either in a labor camp or become one of them," Night Glider has her head down.

"I had no idea that happened in my lands. I am deeply sorry for what you experienced," Princess Celestia apologetic states.

"Royal Guards don't do jack unless we're rich," Night Glider coldly compliments. "I was one of the lucky ones in my youth. I escaped in the darkest of night hour. I didn't look back. I inform the Royal Guard to stop them but, it took them months to do something. By the time they intervened, no one survives. I am the only pegasus from Pegacounty to ever live and tell the story."

Princess Celestia sighs heavily. She feels disgusted that her Royal Guards didn't step up to the task at hoof during that time. With everypony else behind Night Glider, she can only imagine the trauma each of them endured.

"My village is a sanctuary of those whose lives were horrid. Each and every one of us has a story of how things were and why they left behind. The justice system is our equalizer to put peace in our hearts once it's shipped and sailed."

"Sister, no matter what anypony has done in the past, no pony should ever have their cutie mark taken away. It's absurd," Princess Luna protest.

"Luna, for the sake of Equestria, we're going to allow it to slide as long as it's only this village that's doing it."

Princess Luna groans angrily. She looks away at Starlight.

"I have two questions for Night Glider and you, Starlight."

"What is it?" Starlight and Night Glider said in unison.

"Starlight, who's cutie mark you have that is considered a huge threat that is not Princess Twilight and her friends?"

"Fire Flier," Starlight confirms.

Princess Celestia, Luna, and the others take a step back from hearing Fire Flier's name except Discord.

"What did he do?" Princess Celestia asks.

"Before Apple Bloom planted many fruitful trees, we had our fields of crops. Fire Flier came one day and burned it all to the ground with his flying. He was the first of many to have their cutie marks stripped. Fire Flier made all of us go hungry for over a week."

Wow Princess Celestia thought. No words can be express at the moment. "Night Glider, you remember the name of the cult?"

"Remember? How could I ever forget. The cult is known as the Dark Order."

"The Dark Order?" Princess Celestia and Luna take note of the name.

"Vicious group I ever laid eyes on."

"Discord, have you-" Discord interrupts Princess Celestia.

"Never heard of them. Actually, never knew dark cults still exist. I guess they use a different form of magic to make them untraceable by magic."

"You think they're still around?" Princess Luna said.

"Without a doubt, they can be anywhere."

"We will put Equestria on notice without any pony else knowing. Thank you for alerting us with the info of the Dark Order. Starlight, we will comply with your conditions as promised."

"Celestia, I have a favor to ask of you," Snap Shutter said.

"What do you want, Snap Shutter?"

"I want Discord to heal our daughter, Scootalool," Snap Shutter asks.

"Granted," Discord snaps his claw and renews Scootaloo's back and wings. "Scootaloo is asleep. When she wakes up, she'll be good as new."

"Thank you, mate."

"Ah, you're welcome."

"Discord. After we get the cutie marks back, I want you to erase Twilight and her friend's memories of finding this location and erase the map's location."

"As you wish, Celestia. I'll erase their minds once we leave."

Starlight uses her magic to hover a jar containing the cutie marks. She gives them to Princess Celestia.

"Thank you for your time and not causing conflict," Starlight graciously said.

Princess Celestia gives a simple nod in response. "Thank you for having the patience. Until we meet again, Starlight. I do plan on visiting your village to connect with everypony here. Only I and Discord. No one else."

"Sounds good, Princess Celestia."

Discord takes the jar and removes the lid. The cutie marks return to Twilight and her friends. Their flow of magic and talent return. Discord snaps his claw, teleporting everyone back to Canterlot Castle.

"Thanks for the ride back, Discord," Princess Celestia thank.

"You're welcome," He turns to Twilight and her friends. They frown as they know what's coming. "I'm sorry," Discord snaps his paw, erasing the memory of Starlight village's location. He teleports to the throne room of Twilight's castle and removes the section of the map, detailing Starlight's village. He shoos away the cutie marks that continue to hover over the location as a signal of a failed attempt. Nothing more to it. During this time, everypony in the village is putting the long table away. Starlight, Snap Shutter, and Mane Allgood return to see Scootaloo. She is waking up from her slumber feeling better than ever.

"Hi mom, hi dad, hi, Starly!" Scootaloo smiles.

"How are you feeling?" Starlight asks.

"I feel better than ever!" Scootaloo cheers loudly. She hugs Starlight and her parents.

"We're glad you are doing better, Scootaloo," Mane Allgood said, rubbing her daughter's head with her wing.

"Did anything happened while I was asleep?"

"We'll discuss that later. Let's go see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle," Starlight smiles.

Scootaloo sees Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle upset. The sadness goes away after seeing Scootaloo looking and feeling better. The two hug Scootaloo. Throughout the rest of the night, everypony talked about what has happened. Scootaloo is happy to know that things will be better. She can't wait for what tomorrow will bring. Twilight and her friends are on the train going back to Ponyville. Applejack and Rarity are saddened that their sisters doesn't want to forgive them, Rainbow Dash feels that she should get her fill in apologizing to Scootaloo. She knows it'll probably won't do any good but, she has to try. Princess Twilight Sparkle is more curious about the Dark Order. If they are still out there, somewhere, what could they be planning next?

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