• Published 10th Jun 2019
  • 5,285 Views, 115 Comments

Good Girl Rainbow - Twidashforever

A bet’s a bet, right? Rainbow bet, and, well, lost. Since that day she’s been paying up, but no one told her she’d enjoy it this much.

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Comments ( 28 )

Enjoyable story, thank you.

cough cough what nothing for a certain story about dimension counterparts and a certain earth pony who really needs a good smack in the head

Given you mentioned future projects in the AN I was wondering if you might ever consider taking the sequel to The Looking Glass back over? Or maybe start the sequel over? It was a great story that got lost in authors leaving.

Ah well, easy come easy go, I suppose. See you all in another 4 years!

I would have loved many more chapters but better to end too soon than too late or not at all. Thank you

I think it’s about time to check in with TiM

This was really fun to read. Awesome work and I'm looking forward for your next one. Thank you, Twidashforever.

Nice ending, though I wish it would've been a bit longer.

I did notice this chapter seemed a bit "rougher" than previous ones, or at the very least I noticed a lot more typos this time.

Loved the story, wish there was more to it, but overall a wonderful read!

Below are some ‘mistakes’ I caught, that may have been missed.

Tencing slightly she reached a hoof back and rubbed her sore specter, noting with some dismay that it took longer than she expected it would to close.

*Tensing*| *You might want a comma after ‘slightly’ | *sphincter*

“Chin up, we’ll go see a movie afterwords and if you’re a good girl, we’ll go to the Daring Do exhibit in Canterlot next weekend.”


“It’s not her fault, it’s mine. It was a stuiped bet. I bet Twilight that she couldn’t act bad. If you’re going to punish someone punish me!”


Celestia said nothing, she simply stared at her, her expression unreasonable.

*Were you going for ‘unreadable’? To me, that makes more sense.*

This was a great ride.

The first part (Bad Girl Twilight) really gave me a Christian F. (Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, the book not the movie) vibe. The way every little choice seemed to follow the previous one quite logically, with no real huge step, but they ended up in this unbelievable downward spiral. Let's be real, the pranks to rarity and Fluttershy were pretty inoffensive (Angel is, more often than not, kind of a jerk, so I didn't really feel bad)... But then they went on with Applejack and Pinkie Pie (!), which had a very different kind of consequentiality and therefore emotional response. And still, it was easy to accept it, as it wasn't too far away from what we had already seen. Chilling.

I think the story perfectly captured some traits of Twilight and Rainbow's personalities, and then perfectly pushed them to the extreme (and to the darkest). Namely, how far Twilight would be willing to go help a friend, and how far Rainbow Dash would go not to lose a bet. Seeing her making Twilight get a tattoo and some piercings out of spite was painful, and so was seeing her guilt when she realized what she had just done for a stupid bet. Very good psychological exploration right there.

For this second part, I expected a similar kind of direction. I was pleasantly surprised by how wholesome it was, instead. Their interactions with Shining Armor and Cadence, and with the Main 6 were great, they really showed how Twilight could balance being "Bad Girl Twilight" while still being "Our Twilight", thoughtful, kind and earnest. The scene with Scotaloo was the best in the whole fiction, hands down. Rainbow dash swallowing her pride and recognizing Twilight's value? Lovely. And Twilight wisely convincing Scotaloo to wait to get a tattoo? Once again, that's exactly how Twilight should be. Ultimately, I expected a little bit more consequences for their actions... But in the end, I was perfectly on board with the way they left the door open to fix everything.

My only little gripe? The last chapter felt like a bit of a wasted opportunity. Don't get me wrong, by how the fiction was going, I expected Celestia to be perfectly fine with it (Not as much as she actually was, but still)... My problem is, everything went down too quickly. Rainbow Dash recognizing and accepting her responsibilities (which was basically the original point of the bet)? Great, her character arc was basically done right there. But Twilight? I really thought a more introspective look would have completed the fiction. Like, Twilight herself acknowledging her own change with pride, despite being in front of (metaphorically speaking) the physical manifestation of her own superego. A heartfelt "I'm sorry, but this is who I am now" speech, followed by a "I'm proud of you, it is not easy to accept all parts of oneself" speech would have been the kind of ending I overall expected. (although Celestia could fit very well either the role of the dispenser of a moral, as well as a kind of absurdist, amoral acknowledgement of the situation -kInd of like she ended up being.)

Suffice to say, I loved it nonetheless.

With love,
The Marhsmallow

P.S. Now I am very curious about the original, intended ending. How dark was it supposed to be? xD

Loved this story!

Super excited for more TiM it's been so long. I think you were the first writer I followed on here. As to additional stories, is beyond the looking glass going to remain under Harmony? She is having a pretty rough time lately with all her personal time being eaten by multiple jobs and her friends having problems in France. I believe that her taking care of her IRL items needs to be priority.

What about beyond the looking glass, have you considered relooking at that?

Nice ending. Ties it up and leaves room for sequels and spin offs. Well done. :twilightsmile:

It’s done already? It’s been a great ride.

In this chapter, I like seeing that Rainbow and Twilight’s first thoughts in the mooring are about following up their promises to their friends. In the previous chapter I had the impression that the two mares had gotten off easy with sweettalking their way out of a much more serious mess, having been forgiven with no other consequence than Pinkie’s predicament. I now see I wasn’t reading it correctly: they hadn’t been forgiven, they’d earned a chance to make amends. Now they’re acting up on it and bringing it to fruition. That takes maturity and perseverance, I couldn’t agree more that it’s a perfect conclusion for Rainbow’s growth.

This chapter is up there with maximum adorableness levels. The two waking up in the morning is one of the most wholesome scenes in recent memory. It’s rare to see a mare pulling a plug out of her ass, another sleeping with active vibrators inside ad thinking that such a scene is simply cute, almost deprived of lewdness. I don’t feel sexual tension and I don’t mind, it’s just two ponies in love sweetly thinking of each other.

For the whole story, my favorite overall scene is the one with Scootaloo. A completely innocent character breaks the bizarre equilibrium between the mares, forcing them to deal with an unexpected foreign view of the world. It’s a turning point in both mare’s growth, a show of maturity and a deeper peek in their new take on life and children. It shows how far they’ve come without neglecting how much they still have to go.

For this story, I commend your dedication to deliver weekly updates consistently. I also appreciate ending the story in the way and place it did, allowing it to gracefully fulfill its purpose and preventing it from dragging on beyond its scope. Having the story driven by the characters is another reason of praise, they have come together organically from a reader’s perspective and never once appeared forced in roles they didn’t belong to. I’ll admit that I too am a little curious about the original planned ending for this story.

I’m excited for the future :pinkiesmile: Coming back to Twilight is Magic sounds awesome, and the other plans are no less intriguing. I’ll definitely keep my eyes open.

Loved the story but honestly I wanted them to agree the tattoos (especially Twilight's) were too far and have them removed. It would have better played into them admitting things went too far and the need to make amends. :scootangel:

You bitch! I loved this story too much gor you to end it like that. But all good things m.j ust come to an end and those things that bring us pain shall huant us forever.

“Do you honestly think Luna or I don’t have our own harems made up of ponies we love and trust just as much as you do your friends?” Celestia asked with a chuckle.

“I… uh… ummm…” was all Twilight could say.


I can see a sequel to this having spike follow in Twilights hoofsteps a few years down the road.

The original ending was far more dark and manipulative on Twilight’s part; however, in the course of writing the story events and characterizations unfolded in such a way that the original ending no longer fit, as such the ending changed to match their actions.

I can think of a guard in the Crystal Empire who would disagree with this sentiment. At least, he would if he weren't terrified of being used as a pack mule again. I would concur with him, because humiliating former slaves/whatever-he-did-under-Sombra like that ain't cool.

Liked this two parter quite more than I thought I would, great stories

Thanks for the info.

Man, I'm not one for rereading too many stories, but this one stuck with me as something great worh revisiting. The characterizations are fantastic fun and the pacing is quality. I'm sure I'll be back again.

Thanks for the fic!

It's sad that we will most likely never see a sequel to this story.

Hmm… I guess I went into this story expecting it to be a bit more cloppy. And thus, I ended up pretty disappointed.

Not a bad story, though. But it does seem a little bit unresolved that we never did get a full scene of Rainbow on a leash in front of everyone in Ponyville. For that matter, it would also be really interesting to see the reaction of the other Wonderbolts, too.

And, yeah, it would be a ton of fun to see a sequel where the idea of having a full harem is eating away at Twi, maybe making Rainbow jealous, seeing which of her friends makes the offer first, etc.

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