• Published 27th Feb 2019
  • 1,665 Views, 11 Comments

Those Wedding Belle Rainbows - Tangerine Blast

Rainbow and Rarity try to make the perfect wedding for each other

  • ...

Overcompensating and Other Side Effects of Being in Love

As was custom for the day after the best day of your life, all of Rainbow Dash's friends were laughing together.

They were clustered in the library of Twilight’s castle, lounging on pillows and bean bags. Rarity pranced in front of them, twisting her head back and forth so the ring nestled on her horn caught the light and shimmered.

“Oh, it’s so beautiful, Rarity!” Twilight cooed, her eyes sparkling from the gleam of the gems nestled into the ring.

There were three diamonds embedded into the platinum. They were cut down so they blended perfectly with the ring and became sleek looking at every angle. When the light hit them just right it fractured and spilled off it in a tiny rainbow prism.

“Ah gotta say,” Applejack spoke up, chuckling from where she lounged on a pillow and shooting a smirk above her, “Ah didn’t think ya’d get something so nice Dash. Thought Rarity’d be the one ta hafta propose to get anythin’ half as fancy.”

Rainbow, as usual, was hovering right above the group. She had been silent until now, her mouth busy biting her lip in a desperate attempt to keep a smile down that would surely split her face in two if she freed it.

She couldn’t resist Applejack’s taunt, however, and tossed her mane back with an exaggerated scoff. “Of course the ring I’d pick out would be awesome. I mean, come on, I’m Rainbow Dash. You know I always dress in style.”

Pinkie shot her a look. One with an innocent smile but a sly look in her eyes. “Oh? So you’ve just been going to visit Maud every day for the past couple weeks for fun, huh?”

Rainbow blushed as the rest of the girls giggled. While she had no problem bragging about her accomplishments, actively talking about how much work she had gone through for it still wasn’t something she liked to flaunt.

Rarity saved her from further teasing by drawing the attention back to herself. “Well, I think all that effort paid off.” She levitated it off of her horn to better admire it. “It represents us both so well. Sleek, yet stylish.”

“Aw, come on babe,” Dash scoffed, flying over to give her mare- her fiance a nuzzle, “I tried to add a little bit of me in there too. You can’t have all the credit.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and pecked Rainbow on the nose. “Flirt…”

“This is so romantic,” Twilight gushed, her wings fluttering involuntarily, “Two of my friends, engaged. It’s like a match made by Fate itself. You’re both some of the most dynamic, interesting, amazing, attractive…”

“Okay okay, that’s enough of that,” Spike interrupted, tugging on Twilight’s wing to keep her from rising off the floor, “We know how excited you are, Twi.”

“To be fair to Twilight,” Rarity continued, nuzzling Rainbow’s hair, “Dashie did propose oh so romantically.”

“Heck yeah I did,” Rainbow boasted, scooping Rarity into her arms, the Unicorn protesting through delighted giggles, “There Rarity was, casually going about her day when she forgot a rain shower was going to come pouring down. Her life, or at least her mane, was going to be ruined! But then, suddenly, the clouds parted!”

“Nothing odd about that,” Rarity interrupted, clutching Dash’s neck as the two hovered above the group, “Dashie often helps me with weather/fashion conflicts.”

“But this time was different!” Rainbow proclaimed, the girls oohing and ahhing below as if she hadn’t told this same story not but a few hours ago, “This time the clouds didn’t just break away but started forming into something interesting. Rarity looked up and saw they were spelling words.”

“What did they spell?” Pinkie cheered while Twilight stuffed her face in a pillow in anticipation.

“‘Rarity, will you marry me?’” Rarity finished, leaning forward to lock her fiance in a passionate kiss.

The room broke out into cheers and Applejack let out a few whoops for good measure.

When the two finally broke Rainbow gilded back to the ground and set Rarity on her hooves.

“You two are just… you’re so cute,” Twilight gushed.

“So when are you planning on having the wedding?” Fluttershy asked after the room had settled.

“As soon as possible!” Rarity answered immediately, “I don’t want to wait needlessly.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Rainbow agreed, “I want to spend the rest of my life with Rarity. Why wait for that?”

“And we actually thought you might like to help.” Rarity suggested, fully talking to the group now, “Spike, I could really use your advice on the design of the arrangement.”

Spike gave his friend a thumbs up. “You can count on me, Rarity.”

“And of course we need you to help plan this party, Pinkie,” Dash added, shooting her friend a smile that was eagerly returned.

Rarity flashed a dazzling smile at Twilight. “And, Twilight, we’d be honored if you were the one to 'tie the knot' so to speak.”

Twilight squealed in delight and nodded rapidly. “Of course! It’d be my honor to help.”

“Heck yeah! This is going to be great,” Dash cheered, flapping her wings to get back into the air, “We can totally get this done by the end of the month.”

“That’s not too soon is it?” Rarity asked her friends, directing most of her attention at Pinkie Pie, “We don’t want to rush you beyond what’s reasonable.”

The party pony blew a raspberry and waved her hoof dismissively. “That’s more than enough time, silly. You got Pinkie Pie on the case. This’ll be the best wedding ever.”

“How can it not?” Twilight asked, “After all, you’re both such extravagant and influential ponies. You’re the most famous power couple since Shining and Cadence. Your wedding will have to be the biggest Equestria’s ever seen to keep up with your standards.”

Rarity and Rainbow blinked in unison at her. Their beaming grins dissolving into looks of silent realization.

“I do… I do suppose Rainbow is very extravagant…” Rarity muttered to herself, hoof tapping her chin.*

“And Rares is super influential…” Dash added, scratching her head.

Twilight clopped her hooves together, startling them out of their thoughts. “We better get started right away. Oh, I already have so many ideas. I know I have an emergency list around here somewhere...”

“Come on, Twilight,” Spike berated, “I think the brides should get some say in their own wedding.”

“We should get started right away if you want it so soon!” Pinkie added, rubbing her hooves together in thought. “We’ll have to work hard but it’ll be so worth it.”

“Pinkie’s right, of course,” Rarity spoke up, her smile back in full force “Spike, would you be a dear and come meet me for preparations this weekend?” She didn’t wait for a response before trotting out of the door. “I think I’ll go get started. I already have some ideas myself.”

“Ditto,” Rainbow added, flipping into the air and flying out the window, “See you this weekend, Pinks. Thanks again everypony.”

A chorus of well wishes and congratulations led her out.


A few days later Pinkie found herself tied to a few balloons as she eagerly floated up to Rainbow Dash’s house.

Rainbow and Rarity spent most of their time together ever since their relationship started, but they still owned separate houses. Rainbow hadn’t wanted to move all her things into Rarity’s small apartment above the boutique and Rarity couldn’t very well move in with Rainbow.

Pinkie idly wondered if they’d finally buy that house they had been looking at once they were married.

She knocked on the glass window nestled in the cloud and called out to her friend. “Rainbow! Are you up yet? I’m so excited to get start--”

She was cut off as the door flung open and Dash’s grinning face emerged. “Pinkie! What took you so long? Come on in, I need your help.”

“Long?” Pinkie wondered, glancing at the rising sun, “Dashie, it’s seven a-WHOAH!”

Dash grabbed her floating friend and dragged her further into the house. Any protests Pinkie had died in her throat as she took in the sight of the living room.

Newspapers, magazines, and other such articles covered every corner. On the wall was a long scroll with some hastily written down names and addresses in Rainbow’s recognizable mouth writing. If Pinkie hadn't been an inch off the clouds there wouldn't have been any room to stand without stepping on some crumpled news headline.

Pinkie blinked at the mess as Rainbow dived into a pile and started rifling through it. “Are we having an origami party? I don't wanna to brag but I fold a mean construction crane.”

“What?” Dash glanced up, distracted, “No, no, I need you to get into contact with these ponies. You know, like, everyone right? I need them all invited.”

Pinkie glanced at the piles and piles of gossip columns scattered about. “You want to invite… all these ponies to your wedding? She bent over and picked up a magazine. Ponies names were circled in red ink. “Upper Crust? Blue Blood? Suri Polomare?”

“Can you do it?” Dash asked, completely missing the question in Pinkie’s voice. “I don’t really know how to contact all of them an-”

“Why do you want them at your wedding?” Pinkie interrupted, waving the magazine in her face, “You don’t even know any of them.”

Rainbow nodded, a small blush on her cheeks. “Yeah, but Rares does. I want this wedding to be everything she’s ever dreamed. She loves these popular fashion people. If they all come it’ll make her feel like the most important pony in the world.”

Pinkie bit her lip and rubbed her leg. What Dash was saying made sense but there was a big problem in her reasoning. “Dashie, Rarity doesn’t even like half these ponies.”

Dash waved her hoof dismissively. “That’s not the point. She likes what they represent. If they come to her party it’ll mean big things for her.”

That was true in some sense of the word. Pinkie had thrown a couple of parties for her fashion friend with ponies no one really got along with. But it meant a lot to Rarity’s image to have them there and that kind of party wasn’t really a party anyway. Parties like that were for social climbing and image polishing, not fun and celebration. Pinkie just needed to explain the difference to Rainbow.

“But it’s her wedding.”

“Exactly!” Dash agreed. “With all those ponies there Rarity’s wedding will be on the front page of every newspaper from here to the Crystal Empire. It’ll be just what she wants!”

Before Pinkie could protest further Rainbow shoved a hooffull of paper into her arms. “Now get started writing invitations. We’ve got tons of names to cover.”


Spike stood patiently outside of Carousel Boutique bright and early. He had knocked a few moments ago and was glancing at some note cards he’d brought with him. Logically, he knew he wasn’t going to have much say on what actually got approved, he had become used to being a springboard for Rarity’s ideas, but he thought having a few suggestions prepared would be the polite thing to do.

The door opened with a flourish and Rarity smiled pleasantly down at him. She seemed a bit disheveled. Her mane had a few hairs out of place and her makeup wasn’t immaculate. Whatever she was working on must have dominated a lot of her time and thoughts. “Hello there, Spike. I’m so glad you could come to help.”

He beamed back at her. “Of course, Rarity. I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to help you with your big day.” He peered behind her into the shop. “So what have you been working on? Got any good ideas yet?”

“Oh, I dare say I do. Come in, come in, tell me what you think.”

She led him past the public area of her business and back into her private work area. There were papers strewn about her desk, a sure sign she had been on a designing spree. Spike walked over and inspected at them, however, the more he saw the more confused he grew.

“Uh, Rarity, these are kinda…” He picked up a particular sketch of what looked like a banner idea. Instead of words or a stylized symbol or something, the banner was flooded with images of Rainbow Dash in all her glory, flying, posing, kissing Rarity. It looked like an advertisement to a new Wonderbolt show featuring her and her alone. “...extravagant.”

“Oh, I admit that one’s little over the top,” Rarity said, standing beside Spike and plucking the picture out of his claws, “But that is supposed to be the point. Rainbow loves attention, as you know, so I thought that I’d be perfect to theme the wedding about how amazing she is.”

“Yeah… I mean…” Spike glanced at all of the other sketches. The designs and structures were different, but the underlying idea was the same: Come see Rainbow Dash be awesome. “This seems more like you’re going to sell tickets to her show, not marry her.”

Rarity scoffed playfully and rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face. “Everyday is a show when you’re with her. I simply wish to reflect that. I’m sure she’ll be in love with the idea of a big celebration made especially for her.”

Spike frowned. The concept was sound but there seemed to be a big flaw in her thinking. “But Dash doesn’t like everything to be about her. She likes to celebrate you, too.”

Rarity giggled. “Well, of course she does. I love her too, that’s why I want everypony to know it. She’s very open about these things. I’m sure she’ll find it a splendid idea.”

Spike didn’t get a chance to explain himself further before he was ushered into the next room.

Rarity floated bits of fabric around them. “Now, come, we need to figure out the costume department next.”

Spike raised his brow. Costumes?


“Dearly beloved… no no that’s not right. Dearly beloved friends we are gathered...hmm we are gathered… we are gathered? Uhg, definitely not that one.”

Twilight Sparkle paced around her throne room, reciting her prepared speech off of a dozen note cards floating around her head. She had spent most of the time after the proposal writing her speech but now she had to perfect how to say it. Absolutely nothing could go wrong. Rarity and Rainbow were counting on her.



“Ack!” Twilight jumped at the sound of a door slamming open. Her magic fizzled for a moment and scattered her notecards around the room. She turned a peeved look at Spike and Pinkie who had rushed in.

Spike, at least, had the decency to look embarrassed, but Pinkie was just proud for remembering to use to door and not the much more fun entrances.

“Twilight we need your help!” She declared, Spike nodding along with her.

Twilight sighed. “Can it wait? I really need to practice for the wedding…”

“The wedding’s just what we need help with,” Spike interrupted, “Rarity isn’t listening to me at all.”

“And Rainbow thinks this is a fête when it’s obviously supposed to be a hootenanny!”

Twilight blinked at Pinkie. “Ooookay. I honestly have no idea what you just said." She turned to her brother. "Spike, this is Rarity’s wedding. She doesn’t have to listen to your advice if she doesn't want to.”

Spike slapped himself in the face. “That’s not the point! She’s making this out to be some kind of parade celebrating Rainbow’s accomplishments.”

“And Rainbow’s trying to impress Rarity by making this the kind of party where ponies impress each other.” She sunk to her knees and gripped her mane. “That’s not a fun party at all! It’s an anti-party I tell you. It doesn’t deserve the title of party!”

“They’re doing what they think the other wants instead of considering what this means to them,” Spike continued, ignoring Pinkie’s dramatics, “They aren’t talking to each other or listening to us at all.”

“It’d be like if someone threw a party for me decorated entirely in pink because they took one look at me and thought it was my favorite color!”

Spike paused and turned towards Pinkie. “Wait… your favorite color isn’t…?”

Pinkie rushed forward and started shaking Twilight by the withers. “You have to talk some sense into them, Twilight!”

Twilight calmly lit her horn and floated Pinkie away from her. She gave the two of them a disappointed look and shook her head. “Listen you two, I know you want what’s best for your friends, but this is Rarity and Rainbow’s biggest moment of their lives.” She sighed dreamily. “This is the moment they seal their souls together. The greatest act of love. It’s the most beautiful thing to happen to the most beautiful of ponies. And if they want to do it in a way that you don’t agree with then you’re just going to have to accept that alright?”

Pinkie and Spike glanced at each other, worry etched onto their faces.

“But…” Pinkie whimpered, “The party…”

“No buts,” Twilight said with a little stomp of her hoof, “You can’t go around messing up their big day just because you don’t like their plan. I think they know what they want more than anyone else.”

Pinkie and Spike slumped.

“I guess…” Spike muttered, “I mean… I’m sure they won’t do anything too crazy right?”


“Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted for, like, the fifth time in the past hour.

Pinkie flinched and peered around the third test cake she had baked that day. “Yes, Dashie?”

Rainbow was grimacing at the slice she had eaten. “This cake doesn't taste right at all. Don’t you get it? I need this cake to be just. Like. Rarity.”

Pinkie attempted a small smile. “Shiny?”

“Perfect!” Rainbow banged her hoof on the table, splattering some icing onto both ponies. Dash didn’t seem to notice and Pinkie was already so covered with baking material it didn’t really make a difference. “We need to try something different… Something fresh and new... like her…”

Pinkie, in her humble opinion, thought an ice cream cake had been a pretty fresh idea and that the almost-completely-covered-in-fondant-to-look-like-Rarity cake had taken it a tad too far already.

There was a reason the thing tasted bad.

“I know! Pie!”

Pinkie didn’t even know how to process that request. “A wedding… pie?”

Rainbow nodded energetically. “Yeah, it’s interesting, new, but it’s still a timeless food.”

It wasn’t the worst idea in the world, Pinkie was pretty sure she could stack a bunch of pies in a fancy wedding way, but there was one problem. “… you hate pie.”

“But Rarity doesn’t!”


“Spike, darling, I really really need you to stop moving.”

“I’m just not completely sure the bridesmaid dresses need to be warrior themed.”

Rarity was testing a new design on him and his color combination, but the thing draped on him was so over the top he felt embarrassed just wearing it. There was a warrior’s helmet, shoes, and even fake Pegasus wings, all in the style of ancient Pegasus culture.

“And I need you to stop talking.”

Spike pouted as Rarity jabbed another piece of actual metal to the costume. “You can’t tell me you actually like this kind of stuff. I look like I’m starring in a Hearth’s Warming play.”

“No, it’s not my first choice but it is Rainbow’s. She loves this kind of sleek and hard design. I know she’ll perform a flip of joy when she sees it!”

“Yeah, someone’s gonna flip alright…”


“You may now kiiii...erm I mean… You may now kiss… hrmm… You may now kiss. Uhg, get it together, Twilight, this is the most important part.”

Twilight’s ear flicked at the sound of the castle door gently opening and closing. She hadn’t seen Spike, or any of her other friends, in a while. They were all so busy with the preparations that there hadn’t been enough time for friendly visits.

So she was moderately surprised when Pinkie and Spike slunked into the throne room without a word. The two looked like they had been used as personal pinatas for a pair of festive diamond dogs.

Twilight gave them a supportive smile. “So, how're the preparations going? How are the fiances?”

The two groaned.

Spike cupped his head in his hands and sunk to the floor. “They’ve hardly seen each other all month. I swear it’s like they’ve forgotten why they’re even throwing this thing.”

Pinkie simply flopped onto her side. “I do not like them when they’re stressed. They don’t even know what they want anymore.”

“I bet they would have just called the whole thing off if they weren’t so dedicated to finishing things,” Spike muttered into his claws.

Twilight chuckled awkwardly. “I’m sure it’s not that bad. You two are just tired from working so hard.”

Pinkie didn’t seem to have heard her as she grabbed her stomach and curled in on herself. “I’ve tasted so many pies and fancy food I’m getting sick of eating.”

Spike grounded his palms into his eyes. “Dash’s wedding dress looks like her original gala dress.”

Twilight cocked her head. “Well, that’s not so bad…”

Spike shot her a pointed look. “Her original gala dress.”

Twilight’s ears fell back. “Oh…”

Pinkie curled her tail around her side and buried her face into it. “I just wish they’d take a break or something. No one’s having fun anymore and the party’s going to be terrible.”

Twilight was about to reply but a gentle ringing sound filled the room and interrupted her thoughts. She turned around and let a smile split her face. “It seems like you’ve gotten your wish. Look.”

Spike and Pinkie both picked them self up from the floor and followed Twilight to the cutie map. Two cutie marks floated above it, circling each other and an unmarked forest south of Ponyville.

Twilight smiled confidently and gestured to the diamond and lighting bolt. “See? Now Rainbow and Rarity will get away from all the stress of planning and spend time with each other.” She patted the table affectionately. “Fate has their best interests in mind.”


Twilight yelped and Pinkie and Spike dove under the table as the castle echoed with the princess’ name. Through the door Rarity stormed, her mane loose from it’s dedicated curl and her eye twitching.

From a nearby window, Rainbow flew in, her eyes bloodshot and mane an absolute disaster.

“What the heck, Twi?” Rainbow demanded, gesturing towards her glowing flank. "Why are we being called now?"

“Uh... I guess there’s a friendship problem that needs your help?” Twilight chuckled nervously.

“Friendship problem?” Rarity shrilled, “There’s a problem right here! The wedding is days away, I don’t even have my suit made and I haven’t been able to find Spike for the past twenty minutes!”

“Yeah!” Rainbow agreed, shoving her face into Twilight’s, “Pinkie’s disappeared and we haven’t even started talking about the reception. We can’t take a break now!”

Twilight balked, her eyes darting back and forth between the two. “Uh, uh, right. We can fix this. I can fix this. Don’t worry you two we’ll just… uh… uh… I know!” Twilight clopped her hooves together and gave the angry couple her biggest smile. “We’ll send Applejack and Fluttershy instead! They aren’t really doing anything right now, I’m sure they can handle the problem.”

“But doesn’t the map send the only ponies who can help?”

“Pinkie!” Spike hissed, trying desperately to quiet her down before they were spotted.

“There you are, Spike!”

Too late. Spike was dragged by his tale out from under the table and held aloft in Rarity’s magic.

Her face became one of relief as she batted her eyes at Twilight. “Thank you so much for your help, Darling. I’m sure with all you’re doing we’ll have the perfect wedding.”

Twilight blushed and grinned sheepishly. “Hehe, just doing what I can…”

Spike glared at her as he was floated away, Rarity already spouting more ideas as she trotted off.

“You’re a lifesaver, Twi,” Rainbow added, giving her a quick nuzzle that sent her blushing harder. “Come on Pinks, we need to see if we can combine pie and cake into an even better food.”

Pinkie groaned as she was dragged out of her hiding spot and into the sky by a determined Pegasus. She stuck out her tongue at Twilight as she passed just to make sure she saw how unpleasant this entire situation was.

Twilight let out a sigh as she was left alone and slumped into her throne. This was not going well.


The weeks that followed did not get any better.

“Pinkie I told you I don’t care how the food tastes it’s from the most hooves up restaurant in Equestria!”

“Spike, darling, I know the dress may seem over the top but that’s just what I love about my Rainbow.”

“Pinkie, you know how Rarity’s so bright in my life? I need gems in every area of the venue. I need the reflection to be blinding.”

“Spike, if the flowers are not in the correct color pattern I will have a fit right here and now.”

“Pinkie, so help me the sky better be advertising our names even if you have to get the clouds imported from Las Pegasus.”





The big day had finally come.

It was not going well.

Rarity paced up and down Ponyville’s town square, checking each and every detail of the venue. She was dressed in her suit for the ceremony, almost completely ready for her big day. A suspiciously quiet Pinkie Pie trailed after her.

The two had been doing some last minute inspections practically all day. At first, Rarity had insisted on correcting all the littlest details and griping about the things she hadn't had a say in but, as the day dragged on and less and less things needed fixing, she felt her energy drain, leaving her just feeling heavy.

“Well, everything seems to be in order,” she murmured, checking the tables that had been set up for the guests, “Though it could still use… something... what do you think, Pinkie?”

Pinkie shrugged and looked away. “I don’t know Rarity, it’s just like you asked. Spike personally made sure the flowers were arranged in Rainbow’s hair pattern.”

“Yes, I see that…” Rarity replied, flinching at the tacky display of rainbow colored… well, everything. “Dear, why are all these name cards for…” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “...ponies like Prince Blueblood?”

“Rainbow thought you’d want to show all those important fancy ponies your big day.”

Rarity furrowed her brow and turned to her friend. “She did? But this is for her. She can’t possibly want all these stuffy ponies here.”

Pinkie glanced up and gave a little knowing smile. “It sure clashes with the ice sculptures of her and the rock band.”

Rarity frowned. “Now dear, I did those things for her. I just didn’t think she would…” Her ears folded back. “Her ideas are just silly. Why would I want all these ponies at my wedding?”

Pinkie cocked her head but didn't answer the question. “Either way they’re gonna arrive in a couple minutes. Do you need me to…” Her ear twitched and she sneezed violently, confetti going everywhere.

Rarity raised a brow. “Oh my, you must have been pushing yourself harder than I thought if you’re sneezing confetti.”

Pinkie rubbed her nose and gazed pensively into the distance. “It’s not that… something’s going to happen.”

The two gazed into the distance. A thick cloud of dust was rising over the hill just out of Ponyville. Right in front of it was two yellow ponies desperately running towards town.

Rarity breathed a shaky sigh of relief. “Ah, it’s just Applejack and Fluttershy back from their… friendship problem.”

Pinkie’s ears flattened. “Yeah, but what’s following them?”

The two squinted at the cloud of dust behind kicked up as if by dozen of hooves. Dark shapes appeared briefly where the cloud thinned and the sound of buzzing filled the air louder and louder.

“Run!” Applejack yelled once she was close enough, Fluttershy trailing just behind her, “Get Twi! It’s Chrysalis and she’s got them rogue changelings with ‘er!”

Pinkie and Rarity’s eyes widened as a horde of changelings poured over the hill and into Ponyville.

“Applejack what did you do!?!” Rarity shrieked, charging up her horn as her battered friends rushed past her.

“We couldn’t h-handle i-i-i-t!” Fluttershy sobbed, flying straight to Twilight’s castle.

Pinkie’s head whipped between her retreating friends and the approaching enemies. She shot Rarity a shaky smile. “Uh, maybe we can talk them down?”

Rarity grimaced as the black swarm sped towards them. “They don’t seem to be in much of a conversational mood, darling.”

Pinkie opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted as a changeling plowed her into the ground and across the venue; overturning tables along the way.

Rarity’s mouth dropped as the changelings rushed into the square, tearing through banners and sending ponies scattering in all directions.

Her teeth ground together as they smashed tables and decorations alike.

“You… you brutes! Do you know how long that took to set up? Do you know the stress this has caused me?!?” She shot magic bolts at the flying changelings, though she couldn’t deny the wreckage seemed to be an improvement over the hodgepodge of tacky decorations.

This directed their attention away from their original targets and they started hissing as they surrounded her.

“Oh no you don’t!” she shouted, firing at them in an attempt to hold them at bay, “I am not having my wedding day ruined by some jerks who don’t want to spread love!”

One of the changelings rushed her from the side, causing her to pivot sharply to avoid getting hit. The changeling’s sharp limbs grazed her shoulder on the way, however, and ripped a long tear in her suit.

She stared at her ruined outfit in horror. “Can this day get any wo-oof!”

Another changeling slammed onto her back, forcing her to the ground and knocking the wind out of her. The changeling hissed in her ear like a little devil child and smacked her horn before she could fire another spell.

She glared at her assailant. “You are dirtying this suit. It is dry clean only!”

Other changelings crept closer and Rarity could do nothing more than hiss back at them and submit to her fate.


Suddenly, the weight was lifted off of her and the changelings scattered. Her bride to be’s beautiful face appeared above her, clothed in her jagged-edged wedding dress and punching changeling faces with her expensive steel toed shoes.

“GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE!” Rainbow screamed as she fought off the horde. Queen Chrysalis ripped out of Twilight’s castle not a moment later followed by the Princess of Friendship herself, spitting lasers.

Rarity was sure she had died and gone to heaven. This was exactly what she saw in her dreams even down... to… wait...

“Rainbow Whistle Dash why am I seeing you in your wedding dress???”

Rainbow started at the shrill scream and jerked around to give Rarity a bemused look. “Uh, cause, you know I saw my fiance getting mugged and thought… dang… but she can’t see me in the dress before the ceremo-HEY!”

Rainbow ducked as a blue beam of magic soared over her head and smacked a changeling in the face.

“Rainbow Dash you are impossible,” Rarity scolded, standing up and brushing off her coat, “This is bad luck you know.”

Rainbow flared her wings, jumping over a changeling that tried to tackle her legs. “Yeah, it kinda looks that way.” Her wings then sagged and she bowed her head. “Look Rarity I’m sorry about all of… this…”

Rarity blinked as she pivoted out of the way of a charge, causing the poor changeling to have a quick conversation with Rainbow’s hoof. Now side by side she playfully jabbed her fiance in the ribs. “You caused the attack?”

Rainbow gave her a flat look. “No, I mean all the junk that went into the wedding. I invited all those guests you hate and made the cake into pies,” She jumped on Rarity, pushing her down to avoid a pie that grazed their manes and knocked a changeling out of the sky.

“HAHAHA! Take that you jerks! Think you can crash a Pinkie Pie party?!”

Rainbow flinched as she used her momentum to roll both of them back to their hooves. “Uh, I also kinda went off on Pinkie for a while… may have broken her.”

Rarity sighed and leaned forward to grab Rainbow’s neck. Rainbow wrapped her hooves around her and lifted as Rarity used the leverage to buck a changeling in the gut. “I feel the same way. I made this all a parade for you instead of actually working with you.”

Rainbow backflipped over Rarity and landed on top of another aggressor. The two brides both reared onto their hind legs, fighting with their backs covered by the other.

“Rarity, I never wanted this to be about my accomplishments or your social status.” She grabbed Rarity’s hoof and twirled her around, her magic firing into a plethora of enemies. Rainbow pulled her back into her chest until the two were nose to nose. “I never wanted it to be anything else but what we love.” She pressed her forehead right under Rarity’s horn, rubbing the ring still nestled there. “That ring symbolizes where I choose to center my life."

Rainbow pushed her away as another changeling flew between them. Rarity smashed her hooves into two more and fired stunning bolts of pure magic at others. She was lost in the flurry of blows until her hoof was grabbed and she spun back into Rainbow's arms.

Rainbow gazed into her eyes and breathed into her ear. "What’s your choice?”

Rarity’s eyes had watered during the speech and she could only choke back a happy sob as she gazed into her love’s eyes.

Eventually, she managed to wrench herself away and turned dramatically towards the raging battle, hitting changelings along the way. “Twilight!”

Rainbow’s face dropped. “Twilight?”

Twilight’s head jerked up from where she was rapid firing at the changeling queen. “Um, I’m a little busy right now!”

“Twilight, marry us!” Rarity called, much to Rainbow’s relief.

Twilight’s jaw dropped and her eyes started to sparkle. “...both of you?” She whispered.

Thankfully, Rarity could still read her lips even from the distance. Her face fell into an awkward grimace as she looked back at Rainbow. “Erm, to each other, darling.”

Twilight blushed scarlet. “Oh oh.” She glanced around at the raging battle and Chrysalis slowly rising to her hooves. “Uh, right now?”

Rainbow backflipped to kick another enemy and landed with a wing draped around Rarity. “No better time.”

“Alright then,” Twilight cleared her throat as she shot another bolt at Chrysalis and launched into the air. “Dearly beloveds, we are gathered here today to…”

“Uh, maybe skip this part, Twi?” Rainbow called as she pulled Rarity out of a blast of magic.

Twilight huffed as she rolled around Chrysalis's spell. “I had everything prepared… fine. Rarity Belle, do you take this Pegasus to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do!” Rarity shouted, pushing Rainbow down to shoot a bolt at another changeling. The Pegasus slid under her to tackle another coming from behind.

“And do you,” Twilight ducked a punch, and slammed all four hooves into Chrysalis’ chest, “oh gosh, Rainbow Dash, do you take this Unicorn to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Rainbow grabbed Rarity as three changelings tried to tackle her and flew straight into the air. She looked deeply into her eyes and whispered, “I do.”

“WHAT?” Twilight shouted as her horn clashed against the Queen’s.

“I said I do!” Rainbow answered, flapping her wings hard to blow a group away as Rarity fired bolt after bolt.

“Then you may now,” Twilight released a large charge from her horn and slammed Chrysalis into the side of her castle. “Kiss the bride!”

Rainbow soared hirer until the two were flying well above the swarm. She paused momentarily to locked eyes with Rarity once again. “I love you,” She whispered.

Rarity smiled and brushed a hoof down her cheek. “I love you too.”

The two’s eyes widened at a sudden sensation in their flanks and with a glance they saw their cutie marks pulse with magic.

“Well,” Rarity chuckled, “I suppose we’ve solved that friendship problem.”

Rainbow answered by tilting her chin up and kissing her wife.

Comments ( 11 )

I’m surprised Chrysalis isn’t raging at being left as nothing but background noise.

*Raging changeling in sight*

Eyup, that's that

Best wedding ever, absolutely beautiful.

So what did Elizabeth Swan and William Turner do on their honey-moon? Oh sorry I meant Rarity and Rainbow Dash, just a little confused since this read pretty much identically to their wedding scene in Pirates of the Caribbean.

That picture is downright adorable~ But I guess it's up to me to make sure the new couple gets some alone time. *Drags Twilight away to an undisclosed location*

Ah'm jus' gonna have ta put on ma big girl hat 'n make sure they aint disturbed!


So, what happened with the Changelings?

"So, Twilight, what did we learn?"

Pinkie Pie in a schoolmarm outfit smacking a ruler into the frog of her forehoof should not have been more intimidating than Chrysalis on the warpath. Operative word being "should." "Don't assume?" said Twilight, ears flat.

Pinkie nodded. "Good. What else?"

"Listen to your friends when they voice their concerns?"

"Uh huh."

Twilight smirked. "And if they don't, know that it could lead to a wedding crashed by changelings."

The ruler came to a stop. Pinkie's mane broke free of the tight bun, though it wasn't clear if that was out of shock or just an inevitable product of the mane tie's finite tensile strength. "You... This was payback for Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding?"

Twilight shrugged her wings. "I mean, I didn't anticipate the changeling attack. I had a different plan ready to salvage everything once the brides realized how silly they were being. But honestly? Yes. Yes it was."

Pirates of the Caribbean reference!

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