• Member Since 28th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2020


Ahoy! This be Foxy the Pirate! I be here with me matey Pip to write tales about ponies. Come on, even mighty pirates can like ponies!

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Editor? · 10:11am Nov 6th, 2015

So I'm trying to write more stuff but I noticed it could be better. I've needed an editor for a while anyway.

Just someone who can detect grammar is spelling mistakes easily and correct them for me, rewrite parts that feel kind of dodgy or don't flow, help with the show-don't-tell aspect of things etc.

I mean I'm a 6th grade student from Trottingham and my partner is a pirate-fox robot built in like the 1970s, we're not the best when it comes to grammar and all that.

Report FoxyAndPip · 361 views · #editor #help
Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Arr!!! Where ya fine dandies be?

2035321 I can senpie

2034429 I dunno really, it's just cool! And dat cliffhanger

Thanks for the fave on Scootaloo, Dark Angel.

what did you like about it?

Thanks for adding You stole away my Life to your favourites.

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