• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 2,971 Views, 41 Comments

Changing Opinions - keenan

Twilight Sparkle on a walk one day discovers a changeling trying to feed off her.

  • ...

too fast?

in this chapter

-rarity freacks out
-rarity accepts it
-rarity nags her for a few weecks to tell her friends
-friends are told.
-celestia hears, becuase she is goddes of sun and stuff
-she flips
=number xxxxxx is arrested
-twilight flips

-twilight goes to celestia to try to get her to realise him
-shit storm
-town people find out
-chase happens-yackaty sax music plays
-the catch the changeling
- they try to execute him with a sword
-twilight jumps in between
-fucking cuts her leg off
-evryone feels bad
-twilight gets better
-happily ever after-
inb4 trololol

Comments ( 12 )


thats a summery

Comment posted by mikeTpony deleted Feb 18th, 2013

explanation : was never going to finish this and decided to make a joke of my pacing. which was crazy fast. by making it faster. At least you know how it ends.

Well then... Huh... :rainbowhuh:
And then? :rainbowderp:
And then?! :rainbowderp:

I think it is one of shortest non-one-shots I've read. :rainbowlaugh:
Seriously, tag it complete for lulz.

If you ever write more or re-write it completely... I will keep it in faves. To watch. :trixieshiftright:

Wow you sure know how to piss people off with a horrible ending chapter:twilightangry2:, it' not even a chapter it's just a crappy summery:ajbemused:

I am pretty sure Trollestia Approves...


Hey, if you are never going to finish this, do you think I could take over and redo the story when I get a chance?

yeah sure, idc

Yes I believe she approves as well.

Too fast-forward in the plot, many orographical errors.

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