• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 6,670 Views, 1,301 Comments

Applejack's Butt - Vedues

The new stallion in town is strangely obsessed with rear ends. Especially Applejack's.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Assing for Help

They walked away from Rich Mansion in silence. Not that Applejack wanted to stay quiet or anything. It was just that, well, Sketchy didn’t seem like he was up to saying much of anything. He trudged along, head low and eyes unseeing. One leg still held his sketchbook to his chest. Applejack gently brushed against him, and he didn’t even respond.

She bit her lip and looked around, hoping for some kind of idea about what to do next. Nothing jumped out at her. Some ponies were out and about, but the streets were mostly empty. “Are ya hungry?” she asked at last.

No response.

“We could visit Sugarcube Corner,” Applejack said. “My treat.”

Nothing. He didn’t even blink.

“Sketchy …” Applejack lifted his head and looked into his eyes. He stared blankly back. “I … I want to help you, but I don’t know how.” She looked down. “Please, let me know what I can do for you.”

“I wish I could be back home.” He didn’t so much say the words as let them slip past his lips.

Did he mean back to his apartment, or back to Griffonstone? Applejack swallowed. “So, I should take you to your apartment, right?”

No response.


He just stared into the distance.

“I’ll take ya to your apartment.” She set off toward Mr. Suite’s building, with Sketchy following her mechanically.

The building wasn’t very big, just three stories with maybe ten apartments each, but it was all Ponyville needed, and Mr. Suite kept it nice and clean. Applejack led Sketchy into the small lobby and paused. “Uh, which apartment is yours?”

Sketchy didn’t say anything, but he did start walking toward the stairs.

His apartment turned out to be on the second floor, about halfway down the building’s only hall. Sketchy unlocked it and walked inside, returning the key to his bags.

It wasn’t much, just a combination kitchen and family room with two doors that Applejack guessed connected to a bedroom and a bathroom. However, what surprised Applejack was how few personal touches she could find. No pictures on the walls, no rugs on the floor, no sofa even. There was a table with one chair, but that was the limit of furniture.

Sketchy sat down at the table and looked at his notebook, still open to the torn remains of Spoiled’s picture.

“Forget about her.” Applejack carefully turned the pages back until she found that first picture he’d done of her, the one with her standing in line at Sugarcube Corner. She forced herself to laugh a little. “I have a much better rump than hers anyway.” Maybe. She wasn’t sure.

A bit of life returned to Sketchy’s eyes. “Yes.”

Applejack smiled and took his hoof. “I know today didn’t turn out so well, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure nothing like that happens again, okay?”


She gave his hoof a squeeze. “I need to go talk to some ponies. Will you be okay until I get back?”


Applejack wasn’t too sure, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. “Okay. I’ll just be a few minutes.” She paused. “And, um, mind if I ask something?”

He shifted a little to look at her. That probably meant yes.

Her ears folded back. “Would it be okay if I hugged you?”

“… Yes.”

( | )

Applejack was lucky, her friends were still at the spa. In the lobby, specifically. It let her tell them all about Sketchy’s disastrous appointment with Spoiled without having to repeat herself. One or two other customers might have overheard too, Applejack didn’t care.

“Oh my Celestia,” Rarity breathed, pressing a hoof over her mouth. “Applejack, I am so, so sorry! This is all my fault.”

“No,” Applejack said, “it’s all Spoiled’s fault. Don’t you dare try to take the blame for that mare’s behavior.”

Rarity lowered her hoof. “But still, I’m the one who sent him to her. I simply must make it up to him.”

“I want to help too,” Pinkie said.

“Yeah,” Dash said, “we can all pitch in to help your coltfriend.”

“He ain’t my coltfriend,” Applejack said automatically.

Dash smirked. “Riiight, well, we’re gonna help him anyway.”

Twilight stepped forward. “What do you think he needs most right now?”

“Probably some models,” Applejack said. “That way he can make bits selling pictures in the marketplace and not worry about rich pains in the flank like Spoiled.”

“I can help with that,” Pinkie said. “Just give me the word, and I’ll make sure all of Ponyville knows he needs some sexy models.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Should I tell them he’s available for commissions too? Just until he can get some more bits to his name?”

Applejack hesitated. If she said yes, she’d be opening Sketchy up for a repeat of what had happened with Spoiled, but if she said no, she’d be cutting off a source of income for him. “Uh … yes? So long as they realize I’ll be coming with him. No way am I gonna make him face strange ponies alone after what happened today.”

Pinkie grinned. “Sounds good. I’ll make sure everypony realizes you two are a package deal.”

“I’ll help,” Dash said. “Just say the word, and I’m there.”

Applejack felt a weight lift off her. “Thanks, you all. This means a lot to me.” She pulled them all into a big hug. Nothing quite beat having friends and family around when you needed them.

( | )

Applejack returned to Sketchy’s apartment with two boxes of takeout from Sugarcube Corner. Sketchy was still at the table, but he looked up when she came in. “Afternoon,” Applejack said gently, holding up the boxes. “You hungry?”

“A little.”

“Good, because I got a bit of everything for you.” She put the boxes on the table in front of him. “What strikes your fancy? There’s a daisy sandwich, egg salad, roast taters, uh, whatever this is.” She held up something that looked like a small tomato filled with cream cheese.

Sketchy picked up the sandwich and took a bite. “Thank you.”

Applejack shrugged. “It’s just some food.”

“No,” Sketchy said. “I mean thank you for … everything.” He sighed. “I … I don’t deserve somepony like you in my life, when all it takes is one angry customer to …” Another sigh, only much deeper. “I don’t deserve all your help.”

“Stop,” Applejack said. “Stop telling yourself that you don’t deserve to have ponies that care about you, that you don’t deserve love and friendship just like everypony else.” She touched his cheek and carefully turned him to face her. His eyes didn’t meet hers, but she knew he could see her smiling. “Everypony deserves to be happy, and spending time with you makes me happy too, okay?”

A ghost of a smile touched his lips. “Okay.”