• Member Since 27th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2017



During a conversation about horrible fanfiction, I was inspired to write the worst one I could imagine. Ten minutes later, "adventure on Ecestrea!!!" was born. It's a weird combination of poor English and parody.

THIS IS MY FIST FIC so it migt be a litle wierd. Im kinda bad at writes but i try realy hard at theis.
Twilight Sparkles bro Jerry Sparkle comes from kanter lot and becomes a wear dragon! When the ponys chase him in the ever free forest, Spike runs away too cuz they dont liek dragons any more. They all think Jerry kid naps Spike and they try to hunt him down and they get Celesteas gards to get him!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 21 )

This reads like three levels of interlocking stupidity that's given birth to more complicated stupidity that's also simple because it's part of the trinity of stupid.


Onto the story: It was ass. But it was intentional ass so it's fine. Though the ironic part about it is, the main component of bad fanfiction is repetition. And this idea's pretty original. I say make a story revolving around that idea.

Hah, this is great, really crap yes, but so intentionally crap it makes it good, well done.


You forgot to add walls of text...

Shit has hit the floor. Love it.

This... this may be the best fiction I have ever read! No, the best piece of literature ever created! Such suspence, action, and mystery all wraped up in a package of dramatic romance! All the world must know of this!
Bravo, my friend, for you are a writing GOD!

Best fan fiction ever!

Writing a trollfic doesn't give you an excuse to write a shitty story. Try again, ya futz.

My God, you've revealed to me the secret of happiness and the answers to all sorts of philosophical questions that mankind has been asking for centuries! You've also inspired me to cure cancer and just by reading your story I became rich, twice as manly, and am now dating a really hot chick!

tl;dr this was funny

Kinda want to see this riffed on MPPT3K.

I love intentionally bad fic! You have misspellings, textspeak, and very short chapters down.

I think the only things missing are the demand for x number of reviews in order to continue, a mention in the story description that you suck at "summeries", announcements of "flashback" and "next day", and random sidebar conversations between yourself and the mane characters who interrupt the narrative to comment on their portrayal in the fic.

That said, the real review should have been:


To quote Yahtzee: "If you smear yourself with feces to make a statement, fine, but you can't be offended when people tell you that you smell like shit."

I think writing an enjoyable trollfic might be even harder than just writing well. It doesn't often come across.

Why so many thumbs down? Stupid haters..

So bad it's good. Though you should have added an OC and not explained them at all.

A good try, but it's not quite competitive with "A Bad Idea was 'Kidnap'".

Go ahead and look it up, it might give you MOAR IDEEYAHS.


This hurt to read because of the incorrect grammar

Good. My job here is done.

Just for that im going to follow you nice job on story though :pinkiehappy:


10/10 ing would watch again. lol

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