• Published 27th Jul 2012
  • 2,889 Views, 267 Comments

New Perspective - Arbiter Balemead

High school sucks. Especially if you're a fillyfooler. But hey, life afterwords can be great!

  • ...

Moving In {Part I}

It had been six years since Fluttershy's mother had discovered their relationship. They'd transferred out of their Cloudsdale high school to a Ponyville one. After that they'd finished high school smoothly. Fluttershy had found a cottage on the edge of town for sale, and bought it happily. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, had decided she wanted to at least live in a cloud home, seeing as everything else about Ponyville was on the ground. They had wanted to live together, but Rainbow wouldn't have been able to live with those animals anyway, and Fluttershy was much happier with them around. It was really just a minor dispute for the two.
After that had been settled, there was a year of peaceful living, becoming good friends with Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and meeting and befriending a young up-and-coming fashionista named Rarity. The five lived happy, enjoyably peaceful -if a little hectic- lives for a good year before a new unicorn came to town. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, and her arrival was just the start of a new chapter of their lives for all six of them.
See, Rainbow and Fluttershy had begun to slowly drift apart in their time in Ponyville. They didn't spend as much time together as they used to, and their ambitions were taking them in different directions. But Twilight brought a sense of newness into their lives, bringing them back together quickly. Within no time at all, they were spending their entire days in each others company again.
Then Discord came. When he took away their wings, it was far more traumatic for Rainbow than the other four could've imagined. Once it was all said and done, Rainbow had been haunted by nightmares of the event for weeks. Fluttershy was the first one she asked for advice on the matter. Fluttershy comforted her and spent the night with her, and the dreams stopped, and after that their love only grew stronger.
There were many more adventures after that, but right now they were in a period of rest and happy well-being...


I woke up for the third morning in a row in Fluttershy's bed, and for the third morning in a row, I woke up before her. She was right in front of me, or faces so close together that I could feel her light, warm breath on my face and neck. I couldn't really move because our legs were tangled together, but I didn't really want to move. After two other mornings of it, it still wasn't boring to wake up and watch Fluttershy sleep.

She was so adorable, lying there, eyes closed, smiling happily, and breathing quietly. I felt her leg twitch on occasion, as if to kick. I don't know what that's about, but I'd assume she's having a good dream right now. Her nose twitched suddenly, then her grip around my waist tightened as she pulled me closer, burying her face in my neck. She let out a heavy, hot breath against my back eliciting a little bit of pleasure out of me.

Her squeeze let up, and she lifted her head to look at me, eyes open and completely awake.

"Good morning." I said, smiling at her. I leaned forward and gave her a peck on the lips before she could reply. She smiled warmly before speaking.

"Good morning." She replied. We laid there for a while, simply enjoy each others presence. It sounds kinda sappy really, but I've kinda stopped caring. Whenever it's just me and Shy (and I guess the other girls) I can do whatever I wanna do without worrying about my 'image'. So we just laid there, smiling at each other, and simply enjoying the peace; something I don't take enough time out of my day to do.

After a few moments passed, I heard a low rumbling sound from down the bed and Fluttershy began blushing hard. "*giggle* I um... I think it's time for breakfast."

"Heh... I guess so." She got out of the bed, heading over to her little table where she kept her hairbrush and her mirror. I propped myself up on an elbow to watch her, smiling gently as she brushed her mane. She smiled back at me through the mirror, her cheeks turning a bit darker as she did.

When she was finished, she got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. I rolled out of the bed, stretching a bit before hovering down the stairs and getting the morning chores under way. It was kinda my way of thanking Shy for sharing her bed with me for a night; I did the morning chores for her while she made breakfast. It wasn't long before the smell of her signature vegetable soup was wafting its way around the cottage, making my mouth water like it always did.

I finished feeding the animals and walked into the kitchen. Fluttershy poured out two bowls of the soup and set them on the table, giving me a quick kiss before sitting at the table. I sat across from her, smiling gratefully at her before taking my first sip of the soup. As always, it was delicious and I started scarfing it down.


I watched her eat the soup for a bit, not eating my own. I didn't really have much of an appetite, despite what my stomach said. I had something on my mind, and I wasn't sure how Rainbow would react...

She ate happily for a little while longer, but apparently noticed that I wasn't eating, and stopped, eying me worriedly. "Shy, your stomach was the one growling. Why aren't you eating? Is something wrong?" Well, here goes...

"W-well... I was just thinking..." I paused for a second, my eyes dropping to my soup. I want this to come out right. "...that I really kind of- no, really like it when you're here in the mornings..."

"What, you want me to stop by every day? I can do th-"

"Not exactly..." I looked up at her. "I would like it if you moved in." I said hopefully. She stared at me for a moment, obviously a little surprised. She put her spoon down, straightening against her seat a bit before she continued.

"Look, Shy, we've been over this. I don't think I can stand to live with the animals. I mean, I have troubles with just Tank. And aside from that..."

"But you love the animals, and I can help with Tank. I took care of him and all these animals before you adopted him, remember?" I said, trying desperately to grab a hold of this conversation before she could flat-out refuse the offer.

"But... Shy, I-... I don't..." She trailed off.

"D-don't what?"

She sighed and looked away from me, looking a little frustrated, if not very upset. A moment passed by quietly, and she still didn't answer.

"Rainbow?" She looked at me. "Don't what?" She sighed again.

"I don't think... that we're... I'm ready for that..." She said quietly, her eyes falling from mine.

"Rainbow I-... I think you're ready for it." She glanced up at me, but didn't hold my eyes very long.

"I don't think so."

"Dash, you're great with the animals, and I love having you around. Don't you think it'd be great for you to be around more?"

"Yeah, but..." She trailed off again. I waited patiently before urging her again.

"But what?" This time she didn't answer, so I got up and walked around the table. She barely had time to notice what I was doing before I'd grabbed her in an embrace and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. She returned the favor, and when I pulled away she frowned at me in confusion. "Dash. We are ready for it."

We looked into each others eyes for a moment before she finally spoke.

"Fine. But I'm gonna hang up a Wonderbolts poster in the bedroom." I frowned as she said it. "Erm... If that's okay."


It only took one day to get me moved in. I only really needed to bring along a few of my things, and the rest of the house just kinda is gonna stay there. I'm not really sure what we're gonna do with it, now that I think about it, but I don't think I'm gonna rent it out or anything. I've still got a lot of my Wonderbolts things in there, after all.

Anyways, Pinkie was throwing a big... what'd she call it? A 'Yay, you two are finally moving in together, which we all have been waiting for for a while now, but that's okay 'cause it finally happened so now we're all happy! Yay!' Party. Yeah, it's long. I hope she tries to fit all that on a banner. Or a cake. That'd be great...

So Shy and I are headed to Sugar Cube Corner right now... Or, at least, that's what she keeps saying to me whenever I try to start a game of tag. I eventually gave up, because she was deliberately not taking the bait, and started flying normally towards the sweet shop. *huff* It's really boring flying normally.

I heard some giggling then felt a hoof tap me, then looked over as Fluttershy laughed playfully. "Fine." She said as she maneuvered around the way she always did when she played. Grinning joyfully, I chased her down.


*tap tap*"What was that?"

"Pardon?" Applejack gave me a befuddled stare.

"I could've sworn I felt somepony tap my shoulder." I said, a little abashed now.

"Well, Ah din't see anythin' Rarity, but rest assured, if Ah see anypony tryin' dumb things like that, Ah'll tell you first. That alright with you?" She asked, rolling her eyes and grinning.

"Yes, well... There was no need to make a joke of it." I replied as she chuckled and trotted off towards the punch bowl. I could've sworn I felt something... Oh darn it! It was probably her tapping my shoulder to make a joke! I can be so gullible...


The party's going rather nicely. I can't say that there is anything missing. Not a slice of cake, nor a glass of punch out of place, as per norm with Pinkie Pie. Her parties are always quite enjoyable, though never quite my style. I'd rather sip wine gently with some high class ponies in Canterlot, but this is, as always, the next best thing.

The dancing, the games, the laughter, the fun, the sugar; it all screams 'Pinkie Pie', and I must say, it's often-times better than that wine. Of course, I don't usually take part in the games or the dancing, seeing as both are, eh.... very uncouth, but I tend to keep my self entertained at these get-togethers anyways.

"Hey, Rare. You jus' zonin' out over here?" I shook my head as the sound of Applejack's voice dragged me back to the present.

"Er, yes. Pretty much. And what might you be up to?"

"Ah was jus' wonderin' where RD and Shy were at."

"Hm... I suppose that's a good question." I answered, looking towards the door curiously. "Probably got sidetracked on the way over."

"Heh, they prob'ly did, heh." Applejack replied, jabbing me with an elbow. "If ya know what Ah mean."

I practically gawked at her (rather unladylike I know, but I couldn't help it) as she took a quick sip of her punch. "Applejack! Don't say such things! About our own friends, of all ponies to speak such gossip about! Honestly I-" She took another sip of her punch, and a thought occurred to me.

"What? What is it?" She asked, eying me warily.

"How much of that punch have you had?"

"Not much... Only uh..." She stopped to count it out on the nails of her horseshoe. " 'Bout six, why?"

"*groan* Oh, Pinkie..." I muttered as I put my face in my hooves.

"What? D'ya think the punch was spiked?" I looked up at her. She seemed to list to the side gently as she stared at me blankly. I smiled broadly, trying to not seem condescending.

"Ooh... Maybe just a bit."

Comments ( 36 )

I'll let ya get away with the 4th wall breakage...
Only since I've been waiting for a new chapter...

1691708 Fourth wall? I had one? Woah...

1691708 I guess I was just working on this chapter so long that became the honest to God only thing I could come up with to get the plo-... story moving.

omg i screamed like a fangirl when i saw this!!!!! as of course im commenting wich means im finnished reading it but oh my celestia this was a great chapter and the pinkie pie oh god the pinkie pie:pinkiehappy: cant wait for next chapter!

I loved it! The Pinkie bit was really great. I will say that the jump in time was a bit surprising to me but ended up being very nice.
I did notice two errors (At least I think they were, I am not much of a spelling or grammar person)

during the part where flutters was trying to get rainbow to move in:
"But you love he animals, and I can help with Tank."

during the pinkie bit:
"Oh, but you already knew that because Rainbow told."

hope that will help in some way. I am more than glad to help in any way possible because you are really really really awesome! :yay:

I am taking these rains back, thank you very much!


That fourth wall shtick was terribly forced.

compared to the other older chapters... this was BIZARRE. Story was fine and good to read. But the change in method led to me me kinda going... huh wat? and leaving the page and coming back 10 mins later to read it in a different frame of mind more open to such things.

After having an established format for the story you had 'narration' and pinkie breaking the fourth wall. While it was funny it felt like it was more geared toward random comedy than propelling the story forward. However, now that you have these elements in... I'm interested in how you will carry it forwards keeping them in the coming chapters and continuing the main story alongside it.

It's almost as if ... on your time away from the fic you came up with a different method of storytelling and wanted try it out.

*calls Applebloom to fix that poor innocent 4th wall*
"Cutie Mark Crusader Reality Repairmares GO!"

1692961 It was meant to feel that way.
1692962 Yeah, I promise to be more serious on this thing after this. The honest truth was that I was gonna have the Pinkie bit be serious, but then it occurred to me that that is impossible. I didn't really come up with a different way of telling the story, I just put a more comedic twist on it, and I don't think I'll be doing it again. Next time Pinkie narrates, it will be more serious. Not by much, but you know how it is.

1692545>>1692427 Thank you. I'll fix those right away.

Okay, I know you were trying to make it fun and comedic with breaking the fourth wall, but there's a problem. It was jarring and really takes readers out of the story. And frankly, I'm sick and tired of authors making Pinkie blatantly break the fourth wall. Oh sure, they say "It's in-character of her!", no it is not. In the show, the fourth wall breaks are subtle. All she ever really does make is aside glances. But then fanfiction writers take it to the next level to the point that it gets a little too old.

Don't worry, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, of course. It's just something that just isn't quite working. Considering how much of a consistent narrative the story had been so far, having this in here just didn't work. If it were random comedy parody, it'd be just fine. But it really feels out of place, that's the real problem.

Overall, despite that hiccup, this was a great chapter. I'm interested in seeing where this is going to go! Especially since it all takes place along the show's storyline while they're still a couple, so, that's something! :pinkiehappy: Yay! And they finally moved in together! Hooray! :yay:

1693637 That doesn't make it acceptable. It's just a cheap attempt at humor and it does nothing but take away from an otherwise worthwhile story. There's also the fact that it's a stupidly overdone gimmick thrown together with a flat and uncharacteristic representation of the actual Pinkie Pie, like 1694003 said.

1694196 1694003 Yes, both of you, I know it was stupid, and I had no REAL reason to do it. I wrote that when I was literally hallucinating from... some rather odd form of the flu? I have no clue what it was, but I was just not right in the head. The truth of the matter is that I finished this chapter seriously, barely looked the thing over, and was completely unaware that that.... 'shtick' was there. I'll admit, for a while there, I thought maybe I could play it off, but I think I'll go back and do some editing so that piece of siht is out of the picture. If you're okay with that.

1696292 It's okay, sometimes we all make little mistakes like that. :twilightsmile: You go right ahead and edit that! Even if whether or not I'm okay with that is irrelevant, but I digress. :rainbowlaugh: At least you own up to your mistakes and try to fix them. :pinkiehappy:

1696617 I wouldn't call it a mistake. I'd call it a hallucination that I wasn't aware of. There were some I was aware of and -dear Lord- Have I got stories of that terribly hilarious day home from school. In any case, yeah I'm gonna edit that chemical idiocy out now.

Okay the changes are made and I'll probably remove all the comments on this chapter to avoid confusing future readers...
Or we could just laugh our asses off when people ask wtf we were talking about.
I pick choice two...

1696684 True enough, I guess you wouldn't call it a mistake. The only real mistake here is not quite looking before posting, but I digress. :derpytongue2:

Good chapter, but I'm really disappointed that you just skipped over meeting Fluttershy's dad, either that, or they've done an impeccable job keeping him in the dark

1697524 um... crap I totally forgot about him

no offense but how do you just completely forget an entire plot point?

This version of the chapter is much nicer.
Don't think I've commented on the story prior, so yeah, this is a nice story!

1704075 i work on two other stories for a month between chapters

Well, as you asserted, this is far better than the Gilda/Twi fic. Granted, the early chapters could use a notable bit of polish, but this did improve quite a bit as it went.

I must say, though, that this chapter was my least favorite. Up until this one, you'd done a remarkably good job of showing rather than telling, but here, an entire six years is all but glazed over, and we're just "filled in" about them. On top of the fact that things you described could have actually been shown to us (such as the nightmares and all; I was entirely emotionally uninvested just being told about them), you abandoned a considerable amount of the plot from all of the rest of the story. So much so that this chapter feels less like just the next chapter of the series, but more a show canon–time sequel, the original story left dangling there, with much left unresolved.

Still, upvoted and tracked, if only because of how good the rest was, and how much better this was than Misperceptions.

1729907 Oh siht! I can't believe I didn't notice that. Thanks.

ctrl+f (or cmnd+f on a mac, I suppose) that quoted bit on the second-to-last chapter, I believe. Or whatever chapter it told you I made that comment on.

1735781 Uhg, okay i fixed that little brain fart. Thank you for helping me with that.

1736053 Cancelled? What? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :raritycry::raritydespair:

2080201 That doesn't entirely mean 'canceled', it just means I have other things that I've been working on, but I might manage to work on my ponyfics sometime, maybe soon.

2083411 So there is still hope, then.:yay: Thanks. Maybe switch it to "On Hiatus" instead?

2083411 if its not 'cancelled' completely switch it 'On Haitus'

That. Was. So. AWESOME!!!!! This is a really cute fanfic, I really hope you'll add onto it; it would make my day.

(Post re-read) I WANT TO READ IT AGAIN!!!!:flutterrage::heart::rainbowlaugh:

I haven't ever in my time spent on this website, read a story that was cancelled and yet seemed completed somehow. I know that doesn't make sense but I think you stopped at the right time. With everything that has happened to both Fluttershy and Rainbow dash I think the last chapter would make a decent epilogue to the story, we get to see the couple a short distant future and see how they progressed. Not your typical "happily ever after" but still a sort of happy ending so that's good. I still want this to continue and I don't know what you were planning for the rest of the story but with what you have given me, I'm a very happy Flutterdash fanboy :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

You made a good unfinished Flutterdash :yay::heart::rainbowkiss:

*me before reading story* Just one chapter, I have things to do. (biggest lie ever)
*me after reading story* I completely didn't do my work I don't regret it! :pinkiehappy:
*me after seeing the cancelled tag*

Comment posted by Comrade_Soviet deleted Feb 26th, 2022
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