• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 3,546 Views, 176 Comments

Chivalry is (Un)Dead - shinigamisparda

Grogar has returned, Equestria unable to stand up to forces and Necromancy. But that dark magic may also be his end, as it also brought back one who can beat him.

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A Tyrant's Worries

Grogar observed his latest conquest, looking out from one of the many balconies of Canterlot Palace over the city below, his demons and the now soulless and hypnotized citizens patrolling the streets. He looked up and saw the blackened sky, a night with no stars and only the faintest light of the moon illuminating the land through the clouds. The Princesses of the Sun and Moon were his prisoners, as was the Spirit of Chaos, his armies of demons roamed the land weeding out any resistance, and all of this accomplished in only a day with one swift, decisive strike. Equestria would soon be his, and the other nations would follow. At least, that was what he hoped…

The Lord of Tambelon was nervous. Not overly so, he was still very much in control, but there had been far too much that he had to gamble, and far too many loose ends for his liking. After his defeat and retreat so long ago he kept close watch over Equestria’s development, of its two fledgling “alicorns” Celestia and Luna. He saw them bring the Crystal Empire into Equestria’s mold, and its subsequent banishment due to King Sombra. He saw the two sisters use the Elements of Harmony and seal away Discord, the defeat of Tirek with Scorpan turning against him, and the banishment of Nightmare Moon. He would’ve loved to have attacked then, when Celestia was at her frailest emotionally, but alas he didn’t have the power to defeat her then. He bided his time, watching Celestia put up her Princessly front and attempting to spread as much Harmony and… friendship as possible. After centuries of recovering his own power, healing his wounds, and gathering his forces, he was finally ready to strike, knowing exactly how to cripple both Celestia and Equestria.

And then came the ascension. Another alicorn, not born but transformed. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, springing up seemingly out of nowhere. Her power threw off his plans, and so he waited again. And just when it seemed he’d finally been sure that the threat she posed was insignificant compared to Celestia there was that flash of rainbow magic in the sky, along with the spike of magical power coming from Canterlot, both phenomena from fillies no less. And so he bided more time, plotted again. And then there was the revival of the Elements of Harmony, and the return and purification of Princess Luna. Sure there were other threats like Discord, the Changelings, Sombra, Tirek, and even Starlight Glimmer, but each of those only served to make Equestria stronger. Twilight Sparkle’s ascension, recruiting Discord, the return of the Crystal Empire, the power unleashed by the Tree of Harmony along with the castle it created and the quests it gave, Starlight Glimmer becoming Twilight’s student, the Changelings reforming, even the birth of a new alicorn. It was too much too fast, and Grogar feared he had been too patient. And worse, they were managing to strengthen their alliances with other nations. What would happen if he did not intervene? Would they gain their own versions of the Elements of Harmony? How long would he have to wait before the world was weak and ready for the taking? Another thousand years? Five thousand? One hundred thousand? No, this would have to be settled now or he might never get a chance. So with an intricate plan, and a large gamble, he attacked. It was a plan that would easily cripple Equestria, and leave the other nations open to attack, but it hinged on so many things he had little control over going the way he wanted. But as far as he was concerned the time for waiting was over.

He first let some of his power seep in through the barrier between their realms, giving Princess Celestia a premonition of his return, just as Tirek had done before. Concerned, she called together the Element Bearers and Discord to Canterlot as he had hoped, and Twilight’s student and pet dragon had come along for the ride. As soon as they arrived he used his powers to absorb the souls of all the ponies in Canterlot and commanded them to attack the Princesses, knowing they could never truly harm their subjects. While they were distracted he entered their realm and struck Discord with the most powerful spell at his disposal, severely wounding the draconequus before casting spell to put him into a slumber. Grogar then absorbed as much of his power as he could before heading to confront Celestia and Luna, the extra power giving him enough strength to overpower them. He then commanded his demon army to cross the border into Canterlot, sending the Princesses and Discord to be imprisoned so that he could continue to absorb their powers and then casting his own spell to blot out the sky, offering his light-weak demons protection. Overall the plan had gone off without a hitch, but there were still some concerning loose ends.

For one the six Element Bearers were immune to the soul stealing spell, as he anticipated they might be, but more surprising was that Starlight Glimmer and the dragon were immune as well. Perhaps an unexpected effect of spending so much time with them? Regardless, reasons were irrelevant, the important part was that they had all escaped on the train back to Ponyville. Would they risk taking the Elements from the Tree of Harmony to use against him? Would they contact the other nations to recruit their help? He pondered what to do next as he turned back inside. Celestia, Luna, and Discord were all imprisoned, he would keep them alive as long as possible to continue absorbing their magic, both to empower himself and keep them weak, until he found a way to make the transfer of power permanent. Next he would use his necromancy to resurrect an army of the undead to do his bidding, but that presented its own problem. The deceased in Canterlot were not that great a number, and they were a stupid lot useful for little else than overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers, with some rare exceptions.

He pondered this for moment and decided that he would use as much power as he could to increase the range of the spell to all of Mt. Canter and the surrounding area near its base. Such a large use of magic would leave him drained, but he need not fear retaliation at the moment and could rest while he sent his armies out to do his bidding. Should he send them to try and destroy the Tree of Harmony? Perhaps to Ponyville to capture the Element Bearers? Maybe he should instead cut Equestria off from its allies before going in for the final blow. Griffonstone would be the weakest, having lost their power and pride long ago.

After some thought he decided that the Element Beares were too much of a threat to ignore, so he would send them to attack Ponyville first. He made his way through the castle and outside before taking a breath to steady himself. The bell around his neck rang as he summoned his power, his body crackling with green energy as he hovered over the ground. He then slammed his hooves into the ground, sending the power down over the whole mountain, raising his army.

And unknowingly sealing his own doom…

Deep beneath Mt. Canter, in the long abandoned mines under Canterlot, there sat a tomb. A tomb that nopony ever found, that nopony ever knew was there, that existed long before there was anypony. The final resting place, and memorial of a hero revered through story and song for his brave deeds. Sealed away from the elements for countless millennia his remains lay, still dressed in the armor he wore in his long-revered moment of glory. Time had done away with his flesh and all that lay were bones. A shot of green energy struck the body, causing it to convulse like it was being electrocuted, before he went limp again. After a moment his right eye reappeared, the only one he still had left. It took him a few moments to realize that something was amiss as he raised his hand in front of his face. Then he uttered the first words spoken by him in thousands of years.

“Fak me. Nah agahn,” he mumbled as he facepalmed.

Author's Note:

So here we go. This is mainly something to get the creativity jump started again, but also something that I've really wanted to do. Much like my Doom or M.E.G.A.S. XLR crossovers, I don't think should take up too much of my time and I can come back to it whenever I want.

In the meantime, I hope you guys like what I have so far, and that you aren't too upset with me no showing Grogar's initial conquest. It would be pretty much writing a curb-stomp anyway, and I feel this is more Dan's story than Grogar's. Either way, look forward to more my good friends.