• Published 17th Dec 2017
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Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 85: Prep Work is Important

Your assembled team all ponder for a moment before Pinkie raises her hand.

“Yes? What you got?” you ask pointing at her with the marker.

Loganic’s Comment

“Well, if we want this to be a successful show, we’re obviously going to need a lot of snacks and drinks,” she responds and you nod.

“Good thinking,” you say as you write snacks on the board. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to a concert and all that was available was overpriced bottle water.”

“Speaking of which, my cousin’s got connections to many vendors. A few from the carnival might be able to help,” Wallflower says from the back.

You briefly flashback to the day that lasted three months and you shiver.

“Not gonna lie, after three months of eating nothing but carnie food, I think I’ll avoid partaking,” you admit.

So much popcorn…Selena shudders in horror.

“But yes, good thinking Wallflower,” you compliment as you write Vendors next to snacks. “But we should also have free food there. Nothing gets people into an event than if it’s free.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about people coming. Your appearance in the lunch room is already trending,” Fluttershy says turning her phone around and showing a video of your spectacle early on some website with a blue bird symbol.

“Huh, neat,” you say genuinely.

“At this point I guess our comeback is all but official,” B2 smirks smugly at Celestia who snarls.

“Entirely without our complete consent, yes,” Luna says with a roll of her eyes. “But whatever, what’s done is done.”

“Exactly,” you nod. “But regardless of how much of a crowd is coming, free food never hurts.”

“Oh, like free Hot Dogs and stuff?” Rainbow asks.

“Not everyone eats hot dogs though,” Fluttershy points out.

“What about free desserts? You make good pies right Applejack?” Rarity suggests.

“With the amount of time and effort to make one pie, it’d be a loss to give it out for free,” Applejack argues.

“How about free candy? You can buy that in bulk,” Sunset suggests.

“Giving out free candy to high school kids is a good way to get the cops on your butt,” Humbra says with a far off gaze. “I mean, you remember the show in Clydesdale right?”

“Oh, you mean the group that was giving away the Acid Pops? Yeah, I remember,” B2 answers with a wince.

“That mosh pit got very violent that day…” Luna says with her own thousand yard stare.

“Alright, so candy is definitely off the menu,” Celestia says sternly and you agree, noting it on the board.

“Oh, what about beaded necklaces?” Sonata says.

“Necklaces?” Aria asks with a raised brow.

“Yeah, don’t you remember when there was that festival with all those parade floats and all the guys threw them at Adagio when she took her shirt o-“

“That Didn’t Happen! We All Agreed Remember?!” Adagio shouts eyeing her sister dangerously.

“…Um, I mean, what necklaces?” Sonata finishes with a nervous chuckle.

You don’t quite understand the implications, but the rest of the humans seem intrigued/disturbed by this.

“You guys went to Mardi Gras” Flash asks.

“NOPE! It Never Happened! And there’s no pictures so don’t ask!” Adagio denies a little too strongly with a blush.

“If I didn’t know you three were actually sea creatures from another dimension, I’d be a little more disturbed by that,” Cadence says thoughtfully.

“Okay, I don’t understand a single thing you guys are talking about, but I’ll just add “No Beads” to the board,” you say, writing just that.

“Good call,” Luna agrees.

“Um, how about cookies? Those aren’t easy to drug right?” Pinkie suggests.

“You’ve got that right. Brownies is the way to go,” Humbra smirks and Celestia gives him a glare.

“That’d have to be a lot of cookies though,” you say before a lightbulb dings. “Oh wait a second, I might have something for that.”

Digging into your inventory, you pull out your Free Filly Scouts Cookie for Life Card that you got when spending all of the Knight’s money.

“Anyone know any Filly Scouts in this dimension?”

“Filly Scouts?” Rainbow asks confused.

“Yeah, Filly Scouts,” you repeat. “Little fillies in their adorable green uniforms selling overpriced but well worth it cookies?”

“Um, we got Girl Scouts here. In fact, my sister and her friends are in it,” Applejack says.

“Oh good, with the Human Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’ll get our snacks in no time,” you say confidently.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Rarity questions.

“Yep. I’m pretty sure they have that copyrighted too the amount of times they shout it. My daughter’s part of their group too,” you brag before tossing the card to Applejack. “Here, use this.”

The cowgirl catches the card before proceeding to look it over front and back.

“Um…this might not work Bugze. It clearly says Filly Scouts and not Girl Scouts.”

“Eh, close enough. Just fast talk the troop leaders and they’ll never know the difference,” you wave off.

After spending untold thousands on those boxed goods, this promise better be honored.

“But they-“

“So now we have the free snacks as well as the overpriced junk,” you say making a note on the board. “For costumes, we’ve got Humie McStabFlank obviously.”

“We have who?” asks Flash.

“Rarity,” you say pointing at the purple haired human.

“What? What’s up with that nickname?” she pouts in offense.

“The unicorn you stabbed me in the butt way back when, it’s a force of habit,” you explain. “But costumes are your thing. Make sure you get Dash’s ego trip for your Rainbooms, but also, make something classy for the Dazzlings. Accentuate their sireness and stuff.”

“Or maybe just have no tops for the lead singer going by their history?” Sunset jokes and Adagio whips her head around.

“What was that?!”

“Nothing,” Sunset giggles.

“Worry not darling, I’ve already got some rough sketches,” Rarity says, ignoring the childish banter.

“Good,” you nod. “And Flash…Uh…What you got to bring to the table?”

“Um, not much really,” he admits. “I mean, you’re all planning for these two bands, but I’m already kind of in one.”

“You are?” you ask.

“Yeah. I play guitar, I told you this,” he says sounding put out.

“Nah kid, you told ME that,” B2 corrects.

“Oh, right…well still, me and the guys will be playing our own set so…I guess I’ll make it a good show?”

“Eh, I’m sure you’ll get into the top three, but the key is to get the magic flowing with all the girls at the end,” you explain, while jotting down a note about Flash’s band on the board.

“Yeah…alright,” he says dejected.

“That’s the spirit! Now, onto songs…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Oh, I’ve got a few ideas!” Rainbow shouts. “We were actually practicing a few of them before you showed up with that Crystal Prep lady.”

“Oh really? That’s good to hear,” you say in relief.

“It’s okay I guess,” Humbra shrugs and the Rainbooms glare at him. “What? I’m a hard rocker. All your stuff is Alternative at best and Pop at Worst.”

“And what’s wrong with Pop?” Aria grills.

“Yeah, we invented that style back where we’re from,” Sonata brags.

“And? You got banished by an old wizard horse because of it. I rest my case,” he says while melodramatically flourishing his “hair.”

“No, that’s because we took over the minds of a bunch of ponies living on the coastline,” Adagio argues.

“Whatever the case, you’ve all go songs ready right? We can move on?” you interrupt before a music debate starts.

“I think we might have enough for each individual band,” Sunset speaks up. “But seeing as how we’re making this a spectacle now, is there any songs we want to collaborate on?”

“…Huh, hadn’t thought of that,” Rainbow muses.

“Neither did I for that matter,” Adagio says sounding disappointed in herself.

“Why not just cover some of our stuff with us on stage?” B2 offers.

“Oh, that would be cool,” Sonata says excitedly.

“And it would be a good kicker for the night’s events,” Cadence adds.

“Okay, yeah, collaboration…” you say writing the word on the board.

“You’ve gotten a lot better about writing with your hands you know?” Pinkie points out.

“It’s hard to mess up using a marker, it’s pens and pencils that you gotta worry about,” you say, still wishing you could use your mouth to write deep inside. “But anyway, we end with some Wanted songs…maybe something new?”

B2, Luna and Humbra all seem taken aback by that.

“You want us to write something new within two days?” Luna scoffs.


“That’s a hell of a tall order,” Humbra grumbles.

“But not impossible, I’ve still got some old unfinished ideas floating around in my head,” B2 says with starry eyes.

“There’s a reason many of those were unfinished Hoody,” Luna admonishes but he shrugs.

“Eh, beggars can’t be choosers Nims.”

“As long as it doesn’t bore the audience to death, I’m sure it will be fine,” you placate before putting the marker to your chin. “But let’s not forget, the final song has to be a real zinger to draw Midnight in.”

“All our songs are Zingers though,” he says but you shake your head.

“No, what I mean is, when we draw her in with the last, or one of the last songs, it should be obvious that we’re calling her out. Something to hurts her pride and makes it completely clear that we’re bad mouthing her so that she can’t help but come rushing in, even if she knows it’s a trap.”

“That’s oddly specific,” Luna says with a raised brow.

“Yeah, calling out a magically amped up teenage girl…is there even a song for that?” Humbra muses.

“Hmmm, I just googled that exact phrase and this came up,” Pinkie Pie says as she holds up her phone…”

Kichi’s Comment

And this song starts playing.

Your jaw drops as everyone looks uncomfortable about the gibberish being played over the speaker.

"No! Absolutely Not!" Luna shouts, almost reaching RCV levels of volume.

“I-I Agree! Turn that off right now Ms. Pie!” Celestia shouts as well.

“Right, right, sorry,” she apologizes and turns off the song, blushing in embarrassment.

“Wh-What is wrong with the world today?” Cadence says gobsmacked.

"Eh, it wasn’t that bad," Humbra shrugs.

“You’re right, it was worse…what is wrong with you humies?” you say in disgust.

“Hey now, don’t lump us all in together with THAT!” B2 exclaims.

“Precisely! I may be wearing this old costume again…but I am not going to sing that like some common slut!”

“Luna! Language!” Celestia scolds, but the blue woman just rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with those “lyrics,”” Fluttershy says meekly.

“I know, right? Not even at our lowest would we sing something like that,” Adagio decrees.

“Not that we’d admit publicly anyway, Sonata’s had some terrible ones in the past,” Aria mentions.

“Hey! The Octopus’s Garden isn’t trashy like that song was!” she pouts.

“…She does have a point there,” Adagio admits before shaking her head. “But yeah, let’s just leave that one behind.”

“I think we can all agree on that one,” B2 says in disgust. “Seriously, who even wrote that?”

“Probably some “edgy” manager trying to make a shock song for their fledgling band,” Humbra says sagely. “But yeah, even if it’s not the worst I’ve ever heard, the last thing we need is playing that in front of a bunch of brainwashed teenagers and turning them into sex crazed zombies.”

Everyone just stares at him after that statement and he just deadpans.

“What? You were all thinking it, I was just the guy to say it aloud.”

“I don’t think anyone was thinking that at all ya dang weirdo,” Applejack says with a shudder.

“Well now I’m thinking about it,” Rainbow huffs in frustration before looking at Aria. “That wouldn’t happen right?”

“…Not that we know of?” she says unsurely.

“You don’t know?” Flash asks wearily.

“It’s not like that’s something we’ve tried to do,” Adagio says pinching the bridge of her nose. “Nor would we want to.”

“Alright, good, let’s not find out,” you say as you shudder at the disgusting thought of amorous humies. “Next! Anyone got any other ideas?”

“How about this one?” Sonata says holding up some old worn looking scrap of paper. “I found it Celestia’s closet.”

“You what?!” Celestia shouts in surprise and shock.

“Yeah, it was after you tried to hit Bugze with your bat but after he pulled the gun on you,” she says nonchalantly. Everyone else seems rightfully disturbed by this admission of theft, but Pinkie has a calculating look about her.

“Ah, so I might have some competition after all…” she mutters to herself.

“Here, let me see that,” Luna says as she takes the paper from Sonata.

“Wait, Luna you don’t have to…” Celestia trails off as Luna speed reads the paper. After a moment, she looks up with an impressed look on her face.

“This…this is really good Tia,” she says in shock and the elder sister blushes. “When did you write this? And more importantly, why?”

Celestia looks down at her twiddling thumbs as B2 an Humbra look over the written out song with their own impressed looks.

“It was back when you were still touring,” she admits sheepishly. “My psychiatrist Dr. Disco suggested that I try to view things from your stage persona so that I could get over some…inferiority issues as he put it. So I wrote a song pretending I was my own version of Nightmare Moon.”

“Daybreaker huh? So that’s where you got the name for the bat,” Humbra says in understanding.

“Hell, this is some good stuff. I could see this working as like an upbeat mambo piece. You should have showed us this back in the day,” B2 adds and Celestia looks away in embarrassment as Cadence reads it.

“It really is good auntie,” Cadence says before smirking. “And here I always thought you had no taste in music.”

“That’s a mean thing to admit,” she spouts before burying her face in her hands, turning away from her students who begin to look it over.

“…Principal Celestia? Do you mind if we practice this?” Rainbow asks and she flushes harder.

“Do whatever you want,” she squeaks, still not looking at anyone.

“Awesome! I know just the tempo for this!” Rainbow cheers.

You continue to watch the whole spectacle before you are shown the lyrics yourself and even you feel impressed.

Huh, with how strict she is, she’s got a way with words, you think.

She always did, even if what she said was meaningless, Selena sighs still sounding melancholic.

You wince at her saddened tone as you hand the paper off to Sonata who then whispers,

“Also, I found this in her closet as well. Though this one seems a bit too depressing for a concert.” She then hands you another slip of paper. Raising your eyebrow, you take it and glance back at the others who are still asking Celestia questions.

We should really talk to her about not snooping in other people’s things. But anyway, let’s see what we’ve got here, you think opening up the paper. So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory. That long was the shadow she cast
You then continue to read the words which are more of a lullaby than a song and appears to be about Celestia’s abandonment issues in regards to her sister being gone as Nightmare Moon. After finishing it, you can’t help but agree with Sonata’s assessment, it’s too sad. Especially in regards to the real Celestia and Luna back home.

That was…

Depressing, Sombra finishes for you.

Yeah, amongst other adjectives.

Do you think our Celestia wrote something similar to this? Selena asks, still in that saddened tone.

I…you try to answer her, but you stumble over what you could possible say.

What does it matter if that whorse did or not? Sombra says in indifference. Whether she felt sorry or not it doesn’t change the fact that she or the other one would kill you if given the chance.

I know that you swine! But it still doesn’t change the fact that I WAS the other one in a sense. Her memories are mine and vice versa, she spits defensively.

Selena…I’m not sure if she actually wrote it or not, but I’m sure she really did feel this way, you tread carefully, trying to comfort her.

…I suppose she did as much as she claimed to have missed…her, she says still sounding distant. You know that her mood is still down in the dumps and you try to reach out some more.

Selly I-

“Hey, check out this awesome song calling her out. It’s practically a declaration of war,” Aria announces to the other humans, interrupting you.

With all eyes on them they begin to sing a very, very confrontational song…to put it mildly.

"Isn’t that a little gory?" you ask apprehensively, noticing the disturbed looks on many of the other humans.

“Hmm, you’re right,” Sonata agrees. “We could add more descriptive lyrics about blood and guts and-“

“That’s not what I meant!” you interrupt.

“Oh calm down, it’ll be fine,” Aria reassures. “Human teens are all about dark and bloody stuff, we’ve seen their movies.”

“Okay, that may be true, but how’d you guys come up with that so quickly?”

“Me and Aria based it on an incident where Sonata got us kicked out the zoo for trying to ride the rhinos,” Adagio says before shuddering.

“Those zookeepers are still on the list!” Sonata shouts angrily before flashing a smile that disturbingly reminds you of Pinkamena’s from the Otherworld.

“I don’t doubt it…but that song is pretty confrontational, so it does fit the criteria for calling out to her and her monkey minions,” Sunset says playing devils advocate.

“Right, forgot about the monkeys,” you say while jotting it down. “So we have to make sure we have something to call out to them as well…so something about bananas?”

“I think if we call out their mistress, they’ll follow suit no matter what the song,” Rarity says.

“…I still find it disturbing that Twilight’s got an army of flying monkeys. Maybe I shouldn’t have let her watch the Wizard of Oz so much as a child,” Cadence says somewhat guiltily.

“I don’t understand that reference,” Sonata says seriously and the tricolor haired woman looks astonished.

“It was after your time Sonata, but I guess Humies have that movie too. Strange that it doesn’t have any weird Human related adjectives in the title,” you ponder before shaking your head. “But anyway, the songs are a good start, and I’m sure we’ll come up with more in the next few days, but just like the Wicked Witch, we now gotta discuss how to deal with Midnight.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“We’re not going to melt her are we?” Pinkie asks with a horrified look.

“What? No…I mean, unless that’s what happens when Sunset reforms her…?” you question looking at said girl.

“I have no clue,” she says in exasperation. “I mean, I didn’t melt when they blasted me so…no?”

“Good enough for me,” you nod before you get serious again. “Now, I’m sure you’ll all have things to add, but I’ve already come up with the perfect plan to catch her.”

Seeing how serious you’ve gotten, the humans all sit up a little straighter and pay rapt attention.

“Okay, so as we know, her whole neurotic obsession right now is to get magic. When you lot are singing with the Dazzling’s influence, that’s going to create a lot and draw her in, but I say we go a step further.” You then pull out the magical stone you got from Camp Everfree. “This and the Red Stone Necklaces should be front and center and not coyly hidden like those singers at the carnival.”

“You want us to make them obvious?” Adagio asks with a tad bit of apprehension and you nod.

“Eyup. Think about it, with all the hype we’ve got going for this, we’re gonna be on TV and the Internets right? Midnight’s all about tech and magic so there’s no way she won’t see us flaunting the sources of the magical emotional outbreak. No matter where she’s at, she’ll definitely feel the surge, but if she also sees the objects she desires displayed out in the open, the temptation will be too much and she’ll come rushing in.”

“So that’s why you wanted to make the call out song obvious?” Fluttershy puts two and two together and you smirk.

“Exactly. We taunt her with our magic rocks and aggressive lyrics and her supervillain brain will go wild. If we don’t publicly call her out, then she might try to play it smart since she’s a genius and all, but if we goad her, then she won’t even care if there’s a large crowd of people.”

“Wow that’s…” Luna starts as everyone else looks extremely impressed.

“That’s very devious,” Sunset finishes looking at you with praise.

“Well, if anyone knows what a supervillain would be thinking it’d be me,” you boast with your hands on your hips.

“Okay, I’m pretty sure calling her out and getting here will work, but what’s step two?” Aria inquires.

“Hey yeah, what do we do when she actually gets here?” Rainbow asks as well.

“Well, we need to subdue her obviously so that you can all do your kumbuya friendship circle and Sunset can reform her,” you say drawing the diagram on the board.

“And we subdue her how?” Sonata asks.

“With that magic we used on Sunset?” Applejack guesses.

“Yes that, and maybe even the Siren magic, but that’s if my ultimate trap fails, which it shouldn’t,” you proclaim.

“Stop beating around the bush man, what’s the trap?” B2 asks impatiently. To this, you smirk and begin drawing an outline.

“Okay, so, first find a nice secluded spot behind our stage and mark it with a big red X, then we rig up a giant net above it, lastly we set a tripwire to that net with a jar of peanut butter that will be inconspicuously placed on the X,” you explain confidently.

“…Huh?” Flash utters in confusion and you sigh.

“It’s simple Flash, when Midnight comes full of obsessed anger, she’s obviously going to be burning a lot of energy since she’ll be flying extra fast to get here with her monkeys, and thus be hungry. Everyone knows you can’t run or fight on an empty stomach, so lo and behold she’ll see a free jar of peanut butter which has plenty of protein and sugar to get you through a magical battle. She’ll grab for it, trip the wire and the net falls on top of her and BOOM! We have her subdued.”

All the humans go from looks of praise to looks of disappointment after that explanation.

“Really?” Celestia deadpans.

“What? It’s fool proof. I’ll have you know that when I was little I saw this exact trap capture a hippie and a diamond dog when my Grandbuggy was trying to scare people off from an island so he could find buried treasure,” you say defensively.

“Be that as it may, how would she even know the peanut butter is there?” Cadence asks perplexed.

“We have a spot light and a sign obviously,” you huff in frustration.

“But why would she go for peanut butter if we’re giving out free cookies to the crowd?” Pinkie Pie counters.

“Well…” you start to object until you see the logic in her words. “Actually that’s a good point…Then instead of a jar of peanut butter, we use peanut butter filly scout cookies. There, problem solved.”

All the humans still seem a bit unsure of your confidence, but your determination will not be swayed.

It’s just so out there and crazy it just might work...

A Few Days Later

Of course the stupid apes overruled your ingenious plan, the trap part anyway, and decided that they’d just fight magic with magic.

“Stupid humies, what do you know about catching meddling kids and their dogs,” you pout as unknown to them, you’ve decided to set your trap up anyway.

You now stand above the scaffolding of the stage, rigging your net on the day of the big Battle of the Bands. Today, Canterlot High and Crystal Prep will clash with all of their musical might, strengthening the Dazzlings and providing a target for Midnight. It’s going to be a long day, but everyone on your team is prepped and ready for the coming events.

The Wanted, Rainbooms and Dazzlings all have their playlists picked out, including some collaborative ones, the food stalls and ticket booths are all set up, and now with your finishing touches with your TOTALLY NECESSARY NET TRAP everything will run smoothly.

Really, it’s one of the only things you’ve been able to contribute since laying out the plan a few days ago.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

You did try to help come up with some new songs with your superior Equestrian brain, which resulted in three songs all dealing about the struggle between light and darkness…


But you were informed by B2 that those already existed…by Him.

“Stupid great minds thinking alike,” you grumble as you secure the net and look out over the empty field where the audience will stand.

“Well, however it goes down, we’re one step closer to getting home again.”

Good, it’s felt like years, Selena mumbles and you wince. You still haven’t quite been able to get her out of the funk she’s been in since the Dazzling’s debut.

It’s only been a few months, and far too short for my taste if you ask me, Sombra says haughtily.

Noling did Smokey, you think with a roll of your eyes. But yeah, I’m ready to go home to Nightshade too, and once we get there, all we have to do is find those objects from Jack’s list and then we can get you your own body Selly.

…When we do though, are we ever going to be able to stop running from the mistakes we’ve…I’VE made? She says downtrodden and you frown.

It’s OUR mistakes Sel, and I don’t know. We’ve been running so long, I don’t even know if we can stop…but wherever we end up, we’ll all be together and that’s what matters, you say comfortingly.

You feel a slight shift in her demeanor, one more towards the positive side, but you still feel she is down.
Appleloosa is always an option, but who knows. I heard there’s nation of cat people across the sea. They probably wouldn’t even know who any of us were, including Sombra, you think as you climb down from the rafters.

The Abysthinians? Selena asks curiously.

If that’s their name then yeah…none of us are allergic to them right? You think worriedly.

I’m not, but I’m not partial to cat people, Sombra grumbles.

Really? You’re a fan filly for furry little creatures and humies but not this?

Hey, kitty cats are fine, but having them wear clothes and act like how Humans would is…bleh,

For a supposed emperor, you can be a real drama queen sometimes, Selena mocks, sounding a bit more cheerful.

I will not dignify that with a response, he grumbles and you chuckle.

Well it doesn’t have to be with the cat people. There’s all kinds of places we could go. Without the Doctor or anyone else forcing us into shenanigans, we can just live away from it all, you encourage.

That does sound nice…Selena says wistfully. Though I do still wonder if that’s all we can do.

It’s all I can see for us having a peaceful life, you admit. I mean why waste energy on stubborn ponies who will never see things from our point of view?

Ah, so even you can see when something is pointless, Sombra mocks in agreement.

Sure I can. We may have been gone for a few months, but their attitudes will all be the same. It’s not like someone’s done the impossible and gotten a bunch of key figures on our side while we’ve been missing.

You then trip over literally nothing and fall to the floor as an immense feeling of irony hits out of nowhere.

“Gorammit!” You curse before standing back up and dusting yourself off. You can’t help but smirk afterwards though because you hear Selena giggling in your head.

Good to hear that again, you think gratefully before she cuts herself off in embarrassment. But anyway, let’s not worry about Home for right now. We’ve got a show to put on and a supervillain to catch.

Right you are my bug, she says sounding like her usual self. And…thank you.

Anytime Sel.

Ugh, enough with the mushiness, Sombra complains trying to ruin the moment.

Oh don’t go worrying your premature balding head Zombie, you quip.

That is not going to happen to me!

Are you sure? It might have already happened and someone stuck a wig on you, Selena teases.

I still can’t believe Human you hasn’t figured that out yet, you chuckle.

Har dee har har, he grumbles with a roll of his eyes, but you are relieved to get back to all your old banter.

“Whelp, better start getting the fireworks and other pyrotechnics ready,” you say clapping your hands together and walking further backstage. “And maybe I should practice with that thing Pinkie gave me.”

Master of Shadows’ Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

The day after the meeting, Pinkie Pie had given you a fancy looking scroll with a note that said, “Heard you were a fan of Avatar. Have fun.”

You are indeed a fan of one of said show, even if the pictures on this scroll are full of filthy hairless apes.

“It just seems wrong thinking of the Gaang with hands and squished in faces,” you think for the thousandth time. Regardless, near your stash of fire based show stoppers, you pull up said scroll and look it over.

Do you think you’ll be able to accomplish any of these? Selena asks and you shrug.

“I did Air Bending back home, and it technically wasn’t magic,” you point out.

You then start maneuvering your disgusting limbs practicing the techniques shown on the page, even though it’s clearly piece of merchandise for a children’s show. The Trademark is even next to the title up top. Even still, you try it out because you’ve got nothing better to do.

“And then I punch to the left and yelp!” you chant as you thrust out your fist…but nothing appears to happen. “Well that’s disappointing. Now I’m all hot and sweaty for nothing.”

Bugze, you’re not sweating, Selena says worriedly.

“Huh?” you say just as you look down and realize that your pants are on fire. “Oh cool! I actually did it!”

You look at your blazing leggings with pride that you’ve finally been able to do bending beside air, even if it’s in a different body. Your pride manages to overwhelm you for a good few seconds in fact before you finally react appropriately.

“OH GODS I’M ON FIRE AGAIN!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” and with that you start rolling on the floor, flopping like a fish on dry land and screaming every obscenity under the sun. Not too far away, Sunset Shimmer watches you flailing and screaming and gives out a tired sigh.

“Today’s gonna be a clusterbuck isn’t it?”

“More than likely! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

And while she helps beat out the flames on you, and all the humans and Equestrians turned humans prepare for the epic battle, small cracks and tears form in the sky without anyone noticing…

Back in Equestria

POV Change: Nightshade

“Nightshade…do you mind telling me why you knocked out my guards?” Cadence says in her best disappointed mom voice which hits you harder than if she yelled.

After Spike got scooped up and taken away, you chased after them in mad fervor and to no surprise ended up back in the Crystal Palace. Some guards tried to ask you questions or stop you…but you kind of went Jackhay Chan on them.

After throwing one through the door where you saw Spike get taken, you dashed in, eyes and shards blazing…only to see him perfectly fine with Cadence…bowing to him?

When both of them turned to you, you felt like a deer in the headlights and all the rage just vanished. Which leads us to now with you nervously standing next to the knocked out guard you tossed through the door, scratching your neck sheepishly.

“Okay, to be fair…I thought they were dragon nappers.”


Author's Note:

Understandable, have a great day :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Hive-Mind,
As Bugze prepares for his large event, we now get ready for Nightshade’s. She’s got a flag routine in the opening ceremonies tomorrow, and since the games last a few days, she’s also got to meet up with Jack about the artifacts and the thing in her chest. But first, she’s gotta settle in and explain to her cousin why she just beat down her best guards. Simple really :twilightoops:

Have fun and I’ll see you next chapter,
Brown Dog.



5 Jars of Laughter

Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Mallet and Stake

Power Pole

Scone of Bludgeoning


Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Magical Power Ponies Comic

Petrified Dragon Egg

Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Daring Do's Pith Helmet

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

Pinkie Pie Fan Shirt and Hat

Rubber Quesadilla

Spike Doll (Life Sized)

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