• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,774 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 79: Goof Offs Are Deadly Serious

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

As Pinkie and Cheese slowly walk towards each other, you swear you see some sort of aura radiating around the both of them.

“Oh? You’re approaching me?” Cheese says challengingly, his face contorted with high end graphics which seems wrong to you.

“Can’t beat you in the goof off if I don’t get closer,” Pinkie says with a gruff voice, her voice also more highly detailed and serious.

“How the buck are they doing that?” you ask aloud as you rotate your jaw, attempting to replicate those faces.

With the menacing aura’s sweeping around them, Twilight gets caught up in the tense atmosphere and starts to nervously shiver.

“…Is it just me or do they look like they’re about to tear each other’s throats out?” you say, feeling nervous yourself.

“Wait, that’s not what’s happening?” Ember asks.

“No, didn’t you hear the rules when Twilight was going over them?” Spike interjects.

“Not really, Greta’s stupid laughing keeps drowning everything out,” she huffs.

“Heh heh…you deserve it,” the red eyed griffon teases before her eyes widen. “Whoa, heh heh, that laughter stuff is finally kicking in for real! I can see words!”

“Nah, everyone’s seeing that,” you say pointing to the word “menacing” radiating through the air, written in Neighponese. “But the breaking of reality aside, it still looks like they’re going to fight,” you say worriedly.

“Why doesn’t someone just start a musical number to knock them out of it?” Ember says.

“One’s coming along little dragon princess, don’t worry,” Discord says feebly with a sniffle.

“Is that before or after they fight?” you grill. “Maybe we should stop this.”

“Skronk?” Mangle asks as she holds up your ocarina.

“Nah, I don’t think causing a rainstorm would keep them from fighting. Might make it even more epic in fact,” you dismiss before looking over to Twilight who is biting her hooves. “I mean, can’t she do anything before this messes up friendships or whatever?”

“I asked that earlier,” Spike chimes in. “She said a Goof Off wasn’t all that serious and asked “what’s the worst that could happen?””

“Did she actually bucking say that?!” you say in shock, giving a glare at the purple alicorn.

“Yeah…” Spike nods solemnly.

“Of all the-Why would she tempt fate like that when it involves Pinkie Pie, a guy just as whacky as her, and the gorramned Lord of Chaos is in town?!” you rant.

“…You know, she’s got a point,” Discord nods before blowing his nose. “Especially when my powers are on the fritz.

“Exactly! Does she want Ponyville to explode?!”

“Is that maybe why Cadence wants them to hook up so bad so that the world doesn’t end?” Ember asks and you all look to her.

“...Huh, didn’t think about it like that,” you say truthfully.

“I’m sorry, Cadence is trying to do what?” Spike asks Ember, who sighs.

“Oh where do I even begin…?”

And while she fills Spike in on this morning, you look back to the inevitable battle…

“Get Over Here!” Pinkie shouts as she throws out some sort of chain towards Cheese, and everyone gasps…only for her to pull a giant Teddy Bear back out of nowhere and hugs it tight. Cheese then reaches into his bag where you know he keeps his Junk Jet thing…but pulls out a saxophone and starts playing a relaxing tune.

“What the…?”

Suddenly their art style changes from ultra realistic to kawaii, and a concentrated blast of laughter radiates from the both of them. Ponies nearest to them are washed over in the power, and soon start giggling idiotically like Greta.

“Oh Come On!” Ember roars seeing this development as Pinkie Pie starts dancing like a robot and Cheese starts Ice Skating somehow out of nowhere.

“Yay! Friendship!” you hear Twilight say in relief and happiness.

And with that, they start playing even more instruments as the musical number finally starts and the tense atmosphere seemingly disappears.

“…Wait, that’s it? They’re NOT going to fight?” you say slack jawed.

“There’s more than one way to fight Shade, not all of them entail violence or foul language,” Discord says sagely.

“I guess that’s true,” you nod remembering your dance battle with Blueblood. “But still, they way they looked earlier, I swore there was gonna be a bloodbath. Like, Pinkie would go nuts like that time on her birthday that Spike told me about and then go on a rampage, killing everyone with a smile and then getting into an epic duel with Fluttershy, who would also fall tragically…”

Discord looks at you with a horrified expression while everyone else is caught up in the goof off.

“What…what movies do you watch that images like that are the first things to come to your mind?” he asks, almost sounding sad and offended.

“I’ve seen a few horror movies,” you admit. “The neighponese ones are always the most bucked up.”

“…Maybe you should try watching something mellow, like My Little Human?” he suggests, giving you a look of pity.

My Little Human? Around my Dad? Please,” you roll your eyes. “Besides, I’m a Transformares girl myself.”

“Right…” he says as he struggles to snap his fingers. Once he does, a T-Shirt and Hat appear on you along with a bucket of Popcorn poofing in your arms. The shirt says ‘Pinkie #1’, and the hat says 'We ♡ Pinkie.'

“Uh, thanks?” you say as you look at your new accessories.

“No problem. Maybe just sit back, relax, and watch the show so we can drive those horrifying thoughts from your mind?” he insists, almost pleadingly.

“Well now that Pinkie’s not going to end up in a psych ward, I guess I could,” you shrug.

“Right,” he says before smirking. “Perhaps your little boyfriend and you could count it as a date?”

“What?! I don’t have a…” you stammer with a blush as he trollishly grins and snaps his finger again with some effort. Suddenly next to you is a life sized plush doll of Spike. “Maybe you just need some practice?”

“EEEK!” you shriek as you quickly grab the doll and shove it in your inventory before Spike, Greta, Ember, or heavens forbid, Cadence can see.

“You say something Nightshade?” Spike says, taking his eyes off the Goof Off and looking to you.

“Nope! No, nothing’s wrong! Everything’s fine,” you giggle nervously, taking off the hat and shirt and shoving them in the bag for good measure. Mangle looks at the life sized doll and just gives you a look of disappointment.

“Oh, alright then,” he says turning back to the spectacle and you let out a sigh of relief before glaring at the sick god. He just chuckles at your look before coughing again into his fist.

“Even when you’re legitimately sick, you’re a pain,” you grumble.

“She says as she keeps the doll anyway,” he smirks.

“It was a gift! And since you’re not a stranger it’s fine if I keep it!” you argue as he and Mangle shake their head in disappointment. “It’s perfectly normal to keep a plush doll of my best friend! I’m not a weirdo!”

Added To The Inventory

Pinkie Fan Hat and Shirt
Spike Doll (Life Sized)

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“B-Besides! When Daddy gets back, that doll can be used as a good decoy in case he tries to make Spike into a dragon scaled wallet!”

“What was that?” Spike asks, turning around again.

“Nothing!” you dismiss. When he gives you a raised brow, you shove the tub of popcorn at him. “Look! Popcorn!”

“Ah, thanks Shade,” he smiles and starts eating and you sigh in relief again.

“As much as this running gag amuses me, you’re not paying much attention to the show Nightshade,” Discord says pointing his lion claw at Pinkie and Cheese.

“Ah, right, distractions. How I welcome them,” you say enthusiastically as you watch another kind of madness unfold.

There are sight gags, intricate dance moves, and of course a very jaunty duet between the two, although at one point Cheese’s rubber chicken and Gummy become ULTRA REALISTIC for a few seconds and your eyes hurt from the sight.

“Oh gods, I’m freaking out!” Greta says with her talons on her face as the wrongness of the two things persists.

“Hmm, weird, I opened a portal to a dimension once that looked just as horrifying,” Discord muses as your eyes feel like they’re melting.

“Kill it! Kill It With Fire!” Ember shrieks as “Gummy” finishes his dance. Once his segment is over though, no one else around you mentions it or thinks it was strange.

“I never want to see those kind of graphics again,” Spike shudders.

“You said it,” you tremble as well, just as Cadence makes it to your group, dropping an unconscious Trenderhoof at your hooves.

“Hey guys, what I miss?” she asks, not even explaining the passed out body, though nobody asks.

“They’ve seen a glimpse into a dimension that should not be, and madness is the price for knowledge,” Discord says kind of spookily.


“Someone turned the graphics setting up…only in real life,” you explain rubbing your eyes.

“…Okay then,” she says with a shrug before looking over to the battle…

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

Where the two of them have switched up the tempo of the song, and start having a rap battle.

“Wait a second, the first song’s tempo was all fast and jaunty, how can they seamlessly switch to an entirely different genre?” Ember asks and you stare at her in amazement. “What? I like music.”

“Uh, well…” you try to explain.

“It’s Pinkie Pie,” Spike comes to your rescue.

“Yes, that,” you nod as Ember rolls her eyes and watches them rap…which actually isn’t that cringey surprisingly.

“Pfft, what is this hip hop rubbish? Go back to the show tunes,” Discord grumbles.

“Oh hush you, I’m not much for rap either, but it’s fine,” you chide.

“Really? What do you like Nightshade?” asks Cadence.

You then have flashbacks to the many times your dad sang while in battle. All the madness that unfolded as he sang many varieties of songs.

“…I wanna say, Rock ‘N’ Roll?” you guess if you had to put a label on it.

“Free Bird!” Greta calls out at that, and both Cheese and Pinkie shout back.


“Awwww,” she says sullenly.

“Yeah sorry Greta, I don’t think rock is going to save the day this time,” you console.

“Implying that rock can or will save the day at some point?” Spike asks with a smirk.

“It could happen!” you declare.

In the Human World

While a Carnival catches fire for the eighty-seventh and a half time, Bugze, Midnight, The Dazzlings, and the Human 6 all sneeze.

“Okay, that was really weird,” Midnight says rubbing her nose.

“I know right? For some reason I wanna get lost in some Rock ‘N’ Roll and drift away…” Bugze ponders just as the flaming ferris wheel falls over.

Back With You

“But probably not right now,” Cadence plays devil’s advocate and you frown.

“Yeah, probably not right now,” you agree as the rap battle ends, and the jaunty music returns.

“Although I really think it’s getting out of hoof,” Cadence says a bit disturbed as Cheese pulls out a squirt gun, to which Pinkie pulls out a bigger one. Cheese then pulls out a super soaker, and Pinkie pulls out a garden hose, he then pulls out his Junk Jet, and she pulls out her party cannon, to which he pulls out a party howitzer. They keep pulling out more and more weapons that they shouldn’t physically be able to hold, but they somehow still do.

“You kidding, I’m eating this up,” Discord says as he eats some popcorn.

“Well I’d rather not risk my OTP from being crushed under…whatever new party weapons they keep bringing out,” Cadence says as her horn lights up.

“Hey! Pinkie told me no sabotage!”

“This isn’t sabotage, this is just making rivals into lovers!” she says with an evil glint in her eye as she fires her spell at Pinkie Pie…just as she pulls out what looks like an orbital party cannon. The spell deflects off of the massive weapon and goes flying west.

“Oh shoot!” Cadence spits as the spell disappears from sight.

“Um, should we be worried about that?” Ember asks.

“Nah, the chances of it hitting someone else is highly unlikely,” Cadence reassures.

“I meant that!” she shrieks as both Pinkie and Cheese ride two party nukes to the ground.

“…Maybe?” you guess, just as the world goes white and the air is filled with cake batter.

At Sweet Apple Acres

Grandbuggy is taking a break after finishing up the plumbing for his new bunker, while Ahuizotl and Daring Do negotiate.

“Okay, from now on I’ll cut back on writing you as a bumbling idiot, but in return, you have to stop leaving me tied up in sand pits!” she barks.

“But those make things more fun! And I don’t just want my image to be bettered, I want royalties for all past and future uses of my likeness,” he fires back.

“And I told you, that’s going to be a tricky thing to explain to my publishers!” she groans.

And while they start to argue again, Grandbuggy rolls his eyes and sips his chilled apple juice, when all of a sudden, two mushroom clouds rise up from the middle of town and he spits out his drink.

“What in bucking tarnation?” he shrieks as the clouds turn yellow and pink. Ahuizotl and Daring also stop arguing and stare at the rising clouds in shock.

“The buck is going on in town?” Grandbuggy mumbles. His eyes then widen as he sense a massive streak of concentrated love magic heading right for him. Thanks to years of experience, his muscle memory allows him to dodge out of the way of the attack. “Who’s shooting love magic?!”

Looking around for the culprit, he finds no one.

“Hey, did ya’ll see…any…” he trails off as Ahuizotl and Daring Do are now looking at each other intently.

“Uh…guys?” Grandbuggy questions nervously. No sooner does he finish his question, the two of them rush at each other…and start groping and kissing intensely.

“Whoa Nelly!” Grandbuggy says as the radial love energy spikes around them.

“I’ve always wanted to do this!” Ahuizotl says between kisses.

“Me Too You Sexy Cat Thing You!” Daring says breathlessly as they tumble backward into the barn and into a pile of hay.

Grandbuggy looks at the intense passion play before him for a few seconds, before he gulps, and slowly closes the barn door on them.

“I’m just gonna...” he trails off as he closes the door and wipes sweat from his brow.

“It’s usually my job, but I got a tomb you can raid!” Daring shouts.

“Then I shall steal the treasure inside!” Ahuizotl answers and Grandbuggy just backs away from the door.

“Well, I guess it’s about dang time, but that was still shocking,” he mumbles to himself before looking back to the fading clouds. “Somehow I feel Heart Hips is to blame.”

Back With You

“Somehow I feel like you’re the one to blame Cadence,” you say as you look upon the massive confectionary creation in front of you.

“I didn’t do this!” she defends. “If anything it’s Discord’s fault.”

“I’m still sick Princess,” he grumbles before looking pleased at the sight. “Though, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed.

After the party nukes dropped, the cake batter spread everywhere across town, but the large majority of it created a tower that looked like a layered wedding cake where Pinkie and Cheese stood at the very top like bride and groom figurines.

“Seriously, how can that be a coincidence when the two of you are right next to each other?” you accuse the princess and the god but they just shrug.

Right on cue, the large cake loses it’s structural integrity as Pinkie and Cheese both ride it to the ground, all while still singing.

“How is this still going?” you grunt as the rest of the town folk are covered in cake and looking miserable.

“I know right? Heh heh, the Rainbow one is looking sad,” Greta points out.

“Huh?” you grunt and look. Sure enough, Rainbow Dash, covered in cake, is looking miserable as Pinkie and Cheese continue to do the goof off. “Oh, right, wasn’t this thing supposed to be about her?”

“Exactly, and now it’s been hijacked,” Discord nods.

“…Well that’s crummy,” you say turning a stern glare at the two party ponies. “Well let’s end this now so that-“

“And that should fix things,” Cadence says as she blasts Pinkie with a beam.

“Cadence!” you scold.

“What?” she asks innocently as the music changes again, and the mood lighting somehow despite being outdoors. Pinkie suddenly gets a sultry look in her eyes as she starts singing and dancing within the cake batter…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Cheese Sandwich, for his part, is completely thrown for a loop for this change in tactics and is blushing like mad and stumbling.

“Well, uh, heh heh,” he stammers and looks around. Quite a few mares are covering their children’s or their stallion’s eyes as Pinkie dances and sings in a risqué way.

“Oh…my…” you hear a familiar voice mutter. Looking down, you see Trenderhoof with hearts in his eyes and his jaw to the floor watching Pinkie dance. “Who is that mare?”

“No, No, NO! I don’t care how distantly related she is, you are not mixing into my bloodline!” you shout as you dump excess cake over the guy, burying.

“…Did you just say that you’re related to Pinkie Pie?” Spike asks as everyone else looks at the thrashing stallion drowning in baked goods.

“Yes, yes I did,” you declare before looking back to Pinkie as she starts caressing Cheese’s cheek and he looks completely flabbergasted and red.

“Uhhh, look Pinkie Pie, I never meant to make you feel like I was taking your spot or anything,” Cheese stammers.

“Oh really?” Pinkie says with lidded eyes.

“Y-yeah. I just wanted to work with you, I mean…” Cheese Sandwhich then bursts into a gentle song about how when he was young he found meaning in life after being at one of Pinkie’s Parties.

“Wait, you were inspired because of me?” she asks sounding touched.

“Of course, I’m the pony I am today because of you,” he says with a nervous chuckle.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Cadence shrieks in utmost satisfaction as she watches the two.

And somehow, even through that salacious look of hers, she beams her natural Pinkie happiness and the atmosphere is no longer hostile.

“Oh my gosh! That’s fantastic! We shouldn’t be competing, we should be working together!” she beams before suddenly her eyes land on Rainbow Dash who looks a bit put off covered in cake. Suddenly, her eyes her eyes flash with every color of the rainbow for a moment.

“Hey, did anyone else see that?” you question.

“See what?” asks Ember.

“The…you know what, never mind, it’s probably just a trick of the light,” you reason, though for some reason when Pinkie’s eyes flashed, the shards in your chest grew uncomfortably hot.

“Rainbow Dash, I’m so sorry that we got carried away. Tomorrow’s supposed to be your special day and we fell behind on the planning because of selfishness,” she says a bit sadly.

“I’m sorry too Rainbow Dash,” Cheese Sandwich apologizes. “I guess I just got caught up in trying to prove myself to Pinkie and lost sight of everything.”

Rainbow Dash looks between the two of them, then all of the cake batter around town and sighs.

“You know what? Apology accepted. I’ve gotten carried away plenty of times,” she admits. “Though for tomorrow with both of ya’ll on the same page, my Birthiversary is gonna rock!”

At that declaration, everyone in town cheers as everyone starts to pick up the cake batter.

“…Wait, that’s it? Everything’s resolved just like that?” Ember says bewildered looking around.

“Eyup,” you nod as you do your part and eat some cake pieces.

“But…but they, wha…”

“You shouldn’t question it too much Princess,” Discord instructs. “Ponies are very religious with their friendship.”

“Heh heh, more like a cult,” Greta giggles.

“Don’t let Twilight hear that,” Spike advises.

“Agreed,” you nod licking your lips of frosting. “Though there is something we’re still forgetting about.”

“You’re right Nightshade,” Cadence says giving you a smile.

“Right, so let’s go back to our scrapbook and-“

“Pinkie Pie! Cheese Sandwich!” Cadence shouts and flies off towards the two.

“Oh for-Really?!” you complain as she lands in front of the two party ponies.

“Yes? What’s up Cadence?” Pinkie asks.

“Since you two are going to be planning tomorrow together, I’ve got the perfect spot!” she says as she shoves a big bag of bits into Cheese’s hooves.

“Uh, what’s this for your maje-“

“You two, go to that fancy restaurant over there, order the candlelit dinner and you plan!” she pushes, or rather demands. “The wine is worth it, oh and wouldn’t you know it, if you don’t want to go home, I upgraded Cheese’s room at the hotel to the VIP sweet earlier.”

“Ummm, thank you?” he guesses and looks to Pinkie who shrugs. Cadence then leans down and whispers in her ear, and suddenly Pinkie’s face turns red.

“Have fun you two!” she waves and flies back to your group. “There, mission accomplished.”

“What did you whisper to her?” you demand and she scrunches her face and looks to the sky.

“Just this and that,” she lies badly and you sigh in frustration.

“Alright fine, can we just make the stupid family tree now?” you grunt and she giggles.

“Oh yeah, forgot all about that. Sure, let’s get to it, and who knows, maybe Pinkie’s branch might grow tonight if they’re not careful,” she titters and starts walking towards Sugar Cube Corner, dragging Ember and Greta with her.

“What’s that mean?!” you shout but she doesn’t answer you and you groan.

“I’m going to just say, grown up stuff and leave it at that,” Discord says shaking his head in disappointment at Cadence.

“I’m starting to think that maybe Daddy conveniently didn’t write to her with his Instant Message thing because of this,” you deadpan.

“Eh, you get used to it,” Spike shrugs as he starts pushing Discord away. “Believe me, I’d have to listen to ship talk every time she read me and Twilight a bedtime story.”

“…I’m so sorry,” you console the dragon who just nods.

“Anyway, see ya tomorrow Shade,” he waves.

“Bye Spike,” you wave forlornly as he wheels Discord off.

“If the wait is too much, you still have your new toy,” Discord calls out before giving a wheezing chuckle.

“Die in a fire Discord,” you say, though not in an angry tone, rather a pleasant chit chat tone.

“Hmmm, nah,” he answers.

And with that, you head back into the sweet shop to finally, FINALLY finish your tree, but before you get inside a thought comes to you.

“Hey, where’d that hipster douche go?”

At Sweet Apple Acres

“What do ya mean I can’t go into my own barn?” asks a fancily dressed Applejack, which at any other time would get the old bug’s blood pumping, but today is not that day.

“I’m telling ya Jackie, you go in there now, and you’ll be scarred for life,” Grandbuggy warns.

“But how else am I gonna teach Rarity a lesson?” she says with crossed arms.

“I don’t know? Give her a smack upside the back of her head?” he suggests just as said mare bursts through the door.

“Well hey dere AJ, whatchu doin being all fancy like?” she says with a bad southern accent and wearing overalls.

“Why my dear Rarity, whatever do you mean?” Applejack says with a fancy accent back.

“…Yeah, I’d say go for the smack,” Grandbuggy sighs looking between the mares.

“Ain’t no one be smacking me, Yargggh,” Rarity complains.

“And that’s a dang pirate accent ya nitwit!” he chides.

“He’s right darling. You don’t have to change like this for Trenderhoof’s sake.”

“I’m not doing that…really,” she lies badly. “Have you seen him up around here?”

“No, not since the dreadful cake bomb,” Applejack says haughtily.

“Is that what that was?” Grandbuggy asks before his eyes widen as he sees something out the window. “Uh, girls?”

“I like rolling around in mud! So cake batter is no exception!”


“I on the other hoof do not, that cake nearly got my mane dirty and-“

“I found the twink ya’ll are talking about,” Grandbuggy says pointing out the window. Turning, they both see him staring wide eyed through the barn door that he’s opened, a look of shock and horror on his red face.

“Oh, Trenderhoof!” Rarity calls out as the three of them exit the house.

Hearing his name, the stallion closes the door and turns to face them.

“Ms. Applejack, I realize that I’ve taken things a bit too far and I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable,” he says taking off his overalls.

“Uh…thank you?” she guesses as he turns to Rarity.

“Ms. Rarity…you can do so much better,” he says encouragingly.

“Oh, uh…” she stammers.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go home, rethink everything I thought about my life, profession and what love even is, and I don’t think I’ll ever return. Good day.”

And with that, the bespectacled stallion runs off, leaving a ploom of dust in his wake. The three of them look at this before Rarity speaks up.

“Wait, he knew I was in to him and yet he still acted like this around AJ while I made a fool of myself?” she growls before throwing the straw hat onto the ground. “What a jerk!”

“I think that’s mostly your fault for picking the guy Rarity,” Applejack says before looking back at the barn. “But seriously, what the hay is going on in there that spooked him?”

“Things not meant for the eyes of proper ladies,” Grandbuggy says as he puts a lock on the door. “Now, the both of you go on inside, Orchard’s made pie.”

Hours later, you came home with Greta and Ember to see Grandbuggy counseling Rarity and Applejack over pie while refusing to let anyone into the barn for some reason.


Before the party starts, you and the CMC have gathered Fluttershy at the train station on her return trip to fill her in on things.

“And then this morning Grandbuggy opened the barn and Ahuizotl and Daring came out, looking all exhausted,” you finish relaying the last few day’s events.

“Oh…My,” Fluttershy says turning beet red.

“I think they might have been fighting all night, I kept hearing crashes when we were trying to sleep,” Applebloom adds and Fluttershy looks even more embarrassed.

“That’s weird, I thought you said they were starting to get along after the Vampire incident,” Scootaloo asks.

“Eeep,” Fluttershy shifts uncomfortably.

“I think I’ve heard about stuff like this. If two ponies aren’t getting along, they lock them in a room for hours until they settle their differences,” Sweetie Belle says.

“Well, maybe it worked because they were all smiling and close to one another today,” you shrug. "Though if they were fighting all night, why don't their heads hurt like Greta's did this morning?"

“Um, can we talk about something else?” Fluttershy pleads. “I mean, you said Discord’s still sick?”

“Yeah, he really wanted to come with us, but Twilight and Cadence wouldn’t let him,” you say and she looks worried.

“Oh, the poor dear,” she says with pity. “So his powers aren’t reliable right now?”

“Not unless you want…” you briefly flash to last night when you slept holding the Spike plush. “Uh, Nothing! Absolutely nothing to happen! Heh heh.”

“Ohhhh, that’s not good,” she says as she looks around at all the new decorations put up by the party pony duo, who you notice are acting awfully similar to how Ahuizotl and Daring did this morning.

“Why? What’s wrong Fluttershy?” you ask.

“Well, I came back as fast as I could because while studying the Breezies I realized that their migration pattern would pass through Ponyville today. I’d completely forgotten that it was Rainbow Dash’s birthday!” she says while biting at her hooves.

“I don’t think she’d mind if more guests came to the party,” Applebloom points out but she shakes her head.

“No, you don’t understand! The Breezies are fragile, too fragile for a party atmosphere. And with Discord out of commission, I don’t know what I’m going to do!” she says as she starts hyperventilating.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down! Take it from the top again, what’s the deal with this Breezies?” you ask the spazzing pegasus.


Author's Note:


In a world of monsters, demons and Pinkie Pie, how in the heck haven’t the Breezies gone extinct?

Hey Hive-Mind,

Well, now that Cadence has ended the Goof Off prematurely, the party is soon to start, but now the weakest of the weak are crashing the place with their weakness. I do so love blending episodes together :rainbowlaugh:

Sorry for the tad delay though, I’ve been having to write for my D&D Game I’ve been running as well, and it is surprisingly hard to keep your players alive at levels 1 and 2.

But anyway, have fun and try not to stomp any puny pony pixies or you’ll make Fluttershy sad :fluttercry:

See you in the comments,
Brown Dog.



5 Jars of Laughter

Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Mallet and Stake

Power Pole

Scone of Bludgeoning


Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Magical Power Ponies Comic

Petrified Dragon Egg

Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Daring Do's Pith Helmet

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

Pinkie Pie Fan Shirt and Hat

Rubber Quesadilla

Spike Doll (Life Sized)

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