• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,771 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 54: Mental and Physical Sucker Punches

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring to you, the broken Applejack and Fluttershy show!

That's right folks, two of the esteemed Elements of Harmony minds have had a complete mental shutdown at the sight before them, Granny Smith making out with a changeling previously thought to be the Hooded Offender!

It appears the shock has caused Applejack's eyes, that's right both of them, to twitch uncontrollably. There are bits of frazzled hair popping up all over the mane and tail, and it looks like her jaw is slowly being sucked into her face in pure disbelief. It also appears that her mighty Stetson has lost its usual niceness, and is now slowly deflating into a floppy hat.

As for the Element of Kindness, she appears to have an eerily calm look of shock on her face. Oh! I spoke too soon, it appears she is now slowly walking towards a nearby wall and...yep! The poor dear is now banging her head against the wall over and over again. If this were any other kind of show, I'm sure there would be blood and brain matter all over the place by how hard she's hitting her head! Also does anyone else here that music?

Oh, what's this!? Ms. Fluttershy has finally ceased banging her head against the wall in disbelief, most likely now with a couple of concussions on her record. She is now slowly curling up into a ball on the floor...and is rocking back and forth while whispering 'Not Real' over and over again. Oh the poor dear.

This has been the 'The Elements Having Mental Breakdowns' show, tune in next week when Twilight finds out her library has been completely reorganized by cover color!

}Brought to you by the Discord Random Narrator Association of Laughs{

For a second, you could have sworn you heard something being comedically narrated, and the sounds of gagging and the shattering of mental processes, but you have ignored it as the bliss washes over you.

It’s been so long…Too long since I’ve felt this, you think as love is freely given to you, and not any of that cheap stuff other females have given over the years, but legit, pure love. It makes you feel invigorated and strong enough to take on the world.

When the love of your life finally breaks the kiss though, you see that she looks just as intoxicated as you feel.

“Ya finally came back,” she says happily as she strokes your cheek.

“…Better late than never huh?” you quip as you both chuckle.

Kichi’s Comment

Behind her, you can see her Granddaughter and the Element of Kindness looking quite ill.

The pegasus gal has a trickle of blood dripping from her forehead while she rocks in a fetal position, and the cowpony looks green in the face in absolute disgust and befuddlement. Her eyes keep trying to find purchase, but she can’t comprehend the sight in front of her.

"Fixie, I...” you love starts and you look back to her shining face. “Why? Why did I forget about you being a changeling till just now?” You flinch at that but she continues. “When we were with the Doctor, you showed me that night we escaped Galopfrey…how could I have forgotten? Have I really gotten that old?”

“No my dear, it’s not because of that,” you say as you use your now empowered magic to cut through the binds and release your hoof. Once freed, you take her hoof in yours. “It’s…it’s because of something I did…”

“Something ya did?” she asks confused before her eyes sharpen. “You sure this wasn’t The Doctor and one of his tricks?”

“Heh, heh, no. The Doc may have been a pain in the flank, but he wouldn’t have done that to you,” you reassure.

“Heh, you sure about that? Remember when he got his scarf singed and he went out of his way to get that factory shut down?” she quips.

“Smithie, that place had Cyberponies underneath it,” you remind her.

“Yeah, but he didn’t know that at first,” she chuckles and you smirk remembering The Doctor in his fourth incarnation.

“Okay yeah, he could be a bit of a hassle,” you admit with a smile and she looks at you longingly.

“You’ve aged as much as I have…how long’s it been since you traveled with him?”

“Actually, only a few months if you can believe it,” you tell her and her eyes widen.

“Wait for real?”

“Yeah,” you nod. “He’s on his tenth incarnation now and looks about our age when we first joined him.”

“He looks younger now?” Granny says in disbelief.

“Yup, and just as stupid,” you laugh.

“Well shoot, that just ain’t fair,” she shakes her head. “Is he still flying around with pretty young mares at his side?”

“Would he be the Doc if he didn’t?”

“Hmmph, well if there’s one silver lining, it’s that he probably gets hounded by mares more. That dolt never knew when one was interested,” she chuckles.

“Funny you should say that, he’s actually retired now with a wife and kid,” you say and her jaw drops.

“No way,” she says in shock.

“It’s the truth,” you shrug. “He’s actually living right now here in Ponyville as a mortal pony, married to his last companion. I think your youngest granddaughter goes to school with his kid.”

“…Huh. Ain’t that something,” Smithy shakes her head, processing that info. “I mean, I’m glad he found a mare that could manage him and all, but I remember how oblivious he used to be.”

“Like the time he ran out on his marriage to Princess Platinum?” you smirk.

“Yeah, or the time Firefly started chasing him around and started up her little military group just to impress him,” she giggles.

“Oh gods, I forgot about that one,” you guffaw as you both have a hearty laugh before you are interrupted by a fake cough.

"*Cough Cough* Ehem, sorry to interrupt…whatever this is, but WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?!” Applejack exclaims as her eyes appear to be getting more and more bloodshot.

“Applejack! What did I tell you about that cursin?” Orchard reprimands. Applejack winces slightly, but looks at her grandmother in desperation.

“Granny! Why are you going around kissing this changeling?!” she shouts and Smithy frowns.

“He’s got a name Applejack, there’s no need to be rude.”

“Bu-Wha-?” Applejack still fails to form coherent thoughts at the strange and impossible situation before her.

“Sorry about this Fixie, I ain’t got the slightest clue what’s gotten into her.”

“No no, I understand completely,” you say patting her hoof as you give a bit of a smug grin at the younger pony.

“Y…You know him?” she finally stammers.

“Well of course I do. Land’s sake girl, you think I go around kissing anyone I don’t know?” she chides. Applejack for her part does take that bit of info and looks between the two of you rapidly.

“Bu-But who is he? How do you know him?” she asks and Smithy sighs.

“His name is Quick Fix, he and I were…together a long, long time ago,” she says looking at you with lidded eyes.

“What?!” Applejack shouts in outrage. “But Granny! What about Grandpa?! How could you-“

“Don’t finish that thought missy! I ain’t never betrayed your grandpappy, gods rest his soul,” she says sadly before perking back up. “Nah, Fix and I were together before I met your Grandpa.”

“You…You were?” Applejack asks in shock as she looks you over.

“That’s right, and had things been different, he probably would have been your Grandpa,” she admits. And while her Granddaughter makes a choked gasping sound from the back of her throat, you wince in regret.

I could have…but everything got so bucked up…

“I…He…” the farm pony wobbles in place.

“Yeah, I know that’s hard to hear, but we’d been very close when we traveled with The Doctor,” she says.

“To be fair, you hated my guts at first,” you chime in and she looks at you with a playful scowl.

“Well it ain’t my fault my first impression of ya was getting us captured by the Tax collectors on Taxacoricofallapatorius,” she smirks and you groan.

“Oh, you’ll never let me live that one down will you?”

“Tax-a-What now?” Applejack asks.

“The planet of taxes,” you explain. “It’s full of money grubbers that tax literally anything and everything under their three suns.”

“Ain’t that the truth. Luckily the Doctor was able to bail us out by declaring us bankrupt,” Smithy says in nostalgia.

“Alright, alright, who is this Doctor and what do you mean by planet? This Raxasorryfalin-

"Taxacoricofallapatorius," both you and Smithy say at the same time, causing you both to chuckle.

“Whatever you call it!” the mare shouts in irritation.

“Well ya gotta get it right Applejack. You don’t want to confuse it with Raxacoricofallapatorius, their cousin planet," she explains.

"Yeah…those dang meat heads,” you shudder in remembrance.

“Alright, alright! Leaving the names aside, what doctor are you talking about? Doctor Who?”

"Exactly!" Smith says pointing to her.

"What?!" asks Applejack now even more confused. Taking pity on the poor girl, you speak up.

“He’s a time traveling alien that your Granny and I traveled with when we were young.”

“…What?!” she exclaims and the both of you roll your eyes.

“It’s pretty self explanatory sugar cube,” Smithy says.

“No! No It Ain’t!” Applejack stomps her hoof in frustration. “Time Travel? Aliens? That’s just too farfetched to be believed!”

“Oh really? A moment ago, you and the cutie in the corner were believing I was my Grandson and not wanting to accept the truth,” you point out her hypocricy and she stiffens and bites her lip.

“Not real…Not real…” Fluttershy continues to moan in the corner.

“Applejack, I think your friend needs a blanket and a cup of tea…or maybe something a bit stronger,” Smithy mentions, but the apple pony just continues to stare at you.

“You…you were telling the truth?”

“…You know, for the Element of Honesty, you sure are dense to sniffing out what’s true ya know?” you insult and her eye twitches a bit.

“Only when she’s being stubborn,” Smithy rolls her eyes.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Will you all stop treating me like I’m the one who’s got a screw loose?” she exclaims. “I mean, for goodness sakes Granny, it ain’t normal for somepony to come out and say they were in love with a Changeling!”

At that, Fluttershy winces and rocks even further. “Not real, not real! It’s all just a trick from that witch, it’s all just a trick…”

And while you three ignore her breakdown, Orchard sighs.

“Look sugar cube, I know it might seem a bit strange, and heck, it is probably worse than falling in love with a Pear, but that’s the way the cards fell.”

“B-But Granny, what about the Canterlot Invasion?! That time they took over Ponyville and kidnapped Applebloom? Or just recently when we found out the Crimson Knights were just remnants of them?”

“If you can believe it, things were actually a lot worse back in the day,” you pipe up and she turns to you in confusion. “Sure you ponies didn’t really know about our kind, but The Hive used to be so much more cutthroat and secretive that it makes Chryssy’s failed coup’s look like a walk in the park.”


“I have to admit Fix, even I started to hate on the Changelings after the invasion,” Smithy admits with a sad look. “I guess I just forgot that there were some good eggs in the bunch. You all ain’t evil.”

“It’s alright, I getcha, because there are some pretty bad ones,” you nod in understanding.

“Also, didn’t you tell me that that Offender fella was innocent too and just being used by Nightmare Moon?” she asks Applejack and you frown.

“Th-That’s Right!” Fluttershy sits up suddenly causing all your eyes to shoot to her. “Hoody is a nice innocent hero who was possessed by that evil monster to-“

“Oh Shut Yer Gob! Yer even worse than cowgirl here on ignoring the truth!” you chide and she winces back.

“Hey! Don’t you yell at-“ Applejack starts but you talk over her.

“I’ll yell at whoever I gorramned please!” you snarl and shake your head. “Dang youngens thinking they know what’s right just because they have access to ancient rainbow death magic.”

To this, Fluttershy scowls and marches over to you.

“Alright fine! Maybe you aren’t Bugze and maybe we did make a mistake, but saying Nightmare Moon isn’t evil? Hah!” she spits and your eye twitches.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“But it’s the gods’ honest truth you little jealous minx! She’s probably the best thing that could have ever happened to my boy!” you reprimand and she scowls even harder.

“Best Thing? BEST THING?!” she shouts. “She took over his body! She made him a murderer! And now she’s taken over the body of his sweet innocent little filly! How Can She Be Good For Him?!”

“Because she’s done neither of those things you tart!” you shout back. “Sure she might have been a bit dangerous at first, but she mellowed out! That’s what the power of love and friendship is all about right?!”

“Hah! I don’t believe that for one second!” she spits.

“Then you’re a massive hypocrite. Didn’t I hear you reformed Discord not too long ago?” you point out and she stiffens and stammers while looking to the side.

“Th-That’s different. Discord is a sweet guy who wouldn’t hurt anypony seriously…” she says in denial.

“Oh for-He’s always been a turd,” you grumble. “The thing is, he always had a weakness for a pretty face, and though I hate to admit it, you went and mellowed him out. So if he can do it, why not her?”

Her eyes dart all over at that, before she asks meekly.

“You…you think Discord thinks I’m pretty?” she asks with a bit of a blush.

“…Seriously? How many guys you stringing along as you obsess over my boy?” you ask in frustration.

“I’m not stringing anypony along!” she defends.

“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “The point is, Nightmare Moon, or Selena as she goes by now, ain’t evil no more! Everything she and my boy have been put through these last four years has just been a series of misunderstandings and desperation.”

“I…But she…” she stammers, trying to still argue the point, but you can see your truths have rattled her.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“I thought this one was all about kindness?” you say in frustration to Smithy who shrugs. Fluttershy grits her teeth and pulls the fabled Stare on you.

“Even if I believed…THAT, you still claim to be his Grandpa! If you’re his Grandpa then why did he tell me you were dead?!” she growls, sending killing intent your way. You’ve read reports of the effects of the Stare, how it can paralyze and dominate lesser beings…but you’re not energized with True Love, so the effect just washes over you as you stare her right back in the eye.

"He thought I was dead missy. It happens when you don't see someone you love for years. Especially when the last time you saw them you were strapped to a rocket heading towards the Moon."

That statement seems to throw her and Applejack off.

“Wait, what?” Fluttershy asks as her Stare fumbles.

“It’s a long story,” you hoofwave. “Basically I was trying to knock off a check on my Bucket List, which will sadly never be completed now. Smithy here knows what I’m talking about.”

Both Elements look to the green mare questioningly, but she doesn’t say anything.

“Smithy?” you question as you turn to look at her with a thousand yard stare.

“The Offender is your Grandson…?” she says aloud, not all entirely there and a bead of sweat forms on the back of your neck.

Oh boy, you think in dread.

“Granny? Are you alright?” Applejack asks, but the older mare is lost in memory as the geass breaks apart even more.

“…That’s why you left, I remember now,” she says as tears come to her eyes. “You said it was the only way to protect me.”

“What Granny? What was the only way?” Applejack begs, but she doesn’t answer. With a sigh, you take her hoof, and she does not pull away.

“Is…is he hers?” she asks and you stiffen a bit, before you close your eyes and nod.

“Yes honey…her one and only.”

Smithy is then hit by a whirlwind of different emotions. Sadness, hurt, surprise, joy, longing, and many more as she hears that truth and more tears come to her eyes.

“I…I can’t believe I was hating on my own blood…Her son…”

“What is going on?” Fluttershy asks, but again, only you two matter.

“I’m sorry it had to be that way…I raised her as best I could,” you say as your own eyes get misty. “She was…she was happy I think…”

“Was?” she questions. “So she’s…?”

You look down in misery at that.

“Yeah…” you nod reluctantly. Orchard takes in a stiff breath at that before she leans over and hugs you, with tears running down her face.

“I wish I could have known her…”

“I wish you could have as well,” you sniffle and embrace her.

“Oh for Crying Out Loud! Who Are You Two Talking About?! Why Are You Crying?!” Applejack bellows, at the end of her rope.

After a few more seconds of embracing each other, Granny sniffles herself and turns to her Granddaughter.

“We’re talking about our daughter sugar cube,” she says truthfully. If you had thought Applejack’s jaw couldn’t drop any lower, then you were wrong.

“…What?” she all but whispers.

“Our daughter,” she says again. “Your Dad’s older sister…your aunt.”


“Changelings and Ponies weren’t supposed to have children back in the day…that’s why he made me forget…to keep me safe,” she says sadly and you look down in guilt.

“I…Are you saying I had an aunt who was part changeling?!” Applejack gasps as her jaw opens and closes sporadically.

“Oh My Gosh!” Fluttershy holds her hooves to her mouth and looks at Applejack warily “Th-Then that means…”

“What?! What Does That Mean?!” she demands to everyone in the room.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Applejack…” Granny says softly. “That changeling, the Hooded Offender?”

“Yeah! What about him!” she whimpers.

“He’s the son of our daughter,” she finishes and Applejack looks at you pitifully.

“Our Grandson,” you add to the overwhelmed mare.

Again, she makes that choking sound as she can’t quite get the words out. Fluttershy in the mean time is making gagging noises and looking at Applejack sympathetically.

“…Are you saying…That this whole time…All those times we fought…Bugze, The Hooded Offender…” she pauses apprehensive about dropping the last brick. “WAS MY COUSIN?!”

You swear you hear some sort of dramatic chord sound out at that, but you can’t place the source as Smithy sighs.

“Yes honey…I didn’t know till now either, but yes. He’s your cousin,” Orchard says as gently as she can.

Applejack just stands there in silence as her whole body starts to twitch sporadically and a loopy grin comes across her face.

“Eh heh, Eh heh…heh heh heh heh hahahahahahahaa,” she starts giggling madly as her hat falls to the ground and her mane and tail break out in strands.

“Oh hay, that might have been a bit too much,” Granny says worriedly as the mare has a bit of a mental breakdown.

“Well, she had to hear it sooner or later. I still say ripping off the bandage is the best solution,” you admit as the Applejack’s eyes go cross eyed like the Doc’s wife.

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Applejack you, and him, you…Mmmph!” Fluttershy babbles, sticking her hoof in her mouth to either avoid saying something or to not puke. Probably both.

“What’s wrong? You got something to add missy?” you ask with a raised brow.

“N-No! I…I can’t! I Pinkie Promised! But she and Bugze, they k-k-k…Ew, Ew, Ew!” she starts shaking her head back and forth with her eyes closed.

“Oh right, you know about that stupid costume of his,” you say, remembering the BST persona. Fluttershy looks to you with pleading eyes looking back and forth at Applejack.

“Fix?” Smithy asks nervously.

“It’s something I’m not prevented from saying…but it might push yer granddaughter over the edge,” you admit.

“…How much more?” she asks as Applejack starts to foam at the mouth a little.

“It is a doozy,” you say.

“Hmmm,” she ponders as she looks over the younger mare’s mental state.

“Hey Applejack, you still in there girl?”

“Ahahahahahaha,” she continues to laugh.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“You okay there girly?” you ask, and suddenly she stops dead in her laughter and her eyes roll even further into the back of her skull.

“Eyup! I’m fine as can be!” she says in a false cheerful voice. “The only thing is that my arm is numb.” She holds her front left foreleg. “Numb arm…numb arm, Narm, Narm!” And with that, she falls over and passes out.

“…I think that may have been too much Quick,” Orchard monotones while Applejack twitches on the ground.

“…Yeah, I think you’re right,” you nod as Fluttershy takes the opportunity to lose her lunch into a nearby wastebasket.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

As you stare off into space you sigh.

This is all too much too quick. Why is everything so complicated and confusing? Is this what Mommy and Daddy had to go through? you think as the memory of Frost’s scared and saddened face flashes through your mind. You shake your head and look over to stare at the forest. A low rumble makes you jump and you look every which way for danger, before you look down to your tummy and hear a groan.

Jumping at my own stomach. Agh, I’m so stupid, you roll your eyes and pull out the food you got from Canterlot, still freshly stored in your inventory.

Hmm, it’s still fresh. Maybe that’s why I’ve started feeling all moody? Being out of the bag, I’m starting to spoil? You ponder as you start munching on the Indhayan food. You hear more grumbles and look over to see your group also all looking at their stomachs, which actually gets a chuckle out of you.

“Heh, I guess everyone is hungry too?” you ask, and you see them become less tense at your voice.

“You could say that again,” Greta says.

“Yeah, that trail mix stuff just ain’t cutting it,” Garble complains.

“It’s easy to handle and full of nutrients!” Ahuizotl defends. “Just because you don’t like raisins doesn’t mean they aren’t good for you.” Smirking at this banter, you pull out more leftovers and hoof it over to them, including Grandbuggy’s.

“Whoa, I can’t believe how fresh it still is,” Greta says in wonder as she digs right in.

“I know, it’s like her bag is a refrigerator or something,” Ahuizotl says.

“Well, it’s not cold or anything…At least I was never cold in there. Is it Mangle?” you ask looking into Inventory. Your pet looks at you and gives you a thumbs up. “Nope, just bigger on the inside,” you say as you give her a scratch behind the ears. And while the two part-cat creatures dig in, Ember looks at their food in confusion.

“What? Don’t like exotic food?” you ask.

“Well, I’ve never had anything other than gems or crystals,” Ember states poking her cup of noodles with a claw.

“Well you better eat chica, we’ve got no gems and I highly doubt there’s any around here.” Ahuizotal pipes between bites of his sandwich.

“He’s right, just warm it up a little with your breath,” Garble tells her as he does just that with his alfredo soup.

The dragon princess just shrugs before she warms up her noodles and takes a bite. Once she does, her eyes light up like dinner plates and she begins to start devouring her food.

“Watch it! You’re getting broth everywhere!” Garble complains as some liquid gets in his eye and you, Greta, Ahuizotl chuckle at their antics.

“This ain’t half bad!” Ember says as she swallows more noodles.

“If you think that’s good wait till you’ve had a cake,” you giggle as your mood improves.

“What’s cake?” she asks excitedly.

“It’s like this soft bread that’s got different flavors and is the best,” Greta answers.

“…What’s bread?” Ember asks and everyone laughs at that.

“It’s a pony food,” Garble answers. “They take like these plants, grind it up with stones and then they add water and a bunch of other stuff and cook it for awhile.”

Ahuizotl raises an eye at that and Garble shrinks.

“What? I hung out with those hippies for awhile, they’re all pretty self sufficient.”

“Well if this bread is as good as these noodles, and cake is better than that, then color me excited,” Ember says beaming.

“Oh, there are so many joyful cuisines you can partake in nina,” Ahuizotl promises. Just watching them eat and feeling excited for the future…it brightens you up.

Daddy had me for when he was down in the dumps, and I did my best to keep his spirits up. Sure Grandbuggy is gone but…I still have friends with me…Friends…

They haven’t called you a monster or abandoned you in fear, even at your worst. They still stick by your side. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Aqua, Sombra and of course Spike were the only ones you considered close friends…but these Outcasts…they’re growing on you.

However, your good mood is cut off because Lady Luck has it out for you. The sound of heavy approaching steps causes you all to stop and peer into the yellowish fog.

“What is that?” Garble asks as the heavy steps get closer and closer. Eventually, through the fog, large orange paw makes it’s way through, followed by a pair of fierce glowing eyes and a low growl.

“Ah! A tiger!” Greta shouts hopping on top of Ahuizotl, as you climb up peaking over Slendy’s head to stare at the creature.

“Greta, I own a Tiger,” Ahuizotl says shakily as you see a pair of teeth gleam. “That thing is not one of them.”

“Please, what can a little cat do to the daughter of the Dragon Lord?” Ember says finishing her meal and getting into a battle stance with Garble following suit brandishing his staff. A hissing noise draws your attention as a snakehead rises from behind it and a pair of horns from a goat head rise up from below as the thing steps into better visibility.

“Who are you calling little?” growls the Saber Toothed Tiger head of the three headed monster.

“I think sshe meanss usss ssister,” the snake tail hisses.

“I do believe they do…” the mountain goat head snarls offended.

“Oh hey, it’s that Cat-Goat-Snake thing you were talking about Ahuizotl,” Garble states the obvious.

“Cat-Goat-Snake?!” the tiger growls.

“We are a Chimera you ssstupid fire lizard!” the snake hisses again.

“Oh you are are you?” you ask, feeling full of energy.

“Leave this place! This is our territory!” The goat speaks up looking angrily at you and your group. At that, everyone gets into battle positions…except for you and Slendy, as he continues to walk forward.

“Um, chica?” Ahuizotl asks nervously as he looks to you two getting closer and closer to the monster.

“Stop! Turn around stupid!” You shout as you try steering him around the beast, however, he continues forward as is his custom and the chimera takes offence.

“You dare come into our territory and challenge us?” The tiger growls.

“You need to be taught some manners!” The goat bellows.

“We tried to warn you but you jusst wouldn’t listen. Attack my sisterss!” the snake commands and the chimera charges. The goat head lowers its horns, and collides with Slendermane, sending you flying.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you shriek as you tumble through the air before Greta hovers up and catches you.

“You OK?” she asks worriedly and you shake your head loose from the impact.

“Yeah I’m fine. Stupid single minded faceless freak,” you grumble as you look back to the monster…and see that it’s trying it’s darndest to eat Slendy. The snake is wrapped around his torso, the goat is continually striking him with her horns, and the tiger has her jaws clamped over his entire head…but he still continues to walk.

“What isss thisss thing?” the snake asks in confusion.

“I don’t know! It won’t stop moving!” the goat answers.

“Ptoo!” the Tiger spits his head out of her mouth. “It tastes like tingling fuzz!”

Suddenly Slendermane just looks at the tiger right in the face, and all three of them suddenly screech out in pain.

“Oh, so that’s what that looks like from the outside,” you reckon as they are brainblasted by his psychic static thing.

“Forget thisss!” the snake shouts as the lifts up and throws Slendy from the rest of the body into the swamp waters. He lands face down in the muck, yet his hooves keep trying to walk.

“He really is devoted, you gotta give him that,” Greta deadpans as your eye starts twitching.

“Okay, this is bullspit!” you shout. “I was just starting to feel better, and now you’ve gone and ruined that!”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have trespassed!” the goat bleets.

“It’s not like we really had a choice,” Ember scoffs and all three heads peer at her slyly.

“If what you say is true, then pay reparations, and we’ll let you go,” the tiger threatens.

“Reparations? As in money?” Ahuizotl asks.

“No no no we require sssomething more ssspecial than that,” the snake insinuates.

“And what is that?” asks Greta.

The three heads look at each other before they smirk and turn back to you.

“Ponies come through here sometimes with wagons full of pies,” the goat says.

“They ssssmeel ssscrumptious.”

“If you give us pie, we’ll let you go.”

“…What the Tartarus is pie?” asks Ember.

“Fruity goodness,” you answer before glaring right at the three heads. “Well we ain’t got pie!”

“Hmmm, that’s a shame,” the goat says eying you. “Guess we’ll just have to make you into filly filet then…”

“Filly…Filet?!” you ask in outrage.

This thing has eaten fillies before? You Evil Sack Of Crap!

“Buck You!” you cry out as you charge forth. “No Pie! No Filly Filet! Just hoof sandwiches!” you yell out.

“Well that sounds yum-*POW*” you interrupt the tiger with a swift punch to the jaw which sends the monster spinning.

“Sister! What are you doing?” the goat admonishes.

“That filly packs a punch,” the tiger says.

“But it’sss jusst a fi-*WHAM*” the snake starts but you give it a falcon kick which makes it hit the ground.

“What the-“ the goat starts but you blast her with magic which sends the rest of the body sprawling.

“You like hurting little ponies do you? DO YOU?!” you cry out in rage as your eyes light up and your amulet shards glow, but even as you raise your hoof you freeze as you remember what you almost did to that kid.

“…Do I?” you say aloud in confusion.

With you in thought, the chimera takes this chance to swipe at you sending you back to your group.

“Oomph!” you grunt as you hit the ground.

“Kid! Are you alright?” Greta says helping you up.

“I..wha?” you stutter, wondering why you got hit.

“Um, Shade get in the game here!” Ember shouts cutting off your train of thought as you look over to see the beast charging. Ahuizotl leaps forward meeting the chimera head to head. Though he is bigger, they still get into a power struggle. The snake tries to bite him only for his tail paw to grab it by the neck.

“You’ll have to try harder that that puta!” Ahuizotl growls in the three faces.

“Hey, don’t take all the fun!” Garble says as he charges trying to knock it off balance. However, the goat head sees this and knocks Ahuizotl into the drake with her horns.

“Ah! Idiota!” Ahuizotl chides the red dragon.

“Sorry, sorry,” Garble apologizes as he attempts to reposition, but gets whipped by the snake tail.

“Ha! You can’t catch us off guard!” The goat gloats.

“We work as one!” The tiger growls.

“Three headss are better than one.” The snake hisses.

“Careful now, that thing’s got eyes in the back of it’s head,” Greta warns and you frown.

Get it together Shade, you think with a shake of your head. This thing is a monster that eats children, it’s not like that wendigo-pony kid! You look to the shards on your chest and see them glowing slightly. Gorramned this stupid amulet! It’s making my head all weird! You think as the beast throws Ahuizotl off and it charges towards Ember and Greta. The griffon goes for swipe only to squawk in terror as flames shoot up from the swamp floor.

“Gah!! Put it out, put it out, put it out!!” she yells patting away at her now singed tail, which distracts Ember and they both get knocked back by the goat horn charge.

“Oh, Way To Go Getting In The Way Bird!” Ember chides.

“I’m sorry, I’m Not Fireproof!” Greta huffs.

Ahuiztol then charges again knocking the monster on its back only for the snake to whip up and strike him in the nards.

“AGH! My Cajones!” he shrieks and flops over as Garble gives a sympathy wince.

“Grr, Leave now or suffer our wrath!” The tiger head roars as it gets into a pouncing position.

“We wanted to, but you tried to extort us for pie or kid meat!” you shout angrily.

“Yeah, what she said, no dice ladies!!” Garble shouts hitting the two front heads with his battle staff. Your eyes widen as you see the beast get disoriented.

Wait, he actually did something useful? You think flabbergasted before you shake your head and pull out your own Power Pole. I Will Not Be Outdone!

“YYYAAAHHH!!!” you shout as you whack the chimera with a powerful strike to the side of the monster which knocks the wind out of it a bit.

“Ahh, you bratss!!” The snake hisses as it tries to bite you. You roll out of the way and kick up some muck and throw it into the snake's face. “Ahh, I can’t ssee!” she cries as you roll towards Garble who whacks at the creature between the legs.

“Oof!” the tiger and goat cry out before looking at the drake with a frown.

“What did you honestly expect to accomplish with that?” asks the goat.


“HIYAH!” you shout as you strike the tiger across the eye and it roars.

“That! Definitely that,” Garble lies badly, and for his part he is butted backwards by the goat head and you roll your eyes.

Then Ember flies in and breathes a stream of fire at the creature, which winces, but just glares at the dragon princess.

“Huh? Why isn’t this thing catching fire?!” she cries out.

“It lives in a place that’s constantly spewing fire from the ground. You didn’t suspect it was resistant?” Ahuizotl says in a high pitched voice.

“Don’t talk down to me!” Ember says as she doubles down on her fire breath.

“AGH!” the chimera groans and Ember smirks. “This is hotter than normal!”

Greta then flies overhead, with an armful of stones and starts chucking them downward.

“Really? Rocks?” Garble snarks.

“I ain’t getting close to Princess Tsundere’s fire thank you very much!” the griffon squawks as she drops a heavy stone right onto the snake who whimpers and hides under the belly.

With the chimera distracted, you notice a couple of rocks in the muck and grin.

“Hey, Garble! Batter up!” you shout using your earth bending to launch the rocks up for you to hit with the pole. The rocks go flying and hit the chimera and Garble grins at this.

“Well if you can’t beat em…” he quips and does the same. The two of you become a blur of movement and pain as you bat multiple rocks at the beast.

“Ooh! Oww! Yipe! Stop it!” The goat head shouts before you land a rock between its eyes. You both move forward continuing your assault pushing the beast back with your rocks, flames and aerial bombardment.

“You gonna join in Ahuizotl?” Greta asks.

“Nah, nah, you got this,” he waves his tail paw as she still cradles his nards in the fetal position. With him out of commission, you spot a rather large boulder in the ground and grin.

“Alright time for the home run!” you shout as you try to lift the boulder, however, it doesn’t respond to your bending. “Huh?” sputter as you try to lift the stubborn thing up. “Come on! I can move the freaking Moon! Why won’t you move!?” you grunt in frustration.

“Uh, Shade?” Garble questions as he runs out of ammo and resorts to using flames with Ember.

“Just a second! Got a heavy sucker here!” you holler back.

“You little punks are gonna pay!” The chimera shouts as it leaps over the flames and swipes at Greta in the air who eeps and dodges.

“Alright fine, I’ll generously let you all leave alive if you just go no…” the tiger stops dead as all six of it’s eyes widen seeing you picking the boulder up with your magic. “Wait, stop that’s not a-”

You ignore her as you lift the half buried rock out that your bending couldn’t move and lift it over your head.

“As I was saying…it’s time for a HOME RUN!!” you shout as the shards in your chest glow brightly. You fling the giant rock right at the monster’s stupid faces and it yells in fright and dives out of the way. “AH Shoot! Foul Ball!” you grunt in frustration and glare at the chimera…who looks extremely panicked for some reason.

“You stupid fool! That’s no rock! It's a Cragodile!!! And you just interrupted its nap!” The goat head roars out as Ember and Garble start on their flame breath again.

“Wait, what did she just say?!” you hear Ahuizotl gasp behind you.

“A Cragodile? What the buck is…” you start, but trail off as you see the rock you threw unfurl itself into a long, large reptilian form and bearing several rows of sharp stony teeth.

“RRRRRAAAAGGGHHH!!!” the thing roars, catching everyone’s attention.

“…Cragodile? Really?” you complain. “Who named this thing? It’s made of rocks! Why isn’t it called a Rockodile?!”

“That is…a very good question,” Ahuizotl ponders before he shakes his head. “But nevermind that now! Keep Your Distance Everyone! It’s an Apex Predator!”

“Well so am I!” Ember says unperturbed. “I’ll roast that thing’s stupid-Hey!” she calls out as Greta and Garble both grab her arms and fly her away.

“No time for suicide missions now your highness!” Greta mocks just as the Cragodile roars again, and rushes the still disorientated chimera.

“GYAGH!” the mix match beast cries as the tiger paws catch the rocky jaws from clamping down on their throats.

“Whoa, that’s brutal!” Garble says as Ember squirms out of his grip and pouts.

“Yeah, it didn’t even look at us after waking up,” you observe.

“Chimera’s and Cragodiles are natural enemies,” Ahuizotl explains looking at the two go at it. “They fight over prey and other resources.”

“Sooooo, let them fight?” you guess.

“Let them fight,” he nods and you five just watch the two enemies bite, slash and hack at each other.

“…Okay, I take it back, I wouldn’t want to fight that thing,” Ember shudders.

“Eh, to be honest this is kind of tame compared to that fight between Garble’s dad and that hydra. At least we had popcorn back then,” you grumble.

After a few more moments of the things tearing into each other, you look to the rest.

“Okay let’s get Slendy out of the mud and get going. This is just wasting time we could be using to find Grandbuggy,” you say in determination.

“Awww, but I wanted to see who won,” Greta complains.

“It’s obviously going to be the Cragodile since we weakened the chimera first,” Ahuizotl points out just as the reptile clamps it’s jaws onto the back of the demonic beast.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” all three heads cry in unison.

“Jeeze nature sure is messy,” Ember gags a bit.

“Well there’s your answer Greta,” you say looking at the monster without pity. “But let’s go before it decides it wants more snacks.”

“It seems kind of messed up just leaving it like that though,” Garble says sympathetically as the swamp lizard brings the three headed beast to the ground and starts dragging it to the water.



“Help!” all three heads say as they dig their claws into the ground, leaving scratch marks.

“Oh no, don’t make eye contact,” Ahuizotl warns as they all look at their surroundings, but you look the thing right in it’s eyes.

“Help?! You Eat Kids! You’re A Monster!” you shout, and for some reason, you feel a tear stream down your cheek. “And Monsters That Hurt Kids Are The Worst of the-“

“MOMMY!!!” three young male voices cry out in unison. All of you turn to the side and see a young chimera cub, no bigger than you with tears in their eyes. “MOMMY NO!”

“Flee Child!” the goat bleets.

“Save Yoursself Little One!” the snake begs.

“Don’t Look Back!” the tiger pleads as it’s back legs are dragged into the water.

“No, No, NO!!!” the three heads cry out in pain and sorrow as it sees it’s mother about to die. Three children in one, bellowing because noling is stopping it from becoming an orphan, a kid who is about to be hurt with the worst pain possible.


"GGGGOOORRRAAAMMMIIIITTT!!!" You scream, your eyes blazing white, as you zoom towards the reptile drawing it’s attention. With only seconds before the chimera can be fully submerged, you torpedo between their struggle, wedging your Power Pole right into its jaw ad prying it loose.

The chimera, sensing the relieved pressure quickly scrambles back onto shore while you stare down the thing that was asininely misnamed.

“I’M NOT A MONSTER!!!” you holler in it’s face as you use your momentum to fling the reptile into the air. As it reaches it’s peak you fly at high speeds, meeting it before gravity takes hold.

"I DON’T HURT KIDS!!!" You roar as the pole magically extends from you, hitting your target square in the chest and sending it flying into the distance and out of sight.

With the reptile gone, you huff and puff while hovering in the air as you try to get your motions back under control.

I’m Not A Monster! I’m Not A Monster! I’m Not A Monster…you chant over and over again in your mind. After a little bit, you and let out a sigh before looking down. You see the cub and it’s injured mother rubbing their heads against each other lovingly and crying in relief.

…But even monsters have loved ones, You think glumly as you hover down towards them.

"Are you alright?" you ask and the chimera looks at you warily, with the cub hiding beneath her.

"I will heal. Not the first time I've tangled with a Cragodile," the tiger head huffs.

"But we thank you for saving us," The goat head adds.

"We will let you passs, thiss time," The snake declares.

“Alright, but I didn’t do it for you,” you tell it truthfully as you look at the cub who hides from your gaze.

…Creatures are afraid of me…you think in melancholy before forcing yourself to harden your gaze.

“Just don’t go eating any more kids, or I swear I’ll come back and finish the job!” you say menacingly as your eyes glow and all three heads gulp.

“A-Actually, that’s just a boast,” the tiger whimpers.

“Y-Yeah, we’ve never actually eaten a pony before,” the goat stammers.

“You haven’t?” you ask taken aback.

“No. Sscoutss honor,” the snake says nervously, wrapping around the cub.

“Then why the buck would you say you did?!” you growl.

“B-Because it makes us look more menacing?” the tiger chuckles.

“I mean, it’sss not like we haven’t tried to eat a pony before,” the snake admits.

“But we kind of suck at it,” the goat adds.

“Yeah…we really like pie more anyway,” the tiger admits.

“And a good cheese now and again,” the goat says.

“…Whatever, just get out of my sight and don’t even attempt to eat other creatures that can talk!”

“Yesss Ma’am!”

“No Problem!”

“Thank You!”

They all say before they scoop up their cub and start limping away from you as fast as they can go. Despite putting the fear of the gods into them though, you notice that the cub heads do look back at you…and they give a thankful mewl.

Once they disappear into the fog, you slump your shoulders and turn back to your group who are all giving you mixed looks.

"I'm...I'm sorry…I just..." you begin only for Ahuizotl to pat you on the head.

"We know chica, we know," he says warmly. You smile and give him a hug much to his surprise, but he returns it.

Can I be a monster and still be good? You think as he continues to stroke your mane. After awhile, you lose count of the time, you pull back from him with a sniffle and give him a small smile.

“Thanks Ahzi,” you say and he just nods.

Sensing that you’ve calmed down, the others surround you.

“Dang Shade, you yeeted that thing into next Tuesday,” Greta says impressed.

“Hey! Don’t use that word!” you chide. “Daddy hates valley girl slang!”

“Right, right, sorry,” she apologizes.

“Holy Crap Nightshade, how did your Power Pole do that?!” Garble asks with stars in his eyes.

“Yeah, how did it get that big?” Ember asks equally intrigued

“I don’t know,” you shrug as you look down to see it slowly revert to its original size.

"Huh, guess this is what the merchant meant when he said it had a little something 'extra'," you say as pocket the pole again.

And while they still gush about your exploits, you still feel very conflicted and confused.

Even Monsters Have Loved Ones…

Coughing into your hoof, you say,

“Right, well that was a waste of time, let’s get Slendy out of the mud huh?”

“Oh right, forgot about him,” Ember says and faceclaws.

“You’d think a guy with no face wouldn’t be so easily overlooked,” Garble mentions as you all start making your way back to where he got rooted…and he’s gone.

"REALLY?!" you shout annoyance.

“Again, that guy is very determined,” Greta says.

“Ugh! Someling find his tracks,” you groan as you all scan the area.

"Guys over here! I found his trail,” Garble says and you all find muddy hoofprints.

“Well, wherever he’s heading, it’s the same direction so it doesn’t appear that Fix has been moved,” Ahuizotl points out.

“That’s good I guess,” Ember shrugs. “But let’s catch up with him before something else tries to eat him.”

Nodding, everyone doubles their pace to catch up and you look to Ahuizotl.


“Yes Chica?”

“If we’re still on the same course, you got any ideas where it might lead?”

“Well, there are quite a few places he could be, but if we keep this heading, I think we’ll eventually end up back in Canterlot,” he admits and you pale.

Great, that’s all I need! What Bucking Thing With Big Feet Took You There?!, you growl, thinking you’ll have to tangle with the Princesses before a thought comes to you.

“Say, from where we’re coming from, do you think we’ll pass through Ponyville first?”

“Hmmm, I believe so yes,” he nods. “At least towards the edge of it, but that won’t be for some time.”

His words fill you with both dread and hope.

If we have to pass through Ponyville on the way to Canterlot, I can stop in and see the girls and Spike. They’ll let me know if I’ve become a monster…And if I have…

You shudder at that thought, but put it out of mind for now as you focus on your task…which is slow going again as you quickly catch up to Slendermane.

Well, if I am a monster, then I gotta get these shards out of me so I’m weaker. I bet Zecora would know a thing or two…

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"I...I can't believe it,” Applejack spouts, her first words after her little fit on the ground after your explanation. Orchard puts a reassuring hoof on her shoulder and gives her a pat.

"Now I know it may be hard to accept this dearie, bu-"

"No! Not this, not...that!" Applejack harshly says as she shoves Smithy's hoof off her shoulder, surprising both her and Fluttershy.

"I...I can see the way you look at him...and how he looks at you,” she says quietly, barely above a whisper as if she had just accepted her death sentence and was ready for the noose. "I...I can believe ya Granny, and yer family so I can't really judge. It's just...it's just!"

Applejack, face suddenly red with rage, slams her hooves harshly onto the ground as tears fill her eyes.

"This whole time! This whole bucking time I was hunting my own blood like some animal! All these years, all those insults and fighting, this whole time! I...I hated him so much," Her tone returns back to her haunting softness once more before she continues, "I still hate him Granny. All these years we fought, they just don't go away! Even when we found out he was being controlled by Nightmare Moon, I felt bad for the bug but still I-"

By now the tears are freely falling from her face as she looks at her grandmother and softly asks,

"How can I call myself an Apple after all that? How can I look Applebloom in the eyes after all my talks of the Apple pride and that family is one of the most important things when I treated my own kin like that?"

"Oh sweetie, don't beat yourself up so much. You couldn't have known..." Orchard softly coos as she wraps her hooves around the distraught mare who returns it quickly.

"I think a part of me knew Granny,” she admits, muffled into her shoulder. “Every time we saw that varm-him I felt like he was familiar. I thought it was just because he was from the Invasion, but now I think on some level I knew he was apple blood. Shoot, he even had orange hair! Now all this..."

Smithy says nothing to that as she has no answers, so she softly strokes her mane in comfort. They aren’t interrupted in their little moment, even as you still argue with the stubborn pegasus gal.

"For the last time girly, The Boy is not under her control!" you grunt in defiance at the yellow mare’s insistence.

"Then how can you explain all that nasty stuff poor Bugze had to go through? All the bad things he was forced to do like The Crystal Empire and Fillydelphia!? I’ve heard her say ‘Assuming Direct Control!’"

You facehoof at how pigheaded she is. After AJ had her little tumble on the floor, you’d felt pity for the sickened pegasus since you two were the only ones in the room that knew that the boy and Applejack had gotten a little friendlier than family is supposed to be.

Freed from the bed, and strong as an ox thanks to that kiss, you helped her clean up, but because she wanted to rid her mind of those thoughts, she just went back to spewing mindless accusations to distract herself.

"Listen Shy girl, as much as it pains me to say it, Fillydelphia and The Empire was my boy going out of control on his own. He couldn't control the dark magic he uses for that damned cloak and it made him lash out. His rage has always been his weakness and it got the better of him. He deeply regrets all those things, and I know he'd be downright pissed if he knew you of all people are pushing the blame onto someone else. Especially someone who’s helped him through those dark times."

Fluttershy recoils slightly at that, as if she was hit, but she quickly shakes it off.

"An-and so what!? Just where do you think that dark magic came from in the first place!?" she argues for the sake of arguing.

"All right girlie, first off dark magic isn't so black and white as you'd like to think,” you say through clenched teeth. “Second off, and for the last time, she ain’t evil NO MORE!"

“But what Flash said about Nightshade…” she begins but you cut her off.

“She would never do something so terrible! What’s happening with Nightshade is noling’s fault but my own,” you admit a bit guiltily. “But it’s got nothing to do with her mother alright?!”

“What?” she asks, sounding strained.

“I’m sure the boy told you that she was her mother, and that’s the gorramned truth. Right now, with all of your jealousy, you’ve blindly decided that a sweet girl’s mother is the root cause of everything wrong in her life. And I don’t take kindly to that line of thought…”

“I…But…” she says, losing composure once more.

“I’ll say it again, Nightmare Moon ain’t a thing anymore. This whole with you and the Government thinking she’s out there building an army or something is complete bullspit!”

Saying that actually makes her lose her confidence, and it even gets through to Applejack who lifts her head up from her Grandma’s shoulder.

"What...did you just say?" she asks.

“Like I said earlier, her name’s Selena now. She ain’t controlling my boy, and they’re partners in many senses. Neither one of them is evil. What is evil is making me sit here explaining this crap when my Shade is gods only know where and-“


A knock comes from downstairs and you stiffen.

“…Who is that?” you whisper.

“Maybe it’s Big Macintosh back from his pie run?” Granny suggests. “Or Applebloom getting off from school?”

“They wouldn’t knock Granny,” Applejack says as she gets up and looks out the attic window and pales.

"Applejack? Granny Smith? Anyone home?” Twilight Sparkle’s voice echoes from below and you begin to sweat.

“Uh Oh…” Fluttershy says as she wilts.

“Applejack?! Are you there? I heard raised voices? Aren’t you coming to visit Flash?” the alicorn asks as she cracks open the front door and calls inside.

Everyone in the room looks at you nervously as the Princess lets herself in downstairs.

“Hhhheeelllllooo?!” she echoes downstairs.

"Oh Buck You Lady Luck..." you curse under your breath.


Author's Note:

Cliffhangers are love. Cliffhangers are life :pinkiecrazy:

Hey Hive-Mind,

Well it looks like some info we’ve known about for like 5 years has finally been revealed, and yet there’s still so much more unsaid. Whatever happens, the only thing that’s assured is that Bugze is going to be very, very shocked and confused when he gets home.

But anyway, while Grandbuggy finds himself stuck in awkward social situations, poor Nightshade is having her own identity issues. She and the Outcasts aren’t in Ponyville yet, but they’re getting closer by the day.

So yeah, tell me what the two groups encounter next.

And just a heads up, the Princesses are in Canterlot and not currently in Ponyville, and with all the denial AJ and Fluttershy just went through, don't expect to have things calmly and rationally resolved.

See you next chapter,

Brown Dog.

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