• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 3,774 Views, 1,496 Comments

Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story) - BrownDog77

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

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Episode 53: Midnight Sparkle's First Strike

Kichi’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

You stare up at the demonic looking human and her flapping pissed off simians.

Oh for buck’s sake, not the monkeys again! How did I turn Twilight into the Wicked Witch?

Well you’re brainless, your heart’s not your own, and you’re a massive coward, Sombra points out and your eye twitches.

Wow thanks, very helpful! You chide sarcastically. And I doubt throwing water at her is going to make her melt either!

“Well? I’m waiting for your wonderful excuse as to why you’ve betrayed me?” Sparkle says impatiently and you gulp.

“Uh…er…Would you believe that we found the car like that?” you ask pointing at the rocket propelled vehicle which is slowly sinking into the mud.

“…No. No I would not,” she says, her glare intensifying.

“I didn’t think so,” you sigh heavily.

“And my amulet, which was behind a safe if I recall, did you just ‘find that’ too?” she asks crossly.

“….We were spring cleaning?” you say lamely and she just deadpans at you and Aria facepalms.

“First of all, it’s Fall, and second of all, thanks to your snooping, I need to set up a new lab, and lastly, I think I’m done with your excuses,” she says as power begins to vibrate around her.

“I…Uh…” you stammer.

Placate her Bugze! Quickly! Selena implores.

Yes! Divert her attention! Sombra agrees.

You take their advice as you raise your hand and point behind the flying girl.


“What?!” the winged human yelps as she turns her head and looks behind herself.

Seeing your chance, you grab Aria by the hand and start to book it…only for her to quickly fly in front of you, cutting off your escape route.

“Cute, very cute,” Sparkle says without humor as the monkeys now encircle you.

“Gorramnit!” you curse, “That usually buys me a few more seconds.”

“Really? That trick works consistently for you?” Aria asks in astonishment.

“Yeah, it’s an oldy but a goody,” you nod.

“Yeah, but don’t expect that to work again,” Sparkle says menacingly as her eyes glow.

“OK Twi, let’s just calm down here huh?” you plead nervously. “I know things are bad looking, but it’s not what it looks like.”

“Not what it looks like huh?” she accuses. “You wrecked one of my experiments and stole a prototype! I told you, I’d come around again after I was done experimenting, but no, you sneak into my lab, betray my trust, and you even have some other purple girl with two toned hair as your sidekick!”

“Hey now! I am not his sidekick!” Aria defends, but is ignored.

“So yeah, I think it’s exactly what it looks like. You betrayed me, just like all those bitches in school…”

“Okay, okay, you got me, I did steal some of your stuff,” you admit, hands outstretched and palms up. “But I didn’t betray you, I was just worried about you kid. Magic can get to your head and overload you. Just look at the guy at the mall.”

“Aha! I knew that wasn’t just a promotion!” she cheers triumphantly. “Where is that specimen so that I might study and drain his magical essence?”

“Okay, first of all, ew, and second of all, I can’t let you do that Twilight. Look at yourself, you’re becoming a cartoon villain.”

“I am not a villain! I am a scientist!” she declares.

“Yeah and me and my sisters were singers, the two aren’t mutually exclusive,” Aria snarks and Twilight glares at her.

“I don’t know who you are bitch, but shut it! This is between me and Mr. Bugze!”

“What did you just call me?!” Aria growls but again she is ignored.

“Hey now, there is no need for that, but come on Twilight, seriously look at yourself,” you try to reason.

“Hmmph, so if I’m a ‘villain’ then that makes you what? The hero?” she accuses.

“Me? A Hero? Hah!” you laugh in self deprecation. “Long ways from that kid, but even still I’m not going around stealing magic and getting vengeance with an army of monkeys!”

“The monkeys are relatively new,” she defends. “But still, what’s wrong with taking vengeance? You’re the one who taught me to stand up to those whores!”

“Yeah, but Twilight, you’re super powered now. Believe me, it’s easy to go overboard and hurt them badly, maybe even kill them,” you warn.

She grits her teeth at that.

“What? You think I’m stupid? You think I’d do something as dumb as kill someone? I Am A Genius! It Makes No Sense To Kill Them! They Must Continue To Suffer My Wrath And So Must Live!” she says sounding extremely deranged.

“…Holy Crap,” Aria says from behind you after a few heartbeats of silence.

“Yeah, no kidding,” you nod beyond disturbed by Twilight’s new sadistic attitude.

“And I won’t just stop with those bullies, oh no. I’ll go right to the top and knock Cinch down from her high horse! I have the power to stop her corruption, and all corruption! When I’ve gathered more magic, no one will be able to stop me!” she monologues with a cackle.

“But Twilight, come on, this isn’t-“

“It is now Mr. Bugze, now, give me back my amulet and I’ll only punish you a little” she demands.

“A little?” you ask with a shiver.

“Well if you play hardball, I’ll go with my original plan of dunking you both at the bottom of the lake and shaving your heads and taking whatever magic you have left,” she smiles maliciously.

“The Tartarus you are!” Aria screams as she tugs her twin tails down.

“Yeah! Noling messes with the do!” you cry, pulling your hat down tighter. “B-Besides, I don’t have any magic. You took the stone I had!”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Don’t give me that. I studied that mall fight. Even with all of these stones I can’t shoot fireballs out of my hands, so you’re still holding out!” she points at you.

“Oh, that’s actually not magic, that’s genetic manipulation,” you explain and she raises a brow.

“Say what now?”

“Yeah, you see back where I’m from I took these experimental potion things that rewrote my DNA and stuff and so I can do magical type things that aren’t magic. Although without the glove in this stupid body, it really really hurts.”

She just shakes her head at that.

“That amount of genetic manipulation is nowhere in the realm of possibility, not in this century anyway. Magic on the other hand is surprisingly more believable.”

“But it’s the truth! Heck, you know I’m not the only Bugze. You saw both of us together!” you point out.

“Yes, I overheard your explanations back at the haunted house. A parallel world filled with talking horses? Please, that sounds like a little kid’s cartoon!” she balks.

“Hey take that back! It may be full of stupid speciest ponies, but it’s still my home!”

“Hmmph, well the magic does have to come from somewhere…” she ponders before shaking her head. “But that’s research for another day. Now hand over the goods!”

“Uhhh, right,” you say as you reach into the bag. “Here it is. Bonafide magic!” you yell as you throw the hoverboard at her feet.

“…Is this supposed to be funny?” she asks humorlessly.

“No, it’s supposed to be fire,” you lament, just as it catches flame for no reason.

“…Why did it just do that?” asks Aria.

“I have no clue,” you shrug.

“This isn’t magic, this is just faulty craftsmanship,” Sparkle says disgusted as she telekinetically throws the flaming hoverboard back at you where it promptly extinguishes. “Now enough stalling! GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!” she commands with power.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"Okay...Aria stay behind me alright?"

The siren looks at you like you’re crazy...which admittedly you probably are at this point, but that's beside the point.

"What!? Are you crazy or something!? That is literally a magic demon with a human body, and you want me to stay behind you!?"

“It doesn’t matter who stands behind who, you’re not getting out of this,” Twi-Midnight says maliciously. You’ve decided to call her Midnight since Twilight entails having some sort of light to it, but she is gone full dark. "The logical and safest option is to just give in and accept your fate," she says in an evilly sly tone.

You stop yourself from gulping in fear as you put on a brave face and smile kindly at Aria before saying,

"Just trust me Aria, I've got this. Whatever happens now you do not interfere, we clear?"

For some reason Aria seems to flinch at that, as if she was remembering something she'd rather not, but still reluctantly nods her head in agreement.

With that said and done you slowly start to approach Midnight, your hands clenching in anger at the monster she has become due to the magic's corruption.

Are you sure about this? I must admit this is not even close to the smartest decision you could make.

Selena's words echo in your mind, but you don't respond as you focus on keeping a calm expression on your face as you approach Midnight. However even you don't realize that your 'calm' expression has morphed into one of subdued rage, at how twisted the kind girl you've been helping has become.

"This is between you and me, Midnight!"

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, but it quickly leaves her face as a smug look takes form on her face.

"Ooooh, Midnight! I quite like that. It has such an...interesting feel to it. And the harshness you speak with it, I wonder if there's some story behind it with the rest of your secrets?"

You don't say anything as you continue to slowly stalk towards the mad teenager, but this doesn't seem to effect Midnight. Instead she spreads her arms out in mock superiority with arrogance bleeding off her as she speaks in a mocking tone,

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of fruitlessly running away, you're coming right to me?" Her outstretched hands fly backwards to her magical monkey army as she continues her condescending tone, "Even though you've seen my magical monkey minions and sensed my magical power, you still decide to approach me?!"

Her ignorance breaks into slight madness at the end, but you don't pay it any mind. After all, you've dealt with and seen far more insanity caused by corrupted magic in the past. Perhaps that's why you’re so enraged at this abomination? Perhaps this was the last straw for you, to see that not even a person like Twilight could resist the temptation of the dark?
Even for a few seconds you swear you can feel the familiar rush of your magic course through you, but it’s only a phantom feeling.

"I can't beat some sense into you without getting closer," you call out in an even tone, with rage bubbling behind it. Your tone seems to ignite something inside of the deranged Midnight, as she sneers at you and begins to walk towards you as well.

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like!"

The two of you stalk towards each other, neither of you taking your eyes off the other as you get closer and closer. Eventually you both meet up in the middle and you quickly take Second Law out of the Inventory and fire before Midnight has a chance to react...only for your blast to be caught in her magic. You stare at the magical bubble holding your air blast and even through your rage you can't help but chuckle nervously.

“You…You…” she stammers looking from the bubble to you and back in outrage.

"So...about th-*BAM*!" you are cut off as the air shot slams into you, sending you to the ground.

“Bugze!” Aria cries out as you cough.

Okay…wasn’t expecting that, you think as you wheeze.

“You did it, you actually did it,” Midnight says in barely subdued rage. “You went and fired a gun at me! You call me a villain, say you were worried, but you’ve shown your true colors you bastard!” she yells at you.

“H-Hey, if it helps, it’s just an Air Gu-AAAHHHH!!!” you are cut off as all of the monkeys descend upon you. The first 20 to 40 punches come in rapid fire succession and your stupid human body is thrown for a loop.

“Anyling get the number of that bus?!” you stammer as your eyes spin and Midnight looks at you with malicious enjoyment.

While still dizzy, some of the monkeys begin biting you and pulling at your hair, and that pain finally gets your feet moving.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Ahh back you crazy flying monkeys!” You yell trying to dodge their attacks. You look to see one create a flaming ball of poo and fling it at you. “Really?! Flaming poop?!” You groan dodging the poo as it sails past you toward the ground. And of course because Lady Luck hates you the grass is set ablaze. Aria yipes as she flees behind a nearby park bench trying to avoid getting caught in the disgusting crossfire and Midnight laughs at the sight of your misery.

“Hah ha! Yes get him my pretties! Retrieve my amulet! Hahaha!” She laughs to the heavens, her expression turning to that of a crazed maniac. You raise your fist and punch the nearest monkey disorienting it. Another comes up from behind you and tries to put you in a full nelson. Thinking quickly you ram your back into a nearby tree making the flying beast let go in pain. You quickly start running trying to avoid the raining fire.

“Dang it! I really wish I had my magic!” you yell turning Second Law at an nearby monkey, you pull the trigger and send it flying into another.

As do I Bugze, but without that shard, we are useless! Selena sighs in frustration as the monkey’s began to cut you off, edging you closer to the poo fires.

Why not use the amulet? Miss monkey queen over there wants it so obviously does something, Sombra suggests and your eyes light up.

“Well might as well,” you shrug as you bring the mysterious amulet out of the Inventory and hold it in front of you.

“It’s too late to give it back and hope for forgiveness! Take your beating like a man!” Twilight mocks you when she sees her prize.

“But I’m Not A Man! I’m A Bug! Come on do something!” you panic as the monkeys get closer. You start shaking the amulet around, praying for a miracle, when you hear a clicking noise as you feel one of your fingers find a button. The amulet lights up, opens itself like a clam and rises towards the encroaching monkeys as Midnight’s eyes widen in shock.

“Stop get back!” The monkeys try to stop their charge, with most veering off in different directions, but some are too late. The ones closest to you stop in mid air panicking as their magic begins to be sucked out of them and their glowing blue eyes and purple ethereal wings begin to fade.

“Whoa!” you say in amazement as the magic amasses itself into a ball of energy which gets absorbed into the necklace. Drained, the monkeys fall to the ground, and start groaning dizzily.

“OF ALL THE! GRAAH!” Midnight roars as she motions for her remaining monkeys to fly back to her. “How dare you test one of my experiments out successfully?!”

“Hey! You’d do the same when being attacked by a million monkeys!” you yell out as you stare at the item in your hands.

Soo, Selena, what did I just do?

I think you absorbed their magic? She guesses unsurely as Sombra groans in annoyance.

That’s only partially true. The amulet itself absorbed the magic you dense motherbuckers! She’s looking to steal what little there is in this world!

Your eyes widen as you look at the angry visage of Midnight.

So she not only wants all the magical items in this world, but she wants to absorb all of that magic into her body? What kind of bucked up villain plan is that?

In Equestria

A centaur sneezes while in the midst of absorbing the magic out of some pink haired jackass. He sniffles, rubs his nose, and then doubles his efforts on the sad sack.

Back In Human Land

Midnight stares at you meticulously as you hold the amulet and the depowered monkeys start to shake through their fuzziness and wander off.

“…It’s still not complete,” she mutters to herself.

Huh? You think in confusion.

She’s right, it’s incomplete, Sombra points out.

How so? Selena inquires.

For one do you feel any more magic flowing through you? He asks.

Uhhh…you trail off, feeling no different.

Well there’s your answer. If it were complete then the magic in this device would have transferred to you directly, instead of within within the device itself. As for it’s capacity, I know not.

And you know all this how?

I am a master of dark arts and the arcane you peons! I dabbled with devices such as this when I was king, or did you forget how Amore was the one who created such an amulet using my people’s power? He says snootily and you flash back that accursed amulet that made Trixie nuts.

Right, I almost forgot that. Almost…you think sadly as you look down to the slightly glowing star on the amulet. It then starts glowing on two of the arrows, pointing in Midnight’s direction as power begins flowing in her fist.

“Surrender it now, or I will blast you Bugze!”

“Not a chance! I’ll just absorb it!” you say in defiance, holding the amulet up defensively.

She grits her teeth before she looks over to Aria and smiles evilly.

“Give it back now or I’ll blast her!” she threatens and you pale.

“Oh Screw You!” Aria yells at Midnight, standing up from behind the bench.

“…Okay, I’m gonna blast you anyway now!” she yells as a ball of dark energy shoots over your head and towards the Siren.

“Aria! No!” you call out in alarm as it’s too far away to absorb…but Aria doesn’t move. Instead, she starts…singing?

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

“You’re a bitch, you’re a bitch, you’re a bitch bitch bitch!

You’re a bitch, you’re a bitch, you’re a bitch bitch bitch!

You’re a bitch, you’re a bitch, you’re a bitch bitch bitch!

“Yyyyooouuurrr’eee A Stupid Bitch!”

And believe it or not, a miasma of green energy surrounds her as the dark magic hits it…and is seemingly overtaken.

“WHAT?!” Midnight shouts in alarm and the amulet in your hands starts dragging you towards the Siren.

“You can’t handle my solo skills bitch!” Aria sings smugly as Sparkle sends another blast, which is absorbed into her necklace.

“You’re…you’re a magic type as well…” Midnight gasps as Aria smirks in defiance.

“Far longer than you have, stupid human!” Aria then takes a deep breath and…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Starts singing a fast paced song as more green smoke billows around her.

“Nobody's gonna wanna get next to me
Cause they know (they know)
I'll take this one I won’t let it go
Doesn't matter how you approach the scene
Just go (just go)
You're everything you want when you hit the door”

Twilight snarls and sends more blasts at Aria, but she moves within her smoke and they miss.

“I dare you to challenge me
You'll be begging for mercy please
Just watch I'll give you something to follow
Cause I've been waiting so patiently
Got fire come outa me
I fought you up again, I'm just letting you know.”

Aria gives a smug grin as her smoke wafts over the fire from the flaming monkey poo, and seems to manipulate it into a shield in front of her, which blocks more of Midnight’s blasts.

“I keep giving you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for fire
I'm a light it up
Gotta make it hot
This stage is mine
So set it up”

A genius knowin no one can take this crown
It's so great (so great)
They can’t cool me off when I hit the stage
Burnin hot, the spotlight has spelt my name!”

Despite the amulet tugging you closer and closer to her defensive moves, you can’t help but stare longingly at the beautiful flames she’s created to frustrate Midnight.

“I feel famous (famous)
The crowd cheers me on I can't get enough

“I dare you to challenge
You'll be begging for mercy please
Just watch! I'll give you something to follow
Cause I've been waiting so patiently
Got fire come outa me!

She then sends a blast of that fire at Midnight who eeps and flies higher, while some of the monkeys scatter and fly back.

“I fought you up again
I'm just letting you know

“I keep giving you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for fire
I'm a light it up
Gotta make it hot
This stage is mine!”

Then with a flourish, and what you swear to be the ghostly image of some aquatic sea horse, she shoots a big torrent of flames out at Midnight who holds her hand sup to block the flames.

“I keep giving you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for fire
I'm a light it up
Gotta make it hot
This stage is mine
Let's set it up

She finishes the solo with a spin and the flames deepen and Midnight actually grits her teeth from the heat.

Holy Tartarus the Sirens are hiding some moves, you think in amazement as the increase in magic tugs you even harder to her fiery green smoke.

Snarling, Midnight puts more energy into her hands and disperses the flames.

“ENOUGH! You’re Power! I Must Have It!” she shrieks as she rapid fire sends a volley of magical blasts, trying to overwhelm the Siren who starts having trouble dodging and absorbing them. But just as a few near her and are about to strike, you step into the green cloud and you feel the touch of magic. Shadows suddenly swirl around you, and a dark black hoof appears and deflects several of the dark blasts with a cry of,

“MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDAAAA!!!” you scream without knowing why.

“What the hell?” Sparkle stutters in surprise as she glimpses the shadowy alicorn in front of you.

“Whoa, dude, is that a pony?” Aria gasps, interrupting her concentration on the green smoke.

“…Selena?” you question as her smoky form looks down at her hooves before she fades back into you and the green mist goes back into Aria.

“The buck was that?” you question.

I don’t know! she admits, sounding startled. I did something similar back at the mall, but I thought I’d imagined it.

It must be the siren magic surrounding our human body making you be able to Stand next to me…you theorize as the amulet still seemingly pulls towards the bewildered Aria.

Well, she’s more floating but-

Yes, STANDING next to me, you ignore the king as Twilight looks at you in rage.

“Are you going to deny that that’s magic too?” she accuses pulling at her hair.

“…Yes,” you nod and she snarls.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“This isn’t over Bugze! You won’t stop my plans! I’ll get you, that singing bitch and your shadow horse too!” she roars as she flies off into the night with her remaining monkeys as you and Aria look on in confusion as you try to process everything.

“Uhh what just happened?” Aria asks.

“I have no clue, but this stupid thing won’t stop yanking!” you grunt as the amulet starts dragging you towards her.

“Gah what are you doing?!”

“It’s not me it’s the amulet!” You say trying to pull it away. It starts to open up again and Aria starts to sweat nervously.

“Stop it hurry!” she shouts, and you squirm your wormy fingers over the surface, eventually finding that hidden button in it’s midst, and stopping the tug of war. Sighing in relief, you lower the magic absorber and Aria shouts,

“The Tartarus was that Bugze!?”

“Sorry it just acted on it’s own. It absorbs magic, and from the look of things, also tracks where said magic is, and you’re pretty much a hotbed of it,” you explain.

“Well just be more careful next time, I felt the mana moving through my veins when that opened. Oh goddess, was that how it felt for when we absorbed negative emotions from others?” Aria thinks to herself.

“I have no idea,” you shrug. “I mean, you did eat some of Midnight’s blasts, so maybe?”

Aria then looks at the thing nervously and back at you.

“Well then why didn’t it absorb that shadowy pony that appeared? What was that anyway?” she questions and you just shrug.

“I…Well that mare is the one that Adagio said was in my head-“

“That was your marefriend?!”

“I mean…we haven’t exactly dated or-“

“Whatever!” she handwaves, “Why did she appear?”

“I think it had something to do with your green mist,” you hypothesize. I mean, we did come here looking for one to get her a body, so I guess that function is partially working. But as for why she wasn’t absorbed…”

I have no idea my bug, Selena says breathlessly. I still felt the essence of my soul within you, but it’s like I was puppeting that image of me, that…

Standing thing? Sombra suggest mockingly.

You know what, if you’re going to be an ass about it, then yes, that STAND of me, I could control it, she says as Sombra groans.

“Yes?” Aria asks at your trailed off silence, so you give her the best answer you can.

“I think maybe since that was Selena’s Stand of herself, that it was her life essence, and not magic to be absorbed?” you guess.

“Can…can you do it again?” she asks.

…Selly? You question.

No such luck Bugze, I can’t seem to do anything. I think your hypothesis about surrounding magic was spot on.

Huh…Am I secretly a genius?

No, Sombra answers immediately and you frown.

“I think I need a lot of magic flying through the air before she can help like that,” you tell Aria.

Aria just looks at you quizzically before looking back to her necklace and shrugging.

“Well whatever the case, thanks for the assist,” she says in gratitude.

“Yeah, no problem,” you think sadly as you look up at the empty sky.

“Seriously, she’s pretty strong. I’d hate to imagine what she’d be like with even more magic,” she shudders, as do you.

“Let’s try not to let that happen,” you say as you look at the still dazed regular monkeys who start to run around in the park as if they own the place. You then put the amulet into the inventory.


Magic Absorbing Amulet

“FREEZE PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!” comes a loud voice startling you two. You look over and see a human cop pointing something that looks like a gun crossed with your tazer. Behind him, are several more officers, arriving as they look at the damage done by the car, the magical blasts, and the monkeys.

“Oh come the buck on! What did we do?”

“You’re near that vehicle that ran through several red lights and damaged countless parking meters, now hands up!” he says gruffly.

“Really? You’re mad about that? Not about the magical winged girl spitting magic out?”

“…He’s on drugs!” the officer yells over his shoulder as more of them come to his side.

“Oh for-AAAAHHHH!!!” you yell in frustration as Aria raises her hands in the air.

Kichi’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“I mean come on! Shouldn’t the Monkeys be a bigger priority?” you complain but they don’t give you any leeway.

“Seriously, “LOOK! A DISTRACTION!!!” you point behind them as a group of the depowered monkeys run towards some humans with camera equipment.

Back at Shining’s House

“OK, just what is going on here?” Luna asks as she looks at the dazed and confused looking Shining Armor and Cadence. “You asked me to dinner, but it’s all been eaten, and there’s wreckage outside, is everything OK?”

“Oh, Hi Aunt Luna,” Cadence waves with a tired smile. “We’re just watching TV because everything is fine.”

“Everything is fine? There’s a hole in your barn out back,” the older women points out.

“Nah, that’s just stupid neighborhood kids, it’s all good. Sombra’s daughter said so,” Shining says with a goofy grin.

“Sombra’s daughter?” Luna asks in shock.

“Yeah, they were both about Twilight’s age,” Cadence says nostalgically.

“Sombra didn’t have any kids…at least I don’t think he did,” she ponders before shaking her head. “Wait, that’s not important, he was here? Why?”

“He gave B2 a ride here,” Shining says loopily.

“Who the hell is B2?” Luna asks.

“That’s #$%# silly, he goes by B2 now because of his twin brother, heh heh,” Cadence giggles.

“…WHAT?! Hoody was here?! He Has A Brother?!” she asks in surprise.

“Oh yeah, but keep it a secret, Cadence wanted it to be a surprise for Luna,” Shining Armor says dopily.

“He…he was here…” she says with many mixed emotions as Cadence squees and gushes at her face.

"You're face is all red like a tomato, tee hee hee," she giggles while her husband chuckles.

“…Seriously, are you two on drugs or something?”

As she asks that, the TV shows images of some park and reporters.

“We think that the perpetrators of the flaming vehicle might be animal rights activists as there are countless monkeys wandering the area. Police seem to have cornered the suspects, but as you can see, there are plenty of simian friends wandering about.”
The camera then pans down to a friendly looking spider monkey.

“Hello Mr Monkey are you going to say hi to the camera?” The wild creature snarls at that and leaps at the camera, causing it to shake heavily and be dropped. “Agh, ugh, stop scratching my face! Agh no don't bite me there! The horror! The horror! AAAAAAA-“

And then the feed cuts with a long beep sound effect as it cuts to the news anchors.

"We are having some technical difficulties it seems, wait with us a little while we repair it, or send another crew to the scene,” the news anchor says pleasantly.

“...The heck is going on in the world today?” Luna says placing a hand to her forehead.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Back With You

“I really think that guy is getting his face bitten off by a monkey! Are you not going to do anything?” you ask flabbergasted as the officers don’t take their eyes off you. “No? Really? What use are you guys then?!” you ask angrily as you take a step forward.

“He’s coming right at us!” the first guard shouts as he shoots his weapon, and two wires launch at you and attach to your chest, sending volts of electricity into your body.

Your teeth chatter a bit at that as you feel the rush of lightning…but it’s more of a tickle.
You look at the two prongs on your chest and back to the officer who looks completely mortified that his weapon is having no effect on you.

“Really? You’re trying to take me down with that weak sauce?” you boast as you pull the wires off and throw them on the ground.

"That's Impossible!"

“Did you charge it?” asks another cop.

“Yes! That thing could take down a horse!” the first cop says nervously.

“Wait really? Really? That’s the one thing that doesn’t get me in this world?” you think in frustration.

Your nerves have probably been fried too much by your stupidity to even register even in this body, Sombra chuckles and you purse your lips.

…Selly, slap him for me please?

Way ahead of you.



Thank you, you smile.

You’re welcome, she says cheerily.

“I…I don’t understand, I don’t-“

“Hey Hey, Get The Monkeys,
They Seem to Be Monkeying Around,
But you’re too busy sniveling,
To Help Anybody Now,”

Aria sings as more green smokes releases from the cops and their eyes go vacant a bit.

“Hey Hey, Get The Monkeys,
And stop them from monkeying around,
And then forget you saw us,
Or you’ll let everybody down…”

She finishes as the green mist goes into her necklace and she sighs in satisfaction.

“…We should go get those monkeys…” the cops says dazedly.

“Yeah…monkeys need to be stopped,” agrees another one slowly.

“For God’s Sake! He’s Eating My Moustache!” screams the reporter in the distance.

“…Yeah, good idea,” the cop nods as all three of them slowly shamble towards the monkey attack.

Except for the screaming, all is silent as you look at Aria in a new light.

“What? Jealous of my voice?” she asks smugly.

“Kind of yeah, it’s just…I can kind of see how you were able to take over a bunch of towns,” you say impressed.

“Oh that’s nothing, you should see when all three of us are at our full power,” she boasts.

“Stop resisting!”


*Angry Monkey Noises*



“We should probably go,” you suggest.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” you nod as the two of you make your way towards the street…just in time for Humbra to pull up in his vehicle.

“Oh, hey guys,” you wave as they all looked panicked.

“Hi Bugze! Hi Aria!” Sonata waves enthusiastically.

“What the hell’s going on over there?” asks B2.

“Monkeys,” you answer and his eyes widen.

“Oh…that’s understandable,” he nods.

“Is it?” asks Adagio.

“Well whatever, hop in!” Humbra orders and you pile into the back seat with Aria and Sonata.

“Oh wow, you two looked banged up, are you OK?” asks B2.

“Yeah, we’re fine. Good News, we ran into Twilight, Bad News, she hates us now and is going full villain. She’s got flying monkeys now.”

“…What the hell did I get myself into?” Humbra shakes his head.

“On the bright side, we have this,” you hold up the amulet. “And I’m sure we can come up with a plan to stop her with it.”

“She is though, and now she knows what I’m capable of,” Aria adds.

“Well, we’ll just have to plan around her won’t we?” Adagio smiles conspiratorially.

“Exactly,” you nod as Humbra speeds away from the monkey chaos. “By the way, everything alright back at Shining’s?”

“Eh, they’re fine mostly,” B2 shrugs.

“But we kind of had to get out of there and split up with the power couple when little Ms. Rufie here decided to use her voodoo!” Humbra complains.

“It’s not Voodoo! That’s a stupid word you humans created!”

“Don’t you backtalk me in my own car young lady or I will turn us around!”

“You’re not my real Dad!” she yells and crosses her arms while Sonata giggles and B2 facepalms.

You and Aria look at each other in confusion at that.


“Don’t ask,” B2 says embarrassed and you just shrug.

Well whatever happened, we’re at least a step closer. I’m sure once we talk to Sunset and the others and get them in on this, we’ll get her redeemified in no time for saving Twilight, you think with enthusiasm.

Right, and also, I may be able to help with that if this Stand power of ours works around the Sirens, Selena says sounding hyped.

You know, I feel like if they’re singing, I could pose like a badass with this coat whipping about and have you just summon by my side and it would look awesome!

I know right?! She says just as excitedly.

You two are morons, Sombra sighs to himself.

And as you drive off into the night with a key weapon and the ideas of a plan to defeat Midnight Sparkle…

Back In Equestria

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

You sit upon the back of the carefree paced eldritch abomination with no face as he makes his way towards wherever Grandbuggy is. The foliage has gotten denser, and the air smells of sulfur and wet rot in a place Ahuizotl calls the Fire Swamps…but you couldn’t care less about the surroundings.

“Hey chica, you want some trail mix?” Ahuizotl offers you, but you wave him off without saying a word.

“Oh boy, still bad huh?” Greta asks the cat guy and he nods with a sigh.

You’ve really felt down in the dumps since that night when you really hurt that Frost kid. You’d watched countless times from the sidelines when Daddy went too far, and how it got to him…and now you can safely say you know how he felt.

Is Everyone Right? Am I just turning into a monster? You ponder in sorrow for like the millionth time, and just like all the other times, noling answers your thoughts. The last few days have felt sucky.

“…I don’t like this. I don’t like the kid being all sullen and moody. It’s just not right,” Greta complains.

“Just give her time gato. She’ll come out of it in due time. I’m sure of it,” Ahuizotl says confidently.

From what Ahuizotl was able to piece together from your description of events, that amulet you broke had some sort of enchantment to make him appear as an adult, but as for the kid himself, he had no idea. A hybrid between a wendigo and a pony was not something he’d heard about.

Who the heck are the Black Suns anyway? A bunch of cultist kids in disguise? Why do they want the stuff we’re looking for? You ponder, but yet again, you have no info.

“So is this normal? You guys get into a scrapper and then everyone gets all moody?” Ember asks aloud.

“…That’s kind of been the norm for me for like the last year and a half,” Garble admits. “If it’s the same for them, I have no clue.”

“Well that’s obvious, you’ve been in a mood since you and Crackle split up.”

“Hey! That was a mutual thing! It’s not my fault she couldn’t get over it!” he harrumphs.

“My point exactly,” Ember rolls her eyes.

Your traveling companions and their banter helps alleviate some of the stress you feel, but that’s not saying much. You still feel like a turd, Grandbuggy is still MIA with only creepy pasta knowing the way, and you still feel like lashing out. Really, the most contradicting thing about this whole mess is that you feel like fighting again, as if punching something could help. You look to Garble, always a tempting punching bag but you shake your head.

I can’t be a bully, I can’t be a monster. Mommy and Daddy won’t just ground me if I do become one…they’ll be Disappointed!
You can’t let them down, not after everything you’ve already been through to help them. Also, you can’t let your friends fear you. A shudder runs through you when you remember that Nightmare Mom and Dad gave you when you terrorized Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and you don’t want the CMC, Spike, or anyling cowering from you.

“You know, this would be a heck of a lot easier if we even knew who took the old bug,” Greta lets out a sigh.

“Yeah, but I’m not asking that weirdo,” Ember says pointing at Slendermane.

“I doubt he’d even be able to answer you, what with the no mouth and everything,” Garble shrugs.

You look at the back of Slendermane’s head and frown a bit.

I guess he’s forgiven me for the whole blasting thing since he’s letting me ride on him and not making my brain bleed…But Ugh! Why do I still want to hit him for his slowness?! You curse your confusing hormonal mind giving you a train wreck of emotions to sort through.

Suddenly from the left of the group, a plume of fire erupts from the ground.

“EEK!” Greta squawks, but Slendermane doesn’t care though as he keeps walking. “Oh I hate this freaking fire swamp!”

“You wussy haired and feathered creatures gotta chill out. A little fire never hurt anydragon,” Ember says trollishly.

“Says the fireproof lizard!” she snaps.

“Both of you shush! We don’t want to get the attention of a Chimera now do we?” Ahuizotl scolds.

You do perk up at that, since you’d heard Discord once described as something like that.

“What’s a chimera?” you ask and Ahuizotl looks at you, a bit happily.

“It’s a demonic fiend that feasts on other sentient creatures. It is half tiger, half goat, and half snake.”

“…Wait, how can it be halves of three things?” you question as your limited education shines through once again.

“Uhhh, I mean…thirds?” he guesses.

“So be on the look out for a Cat-Snake-Goat, got it,” Garble says.

“That kind of sounds tasty, not gonna lie,” Ember admits and Greta looks at her in shock and disgust.

It eats sentient creatures huh? You think to yourself. Well if I do see it I wouldn’t mind punching it in it’s faces. Maybe that will make me feel better…

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

Your eyes slowly blink open as you come to consciousness once again in an unfamiliar location, although this time your head isn’t killing you. You are tied down to the bed though.

Oh for buck’s sake, you mentally grumble, remembering the swath of confetti and streamers that knocked you out. How did the boy survive these mares for this long?

You then start to look around to gauge your location. You are in dimly lit western themed room it appears, on a very soft mattress with an IV drip leading into your wrist.

Ok, I doubt this is a Canterlot hospital or holding cell…but considering that nonsense them gals were talking about thinking I was the boy, where the buck am I? And how long was I out this time?

You then hear a gasp in the corner of the room, and looking over you see the cute, obsessive yellow pegasus gal sitting in a chair. Before you can even say anything, she zooms to the door and calls out,

“Applejack! Hoody’s awake!”

Oh for crying out-I ain’t…Wait a minute, your eyes widen as you look down at your blanket. It’s an apple themed quilt. Criminy! I’m in Orchard’s House!

You then start squirming wildly and the butter yellow chick flies over to you.

“Oh please stop Hoody, you’re going to hurt yourself,” she pleads.

“You don’t know the half of it!” you yelp as you try to summon some magic to cut the ropes, but you are drained still.

I’ve gotta get out of here! I can’t risk seeing her again! Not like this! I-

“Easy there partner, simmer down before you injure yourself again,” Applejack orders as she walks into the room.

“Not a chance!” you say in defiance as you continue to squirm, but it’s useless. Rolling her eyes, the cowpony walks over and glares you down.

“We went to a lot of trouble making you comfy, the least you can do is comply,” she growls.

“Please Hoody?” Fluttershy begs.

“I ain’t Hoody! And I ain’t comfortable! And I sure as buck ain’t gonna be turned over to your two goddess wannabe rulers!” you snarl as your thoughts are only on finding Nightshade and getting out of here.

“It’s alright, we’re not giving you to the princesses,” Fluttershy reassures.

“Huh?” you ask.

“Yet,” Applejack emphasizes.

“Uhhhh, then what’s going on then?” you ask in sheer confusion.

“Applejack just wants to…ask you some more questions, even if I don’t think it’s necessary,” she says shooting a look to the apple mare who rolls her eyes.

“It is necessary Fluttershy. But yes, I want to get to the truth and right now, the only ones that know you’re here are the three of us in this room.”

“And Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy adds.

“…Yes, and Pinkie too,” Applejack rolls her eyes again.

“Oh lord, tell me she ain’t here with that cannon?” you quiver.

“No, she’s out checking on Mr. Sentry with the others. He broke his wing,” Fluttershy explains. "But she Pinkie Promised not to tell the others until we were good and ready."

…OK, there seems to be some dissent in their little group. This could work out favorably. I just have to get away before they all regroup and-

“Now, I don’t know what to believe about you varmint,” Applejack interrupts your thoughts. “I don’t know whether you’re the Hooded Offender, dried up and abandoned by Nightmare Moon, or if you’re his Grandfather like you claimed.”

“His Grandfather who died a long time ago, which he told me in confidence,” Fluttershy reminds her with a scowl.

“Look, it’s simple, I am who I claim,” you interrupt before they start arguing again. “I was just trying to sneak some love off of this one here when I was weak since I can feel that highly stalkerish obsession with my boy-“

“I’m not a stalker!” Fluttershy scoffs.

“The point is, I may have lied at first, but I ain’t the Offender. Now please let me go so I can get back to my Great Great Granddaughter?”

Applejack looks you deep in the eye and just shakes her head.

“Sorry pal, but I can’t just take your word on it. I need proof.”

“Oh for-How am I supposed to-“

“You knew my Granny’s Name,” she accuses and your blood goes cold.

Oh Tartarus.

“You knew her name, which she hasn’t gone by since before I was born. So how did you know it?”

“I…Well, she…” you stammer nervously and she shakes her head.

“And I figured, that if you knew her somehow, maybe she knows who you are.” Your eyes widen even more at that as she calls to the door.

“Granny? Can you please come in now?”

“Yeah yeah, hold yer horses I’m comin,” her voice comes from beyond the door and you start to panic even more.

“Oh please don’t! I-“ your pleas are stopped as a green hoof pushes open the door, and she walks in.

“Now, what’s this feller that you wanted me to me…” she trails off as she catches sight of you.

“Don’t be alarmed Granny Smith, he may be a changeling, but he’s good,” Fluttershy reassures.

Speciest! You think subconsciously, but the rest of your mind is focused solely on the radiant beauty in front of you.

“Do…Do I know you?” she asks inquisitively and you sweat profusely.

“I, uh…” you fail to make your tongue make words.

“I do don’t I?” she asks as she gets closer and you can’t help but squirm.

I made you forget to protect you, please don’t…

“You recognize him Granny? Who is he? When did you-” Applejack asks but the elderly mare holds up her hoof and shushes her granddaughter.

“I saw you when the Doctor took us to Gallopfrey…You used to have a hat…yes that’s right, a bowler hat. Just like Fix’s…Wait…” her eyes widen as she makes a connection and the geas you put on her so many decades ago starts to crack.

“Quick Fix?” she asks in disbelief as the two younger mares look on in confusion.

You could deny it you know, lie to her and maybe try and pull the wool over her eyes once more…But her saying your name after all these years, the only mare you ever truly loved…

The geas is crumbling anyway, You sigh in defeat. Heavens above, I hope you can forgive me when EVERY memory returns.

“Yes Smithy, it’s me,” you admit and her jaw drops.

“So you do know him?” Fluttershy asks in complete confusion as she looks back and forth at you and her. “But that can’t be right, Bugze hasn’t looked like this for long and-” Fluttershy interjects, but Orchard ignores her as she gets even closer to your bedside.

“I’d…I’d forgotten you were a changeling…” she says as she stares deeply into your eyes.

“I know you did,” you say guiltily.

It was either that, or have Chryssy’s mom end your life…

“Sweet Celestia…I never thought I’d see you again,” she stammers as tears come to her eyes and she touches your face.

“Neither did I…I’m sorry Smithy,” you say as you touch her hoof. “I’m so so sor-MPH!”

And before you know it, your former fiancé glomps you, putting her lips to yours as if the last 60 years never happened. And, well, you return that intensity with gusto as you kiss the mare that none of the others ever held a candle to.

“GRANNY! WHAT THE BUCK?!” Applejack shouts in surprise and disgust as Fluttershy holds her mouth in shock.


Author's Note:

Well our three leads are all in vastly different emotional states aren’t they?

Hey Hive-Mind,

It may not have been a long fight, but I hope you enjoyed team Human’s run in with Midnight Sparkle. There will definitely be more, I promise. Also, because I can:

Stand User: Bugze

Stand Name: Selena (It’s a musical reference so it counts!)

But anyway, we’re back in the real world of magical ponies and whatnot, so let’s focus on our favorite filly and old changeling.

Nightshade’s in an angsty confusing emotional state where a filly eating monster is roaming about, and Grandbuggy is probably in the most confusing and shocking position of Applejack’s life.

As a reminder, Grandbuggy and Granny Smith were companions of the Doctor when they were young and they dated. She got pregnant with Bugze’s mom and were going to get married, but then his situation was found out and Grandbuggy had to use Old Hive Doctrine where he had to either erase memories of someone with a changeling half breed, or risk having them killed. We know which option he went with, and for so long Granny Smith didn’t remember she’d had a child with Grandbuggy.

Have fun with the shenanigans everyone, and I’ll see you next chapter,

Brown Dog.

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