• Published 11th Sep 2017
  • 913 Views, 8 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Anniversary of True Love - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. It's the 15th anniversary of the day Lyra first met Bon-Bon and Lyra wants to celebrate the day with her marefriend. If only it was so easy.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Anniversary of True Love
Chapter 5
by Rixizu

Lyra whinnied in horror. “Please! Don’t hurt her!” She pleaded. This was bad. She had no idea what to do. Her heart sped a million miles per hour as Dreadcreep’s claws scraped Bon-Bon's neck causing it to bleed.

“Lyra.” Bon-Bon said helplessly.

"Drop your morpher," Dreadcreep demanded, leaving no room for argument.

Lyra did as he ordered and her morpher clattered to the ground. “I did what you said. Drop her.”

"No," Dreadcreep replied, "she's helpless. Beat her to death."

“But…” Lyra protested and backed away as six zombies surrounded her.

"You don't deserve to become one of us," Dreadcreep said with contempt, "don't worry. Your marefriend will join us soon."

Lyra leaped back when a zombie tried to throw a punch at her. Another zombie lashed out with its tentacles, but Lyra kept her distance.

"Stop," Dreadcreep ordered, "if you move one more step, your marefriend is dead." His talons dug deeper into Bon’s neck to show he wasn’t kidding.

Lyra hissed in frustration and didn’t fight back as a zombie tied her up with tentacles. Lyra wheezed when a stallion punched her in the gut knocking the breath from her. She tried her best to use her legs to minimize the damage as the zombies around her punched and kicked. Lyra never once cried out. She didn’t want to give this monster the satisfaction.

Lyra saw stars as she received a nasty blow to the head. Another hit bruised her right eye so bad it was impossible to see out of it. One zombie unicorn had a particular liking to kicking Lyra in the ribs. Bon-Bon cried out in horror as the creatures mangled and brutalized her marefriend. Lyra lost count of the number of times they hit her. She didn’t think there was a single part of her body that wasn’t bruised. Still, Lyra refused to make a single utterance of pain.

"Stop," Dreadcreep ordered. The zombies all stood to attention and created a path for him, "that's enough. Time to end this." There was a smirk in his voice.

Lyra watched in a blurry haze as the creature walked towards her. He took his time, trying to draw out her torment. Lyra tried to glare back in defiance, but she hurt too much to do anything at the moment. However, she did notice something, Dreadcreep had loosened his grip on Bon-Bon. He was so intent on Lyra that at the moment he paid no attention to Bons. This was a mistake. The look on Bon-Bon’s face wasn’t one of anger, hate, or even fury. No, she was far beyond that. Her face was a stone mask accessing the situation with a cold clinical logic.

Bons don’t! Don’t get yourself hurt on my account! Lyra tried to communicate as she stared Bon-Bon in the eyes. Bons’s face stayed impassive making Lyra fret about what she might do. Dreadcreep misinterpreted Lyra’s distressed expression and laughed.

“So, it’s finally hit you just how doomed you are?” Dreadcreep said. "That's what you get when trying to fight…" He didn't get to finish for Bons used the distraction to push the claw against her throat away and slip through his grip. Dreadcreep yelped in surprise as Bon-Bon kicked his right leg with both of her hind legs causing him to topple to the ground. Wasting no time, she dashed towards Lyra.

The zombies rushed in front of the charging mare in an attempt to stop or slow her down, but they might as well try to stop an oncoming freight train. Bons punched the first zombie, a unicorn mare with a pale mulberry coat, in the face causing it to crash into another zombie behind it. The next zombie tried to grab one of the Bons legs with his tentacles, but Bon-Bon just pulled the tentacles towards her, grabbed the head of the zombie with a hoof and slammed her face into the ground. An earth pony stallion with a greyish brown coat tried to punch Bons from behind, but she ducked under the attack and kicked the poor zombie in the ribs. Lyra tried to pretend that she didn’t hear a cracking sound.

Two of the zombies pegasi took to the air and spread their tentacles attempting to snare the mare only for Bons to grab the zombie she’s just kicked by the leg and used it to bat both of the zombies out of the air. The final two zombies tried to charge Bons, but she weaved through their attacks with little difficulty and punched one in the gut and the other in the neck. The pale mulberry zombie from earlier tried to crawl towards Bon-Bon and ensnare her leg with tentacles. Bon gave her a vicious kick to the face, and she moved no more. This whole fight took less than a minute and Lyra gaped at her marefriend’s mercilessness. Not once during the entire fight did Bon-Bon change her stony expression. She didn’t seem to care that blood splattered across her coat and dress.

"We are getting you out of here," Bon-Bon said simply like it was a normal day and she hadn't just beat six ponies into unconsciousness.

Before Lyra could say anything in response, Bon-Bon grabbed Lyra and threw the injured mare on her back. It stung, but it didn’t matter compared to Lyra’s other wounds at the moment.

"Hold on," Bon-Bon ordered and Lyra grabbed on tight. Bons ran at full speed away towards town.

“You aren’t getting away!” Dreadcreep screamed in frustration.

“Watch out!” Lyra cried out in horror as the eye on Dreadcreep’s head glowed.

A beam of green energy shot from the creature's forehead and obliterated everything in its path, tearing up playground equipment and melting it into molten goo. The attack moved so fast that in a mere blink of Lyra’s eyes the beam was almost already on top of them. Bons rolled to the side just avoiding the beam of destruction. Lyra fell off of her marefriend’s back and on the grass wincing in pain.

"Dear Luna," Lyra said as she tried to pick herself up observing the surrounding desolation, "how dare you?!” She thought back to all the good times she had with Bon-Bon on this equipment as a foal now ruined because of this thing. Worse, no foals will ever be able to enjoy it again.

"Easy," Bon-Bon said grabbing Lyra and stabilizing her shaky stand.

“You’ll not get away with this," Lyra swore shaking in unmitigated fury. Dreadcreep only chuckled in response.

"Let's kick this guy's flank," Bon-Bon said brimming with confidence and put a hoof on Lyra’s shoulder.

“Bons…” Lyra felt overcome with emotion at the moment. Was it fear or hope? She wasn’t sure.

“We can do this!” Bon-Bon stared Lyra right into her remaining eye.

"But, you might get hurt," Lyra said in a voice that was almost a whisper.

Bon-Bon winked. “Don’t worry about me. You’re not just my marefriend after all, you’re my partner.” She tore her dress clean off in a single motion.

"Darn it, I liked that dress," Lyra muttered. Sure, it got stained with blood, but still.

"It's morphing time!" Lyra thrust her morpher forward. Her injuries and bruises didn't matter. She would fight to the end! "Cygnus!"

“What you did was unforgivable!” Lyra now in her blue armor declared pointing a hoof. "This place is for foals to have fun and create loving memories that will last a lifetime, but you destroyed it without even a second thought. Have you no decency?”

"I don't know who and what you are, but you hurt my marefriend," Bon-Bon said with a gaze that promised retribution, "for that I will show you no mercy."

“Prepare yourself fiend for not only do you face the Galaxy Rangers, but the power of true love!” Lyra did a pose and smirked. She summoned her bow and twirled it in the air before aiming it squarely at her opponent.

“Your flank is about to…” Dreadcreep interrupted her by shooting a beam that cut between Lyra and Bon-Bon leaving a deep cut in the earth.

“Hey!” Lyra protested. “I wasn’t done with my speech yet!”

"Nopony cares," Dreadcreep replied and shot another beam at Lyra that she jumped over. She shot several arrows into Dreadcreep's chest with no visible effort.

“I have the full power of the seed of Ithaut-daoth.” Dreadcreep demonstrated this by ripping a swing set to shreds with a single swipe of his claws. “You face powers beyond that tiny pony mind of yours.”

Much to Lyra’s surprise, Bons went pale after she heard that odd gibberish name Dreadcreep spluttered out.

“Why are you doing this?” Bon-Bon demanded. “Do you realize what thing you have been communicating with? What it will do to our world?”

“You know this thing Bons?” Lyra asked confused. Why would Bon-Bon know of this Ithnionava-thing? That made no sense.

Bon-Bon gave a solemn nod. “Ithaut-daoth is a creature from outside our universe. It absorbs planets by infecting it with a part of itself. That is how it feeds itself. It is said to be one of the Elder creatures from the dawn of existence.”

Dreadcreep tilted his head. “You are well informed for a Ponyville hick, but yes my master is one of the Great Old Ones and he has made me his herald. How could anypony deny such power when offered to him?”

“I could!” Lyra said cheerfully.

"Yes, a simpleton like you could, but I have aspirations to become something more," Dreadcreep explained. He flapped his wings and flew into the air before hovering there. “If you knew the true terrors that lie beyond your limited view of the universe, then you too would realize just how little you matter, how little this world matters. To my master, you and your Galaxy Ranger are like little ants trying to bite at something they could never hope to understand.”

Lyra groaned. “This guy really likes to go on, doesn’t he?”

"Ponies like him usually do," Bon-Bon replied.

“Any ideas how to stop this Ithasudsa-whatever?” Lyra asked.

Bon-Bon shook her head. “The texts on the thing were vague, but it mentioned that, despite its power, Ithaut-daoth can’t interact with our world very well. We exist on entirely different planes of existence. It can do only so much here.”

“Which means it won’t suddenly pop up from a portal to attack us?” Lyra questioned. Of course, if the thing tried to invade their world, they would just punch it with their Megazord.

“No, it can only spread itself slowly through the spores or seeds it uses to infect a world with itself," Bon-Bon explained, "but it can’t do anything if the seed is destroyed. It is very difficult for it to reach and influence our world. It may be powerful, but its power isn't infinite.”

“Destroy seed, stop horror from outside universe.” Lyra clarified. “Doesn’t sound so hard.”

Lyra stretched and got herself ready for battle. She still felt hurt by that beating earlier and her throat felt a little sour, but being in her armor eased the pain a little. She felt confident she could still fight, and was eager to beat this pompous jerk into the pavement.

“Are you for real?” Dreadcreep said exasperated. “Have you listened to a word I said?!”

"Nope," Lyra stated, "I don't care if this thing is as great as you say. I'm a Ranger, and we protect what we care about, no matter the odds."

“Then die like the foal you are!” Dreadcreep howled.

The eye on Dreadcreep’s head glowed ready to rain down death, but Lyra was ready for it. She stood on her back legs and aimed her bow right at the monster’s head. The second the eye got ready to fire, Lyra unleashed her arrow. It flew true and struck Dreadcreep straight in the eye.

“Omega Arrow Crusher!”

The super attack exploded, and the creature fell out of the sky into the ground. He struggled to feet hissing an unequine sound. His head was in a bad way and his wings were rendered useless. Deep cracks ran from what was once his eye down to the rest of his head. Sickly black ichor oozed from the fractures.

“Did you know that you make yourself vulnerable when you use that beam attack of yours?” Lyra said cheerfully.

“Damn you!” Dreadcreep screamed. He charged with abandon at Lyra, claws at the ready.

Dreadcreep’s speed surprised Lyra. She never thought something so big standing could be so nimble and he was on her in seconds. She tried to block the claw swipe with her bow, but he batted her away with his monstrous strength. Lyra shot an arrow from her weapon at his head as she rolled, but Dreadcreep dodged it with little difficulty. He rushed at her again swinging his claws, but Lyra flipped from the ground away from him and used the opening to slash at his head with the edge of her bow. Sparks flew from the impact and Dreadcreep howled in pain. Lyra used the distraction to jump back and get some distance from her opponent. They circled each other warily.

Lyra did a quick glance around the park and noticed her marefriend sneaking up behind Dreadcreep as he focused all his attention on Lyra. He slashed at the ground splashing dirt on Lyra limiting her vision enough that she wasn’t able to dodge a swipe of his claws in time and sparks flew as his blow threw her to the ground. He stood over his helpless foe prepared to finish her, but Bon kicked at one of his legs staggering him to one of his knees for a moment giving Lyra the opportunity to recover. She fired an arrow into her attacker’s face causing him to stumble back giving her time to get back to her hooves and slash to his exposed face with her bow.

Sparks flew from the impact and Dreadcreep rolled away before leaping back to his feet. He charged at Lyra, but Bons interrupted him by kicking his hooves out from under him again and his face planted into the ground. Lyra used his opportunity to fire volley after volley into the monster’s exposed head. Dreadcreep howled and used his right claw to block the rest of the arrows. He continued to use his claw to block his head as he rose.

Dreadcreep moved to charge at the Blue Ranger but changed his target to Bons at the last second. Lyra screamed in warning as the creature raised his claws to rend Bons in two. At the same time using his other claw to guard his head preventing any retaliation from Lyra. Bons watched the incoming claw dispassionately despite the clear danger. She moved with the claw as it slashed down at her and rolled under it. She ran underneath Dreadcreep’s legs and kicked out with full force. Dreadcreep staggered and swiped behind him in an attempt to slice off Bon-Bon's head. She ducked in response, and the blow swung over her harmlessly. The swipe exposed his face and Lyra charged with fury at the attempt at her marefriend's life and cut his face with her bow. Dreadcreep grabbed his face in pain and staggered back. Lyra had no idea how her marefriend got so good at fighting monsters. Bons was just that awesome she guessed.

“Damn you!” Dreadcreep howled in an almost indescribable unequine scream. “Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! I’m going to kill you all!”

He charged and slashed at Bons with abandon with wild and animalistic strikes, his only goal to tear her to shreds. Bons ducked and dodged as he came at her, avoiding the unpredictable attacks with a detached calm. Lyra's eye's widened in alarm and fired at the beast with arrows, but that only pushed him further in his attempts to kill Bon-Bon.

At first, Bon-Bon didn’t have much trouble dodging Dreadcreep's attacks predicting them perfectly, but he was pushing her hard and his speed and ferocity proved too much. Bon-Bon’s right back hoof slipped on a rock twisting her hoof and causing her to toppled over, leaving her helpless. Dreadcreep moved in for the kill, but Lyra moved like lightning and blocked the blow with her body. She screamed in pain.

“Lyra!” Bon-Bon cried out in alarm.

“Weak!” Dreadcreep mocked. “Your desire to protect your marefriend cost you your life. Watch as I finish your marefriend off, than you!” Without another word, he moved to attack Bon-Bon again.

“No!” Lyra blocked the claw, covering Bons with her entire body. Dreadcreep just laughed and slashed at her, again and again, hoping she would fall and leave her marefriend vulnerable.

“What?” Dreadcreep exclaimed in surprise. Despite the twenty odd blows on his opponent, Lyra refused to budge.

“This is nothing!” Lyra wheezed. Dreadcreep slapped her aside and Lyra’s body tore through a swing set.

“Pointless!” Dreadcreep laughed. “You should have let her die. You might have won if you had.” His right claw curved towards Bon-Bon’s throat as she was trying to get back on her hooves to continue the fight.

“No! I don’t abandon anypony!” The Blue Ranger howled. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to get to Bons in time. She was just too far away, but there might be another way. “Omega Arrow Crusher!”

Lyra shot her super attack right at the ground. The force of the blast threw her into the air right towards Dreadcreep. Her body impacted into the monster's left side. Dreadcreep screamed in pain and fell face first into the ground. The impact did a number on the creature. His left shoulder had countless cracks and the claw of that hand was broken to pieces. Bons watched this show with amazement holding her injured hoof.

“Get out of here! I got this.” Lyra ordered, knocking Bons out her reverie. The earth pony nodded and continued to limp away at the fastest speed she could manage. It was surprisingly quick, and she had already made some distance by the time Dreadcreep got himself back up. He growled having lost his quarry.

" It's just you and me freak," said Lyra grinning, glad to see Bons safe.

“You are being a pest.” Dreadcreep snarled, his breath ragged. He made grunts of pain as he moved. “Somehow you refuse to stay down. Either because of insanity or stupidity.”

Lyra shrugged. “A little of column A, a little of column B.”

Without another word, Dreadcreep roared and charged. Lyra kept on the defensive and either dodged or used her bow to block his attacks. An opening appeared when he overextended his claw strike and Lyra slashed him in the head with her bow. He staggered in pain and Lyra pushed for the offensive slashing at his face and wounded arm. Dreadcreep flew back from the onslaught and rolled away. He panted in a bizarre unequine way as he got back on his feet.

Lyra didn’t give him the chance to recover and fired several volleys of arrows at the almost helpless creature. He tried to block them with his claw, but Lyra just aimed for his injured arm instead. Trying to block the arrows with just a stump proved fruitless.

“Your arrows are just insect bites, worm!” Dreadcreep screamed in fury and charged at Lyra despite her attacks. He struck at her with abandon, clawing and swiping with the same animalistic fury as before. Lyra grunted in pain when he scratched one of her legs as she tried to dodge away. She retaliated with a slash at a crack on his back. Dreadcreep responded by turning around and delivering a nasty slash to her chest. The impact of the blow flung her away, but Lyra landed on her hooves with no difficulty.

Felt that one. Lyra thought, I’m wearing him down, but my fighting strength isn’t nearly enough to win, I need to finish this soon.

She ran at Dreadcreep and fired arrows into him, again hitting her target almost every time despite his attempts to block her. He tried to slash at her, but she jumped over the attack and used his arm as a launching platform to leap over his head and stab the remains of the creature’s eye with her the edge of her bow, impaling it deep. The cracks in his head deepened, and they spread and widened up to his shoulders. Dreadcreep’s screamed in pain and he tried to slash at her, but she abandoned her weapon and dodged it putting some distance between her and her opponent.

“Foal!” Dreadcreep howled pulling Lyra’s weapon from his head. "You're useless without this!" He moved to snap it in half with his knee but gasped in surprise when it disappeared before he could even move to break it.

“Looking for this?” Lyra waved her bow mockingly. “What? Forgot I can summon my bow back?”

Lyra's taunt had the effect she desired and Dreadcreep came at her recklessly, wanting nothing than to turn Lyra into a bloody stain on the ground. Lyra ducked and weaved through his attacks slashing at him at every opening. Losing one of his claws weakened his fighting capability considerably and his wild attacks only made him easy to predict. The difference in their level of skill was obvious. Dreadcreep howled in pain as Lyra cut deep into his right shoulder causing the cracks to spread down his arm.

Dreadcreep changed direction and ran towards one of the unconscious zombie ponies. He scooped the pony up with his remaining claw.

“Stop now or this stallion di…”

“Omega Arrow Crusher!” Lyra thought he might try this trick again. Though it was a gamble, she’d readied her bow when he charged towards the unconscious ponies. She aimed her attack true, and it hit the creature in the right shoulder blowing off the entire limb. The stallion Dreadcreep tried to hold hostage fell to the ground, unharmed. Lyra panted exhausted almost to the point to collapse. She put a lot of energy into that attack.

“No. This cannot be.” Dreadcreep muttered to himself in utter disbelief.

“You are pathetic.” Lyra shook her head in derision. “You go on and on about how powerful you are, but the minute things look tough for you, you resort to cowardly cheap tricks like that one.”

Dreadcreep roared in defiance and Lyra just snorted.

“What are you going to do now, headbutt me to death?” Lyra mocked. Though thinking about it, if this was Trixie, she would do just that and probably win.

Dreadcreep ran in the opposite direction fleeing with all his might. Lyra just sighed.

"Figures," Lyra said, annoyed he didn't even try to make this interesting, "you are not getting away!"

Lyra put everything into this last attack. The Blue Ranger planned to destroy any trace of this seed of whatshisname once and for all. It didn’t belong in their world.

“Hey, Dreadcreep!” Lyra shouted. She stood up on her hind hooves and aimed her bow. “Tell your master this, if it knows what is good for it, it should hide in the deepest parts of existence. This is only a small taste of our power! Come to our world again, and you will face the full fury of the Galaxy Rangers. This is our world and we don’t care if you’re an alicorn, monster, or even a god from the beginning of existence. If something threatens what we care about, we won’t hesitate to destroy it.”

“Omega Arrow Crusher!” Lyra’s shot hit Dreadcreep dead on in the back. Lyra dropped back on her four hooves and trotted away. She unmorphed unable to hold her power together anymore. She heard Dreadcreep spark with energy and explode as he fell to the ground.

Lyra winced at the sound of something howling in pain. It wasn’t like anything she had ever heard on earth. The sound of it caused the surrounding air to ripple around her to the cacophony of the scream. Lyra felt herself overcome with a sudden mild headache.

“What the hay was that?” Lyra wondered.

"That is a good question," said Bon-Bon, limping towards Lyra, "my best bet is that it is Ithaut-daoth in pain. I think your power of harmony actually reached it through the cosmos. That seed was a part of it after all.”

“Bons!” Lyra almost jumped on her marefriend. “Are you okay?!”

“I’m fine.” Bon-Bon dismissed Lyra with a wave of her hoof. “You’re the one that got beat up.”

Lyra blushed. She was so worried about Bon-Bon that she forgot about her own wounds. “I’ll live.” For some reason, her throat was really starting to bother her.

Bon-Bon took on an inquisitive look and examined one of the unconscious zombies. She opened one of their mouths and tisked.

“That was what I was afraid of.” Bon-Bon shook her head. “Killing the seed cured none of the infected ponies.”

"I hope Zecora found something," Lyra said full of worry anxious about Trixie’s condition. She was hoping destroying the seed would fix everything.

“If not, I can contact the princess," Bon-Bon said, "she has experts in magic and medicine that can study them and hopefully come up with a cure.”

That was one thing she liked the most about Bons, she was always so self-assured and knew what to do in case of the crisis. Heck, one could almost call her unflappable. She fought a giant monster with claws that could tear her to shreds like it was just another day of the week.

"Bon-Bon," Lyra said looking for the right words, "I'm sorry."

“What for?” Bon-Bon asked.

“I knew about this Dreadcreep guy from the start," Lyra explained, "I was so worried about our anniversary, that I put off dealing with him. I just wanted the day to be perfect, and now you got hurt because of me.” Lyra looked down in shame.

"Oh, Lyra." Bon-Bon grabbed Lyra's chin and smiled. "You don't have to work so hard to please me. Just a day alone with you would have been fine. If you have to run off to fight some monster, I really don't mind. No date is more important than a dire crisis.”

“I have been so stupid.” Lyra lamented. “I should have told you about Dreadcreep from the start and fought him right away.”

"Yes, you should have," Bon-Bon said automatically.

“Ouch.” Lyra laughed and brightened when she remembered something. “Dear Luna, I almost completely forgot!”

Bons eyed her with curiosity, and she searched through the rubble. Lyra cheered in triumph when she found it.

“This is for you.” Lyra presented the small box she wanted to give earlier. It was ruffed up and covered in dirt, but otherwise was in good shape. Bon-Bon took the box and opened it. It was a gold bracelet made of two interlocking bands and inside was inscribed, “L&B 15 years of love and friendship.”

“It’s so cute!” Bon-Bon cooed.

Not exactly the reaction Lyra was hoping for, but if Bons liked it than it was fine for her. Bon-Bon put it on and admired it in the dazzling glow of multicolored decorations around them.

"Thanks for everything. You’re the best marefriend a pony could ask for. I really don’t deserve this." Bon-Bon’s expression became one that Lyra couldn’t quite place. Shame? That made no sense. The expression disappeared in a flash and Bons smiled. “I know this wasn’t quite the day you were hoping for, but it was still a magical day.” Bon-Bon moved in for a kiss that Lyra was ready to accept wholeheartedly.

“There you guys are!” Trixie yelled snapping the couple out of the moment and startling them. “Don’t tell me the fight is over already?!”

Lyra glared at Trixie as she ran towards them. Sure, a part of her was glad to see their leader back to normal, but couldn’t she pick a better moment to reappear? Ditzy followed after her.

Despite her annoyance at Trixie's intrusion once again, Lyra ran up to Trixie and gave her a big hug who looked a bit embarrassed but accepted the gesture gratefully. Lyra noticed that Trixie was sporting a nasty bruise on one of her eyes from Ditzy’s attempt to subdue her earlier.

“What the hay happened to you?” Trixie asked enraged when he noticed just how beaten up Lyra was. “Who did this to you?!”

Lyra pointed to an unconscious figure in a small crater. "That guy did it. Don't worry about him anymore though. I thoroughly kicked his flank."

"Him again," Ditzy said. She looked around at the surrounding destruction. "Looks like you had a nasty fight."

Trixie grunted. “Great, I missed the fun. I wanted to beat the tar out of the guy that turned me into a zombie!”

"Speaking of that," Lyra said, "what happened? How did you get back to normal?"

Ditzy smiled. “It took forever, but we finally found the cure! It involved getting a rare flower deep within the Everfree Forest. It was a real mess and took me hours to find it. I had to fight a giant monster who turned out to be a long-forgotten deer god of evil to get it. Then I discovered that it was the wrong flower. It turns out it grew outside of Zecora’s hut all along! I ran off before she could tell me that.” She blushed at her mistake.“Thankfully, while I was out Zecora made enough potion to cure Trixie and everypony else in town. After I thanked her, we made our way back to Ponyville, only to discover the entire town overrun by zombies!”

“All thanks to Applejack that silly pony!” Trixie grumbled. “She somehow got it in her head to restrain a bunch of tentacle zombies in her barn. She tried to contain them all with only herself and her brother. They were overwhelmed and the zombies broke free and started infecting ponies! We had to round up all the infected ponies and cure them. It took forever!”

“Really?” Lyra said whistling pretending to be innocent.

“I just want to get home and take a bath!” Trixie complained. “This day was the worst!”

“There are some infected ponies over there.” Bon-Bon pointed towards the zombies she beat up earlier. “They might need medical help.”

“Got it!” Ditzy flew over to them before pulling a vial of a purple liquid out of her saddlebags and administering it to the first available zombie.

Lyra felt the pain in her throat getting worse and started coughing. Somehow, she felt even more miserable and her whole body throbbed.

“Oh no.” Bon-Bon put a hoof to Lyra’s forehead. “Yep, you’ve got a fever.”

"You have got to be kidding me," Lyra whined and coughed again. She realized she must have gotten it from Applejack. Trixie took an instinctive step away from her.

“You poor thing.” Bon-Bon cooed. “We will get you to Nurse Redheart right away, she will make you feel all better.”

Great, Bons is in her “Treat the sick little filly” mode. She always did this when Lyra got sick!

“Is it too much to ask for this day to go even a little smoothly!” Lyra said raging at the heavens and the powers that be. Her epic tirade was interrupted by sudden bursts of coughing.

Bon-Bon grabbed Lyra’s hoof and patted it. “We make the best of what we get.”

“Yeah, I wish it didn’t involve me suffering so much.” Lyra huffed. “I didn’t even get a kiss out of this!”

Much to Lyra’s shock, Bon-Bon kissed her full on the lips. Despite how much pain she was in, it felt good. Damn good in fact. It made everything she went through worth it.

“You know, we don’t need a romantic moment to kiss.” Bon-Bon winked. “Kisses are always free.”

Lyra grabbed her marefriend’s hoof and squeezed. “You right. I get too caught up in making things romantic and perfect that I forget love is more than that. Maybe, just being with you is enough.”

"Though romantic moments are nice," Bon-Bon said, "just please don't go so overboard next time.”

Lyra laughed and coughed again. “Right, maybe we could have a romantic date bowling next time?” She kissed Bon-Bon after saying that.

“Now that sounds like a fine idea.” Bon-Bon grinned. “Let’s go, we really need to get you patched up.”

Lyra with Bon-Bon in hoof started towards Ponyville hospital, after a moment she stopped and turned back towards Trixie."Trixie, I’m surprised we said all that without you gagging or making some comment," Lyra said confused.

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “What? You don’t think I can’t read a mood?” She snorted in derision. “Just go you lovebirds. We can handle it from here.”

Ditzy gave a wave. “Night! We totally got this! We will make sure this jerk will wake up in a cell.” She pointed towards the stallion who had called himself Dreadcreep.

And so, Lyra and Bon-Bon went on their way. Despite Lyra being sick, Bon-Bon snuggled up close, and they enjoyed the night and stars. They said nothing, for there wasn’t really anything that needed to be said. Lyra enjoyed the warmth of her marefriend and the love she felt just being near this very special mare.

“Happy anniversary Bon-Bon.”

“Happy anniversary Lyra.”

Author's Note:

Sequel! The Galaxy Rangers return in Magic School Zord!

Cheerilee is in a rut. Her love life is horrible, her students don't pay much attention to her, and her friends don't seem to give her the respect she deserves. Ponies think of her as boring. Well, Cheerilee refuses to let that stand. She is a superhero. So why not become a superteacher as well?

Inspiration strikes and Cheerilee comes up with best field trip ever, a trip to the moon. Unfortunately, Cheerilee finds more than barren rock on the moon's surface and finds herself face to face with her greatest enemy, Corona.

Comments ( 3 )

Beautiful ending!

“Weak!” Dreadcreep mocked. “Your desire to protect your marefriend cost you your life. Watch as I finish your marefriend off, than (then) you!” Without another word, he moved to attack Bon-Bon again.

It's funny that Derpy(Ditzy) keeps getting into epic battles with great evils (Chrysalis, Deer God) while trying to help a different problem.:rainbowlaugh:

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