• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 864 Views, 29 Comments

Panda Skies The Mechanical Mechanicist... or an Engineer for short. - PandaVoltz

Mechanical Thing-a-ma-giggers are always fun, unfortunately for me, mine are mostly illegal.

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Well...This Is Deja Vu

“So, what’s really going on between you two, because I highly doubt this amount of tension, and all around awkwardness, is normal. I would believe it to be normal if it was only from Mr. Skies, given our past meeting, but with you Barb, my own daughter, thrown into the mix, there is something else going on. So would either of you kindly explain?” Huh,well that was fast, Barb and I had only been at the same table with Princess Celestia for a few moments and already she knew something was up. Though I have to admit it could be worse, Princess Twilight could be here for this and immediately send me on a permanent trip to Tartarus, never to be seen again. So I’ll take what I can get, but now onto the dilemma of how to explain the fact that I’m now going out with Barb to her god-like mother. This entire situation is like a major case of déjà vu.

Though before I said anything, I felt Barb grab my hand and squeeze, it brought a small smile to my face, and the simple act gave me enough courage to speak. “Well, Princess, to put it simply, Barb and I have decided to get to know each other better and start going out.” And with that, I was left looking around nervously waiting for a response from the head of state sitting across the table. Princess Celestia was, in all aspects, unreadable, there were no signs of anger, disappointment, anything to help tell what she was thinking, she was stone faced as the Griffons say, and that fact is utterly terrifying to me. That’s just for the fact that she could be thinking of either the most painful way of getting rid of me for good, or whether or not to allow her daughter to go out with a criminal. My hope is on the latter of the two, but my logic, and my fear, is suggesting otherwise, and to run as far and fast as possible.

With a sigh, the Princess looked up directly at Barb and I, shifting her gaze from each of us, never stopping for more than a few seconds. Then out of no where the princess stands up, and walks out of the café without a word, her face still un readable. I, for one, am stunned, and the look on Barbs face basically mirrors mine but with an added emotion; utter disbelief. And in another weird turn of events, that has become the norm for my life as of late, the Princess came back into the café, as sat directly back into her spot across the table, but this time with a look of slight irritation and a small, almost unperceivable, smile.

With another sigh, she looked at Barb and I, “Sorry, I had to step out for a second and process the…situation, and I have only one thing to say. As much as I question the decision you two have made, it was a decision you both came to agree on, and for that I will not judge, rather I will allow this to continue and watch to see if you, Mr. Skies, are good at heart, and to put it simply you must vi for my acceptance. There is no debating my decision, my word is final. And for you Barb, I trust in your choices, do not make me regret this.” Her tone was final, and gave warning, but also contained care that only a mother could have. Barb smiled and nodded, I smiled even though I was terrified, and with that the Princess stood up, but before she left she turned to look at us again, “And as a gesture of goodwill and courtesy, for the both of you, I’ll explain the predicament to Twilight, seeing that she and you, Mr. Skies, don’t particularly get along.” Then with a flash of blinding light, she teleported, frickin magic, it’s cheating I tell ya!

Though I am grateful at the fact that Barb and I wont have to be the first to explain the relationship to Twilight. It would be like looking death in the eye, you just don’t do that if you don’t have to, and this time I wont! So I’m happy, and grateful, that the Princess is going to do that, and because she allowed Barb and I to continue dating. Speaking of dating, “Barb, since we’re here in a nice café, want to get something to eat?” Bar just looks at me with a smile, “Like a date?” I chuckle a little, just for the fact that she knew exactly what I was trying to do, “Yea, like a date.” Barb just laughs and smiles, “Sure, but you’re paying.”

My life is going to be awesome, though I cant shake the feeling that my life adventures and chaos had only just begun…AND WHERE IS THAT LAUGHTER COMING FROM?

Author's Note:

Well that's a wrap! I know that the chapter is extremely short compared to the others but after months of ideas, story boards, writing, re-writing, I must have completely scraped over twenty different iterations of the ending, and this is the one that was the best in my opinion. I've never been good at endings, I'm halfway decent (I think) at writing the meat of a story, but not the endings, they always seem...wrong, not right, something just isn't there, and for that i'm sorry that this is the best i could do. BUT in any case i hope you all enjoyed the story anyways, and who knows? There might be more to come in this adventure...


Wait... why do I hear laughter?

Comments ( 3 )

You hear laughter because we are angry you have not posted in a while and it is driving us and you to insanity.

That...could very well be the cause.

hay why stop the story there why not continue it a bit more:twilightsmile:

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