• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 864 Views, 29 Comments

Panda Skies The Mechanical Mechanicist... or an Engineer for short. - PandaVoltz

Mechanical Thing-a-ma-giggers are always fun, unfortunately for me, mine are mostly illegal.

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At Least We're Bonding...I Hope

You know what, when I asked Barb if she had wanted to get something to eat I was expecting her to think of it as a date and turn me down almost instantly, maybe slap me for being an idiot. But low and behold she just blushed, which was absolutely adorable, and agreed. Though she did get to pick the place, it just happened to be a small café just outside of town. She was insistent on saying that she picked this place because it was closer, and she didn’t want a certain mare to see me in town. In my opinion though it was so that we didn’t draw a lot of attention to us, that is if the small detachment of guards, and the small white dome that surrounded my house – that would only allow me out if I was accompanied by Barb or the Princesses themselves – wasn’t suspicious enough.

I have to say, though, this little café is quite nice. The only other thing, or dragoness in this case, that is just as nice or nicer is Barb. She may only be wearing a white tank top and some baggy sweatpants, and pardon my language here, but damn did she make it look good. Wait a minute, why am I justifying my use of vulgarity in my own mind? It’s not like anyone else is ever going to know what I’m thinking. Right? “Um, sir, what would you like to order?” Oh, so now the waitress shows up? Just as I’m about to go on a tangent about parallel universe sub-conscious mind links, really? “Can I get the strongest coffee you have, and please leave it black.” She turns to Barb, who just orders a caramel turtle. Is that even a thing, because it doesn’t even sound like it.

Well, as I busy myself with trying to come up with something to say, that wasn’t me hitting on Barb intentionally or unintentionally, Barb looks to be trying to do the same. I mean seriously she has her muzzle scrunched up with a little bit of her tongue sticking out while almost murdering the ketchup bottle with her eyes since she’s so focused. It’s too adorable not to laugh, so I may have let out a few chuckles…that also got her attention. Crap, there goes a perfectly good adorableness weapon.

Barb just gives me a look that screams ‘what?’, “Nothing, just that it looked like you wanted to incinerate that ketchup bottle with your eyes, it was adorable.” As soon as I let those words out three things happened. One, I blushed and rubbed the back of my head like an idiot for the fact that I basically just flirted with her when I really didn’t mean too. Two, Barb blushed and turned her head away not meeting my eyes, but with what I think is a ghost of a smile, at least I hope it’s a smile. I really don’t know what else it could be. And three, the waitress showed back up with our orders, and thank the deities for that.

I just sat there silently drinking my coffee for a few minutes, or at least I think it’s only been a few minutes, all I know is that it’s been a short amount of time. “So Panda, do you, um, have anymore stories like the one you told me earlier? I-I wouldn’t mind hearing them, if you don’t mind sharing them that is!” Normally I would have said maybe later because the only people that I’m used to talking to outside of my house are business associates, and because I don’t normally like sharing anything. But this is anything but normal, since Barb looks absolutely adorable right now, trying to save face, blushing like no tomorrow – I’ll take that as a good sign, even though I don’t believe in love at first sight. I do, however, believe in acquiring a crush on someone rather quickly, like how I’m crushing on Barb pretty hard for only knowing her for a couple days. Ya, I most likely have a problem. Okay so I definitely have a problem, I’ll work on it later.

And anyway what’s the harm in sharing a few stories? I mean if all goes well and we get along well enough, maybe I’ll be able to put aside my cowardly nature for a time and ask her out on a proper date. I mean we technically live with each other right now, so it can’t be all that bad right? Right? “Well, I guess I could share a few, but you got to share some to just to make it fair alright?”

Barb just smiles, nods, and starts to drink her turtle coffee thing. “Alright, so one time when I was out in the Griffon kingdoms on a business venture I went to a small café for a bit of relaxation, not unlike the one we’re in right now but slightly more rustic. The main difference though, was that this café had a small stage set up for stand-up comedy that was going on that night. Now, I didn’t know that the stand up routines were going on that night, so you can imagine my surprise when a Minotaur climbs up on stage and starts sitting out jokes like they were nothing, he was hilarious! Now, everything was fine and dandy until he points to me in the crowd to come up and tell a joke, because apparently this Minotaur likes to pick out an audience member to come up and tell a joke just to get everyone involved. So I go and clamber up onto the stage, and once he gave me the microphone I said the first joke to come to mind, though I did change my name to Copper while telling it because I’m paranoid and stuff. Anyway, so the joke goes like this. So there I was in school one day, I know I wasn’t the smartest kid in class, and the teacher turns to me and says ‘So, Copper, can you tell us the I before E rule?’ and I say ‘I before E…Always.’ And the teacher looks at me and says ‘What are you an idiot Copper?’ so I say ‘Apperantly!’ The teacher just shakes her head in dismay before saying, ‘no, Copper, it’s I before E except after C and with something like A in Neighbor and Weigh and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and you’ll always be wrong no matter what you say!’ and to that, all I say to my teacher is, ‘That’s a hard rule, heh, that’s a rough rule’. By the time I finished that joke I had the entire place going, but I left a few minutes later so that I wouldn’t draw attention to myself.”

When I actually stopped talking, the only other sounds I can hear are the idle chatter going about the small café, and Barbs wonderful laughter. Even though she was trying, and failing, to suppress it, it still sounded amazing. “Well Barb, once you’re done trying not to die of laughter, how would you like to see some of my personal inventions? I tinkered a lot when I had spare time, and seeing that I have a lot of that on my hands for the time being, if you want we could go back to the house and build something?” I’m blushing like an idiot right now, but I don’t care dang nab bit! Because I want to build something, so why not build it with the dragoness that I kind sort of have a crush on? It doesn’t that bad for a plan I literally just made up. “Sure, but I get to pick what to build, if that’s okay anyway.” And now she’s blushing a little bit, I swear by the time we even get home we’ll both be tomatoes. And who can say no to an adorable flustered dragoness, so I say the first thing that comes to mind.


Author's Note:

I am so sorry about not having this chapter out last week, I got distracted by my studies, and I know it's a lame excuse but just know that I am sorry for making you guys wait.

Leave a comment down below, I don't care if it's random, constructive criticisms, or just pointing out errors (If there are any). I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it, and have a Wonderful WONDERFUL Day!