• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 864 Views, 29 Comments

Panda Skies The Mechanical Mechanicist... or an Engineer for short. - PandaVoltz

Mechanical Thing-a-ma-giggers are always fun, unfortunately for me, mine are mostly illegal.

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Things Are Looking Up...Maybe

“And what dose this one do?” Well I sure didn’t expect Barb to be this interested in my random tinkering do dads, if anything I expected her to just look at a few that were more eye catching, like the hydraulic wood splitter for full sized logs, the white noise generator that blocks any sound, or even the levitating tool bench that uses quantum levitation instead of magic, but instead she’s been going to each and every device asking about what it is, how it works, and even why I made it. To me, as an engineer, or mechanical mechanicist, it’s an amazing feeling to have your work be almost praised, and looked upon with wonder. It’s also a bonus that the person giving me said praise is a wonderful dragoness that I have a crush on, and because the combination of Barb and the praise is just making me feel good in general.

And now she’s asking about a small prototype shield that I made, but never got around to finalizing. “That was a shield concept that I never really got around to finishing to production quality, it’s basic principle is that when a metal object strikes the shield the matrix inside will absorb the force and apply a positive magnetic charge to said object and charge another positive magnetic field around the shield itself to discharge the object back. It was originally designed for the guard, but that was before I swore to not make anything pertaining to weapons. So instead I just kept it down here as a small keepsake because I couldn’t find the heart to destroy it.” Yea, I really can't find it in myself to destroy anything I make, and that dose not make me a hoarder, just someone who cares immensely about technology, and the time and effort put into making said technology. “That’s amazing Panda, just the fact that you can create all of this is awesome. I mean I knew you were smart, but this is something that even my sister would have to actually take her time to understand how it works mechanically, you might be as smart, or smarter, than my sister!”

Now that’s some high praise right there, not that it’s unwelcome, only that it’s a lot more than I was expecting. I mean, being called smart, or even a genius, is, in my opinion, high praise in and of itself, but to be compared to a being that is known for her extremely extensive knowledge? That’s something entirely new, and in my case very flattering, given that I’m just standing here scratching the back of my head awkwardly with my face auditioning for the best tomato recreation. That or it’s trying to set itself on fire, either way my face is red red right now, and yes red red is a real color, it’s red but more red than red. I think. “H-heh, I wouldn’t say that I’m as smart as your sister, I mean she is known almost exclusively for her knowledge and-“

You know I’m starting to think that others just naturally, and unknowingly, make a habit of never letting me finish a sentence that contains modesty, ever. “But it’s true Panda! No one else on Equis could have created an engine that ran on nuclear energy, not only because it’s highly illegal, but because of the amount of research and knowledge that is needed to design it, and pardon my language here, but not only design it but to actually build the damn thing! Panda you’ve done something incredible, highly illegal, and most likely not the best choice, but incredible non the less!” Well, this amount of praise is not something that I was expecting, and now I like her even more, not just because she likes what I build, but because she looks past the fact that I did wrong by the law and created something amazing that no one else would have. I swear, Barb never ceases to amaze me.

Well, that’s a small lie since the look of pure undulated realization, and maybe even a small amount of terror, slapped itself onto Barbs face. “Crap! I forgot about that, Panda do you know what time it is?” The look of terror on her face made it clear that I have the time or else something bad is going to happen. “The clock in my workshop is about three minutes fast, so it’s about seven thirty. Why?” Do I even want to know why? Apparently since I asked, why can never remember to think fully before I speak when it’s not a stressful situation? You know what, I’ll figure it out later, since Barb is almost literally dragging me back towards the elevator. “Because my sister will be here any minute! I totally forgot about her coming to see how things have been going!”

Well that’s a lot to just spring on someone, but I don’t really have long to ponder since we’re already to the front door. Somehow. And Barb opens the door to find…nothing. Huh, I thought that Twilight was almost perfect when it came to scheduling and time frames. “Barb, Panda, you’re a minute late, and you’re coming up from the basement, why?” Ah, there she is, and I did not scream like a little girl, again. Not that it happened before. But Barb did jump and half latch onto me and half extend her claws in a defensive stance. I don’t mind the closeness but this little display really solidifies the fact not to get on her bad side. Now onto to metaphorical elephant in the room, and before anyone else could say anything, “Sorry, sorry we are late, Barb just remembered about the meeting, I was showing her some of my contraptions, we lost track of time, the elevator is slow, and more importantly, how did you get into my house?” You know, I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to that question. Magic, because that is the world's most infuriating, and somehow acceptable answer.

“Huh, is that so? And to answer your question, magic.” Ahh! See what I mean? “But to be more descriptive I used a teleportation spell, and just so you know, officially since this is technically a crime scene, and me being a princess, I have full jurisdiction to come and go from the premises as I see fit.” They really don’t let you read the small print, seriously I didn’t even know this, then again most convicted criminal aren’t given a contract. At least that I know of. I should really ask about the terms and services of being a criminal. “That, and my sister is living here as well. And I know you can take care of yourself Barb if Panda decides to do something stupid, but I can't help but coming to check in to see how things are going, and by the looks of it things are going rather smoothly, which is nice.” This is going quite well in my opinion, even though I’m still flustered at the fact that Barb hasn’t let go of me yet, and her sister is right here in front of us. I don’t even know if Barb realizes that she’s still hugging me, if she doesn’t then she’ll figure out eventually because I’m not going to stop her since she’s warm and the only thing separating me from what amounts to a god. That or she knows that she’s still clung onto me which either means that she is trying to use me as a living shield if Twilight gets mad for some reason, she’s just cold somehow, or she actually wants to be close to me. If the last one is true, that would be awesome, but I’m not going to get my hopes up, and now I sound like some kind of creep. Great.

“But back to the original topic on hand, the visit, or check up if you will. Now I will make this short because I have an awful amount of paperwork piling up from this little fiasco of yours Panda.” She really doesn’t seem to like me, more than I originally thought, if the pointed statement of my name is anything to go by. “And because my best sister and number one assistant isn’t there to help me, and even though your not at the castle helping, Barb, your helping in a much more unorthodox way by keeping Panda here in line. Though I still can't understand why you volunteered for this Barb, but it’s good to see you outside the castle more often.”

And I thought I was the only one who turns into a tomato when flattered, because Barbs scales, whom are normally an amazing royal purple, are now tomato red. It almost makes me want to laugh quietly, but having her sister in here would make it kind of awkward. Plus it would make Twilight even more suspicious than she already is about me, it probably doesn’t help that Barb is still latched onto me like I’m a giant standing pillow. Wow, my life really has gotten weird. “Now there is no questions for this visit, on paper this is just a routine check up of the premises, but unofficially it’s so that I can give Panda some…advise if you will.”

And now I’m afraid, not just because of how she said that with an undertone of malice, but because even Barb tensed up a little. “Barb, would you kindly step into the other room for a small time, this will only take a minute.” And there goes my only metaphorical crutch helping me, as Barb walks up the stairs she turns around and gives me a look the says two things, I’m sorry and don’t do something stupid. Well at least I know she cares. “Now Panda, as you’d expect I care a great deal about my subjects, my friends, and especially my family. And given that you have already put all of them at risk with your little stunt, I will give you one warning, and only one. If you hurt Barb, if I get even the slightest hint you even disrespected her, there’ll be nothing left to sweep under the rug.” Is it just me or did it just get really cold in here, because I’m shivering so bad that I think my knee caps are quaking. “Remember that Panda, if you do anything, I’ll know about it, because when it comes to my family, I know everything.” And with that, and a blinding flash and a small pop, Twilight was gone.

This has got to be one of the most restless, uncomfortable, and terrifying nights of my life. I just keep tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, but in doing so I keep messing up my blankets, which makes me toss and turn even more. Arg! Not to mention that I’m now even more paranoid than I usually am because a head of state just came into my house and told me that I’d be executed if I did one wrong, and that she is always watching. That’s not creepy and downright terrifying, no not at all, definitely not enough to warrant me not being able to sleep for the foreseeable future. But just as I’m about to turn again I hear my bedroom door open. I turn quick enough to almost launch myself out of bed and run from…Barb?

What is she doing here, in her pajamas no less. I mean, it’s nothing revealing in any way, but it’s not exactly modest either being that she’s only wearing an overly long shirt, and that’s all I could see. I just hope she’s wearing underwear, it’s cold up here, and because I don’t want another shower bathroom fiasco to happen. “Barb, what are you doing here? It’s the middle of the night.” The lighting isn’t the best so all I see is her general outline dip a little bit, almost as if embarrassed. Why would she be embarrassed? I hear her mumble something but couldn’t make it out. “What was that, I couldn’t quite hear you.” Now add concerned to the list of afflictions tonight. “I-I’m really cold, and my room isn’t that warm, a-and I, uh, I had a nightmare.” So she’s her because she’s cold and had a nightmare, what am I to do about it, I don’t know anything about dreams. “So I was, um, w-wondering if I could sleep with you tonight?”

Even though I can't see anything well in the dark I can say for certain that both of our faces are beat read, and even though this is probably the most awkward situation I’ve been in, I couldn’t deny that I wanted to, if my quickening heart, small giddy smile, and overall good feeling was anything to go by. “U-uh, sure, okay. If it make you feel better, I w-wouldn’t mind.” I said that much louder that I thought I would, but I don’t really have much time to ponder since Barb is already under the covers and snuggling up to me with her back to my chest. Wow, she is warm, makes me want to hug her closer, though im not entirely sure if that’s a good idea but a small shiver from Barb makes me have to at least try. So I drape one arm over her and pull her close, earning a small, dare I say, content sigh from Barb. And before I was fully asleep I heard barb mumble something but I couldn’t quite make it out, but in all honesty I didn’t really care since I’m comfortably snuggled up to my crush. And with that final thought I fell asleep to the beating of Barbs heart.

Author's Note:


I am so sorry for the lifetime wait for the next installment of this thing that I'm writing, the reason it took so long, and I'm going to be completely honest, was because I'm lazy. That and because of writers block. I really didn't think this through when I decided to just start writing without a detailed timeline of the entire story. And in hindsight it was a really dumb idea, so now I'm basically winging it every time.

And as a side note: I hope you peoples enjoy the longer than usual chapter, and comment down below what you liked, what you didn't, and what ever the hell else is on your mind this fine day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time of day it is for you.

Have a Wonderful WONDERFUL Day!