• Member Since 28th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 6th, 2018



What if Equestrian Medical technology was more reliant on technology then on magic?

What if the the Mane 6 had all become medical professionals?

Pinkie Pie is the new residential surgeon of one of the biggest, most well respected hospitals in Equestria. She graduated medical school with marks as some kind of surgical wunderkind, but many still ask; how is the bouncy, bubbly Pinkie Pie so calm and controlled during surgery?

Dr. Appelisa "AppleJack" Jackson is the Chief of Orthopaedics, and a down home family pony at heart. Leaving her family farm in her brother's hooves to pursue her dream of helping ponies, few will go as far in their job to help as her. But how far is too far, and at what point does risking ourselves become the problem?

Rainbow "Dash" Dashfeld is the Head Paramedic and First Response Operative. She's brash and arrogant, but has the skill and speed to back it up. Her speed may end up being her downfall, however. Will the memories of her glorious past cause her to lose what she has in the here and now?

Dr. Twilight Sparkle is the hospitals primary Diagnostician. A recent transfery from the well respected Equestrian Center for Disease Research and Control, her medical knowledge is almost unparalled. But the question remains; why would somepony with a promising career at a prime medical research institute end up working a 9-5 job in a regional hospital?

Rarity Demond, MD, is the Ponyville mortician, a pony who believes that, even in death, a pony deserves to be beautiful. On the side, she occasionally assists the Ponyville police in solving crimes using her deductive reasoning and knack for finding hidden evidence. But will her obsession with the dead ruin her ties with the still living?

Dr. Fluttershy Kindred is the hospitals Senior Surgeon, and a master of the endoscope. Sickly as a child, the hospital has become a second home to her, and she works hard to see all her patients recover. However, is there a point when you become too emotionally involved, to the detriment of all else?

These 6 find themselves embroiled in a medical disaster that threatens the very wellbeing of all of Equestria. They must overcome their problems and work together if they want to see this through to the end.

This is Trauma Team: Equestrian Chronicles.

((A completely amature fan fiction written by someone who likes writing things on occasion.))

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 24 )

Crossover with Trauma center game? ~Yay:yay: Im gonna watch and like this, see how it goes. Hope you do good! And do not dissapoint me.:pinkiecrazy:

SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS GOES "BOINK"? :rainbowlaugh:C&H FTW :pinkiehappy:

EDIT: Aha, Spike is RONI. :twilightsmile:

This is very intriguing, and I am pleased by the existence of a Trauma Team crossover. Additionally, I love how you've both made each character reflect their TT counterparts yet their problems are still their own. Refreshing use of the Pinkie/Pinkamina construct as well.
Usually I'd reserve my judgement until a story is a bit more along than this, but as long as you keep this quality up, you definitely deserve my thumbs up.

Perhaps maybe in this case BRONI

Scrubs crossover with ponies make it happen!!! :flutterrage:

Is this going to continue? :applecry: I recently finished another playthrough of Trauma Team which makes me really want to see more of this...

Interesting idea. I like what you have written so far, getting to see the different roles they play and seeing their character in the environment is very cool. Your characterization of each is very good, and all of the different situations they are put in shows off their skills well and shows how they adapt and handle situations. Would love to see more written for this idea~ certainly could go somewhere is turn into something really good if you take this further. :heart:

“and now I am. Yay.”

I cant resist.

Interesting. Makes me wonder what would happen if Pinkie was stuck in an operation instead of Pinkiemenia.

The medication can be applied through a simple endoscopic procedure,

Endocopic procedure eh? I think we'll be seeing Berry later.

“I don’t know who you think you are, barging into a hospital and acting like this to a sick friend, but you sure aren’t acting like any friend I’d want! Ms. Punchina has just gone through a very trying ordeal and a very dangerous surgery, and she needs rest! If you’re really such a good friend of hers, then GET OUT OF THE ROOM AND LET HER RECOVER!”

*takes off sunglasses* ...Whoa...
Wait a sec...Who the hell are those last three she thought of?

Hm... real quick question, Does the stabilizer exist in this story?

Good story, but as a health care person I have to pick one nit: Rarity would be a pathologist, not a mortician. Morticians only prepare bodies for burial and graduate from a vocational training program, pathologists are M.D.s who perform autopsies and determine difficult causes of death.


An understandable quibble. That said, while Rarity does perform pathology, her choice of career is mortician. It comes as part of an obsession with beauty, even in death .

Fair enough. As long as you've given some thought I'll just remind the fact-checking part of my brain that this is Equestria. And really, who's to say they draw the same lines between autopsy and funeral preparation that we do?

You've made Canada proud, with this awesome fanfic... :yay:

Well, since it turns out that this fanfic is not dead, I feel like I should inform you that this was pretty much my sole inspiration for writing a Trauma Center/MLP crossover of my own.

Please keep up the amazing work! :twilightsmile:

Write on,

Interesting! You know... I would have liked one of Hank's operations to have placed a limit (for any reason; I wouldn't have cared) on how hard you can hit something beyond just tapping something into the guideline after a few of the hardest swings possible...

This is impressive! I really like your writing style, and how you've successfully managed to get all of the Mane 6 into medical roles pretty much seamlessly. I loved Rainbow Dash as a paramedic; it suits her perfectly, really. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes... please don't cancel it.

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