• Published 9th Oct 2016
  • 2,458 Views, 11 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Restless Nights - P-Berry

It is surprisingly hard to fall asleep when your friends are busy making love nextdoor.

  • ...


“Number 9 … and it don’t seem like they’re gonna get tired anytime soon.“

It was night. Very late at night, in fact. Deep darkness hung over the Equestrian wasteland, hulling all of Tenpony Tower in its shrouding cloak.

Everypony within the majestic building was where they were supposed to be - in their own bed, and sound asleep. That is, everypony safe for two unicorn mares and a more than annoyed pegasus.

Calamity let out a weak growl as he turned around in his bed for what felt like the twentieth time that night. He was tired – very, very tired. The strains and horrors from the past days had taken their toll, not only on Littlepip and Velvet Remedy, but also on Calamity himself.

That normally wouldn’t be a problem since Calamity’s physical wounds had been professionally treated and were currently in the process of healing - even the psychological strains, he was sure, would eventually fade away after a long night of restful sleep.

However, in this night it seemed the universe would withhold Calamity his much-needed sleep, instead forcing him to stay awake and listen to … whatever was going on in the room next door.

The pegasus could feel how a shudder ran through his body as the loud whinny of an all too familiar voice announced the finale of round ten.

He didn’t mind what was going on between Littlepip and Homage. If anything, he was glad the little stable dweller had finally found somepony to love – may it be in a spiritual or in a more … physical way.

Calamity didn’t mind – he didn’t begrudge Littlepip and Homage their time together, neither did he give a rip about the fact that the two of them seemed to be getting it on like animals no fifteen steps away from where he was trying to sleep. Everyone in their little group knew about their intimate relationship, and everyone accepted it and –safe for Littlepip- could even laugh about the one or other sexual innuendo Homage threw at her lover every now and then.

However, what Calamity did mind was the fact that his friends’ loveplay was so noisy that he was sure the whole floor, if not all of Tenpony Tower must be laying wide awake and listening to Littlepip’s somewhat surreal-sounding moans in that very moment.

It had been funny for the first few moments – hearing the one or other word of dirty talk that sounded through the walls had indeed managed to bring an amused –and at the same time somewhat shameful- grin onto his face, and hearing Littlepip’s hasty words of embarrassment after she had reached her first peak after not even two minutes had even caused him to let out a weak but guilty chuckle.

However, listening to the repetitive moaning and the lusty sounds of pleasure that followed shortly after, as well as enduring the nearly constant sound of something bumping against the wall that connected the two bedrooms had become boring after three minutes, and downright annoying after Littlepip had reached her third peak in not even ten minutes. Now, almost half an hour after the ‘physical unification’ had begun, Calamity felt like he could punch a hole straight through the wall and ‘kindly’ ask his friends to turn down the volume so that he could finally get his rest.

The pegasus grinded his teeth, burying his head underneath his pillow in a vain attempt to drown out the noises.

“You like this?” he heard a seductive voice coming from nextdoor.

The reply came in the form of a muffled, barely audible whimper.

“Oh so you want me to stop?”

“…n-no. D-don’t … don’t stop!”

An annoyed sigh escaped Calamity’s lips as he rolled over yet again, gathering up all of his bedspread and forming it to one massive pile above his head, hoping that it would make for a slightly better sound barrier.

“Hmm… I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”

Another muffled whimper, “D-don’t s-s-stop! P-please!”

“What did you say?”

Don’t! Fucking! Stop!

“Oh, so you want me to continue?”

“By Luna’s thunder-rolling asscheeks, yes!”

The muscles in Calamity’s body tensed, the desire to give his friends a piece of his mind growing with every second as he used his forehooves to press the pile of bedding deeper into his face.

“Hmm … hang on a second.”

“W-what!? Are you fucking kidding-“

“Lookie what I got heeere!”

An unbelieving gasp came from the other side of the wall. “N-no. You … you wouldn’t! You couldn’t! You … yoAAAAAAHHH!”

“Consarn it!” Calamity growled into his pillow as he forcefully kicked the bedding off his face and sat up on his bed, throwing an angry glare at the wall where the noises kept on coming from and shouting, “Haven’t y’all ponies ever heard of closing your damn door and just enjoying the goshdarned silence!?” he shouted at the naked wall, causing the moans of pleasure to die away for a few seconds.

“Hey, you heard that? Sounded like Calami-mmpff”

“Did I allow you to speak, slave!?

“N-nuh, muumph.”

“Good. ‘Cause from now on you’ll only speak when I tell you to. You got that?”

“…Y-yush, muumph.”

Calamity sighed and shook his head in frustration, realizing that his outbreak has pumped new waves of adrenaline into his body, thus bringing him further away from sleep than before.

He cast another glance at the wall – the room had been suspiciously silent for the last few moments. For a second, Calamity felt a glimmer of hope that the two mares had finally decided to enjoy themselves at a more acceptable noise level and allow him to sleep.

However, the silence soon got broken by the penetrating sound of a leather whip that smacked against something fleshy, shortly followed by another muffled moan.

“Ah. Hell. No.” Calamity grunted and arose from his bed, trotting towards the exit door of his bedroom with determined steps. He was a very patient and understanding pony, but there was a limit, and those two mares had just crossed it.

The rust-colored pegasus stepped into the long hallway that connected the suites of him and Velvet Remedy with that of Homage –and Littlepip, obviously- as the crackling sound of another blow with the leather whip, shortly followed by a lush smack sound, made him wince involuntarily.

“Pfft, if fat all yu’ve got?”


“Harder you fwhore! Harder!”


Calamity couldn’t help but to turn just a little red as another partly amused, partly ashamed grin found its way back onto his face. As annoying as it was, he couldn’t help but smirk as his mind started making up images of what was going on behind the next door.

But he quickly shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He was tired, he was exhausted, and he wanted to get some sleep – and those two mares were the ones who kept on taking it away from him.

He walked over to the next door where the frequency of the whiplashes had slightly increased, then raised a hoof and gently knocked against the wooden door.

“Yuh hurd that?” the muffled voice –which Calamity now could clearly identify as that of Littlepip- spoke up, just to be cut off by another whiplash and a furious, “You have no permission to talk, slave!”


Another, slightly louder whiplash followed, making the muffled voice die away in an instant, replacing it with a weak moan.

Calamity clenched his teeth – as amusing as the kinky game the two were playing may seem at first glance, the fact that it kept him from his well-deserved rest just seemed to make him angrier with every second.

He raised his hoof and was just about to launch into another attempt to knock at the door –this one, he was sure, would be impossible to be ignored- as he noticed something from the corner of his eye.

A thin beam of light that escaped from the door opposite to his quarters – it seemed Velvet Remedy was awake as well.

The pegasus hesitated, weighing his options - he could just bash into Homage’s room since the door didn’t seem to be locked. This would probably lead to a more than awkward encounter, which would most likely lead to Littlepip trying to turn herself into a puddle of gray goo and vanishing into the next best drain, but nevertheless promise Calamity at least a few hours of his much-needed sleep.

On the other hoof, if he should decide to go and see what Velvet Remedy was doing, he would probably be rewarded with a good talk, some gossip about their loving friends, any maybe even…

Calamity interrupted himself before his thoughts could drift too far off. He liked Velvet Remedy - as more than just a friend. And it was quite clear that the beautiful charcoal unicorn felt the same way for him. However, while a part of him was craving for her body, he didn’t feel like they were ready to take the next step – not yet, that is.

However, they were good friends nonetheless – and good friends could spend a night in each other’s rooms without any second thoughts … right?

Calamity shook his head, freeing his mind from the doubts that made him hesitate. After all, Velvet Remedy might as well be asleep already, simply having forgotten to turn off her light.

The pegasus turned around in the hallway, facing Velvet’s door, and lifted his hoof, giving it a gentle knock.

As a few seconds passed and no reply came, Calamity hesitated. It seemed Velvet Remedy was asleep, so there was no reason for him to enter her bedroom.

On the other hoof…

Feeling a tingle of excitement in his belly, Calamity put a hoof on the doorhandle, gently opening the door by a few inches and peeking his head inside – just to be on the safe side.

He spotted Velvet Remedy in her bed just as another loud, odd-sounding whinny came from the door behind him, announcing that the relentless treatment she had received from her lover had successfully managed to send Littlepip over the edge once again.

“Number eleven…” a desperate Velvet Remedy announced with a breathless gasp, her eyes wide open and bloodshot from the numb expression of horror on her face, “How in the world can somepony have eleven…” she cut herself off, shaking her head in disbelief.

Not sure if the unicorn had noticed him entering, Calamity gently knocked his hoof against the open door and whispered, “H-hey Velvet. … Sorry for botherin’ you this late at night.”

Velvet’s head turned, the look of horror on her face turned into one of unconcerned delight as her eyes spotted the unexpected visitor. “Hey Calamity.” She whispered and, after a moment, added, “It’s fine. I … couldn’t sleep anyway.”

“Yeah,” Calamity replied and cracked a smile, casting a short look over his shoulder where the whiplashes had been replaced by more or less bearable moans of pleasure, “Seems like the radroaches in the walls are really gettin’ it on tonight.”

Despite her still obvious discomfort about the whole situation, Velvet Remedy couldn’t help but smile back at the pegasus as she sat up in her bad, gaining a weak chuckle from Calamity for her bed-mane.

He gave the door a gentle kick with one of his hind legs, causing it to drift shut softly, then took a step towards Velvet Remedy as he smirked and said, “Kinda funny, ain’t it?”

“What?” Velvet asked as she rubbed her tired eyes with a hoof.

“Well,” Calamity replied, cocking his head into the direction of the door behind him, “Ah never thought Li’lpip was into, well, all that.”

“I’m … fairly sure that’s none of our business.” Velvet pointed out with a look of discomfort on her face. After a moment, however, she added, “But I have a bad feeling that we’ll find out about … just about anything tonight.”

“Eeyup.” The pegasus replied with a weak grin on his face, “One might actually think that a place as fancy as Tenpony Tower has walls that can at least contain those kinds’a sounds.”

Velvet Remedy rolled her eyes, cracking a thin smile, “Yes, that’s … one way to put it.” She paused and looked back at Calamity, then hesitantly said, “You’re looking a little tired.” She tapped a hoof on the mattress next to her, “Don’t you want to sit down?”

Calamity could feel how a touch of red shot onto his face. Biting his lip, he looked to the side and muttered, “Ah … Ah’m good, thanks.”

“Nonsense.” Velvet replied with a friendly smile, “Come on over here. I won’t bite, I promise.”

Calamity shook his head, taking a hesitant step towards the door behind him, “Thank ya kindly Velvet, but Ah think Ah’ll just be on my-“

He got cut off as he felt how an aura of magic formed around him, pulling his body towards Velvet Remedy, not with brutal force but not too gently either. “Come on, no need to be afraid.” Velvet said with a giggle in her voice as she pulled the discomforted pegasus over to her bed.

Knowing that there was no point in struggling, Calamity indulged and reluctantly sat down on the soft mattress next to the charcoal unicorn. The bed was soft, very soft - and worlds better than the dirty rags he had gotten used to sleep on during his many years out in the wasteland.

“There.” Velvet Remedy said with a content smile on her face as the pegasus sat down, “Isn’t that better?”

“Yeah…” Calamity muttered and turned his head towards his new roommate, feeling how a smile grew on his face as he looked into those beautiful gray eyes of hers, “Yeah, Ah guess it’s better.”

Velvet Remedy reciprocated the smile, her left hoof wandering over the mattress and getting a gentle hold of Calamity’s right hoof. “See?” she said, her voice literally as soft as velvet, “Sometimes, you really don't need much. You just need to-“

“Aww yes! Yes! Harder! Harder! I said harder! the breathless gasps from nextdoor echoed throughout the halls once again, ruining whatever atmosphere had been between Velvet Remedy and Calamity in those few seconds.

The two ponies both rolled their eyes, Velvet’s face turning slightly red with discomfort, Calamity’s petrified with an expression of annoyance.
A few seconds of silence followed, but came to an abrupt end just as Calamity had found the right words to speak up again.

“H-hey! Why did you stop!? Why did you- … Oh. Oh no. Oh hell no! … D-don’t you dare! Don’t you fucking dare! … I-it’s not going up there! It’s not going up … FFFUUCK!

The high-pitched squeal of Littlepip came in combination with another long-drawn-out whinny and seemed to echo throughout Velvet Remedy’s bedroom for a few more seconds until it faded away, making way for a seemingly eternal period of awkward silence, neither of the two ponies able to find the right words to say something.

Finally, Calamity shook his head, freeing himself from his trance, and forced on a smirk as he said, “Eeyup, Radroaches. Can be a real bother during mating season.”

Velvet Remedy replied with a soft giggle - angel’s chant in Calamity’s ears. With an accepting smile on her face, she then said, “Oh well, I suppose it’ll be over soon. After all, I’ve never seen a … radroach with this much stamina.”

“Yeah,” Calamity agreed, also with a smirk on his face, “Ah s’pose we can jus’ sit this whole thing out.”

“Or we could go and see if we can be loud enough to drown them out.” A little pony in his head added, causing his face to turn red as he felt a light tingle of excitement form inside his guts.

“Yes,” Velvet Remedy nodded her head, “Yes, I think we should do that.”

Calamity’s head shot around, facing the unicorn with widened eyes as the light tingle in his abdomen turned into a persistent throbbing. “You serious!?” he asked, unbelieving, but nonetheless excited about Velvet’s sudden change of mind.

“Yes, of course.” she replied with a shrug and a casual smile on her face, “I don’t think it’ll take longer than a few minutes, anyway.”

It took Calamity a few moments to comprehend what he had just heard. Then, shortly after, a smug grin found its way onto his face as he leaned back on the bed and said, “Velvet, Ah don’t know what they’ve been tellin’ you, but Calamity ain’t gonna be done after ‘a few minutes’.” The grin on his face grew into a light chuckle as he perked his eyebrows up and added, “Ever wondered why they’re callin’ me ‘Deadshot’ Calamity?”

Velvet Remedy remained silent, turning her head towards him, raising an eyebrow as she said, “Sorry, what?”

Calamity paused in his movement, the grin vanishing from his face as he skimmed through their dialogue again. A faint sensation of weightlessness replaced the tingle in his guts as he realized what Velvet had been talking about all this time.

“Ah … uh … n-nothing.” He hastily stuttered and sat up again, trying to shake the embarrassed crimson from his face, “So … radroaches, huh?”

Again, Velvet Remedy giggled softly, looking at him with the smile of a thousand angels as she said, “You’re pretty cute when you’re like this, you know that?”

To his very embarrassment, Calamity could feel how the shade of red on his face deepened as he looked to the side and muttered, “Y-yeah, uh … if you say so.”

“You know,” Velvet Remedy said and looked into Calamity’s eyes, her hoof reaching out for his yet again, “I’ve been thinking a lot about you … about … us.”

“Y-yeah?” Calamity replied breathlessly, feeling how the tingle of excitement found its way back into his tummy.

“And I thought that…” she gently leaned against his body, whispering into his ear “Maybe we could-“

A knock came from the door to Velvet Remedy’s bedroom, cutting the charcoal unicorn off mid-sentence. The two ponies’ heads spun around, Calamity holding back a curse as Velvet Remedy straightened up again, breaking the contact with his body, leaving a sensation of coldness where their bodies had touched.

“Who could that be?” Velvet asked slightly confused.

“Ah dunno.” Calamity admitted and cocked an eyebrow, “Kinda rude to bother us at this time, though.”

Velvet looked at him, cocking an eyebrow, “You do realize you’ve ‘bothered’ me as well, right? And I didn’t complain either.”

“Yeah, but that’s-“ Calamity wanted to protest, but quickly decided against it since he didn’t want to provoke an argument with the beautiful unicorn. Instead, he shook his head in an indulging gesture and muttered, “Nevermind.”

Velvet Remedy didn’t retort anything, instead arising from her bed and slowly walking over to her door, muttering, “I really wonder who that is. Maybe it’s an emergency. Maybe somepony needs my help.” She added, a look of concern on her face.

“Or maybe the two love birdies wanna ask for a threesome.” The little pony in Calamity’s head brought up, gaining a dirty chuckle from the pegasus, which was shortly followed by a mental slap on his face for thinking such things of his friends.

Before his little pony could make any further assumptions, the door to Velvet Remedy’s bedroom opened in a gentle, swift motion and the figure of a pony appeared in the darkened hallway.

“Good evening … Velvet.” An exotic voice announced from outside.

Their unexpected visitor wasn’t a pony.

“Hello Xenith.” Velvet Remedy greeted the zebra with pleasant surprise in her voice, “What brings you here?”

Xenith looked to the side, a look that looked both, amused and slightly embarrassed on her face, “I … could not find any sleep. So I began looking for conversation instead.”

Velvet chuckled softly, “Well, you’ve come to the right place, then.” She said and stepped aside, allowing her to enter her room, “Please, come inside.”

With a weak, appreciative nod of her head, Xenith entered the room, then stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes spotted Calamity who was still sitting on Velvet’s bed. “Am I … interrupting something?” she asked with a touch of discomfort in her voice.

“Yes.” Calamity muttered under his breath.

“No, of course not!” Velvet Remedy drowned out her friend, swiftly closing the door behind Xenith, “We were just talking. Feel free to join in.”

Calamity let out a weak sigh, rolling his eyes. Surely, he appreciated Xenith’s presence, and would be more than willing to keep her company if she couldn’t sleep, but the realization that her sudden intervention had not only interrupted Velvet in the middle of whatever she had been about to suggest, but also exterminated any chance of the beautiful mare repeating her offer before the next morning just made him want to kick the zebra right out again.

Even the slightly amused question of Velvet Remedy, asking if Xenith had been visited by the Radroaches in the walls as well didn’t manage to lift his mood, even though he had to admit that the sudden expression of confusion on Xenith’s face had managed to wrest a weak smirk from him.

“What?” the zebra asked, cocking an eyebrow, “I am fairly certain that there are no Radroaches within the walls of Tenpony Tower.”

“Are you sure?” Velvet replied with a grin, “Because Calamity and me heard them no five minutes ago.” She perked up her ears and as if by command, another loud, drawn-out whinny came from the chambers across the corridor, marking the end of round twelve.

An understanding look found its way onto Xenith’s face, shortly followed by a smile and … she was actually laughing. Calamity couldn’t believe it, but for the first time since he had first seen her, the once so cold and distant zebra was laughing.

“Yes,” she said over her chuckles, “Yes, I have heard the Radroaches as well. Even though I must admit, these are extraordinarily loud specimens.”

The three of them shared a short-lived laugh which soon turned into slightly awkward silence, allowing the two ponies and zebra to hear another piece of dialogue coming from Homage’s room.

“So…” a teasing, slightly breathless voice panted, “You liking it so far?”

Once again, the only kind of reply came in the form of a muffled whimper.


“S-stop … w-why … why did you … why did you … stop!?”

“You know, I was thinking-”

“Don’t! Stop! Not! Now!” the desperate voice of Littlepip said, half begging, half demanding.

“I thought that, maybe, you wanted to take over for some time.”

“Don’t you- … wait what?”

“You know, maybe take the reins for a couple of minutes while I lean back. Be on top, if you know what I mean.”

“… are you serious?” the voice of Littlepip questioned skeptically after a moment of hesitation.

“Sure. Just … go wild.” Her lover invited her casually, “Don’t hold back.”

The second voice remained silent, only letting out occasional gasps.

“So, what do you say?”

Still, the only kind of reply came in the form of muffled pants.


*pant* *pant*


“Don’t you dare speak to your master like that!” a deep, guttural voice replied in place of Littlepip, “Get on your fucking knees you filthy waste of pony-meat or I’ll have you thrown in the pit and torn apart by a bunch of hellhounds!”

“I … what?” the voice of Homage sounded confused, but not necessarily reluctant.

“Don’t even think about objecting to your master!” Littlepip continued undeterred, “You are my property now, and as such you will do what I tell you to! Now get on your knees and show your master just how much you love him!”

“Uh, I … y-yes, master.”

The ponies and zebra exchanged looks reaching from bewildered, to embarrassed, to amused. In the end, it was Calamity –who had meanwhile left Velvet Remedy’s bed and joined the two mares on the floor- who didn’t manage to remain silent any longer as he fell onto his back and broke into a snicker.

“Heh, seems like one o’ the radroaches has a serious case o’ omnipotence-complex.” He said over a light giggle as he sat back up, looking at the faces of his two friends.

Velvet Remedy still seemed to be uncomfortable with the whole situation, but she did her best to hide her discomfort and put on a weak grin as she looked at the pegasus. Xenith, on the other hoof, seemed just as amused as Calamity, yet only replied with a weak chuckle and a hinted grin.

“So,” Calamity tried to get the conversation rolling again, “seems like there’s still no sleep in sight. Any ideas on what we could do?”

“Oh master Red Eye! *ung* Punish me! I’ve been a bad little slave! I need my punishment!” the roleplay in the next room continued.

“Well well well, if this isn’t the rebellious little slave mare from Stable Two.” Pseudo-Red Eye replied, “Don’t worry, you will get your punishment right here, right now.”

“M-master, what are we gonna do on the bed? … O-oh master, what are you doing down there? … I-I’ve never been touched like this before!”

Velvet and Xenith exchanged a few clueless looks, then Xenith got to her hooves with a meaningful grin on her face. “I think I know exactly what will make this night a little more enjoyable for all of us.” She trotted over to the bedroom door, then looked over her shoulder and added, “I will be back in a few moments.”

With that, the zebra left the room, leaving Velvet Remedy and Calamity behind, the nightly silence only being interrupted by a few occasional moans coming from the bedroom nextdoor.

The pegasus looked over to his beloved, remembering where they had left off as Xenith had entered the room. “So…” he began, gently placing one of his wings on the unicorn’s back, “You said you were thinking about us...”

“Yes.” Velvet replied as she turned her head, looking him in the eyes, “Yes, there’s something I wanted to tell you. … But I think we should talk about this tomorrow.”

Calamity first wanted to protest, but then, seeing how things had changed in those few moments, he reluctantly nodded his head and gave Velvet an understanding smile. “Sure, Velvet. Tomorrow sounds jus’ fine.”

With an appreciative smile on her face, Velvet replied, “I knew you would understand.” With a wink, she added, “And I promise, I’ll have something special waiting for you tomorrow morning as soon as you wake up.”

Calamity could feel how a broad, anticipative grin formed on his face as the door got opened again and a slightly mischievously grinning Xenith stepped in.

The two ponies looked at their friend, and Calamity noticed that she was carrying something in her muzzle - a glass bottle, filled with a little more than two pints of a brownish liquid and a white label on it.

“Whiskey?” Calamity voiced his thoughts and cocked an eyebrow at his zebra friend.

Xenith replied with a confirming nod as she gently closed the door behind herself, then placed the bottle on the ground in front of her hooves. “Exactly.” She confirmed happily.

“And what exactly are we supposed to do with this?” Velvet Remedy asked hesitantly, even though the answer was obvious.

Xenith sat down on the ground next to them, then reached for the bottle again. With a smug grin on her face, she then said, “Do you ponies know what a drinking game is?”

Littlepip dropped herself onto her bed, panting heavily. She was beyond each and every point of exhaustion – both, physically and mentally. In fact, she had a hard time remembering her name and where exactly she was.

But she was happy; happy to be with her lover again – that, she was sure, was the only thing that counted.

She let out a weak sigh as Homage laid down beside her, resting her head on Littlepip’s chest and breathing softly.

Everything seemed perfect. Littlepip wanted to close her eyes and drift off into the nirvana of sleep, but there was one more thing on her mind.

While her thoughts were foggy from the exhaustion she had endured during the past days –and especially the past minutes- there was something that just wouldn’t let her go.

A couple of minutes ago, shortly after Homage had sent her over the edge for what had felt like the millionth time, she had heard something. A chorus of several voices, the words barely comprehensible and slurred as if the voices were drunk, had interrupted the quiet night. “Number thirty-one!” the voices had shouted out cheerfully and broken into thunderous laughter, accompanied by the sound of glasses being clinked together. “Told ya she was gonna get over thirty.” A familiar, yet slightly slurred voice had proclaimed loudly, “Hey, Velvet! Velvet! Velvet, wake up!”

“Ungh…” a tired, female voice had replied after letting out a drawn-out yawn, “What?”

“She’s at thirty-one, you know what that means?” the first voice had slurred happily.

“Ugh … leave me alone, I’m tired.” The female voice had muttered with clear displeasure.

“You owe me five caps!” the first voice had announced joyfully, “Five caps, Velvet! F-i-v-e caps! You owe me five! Five-“ The voice had been cut off as a lush smacking-sound had echoed throughout the hallway and a growled, “Shut up, I'm tired.”

Littlepip had been thinking about these words for several minutes. Something told her that there was something wrong; that there was something she should be … embarrassed about, but her drowsy mind wouldn’t allow her to put a hoof on hit.

Then, however, a flicker of a clear thought crossed her mind, and she felt wide awake again in an instant.

“Hey Homage?” Littlepip turned her head towards the mare next to her who had already closed her eyes.

Homage’s eyes slowly fluttered open, giving Littlepip a loving smile, “Yes, love?”

“Uhm…” Littlepip bit her lower lip, “Is there any chance that, maybe, somepony may have … heard us?”

Homage reflected for a second, then shook her head. “Nah, the walls are soundproof.” She assured Littlepip with a confident smile, “Won’t let a single sound in or out of this room.”

With that, Homage lowered her head back on Littlepip’s chest and whispered, “Now good night, my little lightbringer.” Before closing her eyes again.

A sigh of relief escaped Littlepip’s lips as she closed her eyes as well. “Not a single sound – in or out.” She repeated Homage’s words as if she had to prove something to herself.

Suddenly her eyes shot open. “Wait, what?”

Comments ( 11 )

Will you be making more stories like this?

Eh, depends on how you define 'like this'. If we're talking about out-of-context ridiculous one-shots like this one, then maybe - these are hard to predict.
If we're talking about FoE-based stuff in general, there are a few more stories in the works as of now, though most of these are a little more, say, sophisticated than this one.

This was fun, hilarious and a joy to read.

I Love FoE, but I want to see more easy to read stories like this, without the gore/dark tags. You're awesome for writing this :twilightblush:

7763849 Thanks, much appreciated!
I do agree, there aren't nearly enough simple, light-hearted FoE-spinoffs out there, and this one was, to be honest, not much more than a drunken idea turned into a drunken rambling turned into a story more than a year later, but I'm glad you liked it nonetheless! ^^

“Do you ponies know what a drinking game is?”

I'm glad you specified the current ..."score" before this question, else I would've concluded that Xenith was trying to kill them. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, you can never be careful enough with these mysterious new characters, right? :rainbowlaugh:

On a side note though, I'm curious. Was this story featured somewhere or something? It's getting a lot of traffic recently. I am by no means complaining or anything (actually I'm quite glad), just legitimately curious as to where this sudden interest in a story that was posted over a year ago comes from.

This was fun :pinkiecrazy:

I must've been tired as hell last night because I legit cannot remember if I stumbled on it in the side bar or if it was featured in a group or what. Sorry!

If it wasn't for you mentioning this then I'm sure I would have missed it - and what a shame that would have been.
This was a lot of fun to read! Heh, Xenith had a good idea - drink every time Pip peaks. Oh, that hangover will be legendary the next day.

Also how Pip went full dictator mode when she was given the reigns... seems like she had some hate stored up that needed a release :rainbowlaugh:

Enjoyably fu n.

Comment posted by Tincho argentum 9002 deleted Nov 4th, 2023
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