• Published 15th Sep 2016
  • 11,318 Views, 442 Comments

Spot That Changeling - Inspector Brown

Thorax and the Mane Six play a game where they try to figure out which of them is a changeling in disguise.

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Round 5

It took Twilight a moment to get her head back in the game. Thus far, Thorax had been openly contributing to the conversation each round, casting doubt on an innocent pony, and then subtly getting the four votes he needed to win the round. Twilight had a hunch that Thorax was going to try and lay low for the first few moments of this round, and then jump in after the conversation got started. She wondered what he would do if no discussion got started. There was one way to find out.

“Ready, set, Spot That Changeling!”

Twilight opened her eyes, and silently positioned herself in her chair, hoping her body language would convey to her friends that she was not the changeling. She looked each of her friends in the eyes, and waited patiently for somepony, anypony, to say something. Rainbow scowled, and narrowed her eyes at Twilight, like she was trying to see through her. Fluttershy would not meet her gaze. Instead, she looked forlornly at the table. Pinkie Pie’s head shifted from side to side, as she nervously tapped her right hoof on the table. Rarity squinted toward the center, and brought a hoof to her chin. Applejack adjusted her hat, so that her eyes were barely visible. And still, nopony said anything.

“Oh, jeez, everypony, one at a time, please!” Spike shouted, startling Twilight. “Nopony can understand you when you talk all at once like that!”

Twilight smirked, and rolled her eyes. Rainbow chuckled to herself. Pinkie did the same. Rarity cast a disapproving glance at Spike. Applejack hung her head and sighed. But Fluttershy did not react at all.

“Seriously, you guys,” Spike said, “this is a game of information based on information based on information. Somepony needs to say something, or this game isn’t going to get anywhere.”

“Okay, here’s something I’ve noticed,” Rainbow finally said. “We’ve been ahead of Thorax by half a point since the game started.”

“Half a point?” asked Applejack. “I thought we were counting one by one?”

“What I mean is, first we led by one point, then we were tied, then ahead by one, and then tied again. That averages out to a half a point lead for our side throughout the game. If this pattern continues, we’ll end up edging Thorax out in Round Nine by one point.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“If I were Thorax (and I’m not saying I am, ‘cause I’m not), I’d want to break the pattern by making sure I won this round, so I could go on to win the game.”

Rarity moaned with irritation. “Of course Thorax wants to win this round,” she said, with a strain of exhaustion in her voice. “He’s trying to win as many rounds as he can! How does this help us find out which one of us he replaced?”

“Rarity,” Rainbow said, in a condescending tone, “what I’m trying to say is this round in particular is especially important for him. That means he’s not going to take any unnecessary risks in his strategy for fooling us.”

“Oh, I get it,” Twilight said. “That means we know the changeling is not Applejack or Rarity!”

“Wait, really?” Applejack said. “I mean, I know I’m not the changeling, but how can you be so sure about that yourself?”

“Well, Thorax has chosen a new victim each round so far, which means in this round, the two of you are bound to get more scrutiny. If Thorax chose either of you, that would be an unnecessary risk, which he wouldn’t take. Therefore, we can all be fairly confident neither of you is the changeling!”

“Wait a minute!” Pinkie Pie interrupted. “What if he anticipated that you would figure all of this out, and would immediately eliminate AJ and Rarity? Then, it would make even more sense to choose one of them for his victim, because you wouldn’t expect it!”

“That would be called a double bluff, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight explained. “And a double bluff doesn’t work if the pony you’re bluffing takes it straight. Pulling a double bluff would be another example of an unnecessary risk. Which is why I’m doubly certain it isn’t AJ or Rarity.”

“Oh,” Pinkie Pie said. “I guess that makes sense.” Pinkie frowned, and looked over at Applejack. “Buuuuuut, I’d better ask anyway, just to be on the safe side. Applejack, are you the changeling?”

“Uh-uh,” was all Applejack had to say.

“What about you, Rarity?”

“Sorry, darling, not this time,” said Rarity.

“Okey-dokey, I believe you,” Pinkie Pie said. “So who does that leave?”

“The way I see it,” Rainbow continued, “if Thorax wanted an easy win, he’d impersonate somepony he’s already won a round with. And since I know I’m not the changeling, that leaves only one other pony…” Rainbow looked back at Twilight.

“Not this again!” Twilight said, with a moan. “Do you really think Thorax would pick the same victim in back-to-back rounds?”

“Rainbow does have a point, darling,” said Rarity. “He hasn’t done that yet, and now would be the best time to break the pattern, since we aren’t expecting it.”

“I disagree,” Twilight said. “I think reduplication would be too much of a gamble. Also, and I cannot emphasize this point enough, I am not the changeling!”

“Twilight, I must confess,” Applejack said, “I’m not entirely convinced you’re not the changeling. But, I’m not entirely convinced that you are the changeling either.”

“In that case, you should forget about me, and investigate somepony else,” Twilight said.

“Fluttershy,” Applejack said. “We haven’t heard a word out of you yet. Would you care to weigh in on what we’re discussing?”

“Oh, um, ah, well,” Fluttershy stammered. “I’d really rather not say.”

“What do you mean, you’d rather not say?” Applejack pressed.

“Are you trying to hide something from us?” Rarity added.

“No, I’m not trying to hide anything!”

Applejack said nothing, but did raise an eyebrow at Fluttershy.

“It’s just, I don’t want to say who I think the changeling is, because if I’m wrong, but the rest of you believe me, we’ll lose another round because of me!”

“Fluttershy, we need as much input as we can get,” Twilight said. “Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong. But we can’t know for certain unless you share your suspicions with us.”

“Besides,” Pinkie Pie said, “keeping quiet like that reeeeally makes it look like you’re the changeling. Wait, are you the changeling?”

“Goodness, no!” Fluttershy said.

“Well, then who is?” Pinkie pressed.

Fluttershy breathed deep, brushed her mane out of her eyes, and faced the rest of the group with a soft, but determined look.

“I think it’s Rainbow Dash,” she said. “She was the first one to break the silence, just like Thorax did in the last round.”

“I was trying to get the discussion going,” Rainbow said defensively. “Spike said we needed to start talking to find out who Thorax is. If I were Thorax, why would I do that?”

“To make it look like you’re not really Thorax, of course!” Fluttershy shot back.

“But that would be a double bluff!” Pinkie interrupted. “Uh, right, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded.

“And, we’ve already established that Thorax wouldn’t double bluff, so that means Rainbow Dash is not the changeling either!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “Oh yeah, it’s all coming together now!” She pointed an accusatory hoof at Fluttershy. “You are the changeling!”

“What happened to you, Pinkie?” Fluttershy said. “Just a minute ago, you were ready to quit. Now, all of a sudden, you’re playing with full gusto.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened, then narrowed as something seemed to dawn on her. “That’s it, isn’t it? You’re not Pinkie Pie at all!” She pointed her hoof back at Pinkie. “You are the real changeling here!”

“Okay, it seems we have another battle on our hands,” Spike said. “Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are voting for each other. We need four to end the round.”

“I believe it was Thorax’s intention to lie low from the beginning of this round,” Twilight said. “So, it makes sense that he would choose the pony we’d expect to be the quietest. And that’s Fluttershy.” She pointed her hoof at Fluttershy.

“I am not convinced,” Rarity said. “Fluttershy hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary. At this point, I am convinced the changeling is Pinkie Pie!” She held up her hoof.

“But Pinkie’s been acting so random this round,” Rainbow Dash said. “And that’s the way she usually acts! I say it’s Fluttershy.” Rainbow pointed her hoof.

All eyes fell on Applejack. She was the deciding vote.

“It was weird that nopony said anything for a long time at the start of this round,” she said. “I think Twilight is right; if Thorax was planning on laying low, he would try to pose as the pony we expect to be quiet.” Applejack lifted her hoof in Fluttershy’s direction. “Fluttershy, if it really is you, I’m sorry.”

“Well, sorry or not, you just ended the round, AJ,” said Spike. “Time to see if you did the right thing.” Spike walked back to the double doors, and opened them wide. Waiting in the hallway was a very real, and very cross, Pinkie Pie.

“Are you kidding me!?” she exclaimed.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow groaned with the agony of defeat.

“I told you so!” Rarity sing-songed.

Fluttershy snorted and groused angrily at the group.

Thorax dropped his glamour, and smirked at Pinkie. “How was that? Was I Pinkie enough for you, Pinkie?”

“Not by a long shot,” Pinkie said angrily. “You gave yourself away! After you questioned AJ and Rarity, you said ‘okey-dokey’. But I would have said ‘okey-dokey-lokey’! You forgot the ‘lokey’!”

Thorax’s jaw hung loose. He turned to Twilight, and pointed his leg at Pinkie Pie. The confused expression on his face seemed to ask “Is she for real?”

Twilight simply shrugged, as if to say “It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.”

“Either way,” Pinkie went on, “thanks for letting me sit this round out. It’s nice to have the pressure taken off once in a while. Plus, hearing you guys talking really helped me figure out how this game works. I think I can make it through to the end now.” Pinkie and Thorax switched places.

“No problem, Pinkie,” Thorax said. “It’s a good thing too. I was actually planning to replace Fluttershy again, but I changed my mind at the last minute when I saw how agitated you were.”

“What?” shouted Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow. Once again, they groaned in agony.

“Thorax wins this round,” Spike announced. “And he takes the lead, three-two, playing to five. All right, everypony, eyes closed, hooves tapping. Round six begins shortly.”