• Published 28th Jun 2016
  • 5,509 Views, 93 Comments

Before You - Nordryd

Fluttershy is curious as to why her boyfriend has become so distant lately. But when she asks him about it, she discovers how haunted he still is by his past... and one event in particular that might be the seed of his fear.

  • ...

Ch.4: Just Like Old Times

“Sunny, at least you tried, right?” Indigo said, trying to cheer her friend up.

After getting completely shot down by Coppermane, Sunny was broken. She and her friends sat in a hallway alcove as she tried to pull herself together. Sure, they all were mean to Coppermane in the past, but Sunny was the meanest of all, and she knew it.

“Why did I even bother?” Sunny said, her face in her palms. “Why did I ever think he could forgive me?”

“He barely gave us the time of day,” Sour Sweet said.

“We were pretty mean to him,” Sugarcoat said. “Honestly, it would be a miracle if he did give us a chance.”

“Still… looking back… Coppermane was one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met,” Lemon said. “He wasn’t like the others at Crystal Prep.”

“Yeah,” Indigo said. “I figured he might be understanding.”

How?!” Sunny snapped, making her friends flinch.

“Whoa,” Indigo said. “Take it easy, Sunny.”

“Don’t tell me to take it easy!” Sunny yelled.

“Sunny, what’s gotten into you?” Sour Sweet beckoned.

“Don’t you understand?! We took the nicest guy we know and turned him into a brick wall! What could we possibly say or do to make things better? We hurt him day after day at Crystal Prep, and for what? Because Neon and his posse told us to? We scarred him for life, and we had no reason to. And… I hurt him. I broke his heart. I humiliated him in front of the whole school… and for having a crush on me? For wanting to make me happy? What kind of monster am I?” Sunny buried her face in her palms, crying her eyes out.

Her friends were moved. They’ve never seen Sunny this broken before. Lemon sat next to her friend, rubbing her shoulder to try and comfort her.

“Sunny, we’re all to blame,” Lemon said.

“But I hurt him more than any one of you,” Sunny said. “It’s my fault that he won’t forgive us.”

“Sunny, we all conspired with you,” Indigo said. “We helped you, remember? It wasn’t just you. Don’t just blame yourself.”

Sunny looked up at Indigo, and held herself in her arms. She sniffled as she pondered her thoughts. It was true. It was all one big conspiracy to hurt Coppermane. It wasn’t just her. Still… she was the mastermind behind it all.

She sighed. “I just wish he knew how sorry I am.”

“Yeah…” Indigo said. “I know. We all do.”

“On the bright side, he does seem happy,” Sour Sweet said.

“Probably because we didn’t go here when he got expelled from Crystal Prep,” Sugarcoat said.

Lemon chuckled. “Did any of you find it oddly satisfying when Coppermane beat Neon up?”

The entire group, including Sunny, stifled a laugh.

“It kind of was,” Sour Sweet said. “A little extreme, though.

“Neon deserved it,” Sunny said. “It was only a matter of time before Coppermane snapped.”

“Didn’t we see Coppermane’s girlfriend at the Friendship Games?” Lemon asked.

“Yeah, we did,” Sunny said. Her voice was much calmer now. “She was really pretty. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Coppermane that happy before.”

Indigo rose her eyebrow. “Sunny… you don’t… like… have a crush on Coppermane, do you?”

“What? Oh, no. No, I don’t,” Sunny said. “I just… I just want to show him how sorry I am.”

“We all do,” Lemon said. “I think we all feel bad about what we did to him.”

The girls nodded. It would take a miracle for Coppermane to even consider forgiving them.

“But… at least he’s happy, right?” Sour Sweet said.

“Yeah…” Sunny said. “I guess…”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sunny’s phone rang. She picked it up, and saw “Neon Lights” on the screen.

“What does that jerk want?” Lemon asked.

Sunny just shook her head and put her phone down beside her, letting it ring.

“I don’t want to know,” Sunny said. “I don’t want anything to do with Neon anymore. If it’s really that important, he can leave a message.”

Everyone remained silent as Sunny’s phone rang, before going silent after a minute.

“Maybe he was calling to apologize?” Indigo asked.

“It wouldn’t be Neon if it was an apology,” Sugarcoat said.

“I guess you’re right,” Indigo said. “I can’t believe we were ever friends with him.”

The girls nodded in agreement. Following him and his cult of “friends” was toxic for all of them, and still is for his current followers. He’s become a tyrant at Crystal Prep, ruling the student body with an iron fist. In retrospect, he wasn’t that likable to begin with anyways. Sunny and her friends were just blinded by the Crystal Prep mindset of always needing to be on top. Why did they ever trust him?

Sunny’s phone buzzed beside her. She looked to see Neon’s name again, except this time with a voicemail notification.

“It must be important,” Sunny said. She picked up her phone, and maxed the volume out so all her friends could hear whatever Neon had to say.

She opened her inbox up, and the message played.

“You and your friends made a big mistake, Sunny. I know whose fault it is… and he’s going to pay. One way or another, he’s going to pay.”

Chills ran down everyone’s spine. The tone… the phrasing… it was like a ransom message.

“I guess he was bound to find out, right?” Indigo said.

“But… ‘he’s going to pay’?” Lemon said. “Who’s ‘he’?”

Sunny’s eyes were wide as she stared at her phone. There was only one person she could think of. Only one “he” she knew about whom Neon hated more than anyone else.

“We… we have to find Coppermane,” Sunny said.

“What?” Sugarcoat asked.

“We need to find him!” Sunny said. “Before Neon does!”

“I’ll meet you outside in a few minutes, okay?” Coppermane said, holding Fluttershy in his arms. “I forgot some things in my locker.”

“Okay!” Fluttershy said. “Don’t take too long!”

“I won’t,” Coppermane said. “See you in a bit.”

Coppermane gave Fluttershy a tender kiss before releasing her. Fluttershy went to the school foyer while Coppermane went the opposite direction to his locker.

Honestly, Fluttershy could’ve come with him to his locker, but not this time. He had a present for her waiting in his locker, and he wanted to surprise her. It wasn’t anything big, but it was something Coppermane made with his own two hands. Anything to see that beautiful smi—

There you are, you son of a bitch!”

Coppermane flinched, and in an instant he was violently pushed to the side. An unseen force grabbed him by the shirt and pinned him up against the locker, elevated off the ground.

His vision refocused, and his heart stopped when he saw who was pinning him.

“N-N-Neon Lights?” Coppermane stammered, his face going completely white.

“Long time no see, you bastard,” Neon sneered, slamming him back against the locker.

Coppermane shook his head, trying to refocus himself. He gasped when he saw who else was here. It was Neon’s posse: Royal Pin, Jet Set, Trenderhoof, Upper Crust, Suri Polomare, and Fleur Dis Lee.

“Wh-What are you all doing here?” Coppermane stammered. “Wha—”

“We know what you did!” Neon yelled, slamming him into the lockers again.

“Argh… wh-what are you talking about?” Coppermane said weakly.

“Since the Friendship Games, a certain group of girls has been rather… unruly,” Jet Set said.

“And now, they’ve left Crystal prep,” Royal Pin said.

“And have become… ugh… Wondercolts,” Trenderhoof said with a shiver.

“Y-You mean Sunny and her friends?” Coppermane stuttered.

“Aha! You do know!” Upper Crust snapped.

“What?” Coppermane said.

“They were so loyal before the Friendship Games,” Neon said. “Now they’re traitors.”

“What does this have to do with me?” Coppermane said.

Neon slammed him into the lockers again. “Because it’s all your fault.”

My fault?” Coppermane said. “How is it my—” another slam into the locker silenced him.

“Don’t play dumb!” Neon said. “You were the first to leave Crystal Prep and come to this poor excuse for a school. Then Twilight Sparkle. Now Sunny, Lemon, Indigo, Sour, and Sugarcoat! You started it all!”

“They came here by their own will!” Coppermane screamed. “I swear!”

“Nice try, liar,” Royal Pin said.

“I think you know what’s going to happen now,” Jet Set sneered.

“You turned all our friends into traitors,” Trenderhoof said. “And now you have to pay.”

Coppermane started shaking at the sight of all the guys cracking their knuckles. No… no… it was just a nightmare… right?

“It’ll be just like old times,” Neon sneered. “Remember? When you went to Crystal Prep? When you were our little play thing? Because I’ve got news for you… that’s all your good for.” With an evil laugh… “Royal, catch!”

Suddenly, Coppermane was thrown from Neon’s arms into Royal’s. Royal didn’t catch him, but instead pushed him to the ground, causing him to fall on his stomach. Trenderhoof came and kicked him in the stomach, followed by a blow to the face from Jet Set. Neon kicked him in the side, turning him over on his back before he received another blow to the cheek from Royal. Coppermane coughed up some blood before Jet Set stomped on his stomach. Neon delivered a severe kick to the groin, making Coppermane scream in agony. Royal came around and twisted his arm, making him scream even more. Jet Set and Trenderhoof held Coppermane down as Neon got on top of him and proceeded to punch Coppermane repeatedly in the face.

“How do you like it, you bastard?!” Neon yelled, his face blood red. “How do you like it?! Not so fun when it’s you, huh?! This is what you get for humiliating me!!! How does it feel?! Nobody gets the drop on Neon Lights!!! NOBODY!!!

Fleur, Suri, and Upper just stood there and cheered as the four guys jumped Coppermane. Neon punched him repeatedly. Royal twisted his arms. Jet and Trenderhoof stomped on his legs and feet. The floor around them was dotted with Coppermane’s blood. Neon’s face was red with rage as he relentlessly punched Coppermane.

“AHH!!! COPPERMANE!!!” a voice shrieked from off to the side.

“Get off of him!” another voice said.

In the blink of an eye, the four guys were tackled by four familiar girls, getting them off Coppermane, and finally ending the assault on him.

Coppermane could barely muster the energy to turn his bloody, bruised head to the side, but through his blurry vision, he could almost make out four familiar girls. Girls whom earlier begged for his forgiveness.

“Coppermane, oh my goodness,” a panicked voice said to the side.

That voice… that sweet, musical voice…

Coppermane felt his head being turned to the other side, and what he saw was nothing short of beautiful.

“Fl-Fluttershy?” Coppermane cooed.

“Oh gosh… Coppermane…” Fluttershy cooed, sounding panicked beyond belief. He felt her dragging his limp, bruised body over to the lockers, setting him upright against the cold, hard metal. He couldn’t stop the stream of traumatic tears from falling down his face. He felt Fluttershy’s arms wrap around him, squeezing him tight. He mustered up all the strength he could to reciprocate. “Don’t worry, Coppermane. I’m here. I’m here for you. It’s going to be okay.”

“You girls?!” Neon snapped. “Get lost! We were busy!”

Coppermane’s eyes shot open at the sound of Neon’s voice. He could see him staring down Sunny Flare and her friends.

“Busy doing what?! Murdering someone?!” Sunny snapped. “How can you be so cruel?!”

“He has to pay for what he’s done!” Neon shouted, walking back towards Coppermane.

Fluttershy’s embrace tightened significantly upon seeing Neon approach her.

“Leave my Coppermane alone!” Fluttershy shouted. “Stay away from him!”

“Oh… it’s you,” Neon sneered. “His stupid, bimbo girlfriend.”

Coppermane heart ignited at Neon’s remark.

“What did you just call her?” Coppermane sneered.

“You heard me,” Neon said. “And you know what? Anyone stupid enough to fall for someone so worthless should be punished too.”

Coppermane used the little strength he had left to tighten his embrace around Fluttershy.

“Don’t you dare touch her,” Coppermane said.

“Neon, leave him out of this!” Sunny shouted.

“This isn’t even his fight!” Lemon yelled.

“Why do you insist on hurting the poor guy?!” Sour Sweet beckoned.

“He did nothing wrong!” Sugarcoat said.

“Let him go!” Indigo shouted.

“Nothing wrong?!” Neon yelled. “He humiliated me in front of the entire school! Now he has to pay.”

“You’ve made your point!” Sunny said. “Leave him alone!”

“Please!” Fluttershy begged. “Don’t hurt my prince!”

Neon stifled a laugh, as did the rest of his gang. “Prince? Your prince?”

“Wow, she really is stupid,” Royal said.

“How could anyone fall in love with that?!” Fleur remarked.

Coppermane felt Fluttershy’s arms trembling. But when he looked into her eyes, he didn’t see fear. He saw something he’s never seen in her eyes. Anger.

“You’re way out of his league,” Trenderhoof said.

“It should be a crime to give your heart to someone like that,” Upper Crust said.

“I know!” Jet Set said.

“She should be dating one of us!” Royal said. “That’s where she belongs.”

Neon looked at Fluttershy, making Coppermane tighten his embrace around her.

“Why wait? Why not now?” Neon said. “We’re clearly stronger and manlier than your current excuse for a boyfriend. How about you come with me? Someone who can actually protect you, and has the money to buy you anything you want? Why settle for such a loser?”

“HE’S NOT A LOSER!!!” Fluttershy shouted at the top of her lungs, standing up, clenching her fists.

The entire hallway went silent at Fluttershy’s outburst. Such an explosion from such a soft-spoken girl. Coppermane nearly jumped out of his skin. He never knew Fluttershy could be so loud.

“You don’t know him like I do!” Fluttershy said, staring Neon and his group down. “You don’t know him for the sweet, sensitive guy he truly is. It’s because of people like you that he couldn’t live a normal life. He was so damaged when I first met him, and he still is. He’ll never be able to recover from the scars he has. Scars that you all gave him! How can you be so heartless? How can you be so cruel? All he wanted was a friend! Is that so much to ask?! Is that such a major inconvenience?! Instead of giving him a chance, you go out of your way to hurt him every single day.” A tear escaped her eye. “I didn’t know it was possible for anyone to be so cruel. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I have half a mind to call the police!”

Coppermane watched in awe. He could make out Fluttershy’s profile, and she had the iciest, coldest stare he’s ever seen. As scary as her stare was, it was also really… amazing to see her be so intimidating.

“And I don’t care what anyone thinks of our relationship,” Fluttershy continued. “I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. I didn’t settle for him. He’s anything but a loser. The only losers I see are right in front of me. Coppermane’s the sweetest, kindest, most loving and amazing guy I’ve ever met, and… he’s my prince. I love him. I love him so much… with all my heart. And I won’t let you meanies hurt him.”

The hallway was completely silent. Fluttershy stood in the middle of everyone, her confidence slowly dwindling at the silence. She looked around, and everyone’s eyes were wide. But perhaps the widest eyes of all belonged to Coppermane. She bit her lip at the sight of Coppermane’s shocked face.

“Oh gosh… Coppermane, I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy said. “I don’t know what came over me, I just—”

Without warning, Coppermane got up and pulled Fluttershy into one of the most passionate kisses he’s ever given her. Fluttershy squeaked in shock, surprised that he had the strength to get up, but quickly melted in his arms with a moan. There was so much lust flowing from his lips, exciting Fluttershy’s beating heart with every passing second. All of a sudden, she didn’t care about the others watching her.

Coppermane pulled away briefly. “Don’t you dare apologize,” he said, pulling her into another lustful kiss, this one seemingly more passionate than the last. Fluttershy moaned as she melted in his arms again. If his arms weren’t supporting her she would’ve melted onto the ground. She felt Coppermane dip her, making her giggle into his mouth. Fluttershy’s entire mind went fuzzy as she drank in every ounce of passion that poured from Coppermane’s warm lips. He hasn’t kissed her this passionately since the musical showcase. She felt herself being brought upright. Coppermane tried to pull away, but Fluttershy brought his delicious lips right back into hers, feeling the air between their mouths for only a fraction of a second. She didn’t even care that she was making out with him in front of everyone. In fact, she wanted them to watch. She wanted them to see how much she can love her prince. She mirrored every movement of Coppermane’s lips, pouring all her love into this passionate kiss. It’s been a long time since Fluttershy has felt such lustful euphoria.

After what felt like an eternity, Coppermane and Fluttershy finally parted. Coppermane’s eyes were shimmering with affection, making Fluttershy blush. He held both of her hands as he gazed into her eyes.

“After standing up for me like that?” Coppermane said. “After protecting me like that? Don’t you dare apologize. That was amazing.”

Fluttershy’s face went bright red as a big smile grew on her face. “I had to, Coppermane,” she said, placing her hand on his heart. “I love you.”

Coppermane smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you too. I love you so much.” Fluttershy giggled, and gave him a kiss on the cheek in return.

“You always blamed Coppermane, didn’t you, Neon?” a voice said off to the couple’s side. "You could never blame yourself."

Coppermane and Fluttershy looked beside them to see Sunny Flare and her friends in between them and Neon’s gang, forming a protective wall. The couple blushed, almost forgetting about the other people around them.

“Nobody gets the drop on me, Sunny,” Neon said, his face visibly red. “You know this.”

“And you retaliate by almost murdering him?!” Indigo Zap retorted.

“You’re a monster,” Lemon Zest said.

“I’m a monster?” Neon said. “All I do is show losers like Coppermane their place, and that I’m better than them.”

“You’re not better,” Sugarcoat said.

“I’d almost consider you a coward for taking the low road and using such brutal violence,” Sunny said.

“What’ve you become, Neon?” Sour Sweet asked. “Other than a huge jerk.

“He was the first to leave Crystal Prep to come to CHS!” Neon said. “And then five of our best students follow him here!”

“You think we followed him?” Indigo said.

“Why else would you come to this poor excuse for a school?” Royal asked.

“Just being here is making me feel ill,” Jet Set said.

“It’s just so… commonplace,” Upper Crust said.

“Crystal Prep students are better,” Trenderhoof said.

“It’s just a fact,” Fleur said.

“Are you all that self-centered?!” Sunny shouted. She looked Neon dead in the eye. “You wanna know the real reason why we came to CHS? To get away from a jerk known as Neon Lights. Are you really so selfish that you can’t consider blaming yourself? So selfish that you beat up a poor, innocent guy? Are you that blind to how much of a monster you’ve become?

Neon stifled a laugh. “Me? A monster?

“Ever since the Friendship Games, you’ve become nothing but a jerk!” Sunny said.

“Beating up students who don’t follow you,” Lemon said.

“Making everyone fear for their life at Crystal Prep,” Sour Sweet said.

“Crystal Prep is toxic because of you!” Indigo said.

“You made us ashamed to be Shadowbolts,” Sugarcoat said.

Neon’s face was red with anger. But the five girls weren’t done.

“Coppermane didn’t deserve anything we gave him,” Indigo said.

“We were horrible to him for no reason at all,” Lemon said.

“I can’t believe how cruel we were,” Sour Sweet said. “All because of you.

“Well, mostly Sunny,” Sugarcoat said.

Sunny just sighed at her friend’s bluntness. But she couldn’t bring herself to scold her. She knew it was true.

“What I did to him was horrible, and myself along with all of us see the error of our ways,” Sunny said. “I didn’t expect him to accept our apologies, but that won’t stop us from protecting him from monsters like you,” she sneered, staring at Neon and his gang with ice-cold eyes.

“Ahem” Coppermane grunted behind them, making everyone look in his direction.

Fluttershy was about to question what Coppermane was doing, but she lost her train of thought when he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, making her moan and melt in his embrace as he squeezed her.

“Neon… I want to thank you,” Coppermane said. “All of you.”

“For what?” Neon sneered.

“For all the bullying. Because every time you jumped me… every time you humiliated me… every time you got me into trouble… it was just another step down the path leading me to my princess.”

Fluttershy gasped, her eyes going wide. She looked up at Coppermane, and saw nothing but affection in his eyes.

“Look at her, Neon,” Coppermane said, making Fluttershy blush. “Look at what you can’t have. The sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, most amazing girl in the world. She’s all mine… and you can’t have her. None of you,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I was hiding her from all of you before, trying to protect her. But I’m not going to hide her any longer. Now, I want to show her off. I want to show everyone why I’m happy. I want to make people like you jealous that I have such an amazing girl like her. I’m going to show the world how much I love my princess. Starting right now…”

Before Fluttershy could even think, Coppermane dipped her and met her lips in another passionate kiss, making her melt in his arms. In only a few seconds, he brought her back upright and pulled away.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy cooed giddily, giggling to herself with a flirty smile, quite taken from the sudden display of love.

“Thank you, Neon,” Coppermane said. “If it weren’t for you and your friends, I never would’ve met the girl of my dreams.”

Fluttershy held back tears at Coppermane’s words. “Coppermane, do you really mean that?”

Coppermane lifted his hand to caress her cheek, evoking a moan from her as she leaned into his hand.

“I meant every word,” Coppermane said. “Everything that happened to me just brought me closer and closer to you, Fluttershy. Thanks to them… I have you… and my world is beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you.”

A big smile graced Fluttershy’s face as a tear finally escaped her eye. His words were just so… romantic.

“Aww… Coppermane,” Fluttershy said. She lifted her head to give him a kiss before pulling him into a big hug.

Sunny giggled at the sight of the happy couple.

“Coppermane’s happy, Neon. All because he doesn’t have to deal with you anymore,” Sunny said.

Neon’s face was bright red, and his fists were clenched. He and his gang did not look amused in the slightest. But that only made Sunny and her friends smile.

“Now, I suggest you and your cult get out of here,” Sunny said. “And if we ever see you hurting Coppermane, or any of his friends again, we will call the police.”

“This isn’t over!” Neon shouted before stomping away, followed by his gang.

Sunny smiled, and saw equally satisfied faces on her friends. A wave of relief washed over all of them. It was over. She looked over at Coppermane, in the middle of a big hug with Fluttershy.

“Are you okay, Coppermane?” Sunny asked.

Coppermane looked at Sunny, and his eyes weren’t ice-cold like before.

“Yeah, I think so,” Coppermane said, releasing Fluttershy from his arms. Studying him closer, his body was incredibly bruised, and he appeared to have a black-eye. His clothes were a bit blood-stained, and his shirt seemed torn around his waist.

“I’m so happy you’re safe,” Fluttershy said, giving him a side hug.

Coppermane held her in his arms, and looked at Sunny.

“Um… thanks for saving me,” Coppermane said. “Neon came out of nowhere.”

“No problem,” Sunny said.

“I guess you were right about Neon,” Coppermane said.

“We’re sorry, Coppermane,” Indigo Zap said.

“We didn’t know he’d be willing to come down here just to jump you,” Lemon Zest said.

“We told you he was a monster,” Sugarcoat said.

“I can’t believe him,” Sour Sweet said. “The nerve.”

“How did you guys know where to find me?” Coppermane asked. “For that matter, how did you even know about Neon?”

“Well… I got a voicemail from him,” Sunny said, pulling her phone out to play Neon’s voicemail for the couple. “You’re the only guy I know of whom he hates, and I knew we had to find you as quickly as possible. We found your girlfriend and figured she’d know where you were.”

“Good thing we found you when we did,” Indigo said.

“You… You wanted to protect me?” Coppermane asked.

“Coppermane, we weren’t kidding when we said we wanted to make it up to you,” Sunny said. “We had no right to be so mean to you. When we found out Neon might try to hurt you again, we just had to stop him.”

“Thank goodness,” Fluttershy said. “Who know what would’ve happened to you?”

Coppermane wasn’t sure what to think. His former enemies really cared about him that much?

“We’re really sorry about Neon, Coppermane,” Sunny said. “I guess it’s partly our fault that he came down here.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t be trusted.” Indigo said.

“Yeah…” Lemon said. “If we’re just going to get you hurt…”

Coppermane smiled. If they really cared about him enough to protect him like this…

“Girls, have I formally introduced you to my girlfriend, yet?” Coppermane asked.

The girls’ eyes went wide.

“Wait… what?” Sunny asked.

“Well, I think it only makes sense to introduce my girlfriend to my friends, right?” Coppermane said.

Smiles grew on the girls’ faces.

“Wait, you trust us now?” Indigo asked.

“Are you really giving us a chance, Coppermane?” Sour Sweet asked. “Is he serious?

“It’s gonna take a while to fully gain my trust, but after standing up for me like that? After pretty much saving my life? You girls have earned the benefit of the doubt,” Coppermane said, making the girls smile. “Besides, I’ve learned from a… certain someone… that everyone deserves a chance,” he said, giving Fluttershy a kiss on the cheek, making her blush.

“Coppermane… thank you,” Sunny said.

Coppermane smiled, and introduced Fluttershy to everyone. Sunny recognized Fluttershy as the one she saved from falling into the rift during Twilight’s rampage at the Friendship Games. All of them recognized her as one of the Wondercolts’ archers during the Friendship Games.

“Thank you so much for saving my Coppermane,” Fluttershy said.

“No problem,” Indigo said.

“Anytime,” Lemon said.

“Well, we all need to get going,” Sunny said. “I guess we’ll see you later then, right?”

“Yep,” Coppermane said.

“You won’t regret this, Coppermane,” Sunny said. “Thank you so much, again.”

“No problem,” Coppermane said.

“Goodbye!” Fluttershy said.

With that, the five former Shadowbolts left the couple alone.

Fluttershy pulled Coppermane into a big hug.

“I’m so happy you're safe,” Fluttershy said, nuzzling his chest.

“Me too,” Coppermane said.

“Did you at least get what you needed from your locker?” Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane perked up. “Oh, I almost forgot.”

He led Fluttershy over to his locker.

“I... um... have a little gift for you," Coppermane said.


Coppermane smiled, opening his locker. He reached in and pulled out a single red prop rose, made out of pipe-cleaners and red-painted paper.

“Oh, how cute!” Fluttershy said.

“We learned how to make these in my technical theater class today,” Coppermane said. “Rarity let me borrow some of her perfume to make it smell like an actual rose. I mean… it’s not much, but… do you like it?”

“Aww! Of course I do!” Fluttershy said, happily accepting the rose. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s adorable! Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome,” Coppermane said. He was about to say something else before he was interrupted by a sharp pain in his abdomen, making him grunt.

Fluttershy whimpered and cupped Coppermane’s face. “You poor thing. Let’s get you home so I can take care of you.”

“Fluttershy, you don’t have to,” Coppermane said.

“Coppermane, don’t be silly. You’re hurt. I want to do everything I can to make you feel better. I won’t take no for an answer. I think you know that,” Fluttershy said with a sweet smile.

Coppermane chuckled. Fluttershy has gotten a lot sassier since he first met her. But he didn’t mind one bit. It was actually really cute.

“Not before I buy you lunch, though,” Coppermane said.

“Oh, Coppermane, you don’t have to do that,” Fluttershy said.

“After standing up for me like that?” Coppermane said. “There’s no way I’m not going to reward you."

“Coppermane, we need to get you home as soon as possible,” Fluttershy said. “You’re hurt so badly.”

“We go through a drive-thru then. One way or another, I’m buying you lunch, Fluttershy,” Coppermane said. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but laugh. Touché.

“You’re so silly,” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane smiled, and gave Fluttershy a tender kiss, making her moan.

“Ready to go?” Coppermane said.

“Mmmhmm!” Fluttershy said.

“Want a ride?” Coppermane asked.

“What?” Fluttershy asked, giggling. “You’re already giving me a ride, silly.”

“I didn’t mean home,” Coppermane said. “Just say yes.”

Fluttershy rose an eyebrow quizzically. What was he planning? Regardless, how could she say no to such an adorable face?

“Um… okay. Y-Yes?” Fluttershy asked.

Before she could think, Coppermane scooped Fluttershy up into his arms, carrying her bridal style. A big smile grew on Fluttershy’s face.

“Oh my…” she cooed.

Coppermane’s arms were bruised and a little sore, but not sore enough to render him unable to carry his beautiful princess to the car. He smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling his cheek with her own.

“I love you so much,” Fluttershy said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Coppermane turned his head to meet Fluttershy’s lips, feeling her relax in his arms. He pulled away, and saw nothing but affection in her eyes.

“I love you more,” he said, earning another kiss on the cheek from her.

With that, Coppermane made his way out to the car, carrying his beautiful girlfriend in his arms.

Sunny Flare was Coppermane’s friend now. It would take a while for her and her friends to earn his trust, but after today he was more than willing to give them a chance. This year was definitely going to be interesting.

Before Fluttershy, there was Sunny Flare. But Sunny Flare wasn’t the one. It was better and probably healthier for them to just be friends.

Now, Coppermane has Fluttershy, and he loved her more than anything else in the world. She was all his, and much like Fluttershy herself, life was beautiful.

Author's Note:

After a few weeks of writing hiatus, I’m finally back. And that's the end of this short story. This will bridge the gap between Loveliest of Trees and Colors of the Sun, the latter of which I am still trying to get off hiatus, but I'm still drawing a total blank. I have an OC to use, but I have to figure out how to integrate him into the plot. I'll think of something. In the meantime, look forward to (probably) Applejack's fluff oneshot coming up next.

Thanks for putting up with all my crying and venting. I can’t guarantee it’ll be over for good, because let’s face it, it’s not, but I hope I can start to bring you all more content now that I have less on my plate.

As always, thanks for reading! Peace out. :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 32 )

That was awesome. Though I hoped Fluttershy could beat the crab out of Neon.

Comment posted by Nordryd deleted Jul 26th, 2016
Comment posted by psvitafanboy222 deleted Oct 14th, 2017


Question, how is he and his cult not expelled yet? Does Cinch just ignore bullying like she does with Twilight and blackmail?

This was a great ending and was really enjoyable. 100\10 :pinkiehappy:

Wraps everything up nicely. I cheered when Fluttershy used the Stare on Neon.

“Look at her, Neon,” Coppermane said, making Fluttershy blush. “Look at what you can’t have. The sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, most amazing girl in the world. She’s all mine… and you can’t have her. None of you,” he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I was hiding her from all of you before, trying to protect her. But I’m not going to hide her any longer. Now, I want to show her off. I want to show everyone why I’m happy. I want to make people like you jealous that I have such an amazing girl like her. I’m going to show the world how much I love my princess. Starting right now…”
Before Fluttershy could even think, Coppermane dipped her and met her lips in another passionate kiss, making her melt in his arms. In only a few seconds, he brought her back upright and pulled away.

.......I believe this sums up my reaction rather nicely.

Now that is how you knock a bully down a peg! :rainbowdetermined2: Awesome chapter man!

I loved it when Fluttershy got up, and starting staring down Neon and his evil crew. Justice has been served, I think?
Ah, who cares, it's epic to see Fluttershy's protective side for her prince.

I'm stunned... The girls actually meant that they were sorry. and even helped to fend off Neon... Sad to see Fleur De Lis siding with them. (She is another favourite) other than that i loved how in a pit of rage Fluttershy stood up and eyed the bullies down.

Hands down greatest mind plot twist i had. Here i am thinking that sunny would try break him again, and perform another form of Trixies whole scheme. But instead they were genuine about how they felt. Great story and off to the next one!


This is a great story! I enjoyed Coppermane's interactions with the ex-shadowbolt girls and their chance at redemption. Great work!

Fluttershy just dropped a nuke at Neon lights and his posses, holy fucking shit on a stick. Great way to end the chapter.

Why wait? Why not now?” Neon said. “We’re clearly stronger and manlier than your current excuse for a boyfriend. How about you come with me? Someone who can actually protect you, and has the money to buy you anything you want? Why settle for such a loser?”

*Fluttershy's Answer*

i second that! there would be Coppermane finding each and everyone and smash them with frying pans, and for Neon, he would kick him in the balls twice, lift him over his head, and slam his back on the ground, then choke him till he passes out... MWEHEHEHE.... 'He's got the whole wide world.... In his hands. He the whole world in his hands.... Mwehehehe...HAHAHHAHA!!

lol sorry if i scared someone i've seen too much Finn Balor and Bray Whyatt

I wonder what he would look like, what do you think?

While holding a lantern, too.

with Flash Stroman, and Hoops Balór!

Finn Balòr is actually Bray Whyatt's rival, i think. :applejackconfused: dunno on that last part though.

i wonder who Sister Abigail is...

no, i mean in actual WWE. I saw something saying Bray could be Sister Abigail.

“I’m a monster?” Neon said. “All I do is show losers like Coppermane their place, and that I’m better than them.”

Ooh, a need to prove that he's better than others! Not sure if that one is a sign of psychopathy, but it might be! I'll have to check in a bit. The more I read through these stories, though, the more I notice things like this.

I have a theory! And that theory is that Neon Lights, in this whole CopperShy storyline, is a psychopath. I don't have too much evidence... but artificial charm is one of them. Neon showed some AC back in "Rumours". So I wonder...

I'm gonna have to go through each Neon Lights scene in your stories. This is a theory that I want to prove at least likely.

“Nobody gets the drop on me, Sunny,” Neon said, his face visibly red. “You know this.”


Comment posted by Tacky3663 deleted Feb 20th, 2018

“Why else would you come to this poor excuse for a school?” Royal asked.

“Just being here is making me feel ill,” Jet Set said.

“It’s just so… commonplace, ” Upper Crust said.

“Crystal Prep students are better,” Trenderhoof said.

“I’m a monster?” Neon said. “All I do is show losers like Coppermane their place, and that I’m better than them.”

“Don’t play dumb!” Neon said. “You were the first to leave Crystal Prep and come to this poor excuse for a school. Then Twilight Sparkle. Now Sunny, Lemon, Indigo, Sour, and Sugarcoat! You started it all!”

I hope this doesn't offend anybody, But Neon Lights and his gang sound like the group that would go as far as too commit a mass shooting at Canterlot High School.

Neon Lights is a total psychopath and sounds like the guy who would plan a School Shooting, they would murder students and staff to show Crystal Prep is better and that nobody fucks with them.

This sounds really fucked up and in my mind, I don't even know if I should post this but fuck it.

Please, don't take this As a plot for a story As a story like this would be terrible and beyond fucked up. But that's who Neon Lights sounds like in this series. BEYOND FUCKED UP

He kinda sounds like the guy who would go As far As to shoot up the school

My biggest problem with this story is Neon Lights. He's got no subtlety whatsoever. I mean, I'd be angry too if I saw some guy who had beat the shit out of me a while ago, but the way he says his reasons for doing what he did to Coppermane sounds straight out of a Cool Cat movie. "It's my job to show losers like him his place." How about "This motherfucker punched my lights out, now he knows how it feels!"

I swear, that Neon Lights had some nerve blaming Coppermane that the Ex-Shadowbolts left Crystal Prep Acadamy.
Maybe they'll be an Alternate Ending to this story, where someone secretly called the police on Neon and his posse.

I agree. Somepony should put that guy and his posse in a lunatic asylum.

If I were Coppermane I'd show the principle what happened so that they would call Crystal preps principal and inform them that one of their students have assaulted one of CHAn's and got neon in a crap load of trouble.

If this story ever has a continuation of Sunny and her friends regaining Coppermane's trust, I would probably have come up with a version of the story where Sunny admits she likes Coppermane and then he has to figure out what to do. I mean, we know he will choose Fluttershy, but just how long gone is his crush on Sunny really? Would be an interesting idea. When they ask her if she likes him and she says she doesn't, you are just asking for it to be true later on

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