• Published 4th May 2016
  • 13,108 Views, 1,052 Comments

Cheer Princess - MythrilMoth

After following Sunset Shimmer through the portal and becoming stuck in the human world, Princess Celestia struggles to adapt while blocking Sunset's ambitions with her own popularity.

  • ...

Interlude IV: Fear Princess

Three days passed.

According to the timepieces in the Hall of Time, it was six in the morning.

Cadance stood on the tower balcony with Shining Armor at her side and Zecora at a respectful distance. Her eyes were closed, her magic searching the horizon, feeling the warmth of the sun.

Her horn lit up with a pale blue aura. She slowly rose into the air, spreading her wings wide.

A hot, bright presence, full of warmth and life, entered her mind.

Thou art not the Sun Princess. Wherefore touchest thou my light with thine?

I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. The Sun Princess has disappeared. Equestria cannot survive without your warmth. I am the only alicorn remaining. Please, allow me to bring your light to the world.

An eternity of silence stretched across a span of seconds.

It is not thine destiny to deliver my light upon this land. Thine destiny has yet to reveal itself to thee.

That is true, perhaps, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Please. I beg of you. Let me be your steward.

Thy heart is pure and kind and just. It will be permitted. Summon me forth, that I may warm and light thine world.

Thank you.

And slowly, the sun rose.

Shining Armor gasped in awe as the red lip of the sun kissed the horizon, bathing the sky in a paintbrush of morning hues. Slowly, the red disc rose, becoming a shimmering orange ball of light and warmth.

Cadance dropped to the stone floor, her legs folding under her and her wings wilting. Shining Armor rushed to her side, stroking her back with his hoof.

"Well done, young princess," Zecora said softly. "One more to go, and we are out of this mess."

"I think...I'm going to sleep until dusk," Cadance said woozily. "That...that took a lot of out of me."

* * * * *

The remainder of the day was chaotic at the castle, as Kibitz, Raven, and the guards struggled to herd nobles away at the gates. "Princess Celestia is tired, she does not wish to hold court!" "The Princess is recovering from an illness, she needs her rest!" "Nobody cares about your ridiculous plan for a hoof-rating system, Zesty! Now GO!" And so on.

Cadance slept through it all.

Night came, and Cadance once again ascended the tallest tower, with Shining Armor and Zecora at her side. She gently lowered the sun below the horizon; it acknowledged her respectfully.

Once the sun had set, Cadance took a deep breath. "Okay. I raised the sun, raising the moon should be easy. Right?"

"As you say," Zecora said, nodding. "You know the way."

"Right." Cadance closed her eyes, her horn glowing as she searched for the moon.


Cadance's brow furrowed.

Sister...? ...Neigh, thou art not Sister. Who art thou? Where is Sister?

Cadance gasped. What?

I am lonely. I am cold. I do not like it here. Where is Sister? I am sorry. I am so sorry. Please...please do not leave me here with It. It torments me. It will not let me rest. It is angry. So angry. So cold. Please—

The voice, plaintive and soft, was broken by a harsh, blood-curdling laugh that hammered at the sides of Cadance's skull.


Cadance gasped, dropping to the floor and bracing her knees. "No," she whimpered.

"Cadance? Cadance, what...something's wrong!" She barely heard Shining Armor over the roaring of wind and laughter tearing through her mind like a tornado. "Zecora! What's going on?"

"I have no idea, unless..." Zecora gasped. "NO! It cannot be! Bind her magic, she is in distress!"

"I...I don't know how to...should I put a shield around—?"

Shining Armor was blown back as a malevolent shell of black wind engulfed Cadance.

"N-no! Don't...! STAY AWAY! NO!!" Cadance screamed.

The laughter in her head escaped into the cold night. Shining Armor steeled himself, horn at the ready. Zecora backed up to the tower door, pawing the floor nervously.

The moon shot into the sky like a cannonball. The dark shadow across its surface, the Mare in the Moon, glowed black, then melted away like dripping ink.

All across Equestria, ponies looked up in astonishment, pointing and whispering.

"I did not foresee such a catastrophe!" Zecora yelled over the wind and laughter.

"What's going on?" Shining Armor yelled.

"I don't know how, it is far too soon," Zecora yelled back. "But this appears to be the return of—!"

A jet black alicorn with pale, slit-pupiled eyes dropped onto the floor between the three equines, landing hard enough to crack the ancient marble. The wind and the laughter died down all at once.

She fixed them all with a cold, triumphant smile.

"NIGHTMARE MOON," she finished for Zecora.

Cadance stood, turning to face Nightmare Moon, her eyes full of fear and sadness. "No," she whispered. "What have I done?"

Nightmare Moon threw back her head and laughed. "I should thank you, child! I should thank you for freeing me from my prison. I believe I shall! Yes! I shall thank you by bestowing upon you the gift of eternal night!"

"Who. ARE. You?" Shining Armor growled, aiming his horn at Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon snorted. "Such an ignorant foal. Do you know nothing of my legend? Of the history of Equestria?"

"Shining Armor, you know who this is," Cadance said shakily. "The Mare in the Moon. Nightmare Moon!"

"But...no!" Shining Armor protested. "That's...that's just an old mares' tale!"

"It is no tale, it is all too true," Zecora said grimly. "It is Nightmare Moon herself who stands before you."

"Indeed it is! And now, if you will kindly direct me to wherever that COWARD CELESTIA is hiding herself, we have unfinished business..."

Cadance flew around to stand directly in front of Nightmare Moon, interposing herself between her and Zecora. She bowed her head respectfully. "Please, Princess Luna, listen to me."

"I am NO LONGER Princess Luna! I am NIGH—"

"You ARE Princess Luna," Cadance interrupted firmly. "The good, kind, gentle mare you once were is still inside you. I heard her crying out. I know you're still in there, inside that demon! I know your heart is aching, longing for your sister. I know you want to see her again. Not to destroy her, not to continue your jealous grudge, but..." Cadance looked at Shining Armor, then back at Zecora, then to Nightmare Moon again. "But to make her understand. To hear her reassure you, like she always did."

Nightmare Moon scoffed. "FOOL! What do you know of such things?"

"I know what I've seen, what I've read," Cadance said. "I have taken the vision potion. I have seen the past. I have heard Celestia speak of you. I have seen the pain and regret in her eyes."

"Pain?! PAIN?! LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT PAIN!" Nightmare Moon roared. "Pain is watching Celestia take EVERYTHING! All the glory, all the worship, all the love! I created beautiful night skies! I protected ponies from the beasts of the night! I patrolled their dreams, watching over them in their slumber! WHERE WAS MY GRATITUDE? WHERE WAS MY WORSHIP? Neigh, they shunned my beautiful night! They hid in their homes and slumbered while the moon and stars danced in the sky! They barely knew I existed!"

"Celestia knew," Cadance said, tears dripping from her eyes. "And she loved you. Always. Even now, a thousand years later, she loves you. She misses you. She has never forgiven herself for...for that horrible day..."

"Pretty words from a pretty but empty-headed child," Nightmare Moon scoffed. "You are ignorant, your mind shaped by the lies my sis—" She trailed off, her muzzle crinkling, her eyes narrowing. "Child," she said slowly. "Why were you trying to raise the moon?"

Cadance hesitated, drawing up a hoof. She looked to Shining Armor, who shook his head frantically. She looked to Zecora, who gave her a long, measuring gaze, then closed her eyes and nodded once.

Bracing herself, Cadance met Nightmare Moon's gaze squarely, tilting her chin up. "Princess Celestia is missing," she admitted. "She disappeared through a portal to another world four nights ago. The portal is sealed. We can't get her back."

"Missing?" Nightmare Moon echoed in an amused tone. "Celestia is missing. How interesting..." She chuckled darkly. "How poetic."

Cadance took a deep breath. "Princess Luna," she said firmly. "Without a ruler, Equestria is lost. I've just learned to raise and lower the sun and moon, but my magic is not strong. I cannot handle the task of moving the heavens and take Celestia's place on the throne. I'm not ready. Equestria needs a real leader." She hesitated. "If...if you truly want the adulation and love of your little ponies, the love you felt cheated out of all those years ago..."

"Cadance, what are you—" Shining Armor interrupted. Zecora raised a hoof to silence him.

"Princess Luna, if you will allow the sun to rise and set as it is meant to be, if you will not force Equestria into an eternal night, then..." Cadance steeled herself. "The throne is yours. Equestria, your kingdom to rule, alone."

Nightmare Moon blinked. She tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "An interesting offer," she said. "Of course, I must ask: How do you intend to stop me from simply taking Equestria as my own without agreeing to your terms?"

"I don't," Cadance said. "I'm not strong enough. Nopony is. But I know that inside you is a good mare who loves and misses her sister dearly, and...and will not make her little ponies suffer while we try to bring her back."

"And what is to stop me from ensuring you can NEVER bring Celestia back?"

A flask of white potion floated from Cadance's saddlebag to Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon snorted. "Do you think me a fool?"

"I have nothing to gain from deceiving you," Cadance said. "I need you. I can't do this without you. I'm not ready." She paused, then added, "This is what Celestia would want. She would want her beloved sister, Princess Luna, to look after her little ponies."

Nightmare Moon hesitated. Then, cautiously, she took the potion in her own magic and drank it. Her eyes shone a brilliant white, and her wings flared wide.

A long, tense silence fell.

A lone tear trickled down Nightmare Moon's cheek.

Her eyes stopped glowing as the flask dropped to the floor and shattered.

Nightmare Moon scuffed the floor with a hoof. "I will rule Equestria," she said softly. "Both the night...AND the day. I will not stop you from searching for my sister. I will do nothing to prevent you from bringing her back." She raised her head, and her voice became harsh again. "But make no mistake. I wish for her return only because she and I have unfinished business!"

Cadance let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you," she said. She bowed; after giving Shining Armor a sharp glance, he bowed as well, as did Zecora.

"Well then," Nightmare Moon said, licking her lips. "I suppose it's time I see firsthoof just what sort of empire my sister has built while I was away..."

Author's Note:

This is the end of the Cadance Interludes.

This is not the end of this side of the story. Beginning in June or July, the ongoing adventures of Cadance, Shining Armor, Zecora, and Nightmare Moon will continue in the sidestory to Cheer Princess, Fear Princess.

Beginning with the next Side Celestia chapter, this story will return to the human world and stay there.