• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,125 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Wednesday Morning

Applejack, Big Macintosh and Apple bloom trotted down the main road leading to Canterlot, the city looming ahead. Big Mac towed a small cart with the trunk tightly secured inside. Apple Bloom bounced along, a huge grin pasted on her face. “I can't wait to tell the other Crusaders about our trip to Canterlot!”

Applejack chuckled as her younger sister bounced around. “All right, Apple Bloom. Just don't mention the bit about the tape, you hear?”

A sigh escaped the filly, but she nodded.

After a couple hours of walking and one stop for lunch, they arrived at the massive front gate of Canterlot itself. Big Mac paused for a moment at the edge of the drawbridge crossing the moat. His mouth dropped open slightly and the stalk of wheat in his mouth fell to the grass. “Whoa,” he whispered.

Applejack sidled up to her older brother. “Yeah, pretty danged impressive. Still gives me the willies.” She looked around at various other ponies, zebra and even a giraffe walking into the capital, some towing carts and wagons of their own. “I think we'd better get goin', Big Mac. We're holdin' up traffic.”

A chuckle escaped the stallion, but he began walking along once more. The trio steered over to the side and a guardhouse at the front door. A trio of soldiers stood at attention, members of the Royal Guard. Applejack trotted up to a unicorn stallion in golden armor and saddlebags. “Excuse me, sir? My name's Applejack Apple.” She motioned to Big Mac and Apple Bloom. “We're here for an appointment with Princess Celestia?”

The stallion's horn glowed and a clipboard floated out of his saddlebag and in front of him. He looked up and down it before nodding. “Ah, yes. I'll inform her majesty of your arrival.” He turned his head. “Private Tomfoolery!” he barked. “Front and center!” An earth pony mare trotted over and snapped to attention. “Escort Miss Apple and her family to...” He paused and looked back to the clipboard. “Meeting room three in the North Wing.”

Tomfoolery nodded. “Sir, yes sir!” she said, saluting. She trotted around to Applejack's flank. “If you'll follow me, ma'am, I'll take you right to your appointment.”

Big Mac nodded and smiled at Tomfoolery. “Well, I guess Shining Armor's doing a lot better than I thought.”

Tomfoolery nodded. “Thank you, Mister Apple. We've been put through a small version of tartarus by Captain Armor, but it's been worth it.” She started walking, leading the ponies through the gate and into Canterlot itself.

Applejack sucked in a breath at the sheer scale of the city. “Herd's sake,” she said, eyes wide. “This makes Manehattan look like... like Ponyville!” She looked over to Apple Bloom, who was craning her neck to try and take in everything. “Apple Bloom, you wander off and either Big Mac or I will tan your hide. Gotcha?”

Apple Bloom sidled up to the cart. “Sure thing, sis.” She spied a fruit stand and let out a sigh. “But ah sure could like some pears.”

Tomfoolery led them down various streets and through more than one intersection to arrive at the front gates of Canterlot Palace itself, a shining edifice that seemed right out of a fairy tale. Large white towers pierced the sky, with onion domes at the top of some and even small landing platforms for pegasi and airships on others. Members of both branches of the Royal Guard-the Solar Watch and the Midnight Watch- could be seen at various points along curtain walls.

Tomfoolery led them down a side alley to a large wooden double-door. She spoke to a pair of guards there for a moment before the doors swung open. They entered into a long, wide hallway that was rather clean, if sparsely decorated.

Apple Bloom's eyes darted back and forth as she took in the white walls. “Not too fancy,” she remarked.

Applejack's eyes narrowed. “Apple Bloom!” she hissed out. She glanced to Tomfoolery. “Beggin' your pardon ma'am. You know how foals can get.”

A smile played over Tomfoolery's lips. “Nothing to worry about.” She dropped back a few steps and motioned to the cart as Big Mac towed it. “A side entrance would be better to get this through the halls with a minimum of fuss.”

After a few minutes of walking, and riding a cargo elevator, the group stopped in front of a door guarded by two more members of the Royal Guard. “”The Apple family here for their appointment with Princess Celestia,” Tomfoolery announced.

The two guards exchanged a glance before one stepped aside and the other grabbed the door handle with his teeth and pulled it open. Tomfoolery straightened to attention before marching into the room. She quickly cantered to the side, allowing Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom to enter. Tomfoolery dropped to one knee. “The Apple family here to see you, your majesty!” she announced.

Celestia looked up and smiled. “Thank you, Private.”

Celestia sat on a large cushion with a table placed in front of her. Plates of food and two pitchers of drink were on the table, with three cushions arrayed around it. A stand was off to the side with a large box on top of it. The box had a glass window in the front and a smaller box set on top of it with thick, black wires crisscrossing in the back. A unicorn in a blue uniform stood to the back and right of Celestia, eyeing the cart and trunk.

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Mac all bowed their heads to the Princess. “Thank you for this, your majesty,” Applejack said, looking up. “We all 'appreciate you seeing us for this.”

Celestia merely shook her head. “It's no problem at all, Applejack.” She leaned forward. “Truth be told, I've been looking forward to this for a bit,” she said, winking. She spread out a wing and waved it at the plates of food. “Now while Colonel Bright Hooves looks over the items in your trunk and repairs any damage, please sit and enjoy the food.” Her gaze fell upon Tomfoolery. “Thank you very much for bringing them here, Private,” She said, smiling warmly. “Please wait outside until we're finished.”

Tomfoolery bowed once more before turning and walking out. Big Mac knelt down, unhooking himself from the cart's harness. He, Apple Bloom and Applejack walked over to the table and sat down on the cushions, bowing their heads to Celestia.

Bright Hooves trotted over to the back end of the cart. His horn glowed and the straps holding the trunk in place unbuckled themselves. The trunk floated to the floor, opened and the contents floated out. “Hmm, excellent condition.” His eyes narrowed slightly as the map unfolded. He held up a hoof and the wall began to glow. Tiny tears at the end of crease marks mended themselves.

Applejack looked over. “Now, he'll be careful, right?” she asked, a lump forming in her throat. She ducked her head low and her ears flattened. “Beggin' your pardon, Princess. It's just, we just found out about this.”

Celestia shook her head. “No need to apologize, Applejack. No need at all.” Her horn glowed and a sandwich floated up to her muzzle. She eyed it for a moment before biting a rather sizable chunk from it.

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big Mac leaned over their plates. Apple Bloom paused over a biscuit. “Psst, Applejack!” she said out the side of her mouth. “What do we eat first?”

Applejack paused over her own plate. Her eyes darted back and forth over the food and her glass of water. “Ah...” She let out a growl. “If Aunt or Uncle Orange could see me now.”

Celestia spoke up. “No need to stand on ceremony, Applejack. All three of you, go right ahead and dig in.” A teacup floated up and the diarch of the sun took a rather large slurp from it.

The three earth ponies all visibly relaxed and dug in. After a few minutes, Bright Hooves trotted back to Celestia's side, dropped to one knee and bowed his head. “The protection and rejuvenation spells have been renewed,” he reported. He stood up and looked to Applejack. “The artifacts have been well taken care of.”

Applejack reached up and tilted her hat down slightly. “Thank you kindly, Colonel. I'll tell Granny Smith what you said.”

Bright Hooves turned to Celestia. “By your leave?” At her nod, he walked to the door and out.

The VHS tape floated over to Celestia's side. “Now, then.” She unfurled a wing and motioned to the box. “This is called a 'television'. It's one of a number of devices Megan, Molly and Danny brought over from Earth when they first visited.” She reached out and tapped a button next to the glass panel. “It's used for communication and can show both entertainment and education.”

The glass lit up. Big Mac leaned back as a loud buzzing sounded out from the box. “What the hay?!” he exclaimed, his eyes bugging out.

Apple Bloom, meanwhile, planted her hooves on the table and leaned forward. “What is that?” She looked to Celestia. “Why is it all white and grainy? Ooh, ooh! That box right above. There's a slot there! Is it for the tape?”

Celestia blinked twice. “Why... yes. It is for the tape, Apple Bloom.” The tape floated up to the box and slid into the slot. “Now this is a video cassette recorder, or VCR. It reads the magnetic tape of the cassette and translates it into picture and sound.” A smile played across her muzzle at the frozen image of an orange earth pony with the cutie mark of five apples appearing on the glass. “Ah, here we go.”

Applejack gasped at the image. “It's in color!” Her ears twitched. “A-and sound, too! It's like a movie theater that can go in somepony's living room!”

Big Mac leaned in. “It's like we're really there!” His eyes narrowed. “Hmm, that pony up there looks mighty familiar.” He glanced to Applejack. “Wait a minute, except for her cutie mark she looks just like Applejack!”

Celestia let a wistful smile form on her mouth. “Her name was Applejack, believe it or not. She was from Dream Valley.” She glanced over her shoulder and four cartons of popcorn floated over to land in front of everyone there. “All ready?”

Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom took the cartons between their forelegs and began quietly munching on the popcorn. Applejack nodded her assent while ducking her head for more of the salty snack.

Celestia's horn glowed and the image began moving. Instead of white noise, a familiar voice sounded out. “Okay, Applejack. It's running.” There was a pause. “Well, go ahead and say something...”

Applejack let out a gasp. “It's Megan! This must've been when she was a youngin'!”

Applejack tilted her head to the side. “What do I say?”

Megan lowered the camera slightly. “Well, anything you want to, Applejack. It's your birthday, after all.” She raised the camera back up to her eye. “Anything you'd like to say to your daughter, for the future?”

Applejack sat back on her haunches and rubbed her chin. “Well, I hope Little Applejack grows up to be big and strong. I hope Applejack Acres grows lots of apples for all of us. I hope...” She trailed off. “I just hope we can see tomorrow.”

Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom sat in rapt fascination at the video. “'See tomorrow',” Applejack muttered. She tipped her head low and slid her hat off of her head. “I guess things really were a mite bad back then.”

Celestia let out a sigh. “It was, Applejack. Even with the alliances forged and knowledge brought over, Dream Valley and Ponyland was very dangerous.” She sat up straight as the image on the television changed. “Oh, here's my favorite part!”

“Happy birthday to you!” everyone finished singing to Applejack, who sat at the head of a rather long table. A blue-coated earth pony with a cutie mark of three purple gumdrops and three pink gumdrops hauled a triple-layer cake up to the table. “My masterpiece!” Sweet Stuff declared.

The ponies slammed their hooves on the table in applause at the cake. “That is a remarkable feat of culinary engineering,” Wind Whistler said. “Interesting choice to have the candles molded in the shape of the apple trees recently planted.”

“Well, gosh. It looks good, too,” Fizzy said.

Sweet Stuff walked around the cart. “One problem, though.” Her head darted back and forth. “How do I get it onto the table?”

A pink coated unicorn hopped off her chair and trotted over to the cake, She closed her eyes and her horn glowed. “I wish, I wish,” Twilight said, her brow furrowing. The cake disappeared from the table, only to reappear on the table. Twilight's violet eyes glittered and she reared back, kicking the sky. “I did it!”

Megan, holding the video camera, walked over to her friend. “You sure did,” she said, kneeling down and rubbing her mane. She turned back to the table and looked to Molly, sitting there. “Molly, could you light the candles, please?”

Molly waved to Megan. “Yeah, sure.” She pulled a lighter out of her jacket pocket, leaned over and lit the wicks sticking out of the tree candle canopies. She chuckled slightly. “I don't think Smokey the Bear would like that.”

Several of the ponies exchanged looks of confusion, but Megan spoke up. “Earth thing. I'll tell you about it later.” She walked up to Applejack and focused the camera on the earth pony. “Okay, make a wish.”

Applejack looked up at the camera. “I wish... I wish for peace in Ponyland. I wish that some day, Little Applejack and Celestia and Luna and all of us can be able to sit back and not worry about trolls or warlords or rogue griffins. I wish the trees we planted grow up big and tall, and give us lots of big, juicy apples!” She looked down at the grass and let out a sigh. “Megan... do you think that can happen one day?”

Megan lowered the camera slightly, a lump in her throat. She reached out and gently ruffled Applejack's mane. “It won't be easy, and it'll take time. But together, we'll get there.”

The tape eventually ended. The three earth ponies sat on their cushions, staring at the blank television screen. Finally, Applejack turned to Celestia. “Your majesty, thank you for showing this to us. We're mighty grateful for it.”


“Yeah, this was great!”

Celestia beamed. “Thank you for bringing the tape. I always look forward to seeing this.” Her horn glowed and the tape popped out of the VCR. The small piece of plastic floated over to and into the trunk, which itself floated into the cart. “Now please be careful with it. I'd hate to see it ruined before any of you bring your own foals to watch it,” she said, winking.

Applejack turned a bright crimson. “Ah... see, well that is...”

Celestia stood up. She trotted over to Applejack and leaned down. “Gotcha,” she whispered into the earth pony's ear. She looked to the door and telekinetically opened it. “Tomfoolery?” she called out.

The guard entered the room. “Your majesty?” she asked, bowing down.

Celestia waved a wing at Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom. “Please escort the Apples out.” Her eyes suddenly narrowed. “And please tell the guards outside not to disturb me unless there's an emergency. Understood?”

Tomfoolery nodded. “Of course.” She backed up and turned around. “If you'll follow me?”

Big Mac hitched himself back to the cart and began walking out, Apple Bloom following. Applejack followed, but stopped and turned to Celestia. “Princess?” She paused and took a deep breath before continuing. “If it's at all possible, well there's a family reunion in about a year and a half. So the tape and all and...” She trailed off, her cheeks flushing crimson.

Celestia stepped over. She leaned down and gently nuzzled Applejack. “Let me know the time and place and I'll make sure the television and VCR are there.”

Applejack seemed to visibly deflate. “Thank you, Princess. Thank you!” She backed out, bumping slightly into Apple Bloom. “Sorry, Apple Bloom!”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Applejack, you can be a right silly pony sometimes!”

Big Mac let out a chuckle. “Lemme tell you about this one time...” His voice trailed off as he exited the room, Tomfoolery slightly ahead of him.

Celestia waved at them as they walked out. As soon as Apple Bloom's tail cleared the threshold, she shut the door closed and locked it. A grin formed on her face as a portable cassette player floated out from behind her cushion, a tape already inside it. “It's been too long!” Celestia said as she telekinetically tapped the 'play' button. Guitar strumming came from the speaker, followed by the somewhat nasal voice of a singer named Robert Smith...

I don't care if Monday's blue

Tuesday's gray and Wednesday, too.

Thursday, I don't care about you.

It's Friday. I'm in love!

Celestia thrust her forelegs out, followed by a hind leg. Her eyes fluttered closed as the music washed over her. Her wings unfurled and she reared back slightly. Her head bobbed back and forth to the beat.

Monday, you can fall apart.

Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart.

Thursday doesn't even start.

It's Friday, I'm in love!

The door suddenly swung open and Luna stepped into the room, her ears twitching. “Celestia, I could hear you two floors up. What in Ponyland are you...” She trailed off as she beheld her sister, the Diarch of the Sun, looking more like she was having spasms than dancing. She slowly shook her head as Celestia continued. “I didn't know you kept a tape out of the Vault.” A smile formed on her mouth. “If Wind Whistler could see you, now.”

Celestia spun around on one hoof. “I'd still tell her the Cure speaks to my soul.” She reached out with her hooves wrapped them around her neck and pulled her into the room. “Come on, let's dance!”

Luna put up only the barest hint of token resistance. Within seconds she was swaying to the beat of 'Friday, I'm in Love'. The two sisters danced for some time to the music of their youth, their duties and responsibilities forgotten for the moment as old memories surfaced once more, to be relished and re-lived, if only a brief time.

Author's Note:

1. Two posts of the Gala, one post of Megan feeling lost, then... something else. *Insert evil laugh here*
2. 'Friday, I'm in Love' is by the Cure, an awesome song by an awesome band.
3. The idea of Celestia dancing to an old cassette tape she had is based on an idea Harry Leferts had proffered in the spcaebattles thread this is also posted at.