• Published 6th Apr 2016
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Fallout Equestria: Black Cat - Rixizu

Break Point is a simple pony that just wants a simple and easy life. That is shattered when she accidentally causes the death of the son of a powerful crime lord. Now she must fight for survival.

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Chapter 55

“We’re trapped! Orders, Paladin Bumper?” A Ranger asked, unable to hide the fear and tension in his voice.

“I can’t send a signal outside!” Fixit said in concern.

Lucky screamed obscenities. How could they allow themselves to get tricked so easily? “She’ll regret this!”

“We reported our location to other Rangers. They’ll contact our situation to HQ and send help.” Bumper nodded, his voice remaining neutral and strong. His confidence helped restore calm to his nervous officers.

It’d been lucky that they’d contacted the other Steel Rangers approaching the Stable. But removing the rubble blocking the tunnel wouldn’t be easy.

“But the Black Cat’s allies are out there.” A Ranger said, his voice worried.

“Our ponies can take care of themselves.” Paladin Bumper’s tone never wavered in its firm confidence. “A bunch of zombies and wastelanders can’t stop them.”

“What now though?” Lucky asked. “Black Cat’s still on the loose.” Their enemy was lurking somewhere in that accursed Stable, mocking and taunting them.

Paladin Bumper remained quiet for several moments, contemplating their situation before replying. “An expedition in the Stable won’t be amiss. There might contain a secret exit leading outside. I will enter inside with a small contingency of Knights. The rest will work on getting this rubble clear. Even if you don’t succeed, there’s a possible chance of contacting the other Rangers.

From their body language, the Ranger didn’t seem keen on this plan, but they’d follow orders. Somehow, their leader’s confidence held them together during this crisis. Bumper spent several minutes choosing which six Ranger would follow him inside. The remaining four would stay here. Lucky joined Bumper’s team, eager for the hunt..

They tentatively stepped forward towards the Stable’s gaping jaw. To Lucky, it seemed like a monstrous creature ready to gobble them up. Her parents had been Stable dwellers in Stable 80, but she’d still been a baby. Her father died of dysentery shortly after their water talisman broke. Her mother soon followed when a faulty piece of equipment exploded. Before the age of one, she and her brother had become orphans. The Stables deserved their bad reputation.

Lucky sighed, fighting back an irrational surge of fear. Who knew what monsters dwelled in this place, but Lucky won’t stop until she punished her brother’s killer.

An odd sense of deja vu struck Lucky entered inside. The place was oddly quiet. The wall shone like somepony had just scrubbed them with metal cleaner.

“Stable 77?” Lucky read a nearby plague. Despite not needing to, she pitched her voice low. “Do you have anything on it?”

“No, records on Stables are scarce.” Bumper matched her tone. “No doubt to hide Stable-Tec’s misdeeds and corruption.”

Why did that not surprise her? “Do you think anypony lives here? Everything seems too clean.” Lucky swiveled her ears around, but heard no sign of anypony.

“Not sure.” Bumper shook his head. “Everypony, keep on guard. But don’t shoot unless I command it. If there are locals, they might prove useful.” Though Lucky doubted their chances once they’d lost their usefulness.

“I hope this Stables has some interesting technology.” Fixit said. “Since each Stable was completely isolated, it creates a unique variety in tech”

“So clean.” Another Ranger marveled as they walked through the Stable’s corridors. Everything was in its proper place, without a single speck of dust. Glass was spotless, without a single sign of a smudge. This place seemed perfect. The only oddity was the strange chemical smell that hung in the air throughout the vault. It was slightly sour, and Lucky couldn’t quite place its source.

“This Stable might be a useful base of operation,” Fixit located a fully stock med-kit attached to a nearby wall.

“Yet the zombies stay clear.” Paladin Bumper shook his head. “There must be a reason.”

Except for the background hum of machinery, they didn’t hear a single soul. What was going on? Why hadn’t they run into the Black Cat yet? This constant silence put everypony on edge, keeping their weapons drawn. They found stairs leading downwards, but Bumper refused to split the party and insisted they stay together, despite the time cost. They stayed close, investigating the various office rooms and medical bay. Like everywhere else, it was neat and spotless.

They moved towards the stairs to examine the lower floor when a noise caught their attention. Everypony turned in unison towards the sound, weapons ready. Lucky held a piece of yellow wallpaper in her hooves, eager to screw with the mind of whatever they faced.

“Um, hello? Are you visitors to our wonderful stable?” A unicorn mare with a grey name and brown coat smiled at them. Her cutie mark was a collection of three toy building blocks, each a different geometric shape.

“Who are you? Where is everypony?” Bumper demanded, emphasizing his question with a shake of his flamethrower.

The mysterious mare only tilted her head like the paladin had spoken something strange. “Me? Nopony really. Who are you? I love visitors! Few ponies come around these parts. I like your armor. Are you a Steel Ranger?”

A gasp escaped the mare’s lips, and she fretted in worry, barely keeping still. “Are we under attack from Zebras? Have the stripes arrived to kill everypony?”

Bumper hesitated for a moment, taken aback by this strange response. Did the idiot mare know what danger she was in?

“No zebras live in this part of the wasteland.” Bumper replied. “I’ve ensured that.”

The mysterious mare sighed in relief. “Good, they’re horrible brutes. They won’t stop until they kill us all!”

She walked towards a wall which displayed an old propaganda poster. It showed a proud pony in power armor and its propaganda slogan read, “Better wiped than striped.”

“I’m glad to know you brave ponies are out there fighting the good fight and protecting us from the zebra menace!”

The Rangers exchanged looks. Somehow the mare remained completely oblivious to the danger she was in. It was clear Bumper wanted to just kill this mare and start exploring the compound alone, but Lucky stopped him.

“We’re searching for a dangerous criminal,” Lucky said, “you have seen her?” Violence was an effective tool, but she figured some diplomacy wouldn’t hurt. Besides, this pony had rocks for brains and wasn’t too dangerous.

The mare shook her head. “I saw somepony I’ve never seen before. She was a strange one! She fled when I came over to say hello! Went downstairs, I think.”

A light of excitement grew in Lucky, glad they were finally getting somewhere. “Can you show us? This mare is a threat to everypony in the Stable!”

The mare shuttered. “How scary! I’d love to! Anything for the heroic Steel Rangers! My name is Toy Box. Follow me!” Without another word, the brainless mare headed towards the stairs.

“Are you sure?” Bumper asked as they followed. “She might be dangerous. Something isn’t right here.”

Lucky nodded. “I realize that, but she’s our best lead. Just kill her if she becomes a problem.”

“Such heroes deserve a treat! While you’re searching for the bad guy, I’ll cook up some hot cocoa!” Toy Box said as they descended a bland grey stairwell. Dear Celestia, she’d forgotten how dull aesthetically Stables were. Stable-Tec hadn’t exactly invested much into decorative set pieces. Her parents had suffered living in a place like this their entire lives? She sympathized with them.

“Cocoa?!” Fixit said enthusiastically before dragging his hooves across the floor in shame when his commanding officer somehow communicated a scathing glare behind his helmet.

Lucky wasn’t so fooled, studying their guide carefully. While Toy Box seemed normal, she detected something off about the mare. Considering her situation, she seemed too cheery. It set her teeth on edge.

“You have cocoa?” A Ranger asked, surprised. “Do you grow cocoa beans?”

“Oh no, the replicator system creates them for me.” Toy Box replied. “Its nanomachines can construct anything if it has the pattern.”

Nanomachines? Was such a technology possible? The rest of the group also seemed suitably impressed. “Is that how you feed yourselves?”

“Yep, I want for nothing.” Toy Box replied.

“I? Are you alone down here?”

In a flash, an expression of apprehension crossed over the mare’s face. So quick, Lucky wasn’t quite sure she’d seen it.

“Yes, only me.” Tox Box’s tone was flat, almost rehearsed. “But that’s alright. Besides, you’re here to keep me company! That and the nanomachines. They’re millions of those little guys.” The Steel Rangers exchanged glances. The talk of nanomachines had struck their interest.

“Can you show us this, replicator?” Paladin Bumper asked.

“Sure, I’d be happy to! Even if it wastes a ration.” Toy Box replied. “The main computer, Compi, has a strict ration limit for the week.”

“I would appreciate a demonstration of this technology.” Bumper cooly replied. Toy Box smiled and nodded, leading them down several corridors.

“What about the Black Cat?” Lucky hissed. Had their leader allowed greed to make him forget their mission?

“She can wait. She’s off hiding somewhere.” Bumper replied. “This machine might have the capability of creating the tools we need to escape.”

Or some weapon to kill the Black Cat. “Lead the way, then.”

They entered a common living area with comfortable sofas and tables for eating and play. In the corner, they found a machine similar to a microwave buzzing with energy. Above it was a poster that listed numbers, a brief description, and a cost. It contained a list of basic food items and drinks. The cost must use the number of rations a pony had that week. Fixit studied the machine with a keen interest and the Steel Ranger huddled around it.

Tox Box caught them examining the poster. “To replicate something, just enter a three-digit number listed here.”

Lucky understood the meaning. “For easy use, right?”

Toy Box nodded. “Right, we have replicators all across Stable 77. While this machine’s purpose is food dispensation, it isn’t limited to only that”

The mare tapped 776 into the keycode, and the machine jolted to life. A loud humming sound emitted from the contraption before a ding sound stuck and the machine stopped. The mare opened the replicator’s door and pulled out a small bag labeled cocoa.

“Remarkable.” Bumper said, dazzled by this wonder in science. “And this can create anything?”

Toy Box shrugged. “Within reason. Though simple items are better. That’s why I made cocoa powder and not mugs of hot cocoa. More economical that way and wastes less power.”

“Where is the computer controlling this system?” Bumper asked, exploding with genuine excitement.

“The overseer’s office. Entries for new entries are imputed there” Toy Box barely finished that sentence when a bullet shot through her skull and she collapsed to the ground, dead.

“Thank Celestia, that mare was creepy and unnatural.” A Ranger shuttered.

“And unnecessary.” Bumper said. “I suspect if we take control of the Overseer’s office, it will have cameras helpful in tracking down the Black Cat.”

“Why didn’t you ask where to find the Overseer’s office before you killed her,” Lucky said, with a hint of annoyance. While a general nuisance, they still could have pumped her for more information.

“No need, I noticed it earlier.’ Bumper replied. “The scribes will be ecstatic once they learn of this technology.” Suddenly, his body wobbled, almost losing his hooving.

“Are you okay, sir?” Fixit asked.

“Fine, it’s only a dizzy spell. “Let’s go.”

The zombies were idiots. They’d just struck a treasure trove. This find made the hunt for the Black Cat worth it. They’d live like princesses once the Rangers mastered this technology.

While walking through the Stable, she found the number of signs hanging around strange. Each containing a list of rules or warnings that the Headmare wouldn’t suffer rule-breaking. While the rules were uncomplicated, the punishments were downright draconic. While avoiding the death penalty, some involved severe punishments like physical public beatings. One named the Still brought a chill down Lucky’s spine. Whatever it was, it gave her a bad feeling. Was rule-abiding the Stable’s social experiment?

They approached headmare’s office and discovered it locked. There was a bold sign indicating harsh punishments for any unauthorized personnel.

“Get this door open.” Bumper said. The paladin was still unsteady on his hooves and used a wall to stabilize himself.

“On it!” Fixit pulled out a personal computer and connected it to the door controls.

“Are you okay?” Lucky asked Bumper. “You don’t seem well.”

“I’ll survive. Just some healing potions and…” Bumper’s body jerked in convulsions.

“What’s wrong with him?” A Ranger asked in alarm.

“Let me see.” Another Ranger ran to their leader and examined the power armor’s life support controls. “He’s going into shock? These readings make no sense!” Bumper burbled something incoherent and his body went still.

“Is he dead?” A Ranger asked.

“How can this be? Senior Paladin Bumper was fine a moment ago!”

“I knew this Stable was bad news!” The Rangers lost their cool, wondering if they might suffer the same fate. “Who knows what diseases and contagions have bred down here!”

“Is he still alive?” Lucky asked the Ranger examining Bumper.

“Yes, his pulse is steady.” While good news, the Fixit’s tone didn’t fill Lucky with confidence.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m not sure.” The Ranger replied. “I’ve never seen anything like this. His brain signals make no sense, yet the rest of his body seems normal. Senior Paladin Bumper shouldn’t be alive, yet somehow is.”

“It’s nanomachines.” A familiar voice said. A Ranger screamed when they caught sight of the happy unicorn. “They’re keeping him in this near-death state. He’ll never recover, I’m sorry. The nanomachines will keep him alive forever, not that it’s much of a comfort.”

“You!” Lucky started at the mare that should be dead. Hadn’t she seen the mare die? The Ranger pointed their guns at the unicorn to rectify their mistake.

“Answer, why are the nanomachines attacking him?” Fixit waved his gun, making it clear what would happen if Toy Box didn’t give answers. Yet, the threat of violence didn’t even make her flinch.

“He broke the rules, the machine won’t allow it.” Toy Box’s expression turned sad, her expression pained. “They’re punishing him for trying to kill me.”

“How do we fix this?” Fixit demanded. “How do we get to the primary computer system?”

“You don’t.” Toy Box replied simply.

“Are all rule-breakers punished this way?” A Ranger said in alarm. “Have the nanomachines already attached themselves to us?”

“Yes, they snuck into you when you entered the Stable. They’re around here everywhere. Please break no more rules.” The Stable Dweller’s voice turned desperate. “Don’t leave me alone!”

“Who cares about that?” Fixit snapped. “Lock her up. We’ll deal with her once we’ve disabled the primary computer system.”

Toy Box didn’t protest as they hulled her away, placing her into a nearby storeroom. They ignored the mare’s pleas to not break any more rules and returned to the mission at hoof. They locked the door behind them. Lucky realized the Black Cat might rescue her, but they didn’t consider the Stable Dweller much of a threat.

“We need to get this door open.” A ranger said. “It’s the only way to save the senior paladin!”

Fixit paused for a moment before extracting his computer from the door control. “Not yet, we need more information first. I don’t want the nanomachines to attack us for no reason. We should check the terminals. They might contain a clue to defeat these nanomachines.”

Lucky nodded. “Learning how this whole mess started might prove helpful.”

“Sir, I spotted one earlier in the medical bay.” A Ranger said, speaking up. “It might be our best lead.”

“Good thinking,” Fixit replied, “lead the way.”

After what happened to the Senior Paladin, everypony became self-conscious about the various rules at the display. One said fighting was against the rules. Dear Celestia, if the Black Cat had stayed put and allowed them to open fire on her... After spotting a no running sign in the hall, they lowered their pace, terrified they might break a rule by accident. A Ranger jerked and looked around. They turned a corner, peering behind it.

Lucky tensed. “What is it?”

“I thought I saw somepony.” The Ranger replied. “A purple pony. They fled before I got a good look at them.”

“Great, the Cat is following us.” Another Ranger groaned in annoyance. “And we can’t kill her!”

“Maybe.” Fixit didn’t sound convincing, turning towards the list of rules. He scanned it before continuing. “We’ll just need to be careful. Happy Hat, do you still have those stun grenades?”

“Two, sir.” Happy Hat replied. “But the Black Cat is slippery.”

“Not if we plan our assault right. We’ll just avoid a direct confrontation.”

“Uh, sir.” Another Ranger pipped in. “We have another problem. This sign says curfew is at 8 PM, it’s currently 7:38.”

Lucky cursed. Of all the stupid complications. Still, it might work to their advantage. “Let’s hope that idiot Black Cat doesn’t know about the punishments for rule-breaking.” The Rangers laughed in amusement that the Cat might cause her own destruction.

Fixit tapped his chin. “We’ll deal with the Black Cat in the morning. For now, we’ll find some rooms to sleep in. We can’t afford to break curfew.”

Everypony nodded, and they legged it towards the living quarters. They stopped just short of a sprint to avoid breaking the rules. Happy Hat stopped when he heard a noise, his head swiveling. Slowly, he plucked a stun grenade from his belt and tossed it down a corridor. Somepony screamed in pain. They watched to see if the nanomachines would punish Happy Hat. Nothing happened and they sighed in relief.

“Perfect! Indirect assaults do work!” Happy Hat’s voice was jubilant. “Let’s go capture her.”

“7:49, sir.” Another Ranger’s voice contained a grimace. “No time.”

“Nevermind,” Fixit said, “hurry!”

Despite her haste, Lucky couldn’t help but laugh. Black Cat likely only had a few moments remaining until she received her just deserts.

Comments ( 2 )

Just found this again. Got a bit of reading to do. What is the status? Hope all is well. :twilightsmile:


It's on hiatus for the moment. I'm working on other projects. I'm uncertain if I'll ever return to it.

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