• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,103 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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No Goddesses, Kings, Only Dash

Nicole gasped, clinging to Bard as her slitted eyes reflected the mesmerizing sight of rising bubbles, rippling water, and countless fish. "Holy cow..."

"Purdy excitin', huh?" Bard smiled, squeezing her shoulder. "Imagine this from the perspective of bein' swallowed by a big hulkin' fish."

"I think I'll just stick with the giant porous moon basket, th-thanks." Nicole trembled, gazing aside at Rainbow and Echo. "How do you... like... deal with all this perilous, crazy 'adventure' stuff?"

"Eh..." Rainbow shrugged, stretching her limbs out to stand on the rocking, glowing vines. "After your first painful, bloody death, you sorta just roll with it."


"Ask Remna."

"Miss Remna, what does she—?"

"Do not ask me," the violet mare glared.

"Pffft... fine, then." Nicole leaned against Bard once again. "Get your own moonbasket."

"Mrmmff..." Remna watched with draconian disinterest as the twisting lengths of the structure were joined by more and more glittery spires—all joining together to form a massive hub of interconnecting brambles.

Rainbow's ghostly friends cooed in awe. Below them—rising into view beyond the interwebbing vines—was a gigantic gnarled "gnot," dense enough to be called a proper underwater structure. The hub was easily eight stories in height, and at least five dozen meters in circumference. At random intervals, the Bleakweed surfaces were broken up by translucent windows revealing living sarosian residents wandering about deep inside.

A trickle of bubbles rose past the sphere, and Rarity and Pinkie Pie gasped to see sarosian divers swimming from branch to branch. The ponies were equipped with breathing apparatuses, glowing with lunar enchantment. A "school" of swimming equines were busily working on a branch of gnarled vines—connecting them between two lateral struts. The divers paused, squinting through their glowing goggles at the sphere being piloted by Enix and her felow companions.

The Nightblood Warrior gazed back, then turned to whisper to the two enchanters.

The enchanters nodded in response. Concentrating on their rune necklaces, they murmured new words in Moonwhinny.

Bard wobbled slightly in surprise as the sphere shifted direction. It now began angling itself towards the heart of Bleak's Plummet, approaching a round black shape carved in the structure's surface. Fish scurried out of the way as the sphere entered the structure. Narrow walls were illuminated by the shield runes—then the corridor expanded to reveal a half-flooded chamber.

Enix whistled, and the enchanters murmured yet another word.

The sphere rose, approaching a rippling surface illuminated from above.


Rainbow and her friends found themselves staring at a large round room fitted with spools of coiled vines and diving equipment. Wet-hoofed sarosians wandered from dock to dock, hauling thorned cages full of desperately flopping fish. Upon seeing the sphere surface, many of the workers froze in place, squeaking to one another and staring with intense slitted eyes.

With a grunt, Enix leapt directly up. She sank her fangs deep into a spool of rope, canceling out the topmost force field. Damp air rushed into the sphere, filling the vessel with the foul smell of dead fish. Nicole and Bard grimaced, but both kep their cool. Echo didn't even flinch.

"Look..." Fluttershy whispered, gesturing at the workers atop the neatly-arranged docks. Flickering manatorches illuminated their leafy ears up above. "They're all staring at us."

"Yes..." Rarity squirmed nervously. "I wonder if any of them know why we're here."

"Enix would have sent messengers ahead of us, I imagine," Twilight Sparkle thought aloud.

"I know I'm a mite bit new at this n'all, but..." Applejack glanced at Rainbow. "I ain't sensin' no ill-intent. At least... no more than usual from these batfolk."

Rainbow gulped. "Say... uh... Enix—"

"Fear not, Blood of Luna," the warrior said while gesturing to the many-many workers. Sarosians glided over, crowding the nearest dock. "All has been arranged."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow remarked.

Enix did not respond. Instead, she joined over two dozen sarosians in manually yanking the sphere up by its rope. As the structure rose through the water, the enchanters standing inside with Rainbow's group murmured the word "Y'hnyrr" at even intervals. One by one, the shields extinguished themselves—with expert timing so as not to flood the structure. By the time the last force fields were canceled out, the workers above had hoisted the entirety of the rope out of the water. Rainbow, Bard, and the rest found themselves trotting casually onto dry floor.

The sarosians—with minor reluctance—lent helping hooves to everypony... except when it came to Echo. As soon as the stallion appeared, they took one look at him—at his clipped leather wings—then stepped back with subdued hissing sounds.

Echo blinked. The hair on his back rose savagely as he hissed back.

Frowning, the workers nevertheless drew away.

Rainbow glanced curiously at Echo—but the stallion merely shrugged.

"Hresssssssssh—" Nicole audibly pronounced. Her eyes widened, and she slapped a hoof over her fanged muzzle. A few blinks later, and she murmured aside to Bard. "I... I-I don't know what's coming over me..."

"Right..." Bard gulped dryly. "Just... stick close to me, darlin'... and try not to get too comfortable... I guess."

"Yeah, Johnny... I-I'll try..."

The workers didn't leave entirely. They stood along the outer circumference of the gnarled hangar, gazing cautiously at the strange ponies accompanying Enix.

"Hmmmm..." Remna exhaled. "Your companions do not seem too pleased to see us."

"That will change shortly," Enix said, trotting forward. "I assure you."

"Can you be so certain?" Remna arched an eyebrow, shuffling after her. "If the collective host of your fellow pirates aren't comfortable with our presence, then how do you know we will make a positive impression on your matriarch?"

"We have only one true Matriarch," Enix muttered, marching firmly forward. "I have sensed her voice... and it vouches for your Austraeoh. It was that way in the beginning... and it will be that way in the end."

"I know a thing or two about answering for a loyal nest," Remna said. "The Alicorn of the Moon may feel responsible for these lost mortals... but she hasn't been the one personally protecting them all this time, has she?"

Enix glanced back at Rainbow Dash. "Who is this curious disgruntled creature with the otherworldly eyes?" The warrior's eyes narrowed. "She obviously values your safety, but her faith seems faltering."

"Trust me. She knows the price for screwing me over," Rainbow Dash said. "And if any of your 'brothers and sisters' here in Bleak's Plummet are afraid of me—they shouldn't be. They should be scared of her."

"Hmmm... a challenge..." Enix chanted towards a wall of runes. "H'jem!" Several vines coiled back, dripping with seawater. They exposed a gradually rising corridor, smelling of damp wood and incense. "I can guarantee you that we will encounter many warriors after my own scars who will delight in such a physical presence."

"Uh huh..." Rainbow squinted ahead. "...and what if I refuse any confrontation?"

"You will be seen as a weak coward deserving to be eaten alive." Enix motioned the group along as she trotted up the corridor. "Let us hope we meet up with the Maria Matriarch before then."

"Yeah." Rainbow gulped, leading the pack behind her. "Good idea."

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