• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Big Bard Best Friend Forever

Bard sat in a rusted corner of the rusted ship and rested his back against a rusted hull. Sighing, he cradled the guitar in his legs and wingtips and started slowly plucking away.

It wasn't long until Rainbow Dash shuffled over to stand before him. She gulped and managed a feeble: "Hey."

"Howdy," Bard droned without looking up. "You should try to get some sleep."

Rainbow shrugged. "Not sure I could if I tried."

"Ya say that now," Bard muttered, strumming more gentle notes. "But when the exhaustion really hits ya... you just might not be in the position to handle it then... or at least not half as much as ya can now."

"Right now..." Rainbow Dash slumped down and sat against the hull of the cabin beside him. "I want to make sure that all of my buddies are doing okay."

"Mrmmmfff..." He breathed out the side of his stubbled muzzle. "Then ya best be checkin' on my lil' sis. She's the one blowin' a gasket."

"I don't know her as well as you do."

"Ya sure about that?"


Rainbow squinted at him. "You need to shave."

"Yeah... well..." He arched an eyebrow in her direction. "You need to grow."

Rainbow Dash giggled.

Bard smirked.

More silence.

"... ... ...I know that you really care for Nicole," Rainbow said. "But... she's a grown mare." She looked calmly at him. "And the fact of the matter is... she chose to join us on this trip."

"She didn't choose to go to the edge of the world," Bard grumbled. "She don't even know a third of what we're gettin' into. Don't none of us know what we're gettin' into!"

"Well, true." Rainbow nodded. "But you can't just dismiss her entirely. She loves you dearly, Bard, and it... can't be easy just letting you go now that you've both newly reunited."

"The fact that I got her out of that whole stinkin' mess with Blue is the biggest reason why I want her stayin' on the light side where it's safe."

"Where it's safer," Rainbow insisted. "She was right with what she said earlier. Between the likes of Chandler and the stampeding windigoes, she's stuck between a rock and a hard place if she stays here."

Bard squinted. "Are ya sayin' that we should be lettin' my little sister brave hell and high water on the way to the Midnight Armory?"

"No..." Rainbow shook her head. "And if I had my way, I'd not bring any of you guys over to the dark side. But... let's face it... most of the Herald have already made their choice."

"Damn straight."

"But... not all of them have family," Rainbow said. She looked steadily at the stallion. "In fact... none of them did... until just yesterday."

Bard stopped strumming. He looked directly at the mare. "What are ya sayin', Rainbow?"

"I'm saying..." Rainbow took a deep breath. "That a long time ago... you told somepony very special to you that 'there'd be no more sunsets' for you." She gulped. "...that can be true here as much as on the Dark Side."

Bard's brow furrowed. "You kickin' me out, Rainbow?"


"I'm more than a member of the Herald, y'know!" He frowned. "I'm a Desperado to the core! And ain't gettin' off this train we're on!" He pointed across the cabin. "I owe Dubya more than words or song can say! You think I'm gonna be abandonin' him anytime soon or—"

"Look at me."

Bard blinked. Sighing, he folded his forelimbs and glared at Rainbow.

Rainbow spoke firmly: "You haven't abandoned anyone. In fact... more than anyone I've known since crossing the Grand Choke... you've shown so much faith in me..." She winced, her ears drooping. "...way more faith than I deserve."

"Aw shucks..."

"Even after I sent you away..."

"Rainbow... now dun get all sappy—"

"...with no connections to Mortuana's hero club—save just Wildcard—you agreed to come back and save my fuzzy blue butt." Rainbow gulped. "The Herald got more than their fair share of awesomeness from the likes of you long before you even became an official member!"

"Even if I did skedaddle..." Bard cocked his head to the side. "Who would be the Seventh?"

Rainbow blew out the side of her muzzle. "I dunno. Echo?"

"HAH!" Bard grinned wickedly. "Fat lotta good that would do for the future of Austraeoh!" He cackled. "Hell, if that's yer only alternative, then I might as well lasso you tight and carry you over to the Midnight Armory on my lonesome!"


"Assumin' Dubya dun skin me clean for it first!"

"Dang it..." Rainbow buried her face in her hooves. "Grrrrrrrr..." She looked up with a frown—or at least her best attempt at one. "I didn't ever want to steal your life from you! Okay?!"

Bard blinked at her, lips pursed.

"Desperado or not... bounty hunter or not... the fact is..." She gulped. "...family is super important for you. And with the likes of Nicole... you've got family. And... and I don't want you losing all of that... all on account of me." She hugged herself, staring across the cabin. "Even the Noble Jury... after all that they gave up for me..." She squeaked. "I st-still let them go... to live healthy, normal lives." She sniffled. "It... it just doesn't seem right to ask the impossible of so many ponies. And I can't illustrate what the rest of the Herald are losing. But you?"

"Rainbow... darlin'..." Bard wrapped a hoof around her gently from the side. "I told ya that the Herald is my family and I meant it. Ain't no changin' that." He smiled warmly. "Now Nicole's family too... but her place ain't on the move like me... it ain't about danger and death-defyin' nonsense. She's just got her heart mixed up with her head. That's all good and fine... and I dun blame her. But... I'll be damned if I let my lil' sister die... all because I'm needin' to head on out and protect my other lil' sister."

Rainbow Dash blinked at that. She looked up at him.

Bard winked.

Rainbow sniffed. She rolled her eyes—if only in a loose attempt to dry them. "And you call me sappy," she muttered.

He chuckled. "Well, you are, aren't ya?"

Rainbow merely groaned in protest. Nevertheless, with a tiny shudder, she gave in... leaning her head against his strong shoulder. She stared across the dimly-lit cabin with tired eyes. "I never thought I'd dig the idea."

"What? Of being sappy?"

"No, you dense melon fudge. Of having an older brother."

"Ohhhhh... well... so far, Nicole wants to kill me... so I guess I'm one for two."

"She doesn't want to kill you," Rainbow muttered. "She just cares for you a lot."

"And how about you, Lil' Missy?"

Rainbow sighed. "... ... ...if I could get over being annoyed by you, then Nicole sure can."

Bard nodded with a smile. "That's a good start, I reckon."


"If you're like an older brother..." Rainbow muttered. "...then what does that make Wildcard?"

Bard shrugged. "A pet?"

Rainbow snorted, doubling over.

Bard's teeth showed beneath his grin. "The varmint sure does squawk enough to want crackers!"

"Unnnnnnngh... you're an idiot."

"Nah... I'm yer idiot."

"Hmmmm..." Rainbow contemplated that. She leaned calmly against his shoulder... and calmly closed her eyes.

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