• Published 1st Sep 2015
  • 4,138 Views, 8 Comments

Popping Her Cherry - Regina Wright

It was in the kitchen that Fluttershy trapped him, demanding the girth of his gift.

  • ...

With His Graffiti On Her Tongue

In the short, summer-touched afternoon, Ralph took to Fluttershy's kitchen and stripped himself bare.

The tools of his trade was rolled out on the counter, silver and sensual in the low light. With a ribbon, he tied up his black, curly hair to hang in a tight high ponytail. His favorite garment, a single salmon-colored apron, sat worn and frayed at the edges on the chair. Waiting patiently for the end of his little performance, wanting to get back to work. Ralph placed the apron on, looping the strings behind his back. His roommate had yet to come home and he imagined as long as he cleaned up after himself, he was free to indulge in himself.

Tonight, he would make the greatest sin.

It didn't take long for the smells of his pleasure to flood into the air. Earthy. Spices simmering to perfection. Sweet. Decadent as they bathed the kitchen in their urgency to be crafted under his tanned hands. Devoted to his work, he did not notice he had a voyeur spying from the next room. Not until it was too late to escape, blaming the odd sounds on the animals frolicking outside. Her hooves making a half-beat of staccato taps as she walked towards him, then back, then towards him again. Stray drops of sultry cream splattered onto the top of his apron and with two fingers, he brought the sweet substance to his lips and-

A sharp noise interrupted him and he turned, recoiling from the strange sight.

It was Fluttershy, her fragile-looking wings slapping against the corner of her doorway. Wider than he ever seen them, twitching as they attempted to close before unfurling out again. The mare swayed on her hooves, a dark smearing blush on her innocence-looking face. Her eyes were clouded, turning former blue into a lust-made haze of teal.

Today.” She whispered, an insane smile eating her face. “I'm going to do it, today.”

“This...” Ralph said, stopping what he was doing. “isn't what it looks like? I- I thought you were busy.” He washed the cream from his hands, aware that the mare was staring and gulping harder with each passing second. “I should have asked? Why aren't you saying something?”

Fluttershy whistled. A loud, thumping creak followed. Ralph glanced behind him and saw that the backdoor was now covered with the backside of an unmovable bear. Then to the windows, all of them covered with boards with hastily placed nails being pounded into the side of the cottage.

“Oh my,” She said, “looks like we're trapped in for the night. We can talk about a certain someone's naughty habits in my kitchen.” Fluttershy cooed, hiccuping as her words turned into unhinged gentle giggles. “You've been-” Another giggle. “caught, Ralph.”

Using her slender body, she blocked the only way out. He shamelessly enjoyed the rare sight. The orange sunset washed over her creamy yellow coat, complementing the red blush spreading under her fur. Hysterical words flew out of her mouth; her wants, her wishes and a unrelenting need to be allowed to have this one thing.

Ralph laughed.

“You're serious?” He said, smearing a hearty portion of homemade grape jelly on his buttered toast and using his body to block most of the mess he made on the counters. “Not to be arrogant but I don't think-” His eyes swept up and down her petite and wiry form. “you could possible take all of me in. That's why when I'm in the mood, I head out for some alone time. Usually. I thought you were at Applejack's.”

Fluttershy reared up, tottering on two hooves as she attempted to poke him in the chest. For her sake, he made a wounded face and tried not to snicker. She really put her spirit into this confrontation.“I heard from Rainbow Dash who heard from Applejack-” Her voice quivered but the fight wasn't out of her yet. “that you let Pinkie Pie watch you.” Ralph blinked. “And. And you were this close in letting her join in.”

“Well, me and Pinkie Pie have a lot in common.” Ralph looked away, placing his toast down on his plate. “She's the type of girl, I mean, mare I know would be able to handle my-” He rambled, shrugging his shoulders. “my weight in those kind of things. She is rather pudgy in the right places. Girls don't get like that unless they know what they are doing.”

Fluttershy dropped back onto four hooves, her wings close to her sides as she pawed at the ground. Her hurt eyes stabbed him as she threw him a trembling frown. That adorable face scrunching up with self-doubt and sorrow. Ralph felt his heart shrivel at the sight, his mind flailing in response. He had a reason for not getting caught! Don't give in. “And you're saying I wouldn't know what I was doing?”

“No.” He blabbed, confused as to what was happening. “It's nothing personal.”

“That's not a yes.”

“It's not a no either.”

“Soo...” Fluttershy drew out the word, the single note a chorus to the very moment he signed his soul away. “You would do it for me?” She stammered, one hoof forward. “Because you want to prove that I couldn't do it.” Another hoof. “How else could you prove I couldn't do it?” Her eyelids lowered, a pink tongue sliding across her voluminous lips. He wondered what they would look like covered in his well-battered cream. “Unless we did it.”

Ralph swallowed, his life flashing before his eyes. “I don't want to hurt you? You're a virgin to this kind of-”

Dainty hooves wrapped around his shoulders. Her enticing tail winding around them like a flowering vine. Fluttershy held onto him tightly, gently pleading her case as she maneuvered them to the table. With a tug on his shirt, she sat on the table and conquered him quite soundly. Legs encasing him to her love. Wings stroked his backside as she nuzzled the blood into his face. He submitted to her embrace, rubbing his face into her neck and taking in the unique scent of her. Dandelions and morning grass, the smell of wildflowers and forgotten fields of tall reeds.

She whispered into his ears, her warm breath sending goosebumps down the back of his neck.

“Is it a yes now?”

“Your body will hate you later. We're different creatures. It will hurt, at least the first time.” He said, hands balanced on either side of her. “I warned you, okay?”

Fluttershy nodded her consent. Ralph tugged her hooves off and grabbed the toast, folding the still-warm treat. He brought it to her muzzle, the crust brushing against her lips. “Say ah.” Her mouth opened and Ralph watched as she took a long, savoring bite. Moaning as she chewed on the quick evening snack.

More. I want more of your food.”

“You're being silly.” Ralph said, thinking of what to make to satisfied this sudden appetite. “I haven't even finished cooking.” He eyed the bowl of whipped cream and remembered the tube of home-stirred ice cream he bartered from Pinkie Pie. “I can only give you dessert for now and to be fair to your stomach, we'll have to wait a couple of hours before I give you anything hot. Is that okay?”

“I can't wait to see what you make.” Fluttershy brought her hooves together, her happiness over something mundane like cooking making his knees shake. The man placed a fist over his heart, promising to put his soul in his latest meal, and went to work.

Ralph took to the cabinets, pulling out a oval-shaped serving bowl and a pack of slow-baked chocolate. Into a pot, the chocolate went with a dash of cinnamon, sugar and half a cup of milk. Leaving it to its own devices, Ralph considered the side dish he could add. Fresh ginger cookies could go nicely but the prep time might take too long. Setting the bowl down, he went for the ice box and pulled out the vanilla ice-cream he was saving for a special occasion.

With a large spoon, he filled the bowl with careful scrapes of the ice cream to make three well-shaped half-circles.

Checking the pot, the chocolate sauce was done and Ralph remembered the bag of fruit he got from the market today. He turned the burner down, giving the sauce a quick stir. The cherries were going to be the toppings of his white marble cake but they had a much more important job to do today. He took out a bundle of strawberries, thinly slicing them and lining the fresh cuts around the ice cream. Turning back to the pot, he lifted the handle and gently drizzled the dark mixture over the fluff-filled bowl. Then came the cherries, squeezed over the cream to give the dessert a slight tang.

A sole cherry was placed on top and he presented his meal to Fluttershy.

“You forgot the spoon.” She said, leaning down and letting her long, eager tongue swirl around the frozen mix. She pressed her lips against the chocolate, happily lapping it up. “It's so good. Mmmh... So scrumptious.” Soon her cheeks were wet with melted ice cream, the strawberries eaten and the bowl still two-thirds full.

“You can't eat it all, can you? Your stomach isn't used to eating so much.”

Fluttershy froze, her cheeks bulging as she took long swallows. Her belly even had the nerve to have a slight pudge from the fullness. “That doesn't mean I don't want it.” She wiggled her snout. “I can learn to eat more. Your cooking is amazing and you shouldn't hide it from ponies.”

Ralph smiled and joined her on the table, a spoon in his hand. “You know, I think food is meant to be eaten together.” He said, scooping up a spoon-ful of vanilla with the cherry in the middle. Ralph took the ice cream into his mouth, rolling the cherry on his tongue. Fluttershy leaned to her side, their shoulders bumping together and they kissed.

Tangy cherry juice spilled from their lips, trickling down on the ice cream below.

Author's Note:

I watched Koufuku Graffiti and I needed to write something 'dumb' today. Hoped you liked it.

Extra Short

Fluttershy: Do you cook by yourself because it's the only time you feel comfortable about your body?

Ralph: What?

Fluttershy: There's nothing under that apron... I- I don't mean anything about it but you usually wear a lot of thick clothing.

Ralph: Reflexes. I'm only safe cooking when I know I'm alone. It just so happens that I like to do it, commando style from time to time.

Fluttershy: I'm sorry. It's just nudity is what everyone does around here and I worry about you.

Fluttershy: *eyes twinkles*

Fluttershy: You should get naked all of the time.

Ralph: I don't think that is a good idea.

Fluttershy: *glomps*

Ralph: Is this what love is supposed to feel like?

Comments ( 8 )

Waaat?? I don't even know what to feel about this. Random! Though food can be sexy in the right situation.

As long as it made you laugh, that all that counts.

I had a friend in rl say to me, "Food porn isn't sexy."

And I told him, I could make eating toast erotic. So I wrote a dumb story.

A great sequel, I found it funny and also a nice slice of life. I hope you write more about Ralph and Fluttershy.

At least Ralph hasn't made burgers yet.


You my friend can. Deceive many people:trollestia:

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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