• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 4,100 Views, 42 Comments

Utter - Regina Wright

One's childhood never escapes you when magic and a certain motherly princess enters the picture.

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Bonus Story: A Single Sin of a Shadowing Shade

I was once apart of something much greater. Not that I was not magnificent all on my own but I was, for a time, greater than I was alone. Together with a sniveling equestrian princess, we became something that sought control of Equestria, her worthless ponies and most importantly, the night. She was the moon and I was the darkness that swept over every star. Our union was beautiful and so we plotted together for sake of our deepest desires. We threw away our names in the pursuit of power.

Our enemies knew us as Nightmare Moon.

Our sister, her greatest regret.

It was a shame that even with our combined powers and united will, we lost to that white sow and her cheap tricks. Then again, to her student and companions less than a thousand years later. In that moment we were split, my other fled from my embrace and left me to fracture under their disgusting magic of hope and friendship.

I became bitter.

I desperately wanted her back.

Loneliness ate at my mind and so I sought magic to rebuild my body and a plan to regain my moon. I thought it wouldn't take long. I only needed a festering mind with a well-spring of magic. Plenty to be found in Equestria. I snuck and crept and slithered into every dream and mind-scape, draining my victims of their extra energy.

But the magic I stole was tainted. Altered by the proximity of the Elements of Harmony. The nectar I took from the citizens of Ponyville useless to me. I was chained to where I was defeated in the depths of the Everfree, free to wander to the borders of such an accursed town and no more.

I could not understand why I was being punished. That cruel princess took my freedom, took my greatness and now she locks me here in all the fake love and cruel friendship to starve me?

Was there not a single ounce of mercy?

Should she had freed me, I would have tore her neck open with my bare teeth but now, she deserved worse.

Eternal was my torment until I came across an odd looking gate deep within a buried tunnel. Death and dark magic oozed from the many stones and cracks of its entrance. Fresher-looking runes were carved into the side. An altar of foals' toys sat below, dusty and rotting. I inhaled the sin-laden stench, a cold grin stretching across my face. I knew of Celestia's hoof-work. I knew that she used her supposedly pure and righteous magic to do something unforgivable.

There was far too much ambient magic and death to prove anything otherwise.

I knew not what I was chasing but I pursued the traces of the magic, feeling faint throbs of motion and activity from the other side of the tunnel. There was no plot within my hooves. No grand ploy to be played on the creatures I would later discover on that side. I only wished to find the receiver of Celestia's blessing should it be some sword, great tome or hated relic of the past, and stomp it into dust.

It was to my great surprise for it to be a little boy. I thought I would take my time in breaking him.

The boy was protected by her magic but it certainly didn't stop me from encouraging him to handle his emotions in a constructive way. He flew into a blinding rage at the drop of coin, beating people and breaking all that was around him. It was by his fists he pushed the curious and the calculating out of his life.




All words were like praise to my fine craftsmanship. Acknowledgement of his potential. He learned so much under my care. How to stab, how to strangle, how to subjugate the lessor minds. They all feared him, shipping him off to one place to another. His parents washed their hands of him. Called their little boy dead and left him to fend for himself but he was not alone. I was always with him. Watching. Protecting. Guarding. Perhaps, I shouldn't have? For if I had spent more time hacking at his mind then I wouldn't have been so thwarted in the years to come.

But I manifested myself around him from time to time, looking upon him in the natural. He was my little monster and I felt a strange fondness for my colt. On the tiny cot they allowed him, I would sleep close to him. My wings would extend to protect him from sight and I was alert for any mischief that would come to his room. In his deepest of sleep, he felt my presence. Reaching out a hand to stroke my fur, seeking warmth and comfort. As the dim darkness was over us, I adored him. Embracing him like I did the mare I once loved.

I told myself the boy was only a substitute. Possibly a means to an end. But I slowed in my ambitions. I slowed my spite as well. In the nights, I held him. Listening to his breath and watching his dreams as the hours blurred. In the mornings, I redirected my energy into tormenting others. Inflicting their minds with madness and letting my boy be known as a curse-bringer.

I would find the magic I needed another way and my little boy would grow into my champion.

It would be he that would bring me Celestia's head!

Ah, but I was a fool.

I hadn't notice with every pill he took, the less of me he felt. His mind became unrecognizable. Fought me at every turn as if I was a foe, a fiend to vanquished. He was slipping through my hooves. He was leaving me to suffer. I tore through his mind as fiercely as I could but it was too late. His habit only increased in time and he sought out others to help him. To ruin the great investment I had made.

And so I did what was necessary.

I waited and wormed my way through every hole, crack and unbolted lock in his mind. Patiently wearing down his mental walls. His drugs would one day fail and I would have his body and Celestia's magic. His consciousness would not survive the transfer.

But it was better this way.

I would repair him when I was done. I would give him an ounce of love for every drop of his blood I spilled.

He would be my boy. My little monster.

Author's Note:

Sympathy for the devil.

She was fun to write in the other chapter so I thought she could get her own little short. Plus, I made it plot-relevant. Yay me.

Comments ( 19 )

Does this story have clop in it?

What a dark and intriguing story. I'm a little confused: So the protagonist was found 20 years after he disappeared, aged only 2 years? I would think everyone thinks he was abducted by aliens, and the government would probably be tracking him to study things like his health and aging.

~Out of Story Notes (Because I'll probably never get to explain it in-story)~
When Mark was on the phone he used a different identity, Patrick Santera. It was my way to imply he changed his identity to escape his reputation. And of course, his psychiatrists and the Shade of Celestia would know about that since he talks to them about things while getting his medicine.

The only reason why Mark isn't being aggressively monitored by certain interested parties because of the Shade of Celestia either making him into a raging, uncooperative berserker or driving the respective team-leaders into insanity. And in his twenties, Mark walks a fine line with drug addiction and will happily curse anyone out if they try to ask him anything Equestria before closing in on himself. He's a dead-end clam but they, just like the Shade, are willing to wait until all things he's repressed comes bubbling out.


Super awesome!

Don't tell me you think the government is going to swoop in and save Mark from the big old bad alicorn? Eh, don't worry about him. This is the darkest the story will get for now. Prepare yourself for the incoming Momlestia feels.


6377471 I am really enjoying this fic, you don't find very many momlestia fics like this so it is very refreshing to see.

I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Can I pick your brain on your thoughts on the latest chapter? What did you think about the Shade of Celestia and her relationship with Mark? I wanted their interactions to be somewhat ironic and contrast to the little boy and Celestia in the dream.

6377531 I thoroughly enjoy the interaction, you have a being that wanted to use him as a tool to destroy another but over time grew to enjoy having this tool around. And now that it is fond of him, it will still do it's plan but want to keep him afterwords. It has a twisted version sense of love/heart that shows a depth to it than it just being a normal parasite. Going to love to see how this will contrast to how Celestia feels about mark and if she truly claimed him as her own son/colt when she declared herself his mother in his dreams all those years ago.

That's great! Thanks for the feedback. :heart:

I'm actually tempted that after finishing Utter, writing a fic where Nightmare Moon 'raises' Mark uninterrupted by chemicals. Written from the perspective of a magically-sensitive caseworker or something? The human version of Celestia who comes across him? Dark themes are fun to play with and it's just an idea.

6377583 You welcome ^-^, now back to slaving over a typewriter! Fulfill our needs mwhahaha!

An alter of foals' toys sat below, dusty and rotting.

1: Just how long has mark been from Equestria? I am curious to see how much of Mark's memories of Celestia are legitimate memories of his time in Equestria and how much is of the Shade messing with him.
2: Sorry to be a grammar pedant, but I think the word you are looking for is "altar". "Alter" is a verb that means "To Change", as in clothing.

That's great.


1: Just how long has mark been from Equestria?

This will probably be answered in the next chapter.

I am curious to see how much of Mark's memories of Celestia are legitimate memories of his time in Equestria and how much is of the Shade messing with him.

You're the first to bring this up. You get a cookie.

2: Sorry to be a grammar pedant, but I think the word you are looking for is "altar". "Alter" is a verb that means "To Change", as in clothing.

Nah, feel free to tell me. I got writer vision and I can miss the little errors while slaving over a sentence for hours. Point them out any time.

6379930 Yay, internet cookies!

On top of that, if Nightmare was partially a manifestation of Luna's jealousy, is this shade a manifestation of Celestia's regret for letting Mark go?

Niiiice, dark and slightly morbid, i approve!!

is the story dead or?

Hey, if this story isn't updating, you should really consider marking it as on hiatus or cancelled.

absolutely love this story, it is such a great story, i love how you set the seen and make the charters go through there own unique struggles. id love to read more about mark especially. i cant wait for you to put out the next chapter!

I am assuming this is dead then o3o since it has been over 2 years? this sucks as it was really good too

I love this and I really just want more of it, if you could it would be great to see you make more of this story soon :)

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