• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Comments ( 28 )

OK, this story seems interesting. Hope there's more updates soon, so we can see how Nikolai interacts with the girls and the royalty of Equestria.

Oh, you are in for quite the ride.
as is Nikki.

so why did the maid freak out in the end?

she wasn't expecting to run into the room's occupant, nor was he supposed to come in from the balcony.
that and the fact he was DOUBLE her size may have been a factor.

she was just professional enough to NOT do that in front of him, 'cause ya'know, Celly don't hire incompetent hirelings (usually, Royal Guard non-withstanding)

Alright true Thor not marvel's blonde. Though I don't remember Mjolnir being hot, but hey there are like 30 vareations of all the storys.

the old stories i remember had the damned diamond like hammer head hot as hell.
and that is the cannon i am going with.

Uhhhhh..............So is Luna dead but not quite dead because she is an immortal that held an aspect of death? Or is she just unconscious?

she was knocked senseless.
i kinda go into in the next chapter.

My only problem with this so far is some grammatical errors.
But, I'm too lazy to point out.

weird, i though i got all of those, thanks for pointing the fact they are there out.

I liked this chapter. Fucking depressing, but well done. Shit gave me the feels. :applecry:

sadly that was the point.

Can anyone see this update? or do i need to nuke it and try again?

All in all, a fast paced, fun romp! Only a few things to look into. Your spelling is not always spot on. ( Spellcheck at fault?) Your grammar could also be a bit better.

That being said, I'm loving this story! You have a rich backstory, a fascinating protagonist, and enough bloody mayhem conflict to drive this tale to the top! Keep writing. The world needs more authors of your caliber.

thanks. i all honesty, speel chek hate me. ;D

dam you know how to write a sad i was nearly in tears... nearly the music really helped set the mood good work

HA! too true, but then some are alright-ish...

coming, just a bit behind on writing as RL sucks atm.

I don't remember this story at all.

lol. it happens when i don't get the chapter out for just about a year.

I'm not angry, just disappointed. What about? Well, last chapter was posted in 2017, November. I believe it's time for You, dear Author, to say something about this. Are you leaving this story as it is, or maybe life got you in its claws and don't want to let you go?

hey, sorry IRL issues have given me grief. Moves, job changes, family medical, you know how it goes.

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