• Member Since 27th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2021

Kwisatz Haderpone

[this space intentionally left blank]


Pinkie Pie finds a magic button that makes instant cookies out of thin air.

Twilight Sparkle, understandably concerned and insatiably curious, turns to science for answers, and makes a terrifying discovery.

She and her friends soon find themselves in a race against time to save Ponyville, and all of Equestria, from a terrible chocolatey fate.

Also, kittens. Lots and lots of adorable fluffy kittens.

(Cookie Clicker crossover, because what better time for a Cookie Clicker crossover than several months after everyone stopped caring about Cookie Clicker?)

(Now featuring crappy cover art, created by me at 3 in the morning!)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 45 )

Okay, I just have to se where you go with this. tracking activated,.

I agree with Maxes. You have my curiosity. Tracking engaged.

It's funny, I clicked on the link to read this and the ads on the top and side of the page changed to some AARP ad or something. It was a picture of a grandma that looked surprisingly like the one from Cookie Clicker...I think it's a sign. Beware the Grandmapocalypse.

Not bad! I can't wait to see part 2!

wow, this is a good story! I'm excited for the next chapter!

At first when I read these chapters, I was so confused about why you involved cats...:applejackunsure:
Then I remembered the milk part of the game and it all came back together XD

Well, crap. People are actually reading this. Now I've gotta put even more pressure on myself to make sure it doesn't suck.
No, wait. Never mind. I was gonna do that already anyway. :twilightsmile:

Everyone's gotta steal a joke from The Simpsons at one point or another, right?


Yes, chaos magic looks like that, when you rip it all out of Discord at once. But when he's just using it to make exploding chocolate milk and whatnot, you can't see it. Maybe there's a flash of light or something, but nothing like unicorn magic with its obvious glowy glowness.

Also, the green glow from the test tube wasn't technically magic. It was the chemical Twilight added reacting to the presence of trace amounts of certain types of magic. Kind of a CSI-type of thing, like that stuff they spray everywhere that makes bloodstains and other assorted bodily fluids glow in the dark.

...Yeah, that sounds reasonable. I'm gonna go with that.

c'mon, twi! tell us some info!!!

What, no grandmothers? :pinkiecrazy:

The cover art isn't crappy, considering you made it at three in the morning. It's better than my little sister's art.( but you didn't hear that from me):twilightblush:

waiting for those grandmas :twilightsheepish:

keep up the good work:twilightsmile:

That isn't just normal Pinke. It is ultra super mega extra Pinkie! With Cookies!
What will happen next?
I'm so excited about a new chapter^^

Great chapter! I know it's you discord..... I think.... Can't wait for the next one!

By some amazing coincidence, Winona had had an unpleasant encounter with a skunk mere minutes earlier. The tomato bombardment removed most of the skunk smell, for which the dog was sort of grateful (as much as one can be after being pelted with tomatoes, anyway).

Tomato juice doesn't really help with skunk stink all that well, actually. They say a new chemical combination actually helps better. Dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda... Mix all three together, and apply to the body, and it breaks down the stench molecules....

This is true. But tomato juice seemed to do the trick for Twilight when she got skunked in Winter Wrap Up. Maybe it works better in Equestria than it does here in the real world.

Or maybe her friends were just too polite to tell her that she smelled like a tomato-y skunk. :twilightoops:

I worry about Twilight. "A BERIF History of Equestrian VOLUME 17!!!?!??!?!

You wrote Discord good. Many people write him completely over the top, ignoring the fact that he is more restrained than that. He is more subtle most times, and that's how I like him.

MOAR PLZ!!:pinkiehappy:
Um.. I mean... if that's okay with you.:yay:

6122610 As long as there's a grandma left in the universe, someone is gonna make cookies. And with enough cookies, bounds of space and time are MEANINGLESS :pinkiecrazy:

I don't recall being able to purchase milk to attract kittens to click the button for you... but it's as good an explanation as any.

They are so doomed. :applecry:

Discord jerked his claw back from the cage door. “You know what sounds fun? Sitting quietly on that couch over there. Let’s do that.”

Is it bad if I now want an art of Spike and Discord sitting quietly on a couch, mugs of coffee/coffee of mug in claw, trying to make small talk? Because that sounds hilarious.

.....i was expeckting a time machine...but OKAY

For some reason I'm thinking Pinkie will go all Rambo style on the cats :pinkiecrazy:
throwing balls of yarn and kitty treats like they are weapons :pinkiehappy:

I was expecting a portal to cookieland. A parallel Dimension where everything was made of baked goods. Primarily, cookies.

I love the story but I do have two minor nitpicks: various Grannies and or Filly Scouts around Ponyville should be under the same compulsion as the kittens. And the kittens don't recognize Pinkie as the owner of the factory.

This will surely end in madness.

Would this happen to take place in Season 2, by any chance? Say, 22 days before A Friend in Deed? I ask because Pinkie actually specifies her birthday as being '75 days from now' in that episode and now you say it's 97 days from this chapter.

Saw the Simpsons reference, assuming it was a direct reference to that one episode and the scene in that episode wasn't referencing something else.

Typical Twilight, not explaining anything and giving us cliffhangers :rainbowwild:

"The cookie button really does make absolutely no sense!”

"Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?!"

Pinkie Pie's numbers for the Apple Family farm selling cookies probably won't work out. After all, if you can grow them, then supply will go up and the price will go down, unless the Apples create an artificial shortage to keep the price up :applejackunsure:. Should've gotten Big Mac to help her out with her fancy mathematics :eeyup:

If Equestria obeys real-life laws at all (:rainbowlaugh:) then all the cookies constantly being replicated over and over will eventually cause a cookie singularity, causing the planet to fold in on itself under high gravity and create a black hole :applejackconfused:

Also, I'm imagining Gummy doing a Slice of Life-esque conversation in his head while sitting on the counter.

Seems to me that Opal is simply following the instinct of all cats to go for some milk.

Also, marshmallow fluff, right after talking to Rarity...:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:


It's always rad to see Discord, in written or visual form, when he's in his element. I always get a kick out of seeing him troll others.

Actually, I was honestly expecting it to have been Twilight's fault, with her designing her magic clicking finger to have conjured the majority of the cookies. Then your end-note busted that theory.

Spike's commentary after the Mane 6 is too meta. What's this? Your Spike is evolving!

The Mane 6 having to do battle against a litter of cats sounds about part for an above-average day in Ponyville.

The kittens remind me rather of third-world nations. They 'stole' existing advanced technology, then after some production time figured out how to make cookies themselves and are now creating cookies at a faster rate than the button ever could :derpytongue2:

If you've ever read the comics, I expect they're probably cute citizens of wuvy-dovey land

Well, so far this story has been insane in a ticklish way. I like it.

I wish this story could have been completed

Yay, you made another chapter! I really want to see how this ends

I want that recipe!

Well, if we're talking about time travel as chaos magic, I'm sure Celestia will come along to attempt to save the day, only for her sun-related powers to be neutralised as the giant cookie converts sunlight directly into cookies :trollestia:

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