• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 5th, 2024

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫


When Discord decides to mess with Pinkie and Sombra just for the fun of it, he pulls a prank that just might end up scarring the couple for life.

He turns Pinkie into a stallion. Things get weird.

Side story to The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 47 )


I haven't read hunger games mockingjay yet um i am not going to get this story am i? :applejackconfused:

There's a small section at the beginning where Twilight ruins a book for Sombra and he does the same to her, the book he ruins being Mockingjay. It leads them to fighting right when Pinkie comes in and interrupts them to show what happened to "her".

Stop taking all of my stars!
I'm going to run out at some point. :raritycry:

I like the way it ended, but I think ending it a little earlier (when Sombra and Pinkie are still affected) would've worked too.

I see now thanks XD well i just read it and i love this from discord.

Discord clucked his tongue disapprovingly. "Love matters not the gender, the shape, the color or the race of a pony, but rather the pony themselves,"

:scootangel: that is so true.

"Prim dies," he hissed, his glare unwavering.


Okay, I'm better now and finished reading. Discord, you started it, so, in technicality, you're nasty.

Oh sweet Celestia yes. And Twilight... you pervy princess.

Well, I do not no what to say... are they getting COMFY? *flashback from the first minute of a speed run of some peeved game called Banned From Equestria* OH F**KING GOD......

Oh man Pinkie seemed to be really into the gender swap near the end, eh. :rainbowderp:

:moustache:Sombra, you're so deliciously EVIL.

So I'm surprised to see Discord break that up... Rather uncharacteristic of him, I'd think he'd be the guy to play the sexy music in the background.

Sometimes even Discord gets weirded out.

4342446 Perhaps he doesn't have a character, and that's what makes him so manipulatable.

Eh.... I'm not sure I've enjoyed this story. To be honest, I expected more. It's a comedy, but it would be interesting to see male Sombra and male Pinky being stuck like that for at least a day, figuring their feelings out and realising that love is above their... uncomfortable problem.

Well, like many great conquerors in the past Sombra also swung both sides, eh. :trollestia:

I knew felt a kindred spirit with Sombra, the upside for like both genders everywhere you turn theres eye candy. :raritywink:

This is... Mindfuck... Question! What does it need for my 100% approval?

What in Tartarus would SweetieMash have to do with this?

4380719 Haha! You know me! Well, I am just a crazy shipping pony, like your OTP on staroids... So ya, it is just that a hint in the backround is always nice.

4380719 Pinkie Pie to parties like I am to ButtonBelle.

A series of my feelings!

First reaction: :rainbowlaugh:

Second reaction: :rainbowhuh:...

Third Reaction: Did not know that. :twistnerd:

Fourth Reaction: Considering he was a tyrant and tyrants in our history were known to go both ways, well most of them anyway, it does certainly make sense. How intriguing. :moustache:

Fifth Reaction: Twilight's Face (:twilightangry2:...:facehoof:) = My face (:ajsmug:)

Sixth Reaction: Twilight, you crazy mare. :rainbowwild:

I think that's what about sums it up. :pinkiecrazy:

actually... this totally makes sense, hell, roman charioteer partners were Partners in all meanings of the world, they had to protect their partner like a lover, and now you see why they were good, oh, the charioteers had wives too, just saying they swung both ways too, random thought

aaaaaanyway.... Sombra-Pie is my all-time favorite ship when t comes to a villain ship, that and Discord-celestia, chaos and order, so fun, and you have really messed with all my pinkie shipping ideas with these stories, it's gonna be hard to ship her with someone BESIDES Sombra, oh yeah... Sombra is amazing, you make his fearing awesome, and surprisingly flirtatious, I like this Sombry, thank you.

I was actually thinking of Roman culture while writing this because, like you said, the door swung both ways for the Charioteers.


And before you ask, yeah, Sombra's door swings both ways.

Is that it or.. Dare I suggest it... MOOOOOREEE???

Seriously considering a sequel where Sombra's turned into a mare, but Pinkie's OK with it from the get-go.

4381146 awesome! Yay for random history knowledge that improves a story!

Y'know, in the blog where this story was first mentioned. I made on offhand comment that Twilight would love some stallion Pinkie and Sombry lovin...:pinkiecrazy:

Then this happened.:moustache:

I don't know if I called it or not, but I love this even more now. :rainbowkiss:

Pinkie/Sombra = OTP:pinkiehappy:
Twilight Sparkle - Still Best Pony.:twilightsmile:

Another great little side story, but I still wish more than anything for a mature story. :raritywink:

4342446 Uhh... I hope your not referring to Pinkie and Sombra being a same sex couple as something that would "weird out" Discord. I'm not trying to have a knee-jerk reaction and attack you, and I'm certainly not calling you prejudiced, but making contextless comments like that can lead to some unfortunate implications. I'm fairly certain you don't have anything against gay ponies, but regardless of what you intended it looks... odd from a reader standpoint. I'd appreciate if you would help clear up whatever misunderstanding it is that I'm having, I don't want to have judged you unfairly based on a misconception.

I only bring it up because for most of the story any mention of them continuing in a relationship as they are now is treated in a bizarrely dismissive fashion. I know this is a comedy, and Pinkie becoming a stallion is certainly uncomfortable enough of a predicament to make for a funny situation. But when it finally seems like Pinkie is going to try and make it work with Sombra, you just remove the conflict and make it so it never has to be addressed wether Sombra could love Pinkie as a stallion.

It just backs out of it's premise so that there never has to be any discussion of Sombra and Pinkie being together romantically as stallions. It kind of makes it feel less like Sombra and Pinkie aren't ok with being a gay couple, and more like the story/author isn't ok with it. But from a story standpoint as well it feels like a cheap way to resolve any issue without having to write a real resolution.

On the plus side, the part with the encyclopedia was pretty funny.

Oh, no, you misunderstood, though it's mainly because of me. Ya see, Discord wasn't weirded out by Sombra and Pinkie being a same sex couple; he was weirded out by the fact that even though their genders were flipped, Pinkie was willing to accommodate to it completely and knowing her, would've been able to make Sombra do the same. He only did it to mess with them, but his plan backfired.

Also, the whole thing about Sombra dealing with Pinkie's gender flip is in the epilogue, so go give it a quick read and tell me what you think.

DO it! This was Gold, A Freaking Gold mine to read! ( yes play on words Your mind is 24k gold, You cra- cra writer! You!) If you won't I Must certainly will do it!

Comment posted by bonamb deleted Jun 10th, 2014

Discord pointed a finger at Pinkie. "Girl, you nasty," he said, snapping his fingers in a 'z' formation as he rotated his head and moved his body in a sassy manner. And like that, he flashed off, disappearing off into even Celestia doesn't know where.

I laughed so hard at this part, I think I pulled a muscle...if that's even possible.

Discords a jerk.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:


I'm now crazy.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2:

Pinkie gave Discord a disapproving look. "Hey, I have needs, alright?" he exclaimed, "And it doesn't help that Sombry is a hot piece of flank!"

"Pinkie!" Sombra exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"What? It's a compliment!" Pinkie told her.

Discord shook his head. "Nope!" he said sternly, "This has gone far enough! I refuse for it to get any weirder for anyone!"

Discord snapped his fingers, a flash of light taking over Pinkie and Sombra. When it disappeared, the couple was back to their original genders.

"Aw..." Pinkie said, looking down.

Discord pointed a finger at Pinkie. "Girl, you nasty," he said, snapping his fingers in a 'z' formation as he rotated his head and moved his body in a sassy manner. And like that, he flashed off, disappearing off into even Celestia doesn't know where.

I fell out of my bed laughing over this!:pinkiegasp::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Another amazing story, as usual.


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