• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 1,751 Views, 229 Comments

Fuzzy Fluffy Fables - Fuzzyfurvert

A collection of my writings that are too short to post alone or have been posted elsewhere.

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69. Mirror Chant Summoning Ritual (Beanis Side Story)

"Ah don't know about this, Sweetie." Applebloom hugged herself with one arm, flipping off the lights in her bathroom.

Sweetie Belle's face appeared in the darkness, a candle flaring to life with the flick of a match. She had a giddy smile already and set the little tea light on the counter in front of the mirror. "It's a sleepover tradition, Applebloom! We gotta do it! Every group of friends at a sleepover needs to try to summon a spirit by chanting three times into a mirror. It's in that book I borrowed from Twilight."

"If you say so." Applebloom frowned, unconvinced. "Sounds like hooey to me, but heck, might be fun. Where's Scoots?"

"Right here!" The door to the bathroom opened, letting in light and the pixie haired girl. Scootaloo skidded to a halt with a shoe box in her hands and slammed it down on the counter next to sink. "And I brought the supplies! More candles, some of them scented, cuz I couldn't find any incense."

"That should be fine."

More match strikes and soon the bathroom was lit in a dim reddish light, and smelled strongly of melon. Sweetie Belle nodded solemnly as she placed the last candle and folded her hands, bowing her head. "Now we start. Repeat after me, and let no other thoughts enter your minds, okay?"

"Sure thing."

"Right on!"

Sweetie took a deep breath and started speaking in a low, hushed tone. "Beans, beans, the magical fruit..."

"Just what the heck are we 'sposed the summon with that chant?"



Three throats cleared awkwardly, then they began again. "Beans, beans, the magical fruit..."

"Beans, beans, the magical fruit..." They raised the pitch of their voices, growing louder by the syllable.

"Beans, beans, the magical fruit!"

Sweetie Belle raised her arms overhead, calling out to to mirror. "Feared Beanos! We summon thee here to-!" She shrieked, loud and piercing, when there was movement in the darkness and something slammed into the mirror, sticking there and snuffing half the candles in the process. Applebloom turned and slapped on the lights, revealing a freakishly gigantic thing jutting off the glass, wobbling at them like the accusing finger of some dark god. They all stared at it in wide eyed silence for a moment.

Then a large dollop of nacho cheese squeezed out of a hole in the tip, hanging by a thin trail of yellow until it fell down into the sink.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle shrieked together, hugging each other before they flew out of the bathroom and back into the relative safety of the house. Scootaloo, however, burst into laughter almost as loud as all their hollering. She watched them go, laughing her head off while more cheesy "flowed" into the sink. "Oh c'mon! Girls! It's just the Beanis I stole from Dash's room! Beanos isn't real!"

The other two girls didn't stop running or screaming, their footsteps pounding down the stairs toward the front door. Scootaloo chuckled and leaned back against the bathroom counter. "They'll be back eventually. Man, I really got 'em good this time. Let's see if Dash can top this prank!" There was a splatter of cheese from the Beanis behind her, and Scootaloo looked back over at the thing. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out what it was for, but it had to be for some really awesome stuff if Rainbow Dash kept it "hidden" under her bed. She kinda wanted to ask Dash about it, but at the same time, she felt that she wasn't ready for that last piece of ignorance to be taken from her.

"At least I hope Beanos isn't real...but the Tempest lady sure does mumble about it a lot when she thinks no one is listening." Scootaloo shook her head and stood up. Might as well grab some wet wipes and clean up before the other two got back and started yelling at her. She skipped out of the bathroom, heading for the laundry room and a bucket of cleaning solution.

The candles still burning flickered in the breeze of her passing, going out one by one. Then the overhead flickered, the bulb blowing and plunging the bathroom into darkness again, except for two blue semi-circles of flame, shaped like glasses, that hovered just inside the mirror.

The Beanis twitched, dripping more cheese sauce down the sink drain.

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