• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 1,751 Views, 229 Comments

Fuzzy Fluffy Fables - Fuzzyfurvert

A collection of my writings that are too short to post alone or have been posted elsewhere.

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16. Tiny Lesbian Stories: The Skype Chronicles: Part 4 AND 5

Author's Note:

It just keeps going...sometimes I just don't know when to stop.

When we last left our heroines they had just escaped from Lesbian Jail and the warden of lesbians, NightnareNoon! Sexy Nightmare Moon busted the ceiling to fight and Twilight merged with Celestia to become Twilestia, UltraLesbians!

We join them now in the sky above Captiol City of Lesbians!

"Warden, let my Lesbians go!" Shoutted Twiliestia. "They should be free and not in jail!"

"Ha!" Nightmare moon giggled. "They are all law breakers!"

"You keep saying that! I do not think it means the thing you think it means."

"lesbian is.........against the law!" Nightmare laughed really loud. "You are all guilty!

Twiliestia ghapsed.

"This is not possible, I know all the laws and I do not know that laws!" Twilight doubted herself and Twilestia shook into pieces.

Twilight fell really fast and almost hit the floor but she was saved in alicornmagics stuffs. But!! It was not Ceslestia;s magic stuff, it was Nightmare Moons! Celestia cried loud and flew with her wings really hard but NMM was two fast! She pulled Twiligh close to her and then she smiled villianly.

"Poor sister! You cannot win. Without Twilight you cannot be Twilestia!" Night smiiled really mean. "Now I shall combined with her and we will become........TWILUNA!!!"

cELESTIA gappeds.

Nightmare Nonno did the magic and suddenly she became Twiluna the Extra-Ultra Lesbian! "Now deer sister, you will fail and I will be the most awesmonest lesbian!"

Celestia fell to the ground and landed on her feet. She hung her head and cried. "How will I beferat her now? How will I get my sdext Twilihght pony back?!"

Suddenly the rubble of Lesbian Jail shifted and the mysterious friend climbed out. It was Cadance! (But a cooler Cadance with REAL POWERS, ok??) Celestia! We must combine our lesbian popwers!"


"Because it is the only way to save Twilight!" Cadance flexed her lesbian muscles. "Together we can be Cadanctia!"

"Why not Celestance"? Celestia yelled with sadness.

"Either works." Cadance shrugged."We must act quick or Twiluna with bring forever night! I love Twilight too!"

Celestia cried. "I loves her first."

"I know!" "But that can wait, becuz we both love her and need to save her from Nightmnare Warden!"

Celestia nodded and started tio dance with Cadence and then they lesbianed and became Celestance!, The unexpected Lesbian of Sunlove!"

In the next chapter, Sunlove versus Moonmagic! Who is the most lesbians??

When last we left there was stuff of hoof in Lesbian Capitol City! The tough Lesbians jail exploded and broke to rubble when sexy Warden Nightnaremoon busted the ceiling when she went to fight Twilestia, the biggest Lesbian horse! Nightmare Moons pulld a dirty trick and she stole Twilight! Celestia gasped while she sucked Twilight off and becamed Twiluna! Celestia was defeated pretty bad and she felled to the ground and cried a bunch and stuff.


Celestia didn't know Cadance was there! She loved Twilight. So they got together and became Celestiance, the pinkest Lesbian ever! Now, we join them as they go to fight super sexy Twiluna again!

Celesia looked inside herself at Cadance and smilled. "Do you have a plan?"

Cadance nodded but it was a secret plan so she didn't talk. Celestia nodded too and smillled. "I hope it was a good one."

Twiluna laughed really loud and covered her mouth like a villain land because she is one. "It don't matter that you teamed up with Cadance, Cestia! You will still lose to me and my awesome lesbian power!" She didn't waste time. She powered up a beam of pure Lesbianisms and shoot it right at Ceslestiance! Ceslestiance dodged it hard and did a spin in the air while her wings flapped fast. "You missed!"

Celestiance charged up her own powers and shot THRREE beams of power lesbian at Twiluna but she missed.

"Cabance! What is the plan!? I need to know!" Celestia yelled inside her head where Cadance was at in mind because their bodies where one.

"You won't like it."

"Why not? What is the plan?" Celestia talked. "Twiluna is powerful and I don't want to get failed again."

"I know Celestia, I love Twilight too, so here is thew plan. We get close and then we kiss her to wake Twilight up!"

You were right." Celestia gasped. "I do not like that plan! Twiluna is my sister and that would be grooss. Don't be gross Cadance."

"Don't worry, I have another plan." "Ok, but it better be a good plan this time!" Celestia cried inside so Twiluna didn't sees it.

Twiluna grolwed really loud and hurt everypony's ears cuz it waas sooooooo loud! She was mad that Celestiance dodged her power, so she got MORE power and beamed it straight at lesbians. Celestiance dodged it again! Almost but not enough and burned her wing cuz of the hotness. So she flapped her wings hard and flew right at Twilunascreming! Twiluna shooted more lesbeams but they hit and didn't stop Celestiance so she got scared.

When they got close Cadance told Celestia her secrect secret plan and they broke up. Just in time cuz it surprised Twiluna and Cadance kissed Twiluna on the lips and sexed her tongue to TRwiluna's mouth cuz it was hot. Twilight felted the love deep ind=side Twiluna and woke up! That made the NightmareMonn warden again and she fell down when there was a big flash of light!

Suddenly there was Twidance, Lesbian champion of Magic Loves! She used Twilight's lesbian magics to make her wings super fast and Cadance's lesbian Love to hit Nightname Moon reaaly super hard and slam the warden into the ground while Celestia watched. Celestia cried a little cuz it was her sister but she was bad so it was ok.

When the smoke blew away, Twidance and Celestia stood on top of the jail and looked down into the hole Nightmare Warden made. It was a deep hole. In the bottom Nightmare Moon turned back into Luna who is a good princess, so Celestia picked her up and gave her a sensu bean to power her back to life.

Tia......." Luna moaned. "What happened?"

"You were Nightmare Moon again!" Celestia whispered. "Twidance kicked the evil out og you though."

"Cool" Luna nooded.

Twidance smiled and walked up to Luna. "Now that you are not evil anymore Luna, we can be lesbians togetehr again." Then Cadance broke up with Twilight. Twilight cuddled Celestai and smiled when Cadance cuddled Luna. "Aren't they cute?"

Celestria nooded. Yes, they are cute."

Luna cuddled Cadance and sighed cuz she was tired and dirty. "Who wants to orgy now that the tough lesbians are all free from lesbian jail?"

Twilight and Cadance raisded their hooves and so did Celestia but she whispered "You stay on yourside, ok? I'm not sharinf Twilight again."

That made Luna kinda sad, but she understands.

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