• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Trouble at the Docks

Manehattan – West Docks – Second Story Fire Escape


"Come on..." Satin Cinders gnashed her teeth. Soft hooves fumbled through layers of cloaks as she struggled to crank the crystal-powered receiver to life. "Come onnnnnnn... grnnngh..."

Bzzzz-zzztt! Vrommmm!

At last, the device purred to life. A tiny crystal glowed, picking up on a certain pegasus' sound stone. The magnetized recorder spun its tape slowly, capturing the audio data.

"Yes!" Satin bore a brief smirk. Brushing back a golden strand of mane hair, she squatted neatly on the fire escape beside her device and locked her eyes on the warehouse below her. "Now... just to catch this city's evilmonger in action..."

Eventually, a large double-wagon rolled up, drawn by four stallions. In the meantime, a few more shady figures trotted up under cold lamplight, meeting inside the hollow building.

Manehattan – West Docks – Jasmine Enterprises Warehouse

Wagons creaked and squeaked as the heavy freight vehicle was pulled into place.

Lightning Dust leaned casually against the large doorframe to the warehouse entrance. She chewed on gum, smirking. Her mane was done up in a bun—obscuring the sound stone nestled stealthily within.

In addition to the four stallions pulling the wagon inside, six more trotted past Lightning—all of them unsavory and a few of them glaring at the mare as they shuffled on by.

Lightning merely smirked and nodded back. Once everypony was inside, she flapped her wings, lifted up, and pulled one of the massive sliding doors shut until there was barely a crack. She threw a casual glance at a tiny, dimly-lit fire escape across the way, spat out her gum, and quickly ducked inside to where the delivery was being made.

Blue Crescent – Meeting Room

"Let us not forget," Jasper Jasmine spoke calmly, fetlocks folded as she gazed across the large table. "Equestria was not founded by alicorns—but rather by mortals. It was a dangerous world... one where monsters existed before the vanquishers thereof." She waved a dainty hoof. "The Queen of the Changelings—after all—is the very first documented case of an alicorn. Mainstream history textbooks may not mention this, but the historical archives of this very League prove otherwise." Her eyebrow raised. "Fillies and gentlecolts, we still live in a dangerous world... the same dangerous world encountered by the likes of our founders. And while the Age of Alicorns had its run—and a very good run at that—we must discover a way to work beyond the boundaries of our preconceptions. It's time that mortals take charge—like we all once did—in order to ensure a world that's peaceful... that's safe."

Manehattan – West Docks – Jasmine Enterprises Warehouse

"Rather late in the night for a shipment from the Zebrahara, eh Bruno?" a stallion muttered, trotting up to the wagons.

The one called Bruno unhitched himself from the reins. "Put a horseshoe in it, Maurice." He gestured to the fellow stallions who had transported the double carts in with him. His gruff voice echoed off the concrete walls and pillars of the dimly-lit storage building. "Let's get this shit over with."

"Oooh! I can't wait!" Lightning Dust hovered in place, rubbing her forelimbs. "What's it this time? Parasprite dust? Poison Jokesauce?" She chuckled. "I hope it's the former. I could use an extra share—of the bits, I mean."

Bruno merely glared at her. He gestured with a scarred hoof. "Fetlocks on the ground."

"Uhhhhh..." Lightning gulped and touched down next to the other six thugs who had arrived. "Whatever you say, boss. Just happy to lend a hoof, is all."

"You'd better be," another stallion grumbled to her side. "You're about five thousand bits deep in it."

A few others chuckled.

"Eheheheh..." Lightning Dust scowled. "How badly do you want your balls kicked in?"

"Shut up." Bruno gestured to the back of the wagons as his associates unfastened multiple locks. "We've got work to do."

Lightning Dust cleared her throat. "I'm all ears."

Manehattan – West Docks – Second Story Fire Escape

Satin Cinders huddled low on the fire escape, craning her ear to the receiver beside her. As the device recorded the conversation transpiring, muffled voices crackled through the speakers at low volume.

"The boss is out of town for the night."

"Business or pleasure?"

"Doesn't bucking matter. We've got some cleaning up to do."

"Does she need us paying a visit to Bucklyn?"

"Not this time. We're keeping it Tartarus' Kitchen."

"Do tell..."

Blue Crescent – Meeting Room

"This is also an age of new opportunities," Jasper Jasmine calmly said. "And we mustn't waste it. That's the real reason Princess Plasma has suggested that we make contact with Princess Twilight, and I whole-heartedly agree with her." She gestured across the table. "Mortals can't reasonably be expected to properly defend Equestria overnight. That's why—as a means of transition—we must seek a way to gain the favor and support of the Princess of Friendship with Blue Nova Industries. And—if you ask me—it's quite fitting." The horse batted her painted eyelids, gazing at the agents of the League seated before her. "Now—more than never—it is important to know who our friends really are."

Manehattan – West Docks – Jasmine Enterprises Warehouse

"The boss asked me personally to oversee this operation," Bruno said as the doors to the rear of the wagons were opened wide. His three companions stepped aside. "What happens in this warehouse tonight stays in here."

"Oooooh..." Lightning Dust smiled wide, standing next to the six lackeys. "Somepony's moving on up!"

"Hmmmff... we'll see about that," Bruno muttered.

Maurice craned his neck, staring into the double carts. "Is that the good stuff?"

"Indeed." Bruno gestured at the vehicles. "Maurice, will you do the honors?"

"Sure thing." Maurice trotted up, grabbed a crowbar, and forced open the first crate he could find. "Mrmnnngh..." Crkkkk! He popped the lid with an exhale, then squinted inside. "Wait... what the Hell?"

Lightning Dust raised an eyebrow.

"Uh... Bruno?" Maurice stepped back, blinking curiously. "These aren't drugs at all."

"Very astute of you, Maurice." Bruno calmly reached into a crate and pulled loose a dimly-glowing manarifle. "Looks like your brain was finally good for something." Without a second breath, Bruno cocked the rifle, aimed, and blasted a hole in Maurice's skull. POW!

Blood splattered across the wagon doors.

In the ensuing thunder of the manablast, Lightning Dust and the rest of the thugs winced.



"What the buck?!"

"Have you gone bonkers—?!"

"Shut up!" Bruno glared, aiming the rifle at the remaining six ponies. His three cohorts reached in and grabbed their own weapons. Meanwhile, Bruno trotted sideways and spat on Maurice's spasming corpse. "That's for the botched Haylem deal, ya sniveling little prick." Cocking his weapon again, he formed a firing squad along with his buddies and glared down Lightning Dust and the others. "As for the rest of you... it's time for some long-awaited business."

"The Hell are you going on about, Bruno?!" Lightning Dust stammered, trembling.

"The Hell indeed." Bruno glared in the glow of his manarifle. "There's a reason we asked all of you green-shitted newbies to show up here tonight." His teeth showed as he snarled: "One of you is a rat. Maybe every single one of you. And now's the time to find out exactly who."

"But... but this is crazy!"

"What's the big idea, Bruno!"

"Have you gone full paranoid?!"

"Don't test me," Bruno said, training the rifle on one pony after another. "We know that this is a sting."

Lightning Dust gulped. "A sting?"

Manehattan – West Docks – Second Story Fire Escape

"That's right," Bruno's voice crackled through the receiver. "We've got Francis—our local leyline expert—camped out here. Just as we arrived, he confirmed the boss' suspicions. There's a soundstone enchantment in this very district. Right now... somepony is listening in, and once I find out who... I assure you... there will be blood. Lots of it..."

Satin Cinders winced. Hard.

Fighting a squeaking whimper, she slapped—slapped—slammed—the receiver off, fumbled, and spun around to gallop down the fire escape—

"Hold it right there, gorgeous."

"!!!" Satin's eyes darted up.

A shady unicorn perched on the edge of the railing in front of her—just beyond the shadows. He was equipped with a grappling hook in one hoof, and a jagged knife in the other. Upon seeing her frightened expression, he smirked. "Picked a bad night to go eavesdropping." He beckoned with a grimy hoof. "Now... do Papa a favor and step into the light..."

Satin Cinders clenched her teeth...

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