• Member Since 6th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen August 21st


I weave a world for the reader to move with. Be it passionate or tragic, heated or suspense, I craft the world. Will you read it?


"Remember this, my dear ponies: A time has come for six to done the forms of feline. They will thwart the plans of an evil one, and thus save the clans.”

A prophecy has arrived through Crookedstar. There will be six of a kind that will save the clans from a terrible fate.

Issue is, he didn't realize who he needed to find. He left Starclan and walked over into the other world.

Now, it's up to the mane six to try and save these four clans, recently divided due to the aftermath of the battle with the Dark Forest.

Can the clans survive this trajedy?

Events take place after The Last Hope (I have not read Bramblestar's Storm). Cover art is by Twilight Raichu on DA, link is below:

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 21 )

Umm, I'm pretty sure Crookedstar died. And the clans don't divide, they make a peace treaty. And what exactly is the romance tag for?

5339013 I know, it's the spirit of Crookedstar. I mention it's after the Last Hope. If there was a treaty, i'm ignoring it for the sake of this fic.


Issue is, he didn't realize who he was getting.

You act like he is the one getting the character. He is a spirit and he's supposed to be in Starclan, if you had her appear in the designated clan and the clan knows from his prophecy the it would work.


“My name is Crookedstar, former leader of Riverclan, now member of the proud Starclan. Simply put, I'm dead.” He said with pride, “I’ve come to deliver a message?”

he said he's dead.


Don't worry about it. Warriors was what got me into reading, so I know about it well and I just want one of the few crossovers of the series to be handled well.

I have been waiting on a fic like this! I'm definitely watching it. :pinkiehappy:


Yes, he says that. But sense he is in Starclan he should be contacting them via the pool. The only times that they have come out like that, that I recall, was in the great battle.

Cool! There are a few places were you didn't capitalize the beginning of a quote though. I'm sure you'll get it when you proofread it. :pinkiesmile:

A bit fast paced, but awesome nonetheless. :pinkiehappy:

5345920 It was meant to be really faced paced ^_^

I have read the books before, and I never heard shadowclan this desperate for warriors.because they don't accept kittypets/rogues in their clan. Or any clan

5346067 I did that because of the fact that it was after the Last Hope, where they were destroyed. Also, they weren't accepting them, they're taking them prisioner.

i too <3 the warriors series. (My warrior cat name is Moonfeather) and when I saw it I got so exited, and i've never been so excited, except for that time I went *gasp* but, I mean really, who can top that?

Finally! A well-written warrior cats story! Do you know how hard it is to find stuff like this? Thank you for making it.

I wonder what crookedstar thinks of the current events :raritywink::raritywink:*nudge* *nudge*

I have plans to continue this in a little bit! I was working on some other things and I forgot this story! Hopefully I'll have the next chatper up by the end of the day!


OMG MORE PLZ MORE!:pinkiehappy:

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