• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 23,042 Views, 435 Comments

Celestial Disposition - Kitsulestia

What happens when you turn into Celestia in the middle of school? Government issues, magic, and- Oh, hey, it's Equestria!

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Chapter 2: Meet Celestia and Gamer Luna

It’s been a year since I first became the Princess, and since then, many things have happened. My magic control and spell arsenal have grown, and I’ve learned a number of new spells, from utility spells like Teleportation, to combat spells like the freaking laser from that episode of the Canterlot Wedding, to defensive spells like combat armor conjuration.

The tests also revealed some peculiar quirks about my biology. For example, my skin had ridiculously low heat transfer. As in, burning thermite didn’t change its temperature… Well, alright, it does change when I feel angry or threatened, proportional to how strongly I feel that way. When I feel threatened , my fur reaches temperatures high enough to cause physical pain to anyone touching it, but my skin… Well, I get so hot at the threat of a gun pointed at my head that the gun melts before the trigger can get pulled. Yeah, I was not happy about that, leading to what happens when I get mad. Basically, everything within fifteen feet melts. Iron? It boils. It turns out my immune system isn’t so great without magic to protect me though. When I was low after that, I caught a cold within a supposedly sterile room. That wasn’t a fun week. At least now I know why Celestia never gets angry. She's like Bruce Banner. Get either of them mad, and Bad Things happen.

After the first few months of testing, I was allowed free roam, and given a facility where I could practice magic. It was there I learned all I know today, mostly through trial and error. Painful trial and error. Just a tip if you ever become a unicorn, never cross a red and black wire of magic. Ugly results, let me tell you. It took forever to get the resulting mess out of my fur.

Today was the last day of testing here, though, and I couldn’t be happier. It took a strong amount of willpower (Which I found I’ve gotten a lot of since I became Celestia) just to not go bouncing around and off the walls in excitement. In this state, I could easily cast Solar Armor in the blink of an eye. I was headed to the final testing chamber, lightly skipping on my way through the halls. Once I got there, I was shown to what basically amounted to a hardcore Portal Level. Apparently they wanted to test out some new tech they made, inspired by a few of my spells.

“Alright Celly, go all out. No limits this time.” the doc said from the mic as the lights dimmed for the test.

“You got it, Doc.” I called back. I readied myself to fly through the initial Airspace Rings they’d set up to record and test my flight skills. With one flap, I was already through the first three. I shot down a few aerial drones they set up for target practice and testing my laser power levels on my way to the fourth ring. Once through that, I landed on a platform with bullet traps, and immediately activated my Solar Armor before the turrets set up could fire. However, they suddenly stopped shooting and the lights returned to their normal brightness before I got even halfway across that platform.

“Hang on, Celly, we’re picking up a magic signal from somewhere, and it’s not yours. Whatever it is, it’s not stable. Get out of there before something bad happens.” the Doc ordered over the coms. I nodded and was about to take off for the emergency exit, but then I felt a violent tug from somewhere.

“Uh oh…” I uttered, realizing what was going on. I’d read up on everything I could get my hooves on on the internet about humans becoming ponies, and the three most worrisome for me happened to be the three in which people become copies of the original crusaders, and end up in equestria with the real crusaders. I think that’s what’s happening here.

“What’s wrong, Celly?” Doc asked, hearing me speak the words of dread.

“Screw getting out of here, initiate Emergency Procedure D2!” I called back. I’d prepped for the event that one of those three Crusader fics became applicable to me, and I made sure the dudes at the lab were ready too.

“Got it!” The doc answered my demand. “Sending emergency supplies now!” A hole opened in the roof, and a mechanical arm brought down saddle bags with all the supplies I’d need to prove myself or survive in Equestria. On/in the packed bags were a titanium sword, a sleeping bag, a first aid kit, a compass, a few Quartz Crystals for channeling my magic, and finally, my laptop with a custom made magic-to-electricity converter made just for me, as well as a custom made Wireless Network enchanted with a Universal Connection. I managed to make that work completely by accident, but I had no way of knowing if I’d remain connected over in Equestria. Anything else, I’d already got covered as a spell or enchantment. I stepped backward, and the prepared bags slipped onto my back.

“See you ‘round, Doc. It’s been a pleasure working with you!” I called up to him. With my final piece said, I waited for the foreign magic to bring me to Equestria.

Ugh. I hate blacking out. Ever since I became Celly, my magic has always fought to wake me up anytime I get knocked out, and it always leaves me with a headache. I groaned as I came to, and lifted myself off the surface I found myself on. It felt fluffy, like a cloud, but it had the texture of one of those silken blankets I used to use when I was a human. Opening my eyes, I quickly set about inspecting the area I awakened in. Imagine my surprise when I found myself in Celestia’s room. I knew it was her room because there was a picture by the side of a fireplace with a picture of her, her sister, and her student. There was something… wrong, though. Something just didn’t quite feel right. As I got up, I felt my tail brush against something. I turned to look, and nearly flopped onto my back in shock. Right behind me was Celestia. The problem was that she wasn’t moving, or doing much of anything really. She was petrified.

“Celestia?! Oh, crap, what the hell’s going on?!” I uttered in my panic. Not getting any answers, I looked around to try and get my bearings. When I caught sight of the rainfall outside, though, I got my answer. The rain wasn’t clear like water. It was opaque, and black. I nervously trotted over to it and stuck my tongue out to taste it. It was soda.

“Discord huh? Guess things have gone from bad to total chaos.” I turned to the petrified princess. “Don’t worry, Princess. I’ll make sure things go well.” I looked around and spotted a big pile of scrolls. I took one in my telekinetic aura and opened it.

“‘Dear Princess Celestia...’ Alright, this looks like the pile of Friendship Reports. Now I just need to send them to Twilight.” I looked around for something to send it with, when I heard stone rubbing on stone. I turned to the sound to find Celestia’s statue had been turned. I guess she wasn’t completely immobile as a statue. I looked to where she’d turned to and saw cabinets. Curiously, I opened them, and spotted jars of green fire.

“Is that dragonfire? Thanks, Princess.” I said, grabbing one of the jars. I rolled up the scroll I’d been reading and threw it back into the pile. With the whole pile back together, I threw the jar of dragonfire at the floor right in front of the pile, and it all ignited, getting sent out the window in a massive cloud of magical ashes. I smiled in satisfaction as I watched the ashes go.

“There we go. Now it’s only a matter of time before Twilight frees herself and her friends from Discord’s corruption.” I said before turning back to Celestia. I froze when I saw she was looking at me now. I shuddered at how creepy her stone gaze was. It didn’t help that she only moved when I wasn’t looking at her, like a Weeping Angel.

“Well, I guess while we wait, it’d be proper to do introductions. I already know you, so I’ll just introduce myself. My name is James Solaris. But you can call me Celly.” I said with a smile. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to allow her to move into the expression she wanted, and when I reopened them, she’d moved. Just like a Weeping Angel. I shuddered a bit from the similarity, but moved on to inspect her expression.

Her face was that of confusion. She was pointing one hoof at me, and the other at herself. I had already guessed the kind of question she’d ask, and it was rather easy to determine what she was asking.

“Are you asking why I look, and sound, just like you?” I asked for clarification. “I honestly don’t know. About a year ago in my time, I just turned into you in a fiery and painful transformation. The scientists that ran tests on me never found out what happened to me.” I answered. I did another blink transition again to let Celestia ask another question.

This time, she was pointing at her head and her face expressed cautious curiosity. “Is that one ‘How much do you know?’” A blink transition revealed an affirmative. “Alright. I know everything. From the moment your student was sent to Ponyville on the day Nightmare Moon returned, to future events such as Twilight’s ascension to an Alicorn Princess. In my world there’s an animated show made for little girls based on the events of this world. It details the lessons Twilight learns about friendship, and the show is quite popular amongst an age group it wasn’t targeted for.”

As I blinked while talking, Celestia showed various expressions. The first was an expression of joy when I told her Twilight would ascend to an Alicorn, the next was interest at the show, and the third was confusion at me saying it caught the attention and adoration of older audiences. She then pointed at my bags. I took them off and unpacked it.

“This is the emergency pack I had the scientists prepare for in case I ended up getting pulled into this world. My thought was that the dimensional barriers wouldn’t like having something on the wrong side of it for too long, so I prepared for trouble.”

She pointed at the sword looking both curious and worried. “It’s made of titanium. Tougher than Steel and weighs half as much. It’s my defense in case magic doesn’t work on something.”

Celestia pointed at the laptop with a predictably curious face. With a smile, I lifted it up and opened it up. “This is a laptop. It’s a data storage device from my world loaded up with tons of functions. Need to figure out a tough math problem? It’s got a calculator! Need to make a note of something, but don’t have enough room in your notebook? No worries, it’s got Microsoft Office Word! A program made just for writing documents. Ever get bored with your day to day life? Spice it up with a video game from Steam! It’s also got a World Wide Database called the Internet, but I’ve yet to find out if I can access it from this world.” I said. I explained everything I introduced by example as I introduced the function. I managed to connect to the internet, much to my absolute joy. I quickly sent a message to the scientists that I could connect, and that I was talking to the real Princess.

I closed my eyes and gave a small smile. “You might want to get comfortable, this is going to take a while.” when the sound of stone grinding against stone subsided, I opened my eyes to see that Celestia had sat down in front of me.

I spent what was probably a few hours explaining everything I could about the computer as if I were joyously advertising a product, when suddenly I looked back at her and found her back to her fleshy, non-stoned self. “Oh hey! You’re back! That means sending the letters worked!”

“So it seems. How’d you know she’d need them though?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I could explain it… or I could just show you.” I said gesturing to the computer. I opened the web browser to YouTube and looked up the episode in which Discord broke free. Just as I was about to click the play button, Luna walked in.

“Tia! They’ve… beaten…. Discord.” She slowed down as her brain locked up at the sight of two Celestias. I reacted rather quickly.

“Not it!” I threw my hooves up into the air.

“Wha…?” Lunas right eye was twitching, as she looked back and forth between the two of us.

“Sorry, let me explain. Where I come from, it’s a childish game played to put responsibility on the last one in line to claim ‘not it.’ In this case, that responsibility is explaining to you what the buck is going on.” I said. Celestia raised an eyebrow at me.

“Alright, if that’s the way you want to play it, then let me introduce you to the way I resolved things as a child.” Her horn glowed as she gave me a mischievous smirk. A zipper appeared in the air and hovered in front of her mouth. “This won’t go away even under my own power until you do the explaining.” She then placed the zipper firmly over her own mouth and sat down.

“You do realize I could just refuse to explain and leave you to suffer at your own short sightedness.” I gave her a troll face. Her eyes widened for the split second it took for me to laugh it off. “Ah, don’t worry too much. I’m not an evil bitch. Although I would love to learn that spell.”

“Okay, let me get this straight,” Luna said once I’d finished my explanation. “You were once a human in another world, but you turned into my sister about a year ago. From there, you went on to learn as much about yourself as possible until a few hours ago when you showed up here… and you know absolutely every threat that has or will return since the time I got back from the moon?”

“Yep. That about covers it.” I said. The zipper on Celestia’s mouth vanished and she celebrated. Yeah, I may have wasted a bit of time by explaining the internet. Serves her right for shoving the responsibility onto me the way she did. “And I still want to learn that spell.” I smirked at Celestia, who was smirking back at me. Oh crap… I watched how she cast whatever spell she had planned, and memorized it, what with how simple it was, composed almost entirely of grey wires of magic, before I felt a pressure on my lips.

“If you want to learn it so bad, have a little hooves-on demonstration. To bad you won’t be talking again until I give you permission, and I’m feeling a bit vindictive today.” She cast it on me this time, didn't she?

“Mmph?” Yup, she did.

I gave Luna pleading look, but she just shook her head. “This is why I never try to prank my sister back, it always ends badly for me… my guess? You’re going to be wearing that for a day or so before she bothers to ‘give you permission to speak.’ I swear, Discord himself came up with that spell. Who else could, or would, make a spell that is unaffected by magic, and only dispels upon meeting the criteria the caster set, that’s main purpose is to shut somepony up?” I shrugged. My guess would be Starswirl, because of some of the annoying “I WILL BE YOUR APPRENTICE!” types you might find in worlds like this.

To counter my new curse, I just opened up my laptop and typed a message on Word. “At least I’ve got ways around it.” I typed. Celestia face hoofed at that. “What? Humans are inventive. I personally am a particularly innovative one.”

“I see…” Celestia glared at me. I figured I better not make her any angrier, so I just sat my laptop over on a desk and opened Five Nights at Freddy’s 2. I still haven’t finished that game, and I don’t plan on letting it go unfinished. I could see Luna was curious about the game, so I turned the screen more towards her with a slightly evil grin. Celestia just excused herself, saying she needed to calm the public. Good news: I was on Night 5. Bad News for Luna: I was on Night 5. Tensed, and ready to play, I clicked Continue.

“So… what’s the point of this?” Luna asked. In answer, I just opened the camera and jumped over to the Music Box. I then switched over to putting on the Mask the second I let down the camera. With nothing jumping out at me right away, I took off the mask and hit the lights a few times. Nothing was in the hall, so I waited a bit, before returning to the camera to wind up the music box. Camera down, mask up. Mask down, flash the lights. Camera up, wind the box. It was a pattern until Withered Bonnie appeared in the Guard’s Room.

“HOLY MOTHER OF THE CREATOR WHAT IS THAT!?” Luna royal caps locked on me. I winced from the volume. Sure, I’d used the RCV before, but being on the receiving end of it? Not a pleasant experience. I was so distracted by the ringing in my ears that I failed to keep Foxy lit up. Next thing I knew, she was on the other side of the room yelling about a Pirate Fox jumping at her face. Soon enough, the Royal Guard burst in, looking for whatever Luna was yelling about.

“Your Highness! Where’s the- Hey wait, didn’t you leave a little while ago?” The guard switched from aggressive defender mode to confused interrogator mode upon seen the only things in here were me and Luna. I gestured to Luna to explain, since I couldn’t.

“Discord. I think thats all thats needed to explain the situation.” Luna said. I turned to her and made a number of gestures basically asking her to explain that there is a second Celestia and I was showing her a horror game from my world.

“Yes. Discord did in fact somehow pull a duplicate of my sister from an alternate reality…” Luna said, not interpreting my gestures right at all.

“Okay… well then, why is she silenced like that?” The guard hesitantly asked.

“Because she wouldn’t stop talking.” Luna answered. I facehoofed. Giving up on letting her talk, I just alt+tabbed out of my game and opened up Word.

“No. It was a prank war. I lost.” I corrected her. The guard stifled a laugh at that. A quick glare shut him up.

“Please, don’t speak a word of this until we’ve introduced her to the public.” Luna asked of the guard. He stiffly nodded and then made his exit. With that taken care of, I closed the doors and typed another message for Luna.

“Now I’m going to play that game again, and this time, you aren’t going to Royal Caps Lock me again. Okay, Lulu?” I requested.

“Whats a caps lock?” I rolled my eyes and pointed to the caps lock button on my computer. Then I pressed it and typed a little.


“Oh” She said kinda blankly. After a second she giggled at the nickname I gave the RCV. “That’s a funny thing to call it.” She commented. “Alright, I’ll try not to ‘Royal Caps Lock’ but in return, you’ve gotta let me play that game!”

With a nod and a grin, I typed my last message. “Alright. I’m on my last night anyway.” And then I proceeded to play the last night.

Author's Note:

Welcome to the Celestial Disposition Remake! I've work glorious hours with RainbowPootis on this story and still am even as you read this. I hope you've enjoyed this story so far.