• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 3,156 Views, 77 Comments

Duplicates - The Asexual Jelly Bean

Twilight gets an order from Celestia to try out a spell.

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Comments ( 47 )

Is this the end!?!
i love this if its a chapted but as a end?

4515912 Well, the thing is. I'm having trouble knowing how I should execute it, kind of like I said in the note. I felt so inspired with the other chapters, but once I got to chapter 4 and started writing, all my inspiration just blew. I have no idea how else I should end it. I'll think about it. And, if I come up with something good, I might write it down :)

I think you should have some of the crazyness/sexyness with the main6 and spike then celistisa steps in with all her bossness and be like "I RULE THE SUN!!" As the ending

4515958 Well, I might do something like that. I just need to know how I should make it. And, I think it would get kind of repetitive, if it's just sex with this and sex with that. In the end people would just get bored of it.

And, well, I'm not gonna do anything with Spike sex-wise. He's just gonna be a stupid little dragon ^^

To begin with, this fic was actually going to be a simple one-shot. As in, only one chapter. That being the first. So, as you might guess, it can get tough knowing how to execute it. :/

First I can under stand the hole to much sex but comidy needs drama even if it not sex just drama and crazyness is funny

Number two I can understand you think spike is stupid but i like him because I feel for him and the shit he deals with is unfair to him

Number three Is it a one-shot if its with your self?

4516019 Well, I don't mean one-shot like that. But, as in, I wanted it to be only a single short chapter.

And, I don't mean I think Spike's stupid like that. I just meant it as a joke. I just don't want to write anything sexual with Spike because he's simply a baby or a child for all we know. And, he's way too young, if you ask me. So, no. I also don't like filly clop. :/

And, yeah. I might do something more with it. I just need a little time to think about the final chapter ^^

Depend on you point of view on how dragons age if you think about it sike could have been in the egg for thousands of years and to be a full grown dragon when hacked and to hit the greed growth so soon and to be able to learn so fast and be the assistent to the most power full unicorn at a young age would be stupid if he was not meacher and to be called baby dragon only to standers of how long other dragons live... CRAP I SHOWED MY NERD!

4516085 Well, that's true. But, I think about it like this. Spike is maybe 10-12 years old. I don't count the many years he's been in the egg, I count how long he's been alive. We don't start counting one's age before they're born. Otherwise people's birthdays would be 9 months earlier than what they are now. And, that's just not how it works. :)

Ok true but when did twilight hack him and how old is she then?

4516109 Well, we saw she was about to get enrolled in the special school for gifted unicorns, or whatever. So, I'd guess she's about 10, kinda like how I see the CMC. I think the CMC are right about 13 by now. And, I see Twilight at the age of 20 or something. Thus, making Spike's age too young still. Because, that would mean Spike is only 10.

I obviously don't know this for sure, since there's no way to know their canon ages. But, this is what I guess they'd be.

Well if thats you ageing the i can see why
but to me twi seened like 6years old and a lot of people think twi raised spike but what kind of person would give a kid a baby no less a dragon to rase!

4516156 Well, it is kind of like a big sister taking care of her baby little brother, because remember, she still lived with her parents at that time, so, they were there to help out as well. :)

I feel like celi raised him to fill vode of her sister

4516175 Well, she might've. But, that doesn't change her age, none the less ^^

Well maybe not now but now that shes a alicore and he will be the only one to live close to her I think it would happen sooner or later

4516195 Maybe, maybe not. I think it kind of depends if she's willing to do it with a dragon. Which, to be honest, I doubt highly. Also, Lauren Faust already stated, that Twilight will not live any longer than she originally would. She just became an Alicorn, and that's about it.

She did say that but she said twis not a god not shed just live for longer and whats the differents betwen twi and celi now and how?

She did say that but she said twis not a god not shed just live for longer and whats the differents betwen twi and celi now and how?

4516233 Celestia was born an Alicorn, thus being more powerful and she lives for thousands of years. Ponies who were made Alicorns in their life as an ordinary unicorn, pegasus or earth pony, simply have a lot more power than usual, but their life-spans aren't any longer than before :)

At least, that's what Lauren said. So, I guess that's how it works. And, honestly, I prefer that theory ^^

Hmmmmmmmm ok but then if shes not amortal why did they give her the starting blocks for her empire?

4516279 Huh? I don't think I understand :/

They gave her a fliping castle of friend ship a.k.a the emipe of friendship

4516304 Well, that's true. But, it's still just Ponyville. And she still has a lot of years to live. And, for all I know, ponies live a lot longer than humans. At least, if you look at the info we've gotten on Granny Smith, she's right about 200 years old :p

Well i have to go and I had fun commenting and I,love your story so heres a gift

The ending was disappointing in a funny way. Huh.


4516462 Well, I had a talk with someone here, and I don't think it's the end. I'll decide tomorrow whether it's the end or not. :)

Good, though I would love to have a larger story, with the arc and everything.


4516480 Well, I don't have much time to write, so I don't make too long fan-fics. That's why all my fics are always below 15k. I want to write a long story, like with 60k words, or something, but I simply don't have time for it. :/

... I left a gift

Make it, also the story has to flow. This story has trouble doing that for me.


4516518 Can you please elaborate on what you mean by "Flow" ? ^^
4516517 I know ;I saw it ^^

By flow I mean how well the story is pieced together. Without a good flow the story just isn't all it could be. With a good flow, it can be great and amazing. This story just needs to be fixed.


Well, in my opinion, I think IT Was for the best that Twilight make Twily go away, after what she did to Fluttershy.

she deserves more than just non existent, she deserves...cupcakes...SEND HER TO PINKAMENA!

Actually a girl being raped by another girl doesn't even count as rape.

4524063 That sounds rather unfair. Of course it counts as being raped. The second you're being fornicated by someone against your own will. So, yes. It is rape.

4523548 Darn it! I should've thought about that! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! :D

It feels a bit like the story missed its point. If you intended for this to be a story about Twilight and her duplicate, it definitely did, because Twily, in the end, was just a means to get Twilight and Rainbow Dash together. This is made even more apparent by how quickly all the trouble she created, which gave some significance to her, was resolved.
"Oh hey, before you just dematerialize me again, you should paralize me and show me to everypony, so you won't have all the trouble anymore that I wanted to cause."
See, pretty pointless.

Except for this, which might be the reason why the last chapter feels strange to you, I thought it was a fairly good story.

4525548 I only made the last chapter there, because I thought the third chapter would be an odd ending. And, honestly, I wasn't that inspired to create the last one :/

4525414 because when I discovered your story you were on chapter 3
but in some stories they make alternate endings, I myself don't like it when authors do this because it confuses the reader.

4525895 I sopose you could make another twi related clop fic though...I have some Ideas you might be interested in:moustache:

4526546 I'd very much like to hear them, I always love getting new ideas ^^ Please PM me about em' if you'd like :D

4527123 You can always go back over the story with an editor, then re-upload it when it is finished, or maybe set it as a sequel? Twi could teach Rarity the cloning spell, with some help of course

4527708 I think, if anything, I'll go with the sequel part ^^

1. It happened in Zelda, why not here too?

2. Still works, though. c:

3. I know which one you're talking about. c:

6331797 Zelda is extremely flawed in its sciences. The hookshot shouldn't even be able to be carried and even then, it would break Link's arm when he fires it. Fourth wall breaking is for Pinkie only. I'm still mad the Twilight broke it in the show, and that was a long time ago. Still, this is TwiDash so I like it. Though the ending... could've been done better.

6331992 I know, I'm really disappointed with the ending. I believe I pointed this out once before. Either in a blog post or a side note on the chapter.

I was just uninspired to do the last chapter, so just quickly thought something up.

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