• Published 13th May 2014
  • 2,722 Views, 252 Comments

Off the Record - The King of Hearts

Following a tragic event, a young man stumbles across people claiming that they need to get him to a place called Equestria. But, he ends up falling out of their transportation on the way there, only to land on top of someone called Nightmare Moon.

Comments ( 15 )


Oh hey, this still lives!
What a return. Painful one... still, a return!
So, M-rated now, huh? Let's see where you'll go with this :rainbowlaugh:

I keep seeing this story and/or the side stories you write in the various updated/popular/featured boxes, so I'm kinda interested in reading both it and the Original ORT, But...

It's huge...

And Episodic, so far as I can tell...

Even if you say you're trying to pare down things a bit in this version.

I've tried reading stories like that before, and one of two things always happens: Either I read to the end of the most recent update, follow the future updates for a bit but eventually loose interest in the story because it doesn't look like it'll ever end, Or... I read to the end and despite not being marked as "Complete" they never update/finish...

My Question: Do you eventually plan on having a "Concluding" ending for both this and/or the original OTR? Not necessarily one where everything is neatly tied up and wrapped together in a nice box with fancy string, But an ending nonetheless... The kind where you can go "Oh hey! Yeah, there's still stuff to do but it'll all more or less take care of itself now that the major conflicts are out of the way. Here's a Epilogue "X" number of years down the road or whatever."...

If the answer is yes, I think I'll just mark this for my "Read later" bin and wait for the green "Complete" tag to magically appear... If not... well... I'm sorry to say that I'll have to give this one a miss despite what I've heard about it so far sounding pretty good...


OTR (the original, not this remake that you're commenting on,) is going to be concluding very soon.

I've spent the last year building the end scenario, and after a couple of short interludes, and one last story arc, I'm going to post the finale, and call it quits on my main story. This will probably take months to achieve, but that's nothing compared to the near 4 years I've spent writing.

This story, however, that we're commenting on right now is nothing more than a pet project. Everything in my original story is so complicated and story driven that I've missed the one-off chapters that are little more than characters dicking around. I'll probably continue this story in a different direction, and end it after season 1.

So yeah, things will be coming to an end here fairly soon.

6750831 Ok. Thanks for answering my question. I look forward to reading this once you've finished.

If I may speculate for a moment.

I'm getting the strong feeling that eventually pinkie pie will reveal that in addition to her pinkie sense, her excuse for knowing stuff she shouldn't will be that she read the authors other stories...

No confirmation or denial required, I just wanted to get the thought out there.

ive never read this, but what is this story crossing over with? it has crossover in the title and you didnt mention anything about that in the description

Been reading this since yesterday, really good so far! is another chapter to be expected anytime soon?:pinkiehappy:


I've been focusing on the original version of this story for the past bit. Wanna try and get it done before i commit too much to making a rewrite, haha.

You can always go read that one, as it has like, 400,000 more words than this does. But it also has a lot of problems I tried to fix in this version. So, your call.

I'll give it a go, been looking for some good stories to read anyways :derpytongue2:

Welp I'm all caught up and now I wait for you to complete the original and start the new one


I've got some plans to add a chapter here and there some point soon, Just been focusing on the finale of the real story.

This isn't abandoned or anything, I promise.


There is a 'sequel' that will be posted. Considered to be the final chapter of the main story.


It's not. I've changed too much to try and work that in to the finale.

It takes place around the start of Season 4. Kinda.

The story will be it's own thing, hardly connected to the story-line of the show.


It's gonna be hundreds of thousands of words, so It's a ways off still. I may do a chapter or two of this story to take a break from writing that though.

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